The song for this fic is Flume - Say It (feat. Tove Lo) (Illenium Remix)
I stepped out of my car, clicked the button to lock it, and put on my dark sunglasses. With a glance both ways, I crossed the street for the restaurant across the street for my lunch date.
Phoebe sat at the square, metal table on their outside patio. Her pink tinted sunglasses were pushed back on top of her head. She looked up from her phone as I neared.
"Finally," She picked up the menu. "I'm starving."
I sank down into the metal chair of our favorite restaurant. "Don't yell at me," I whined with my sunglasses still on.
"Bitch, I didn't yell at you." She surveyed me with a shake of her head. "You thought you were slick, didn't you?"
My brow arched above the rim of the glasses.
She showed me my Instagram post with our conversation about my requirements in a man. "I see he still hasn't liked it yet."
The waitress placed to two glasses of water on the table.
"Actually, I'll take a long island iced tea," I told her. I grabbed for my I.D.
She waved it off. "I know who you are," She reddened.
I offered a friendly smile. "What's your name?"
She looked between Phoebe and me, then answered, "Cari."
I grabbed my phone. "Cari, what's your Insta?"
"At CariYoOwnDrinks," She rushed out nervously.
Phoebe and I chuckled.
"Cute," Phoebe said.
Cari blushed even redder. She let out a nervous laugh. "I'll be back with your drinks." She stiffly walked off.
Phoebe peeped over her shoulder to watch her leave. "What a cutie." She looked back at me with her hazel eyes.
I nodded. "I like her." I scanned back over the menu. "I don't know what I want to eat."
"Something that starts with Tyler and ends with Posey?" Her tone subtle and intrusive at the same time.
My eyes found hers. "I'm not going there with you."
She leaned forward. "Who else are you going to go there with? Britt?"
I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. Britt had been a little M.I.A. lately. Or a lotta M.I.A. But she was really busy working on her projects and she was crushing it. Dylan took up what free time she had left for herself and family.
"This is me and I can't believe you didn't tell me about this before now." She whispered in case anyone in the business overheard. "I mean, I've always suspected. I've hoped...But you never said anything."
A bit of guilt stirred in me. "Pheebs, I don't even know what's going on between us. We've had a sibling like friendship for a while and now-"
Her hand raised to cut me off. "You never had a sibling like friendship. That's just what you told yourself to not feel so guilty about it when it came to Thomas."
I didn't feel like arguing with her about it so I shrugged. "Maybe so. Now that we're over what does that mean for me?"
Her forehead creased. "Do you want to get back out there?"
"I'm not sure. It's been almost a month since Tom and I broke up. I don't know if I'm ready." My attention fell on the couple in the window sitting at a table as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.
"Correction, you broke up with Thomas. Mainly because he didn't approve of your relationship with Tyler." She rested an arm back on her seat.
My mind worked over the countless conversations and arguments over him not approving of how close I was with Posey. I always assured him we were strictly friends. Maybe at one point, I believed that.
Ever since we filmed 6A and mainly 6B there was no denying how much we became attached at the hip. He'd been three things to me so far. A brother, a friend, and someone that made me forget about Tom when I was with him. He was just so contagious. I guess I got sick.
Phoebe grinned at me. "Look at that smile on your face."
I hadn't noticed before but now it widened. "Anyway, it's not just me that I have to consider. It's all over social media that he's with Sophia Ali."
"Do you think that man would really get a girlfriend and not ask for your approval?"
My face grew hot. "Jeez, Pheebs. I'm not his mother."
Cari came back with our drinks and a basket of sweet potato fries sprinkled with coarse sea salt and a few ramekins of ketchup, like way more than was necessary.
"We didn't order those," I told her.
Phoebe reached for a few with hard eyes.
Cari cleared her throat. "Don't worry about it." She looked between us. "Do you need more time to look over the menu?"
"No, I'll take your chicken strawberry salad with the dressing." I handed her my menu with a grin.
Phoebe ordered a cheeseburger and fries, then Cari was off again.
I sipped on my long island iced tea as I avoided the judgment in Phoebe's eyes. "My stomach is nervous," I supplied. "Enough about me. What about you and Paul? You two looked hot and heavy last night I saw you."
Her eyes grew alive, a face splitting smile overtook her face. She sunk back in her chair.
"That good, huh?"
"Okay, you remember when we went to Cancun that weekend?"
How could I not? We got so wasted and so tan. It was one of the best weekends of my life.
My head tilted. "When you and that hotel worker had fun in the jacuzzi after hours all weekend, sloot?"
She playfully threw a fry at me.
I caught it with my mouth.
Hmm, these were good.
"Well, it's been like that but constant."
My face scrunched. "I love you but I don't want to know how many times Paul can make you cum."
She laughed loudly. "That's a lie. How many times did you share intimate details about your sex life with Thomas? Now I get to return the favor."
I supposed that was fair.
"So are you guys like officially back together?" I dipped a fry into the ketchup and popped it into my mouth.
Her shoulders did a little shrug dance. "To be determined." She didn't seem upset about it either. "Now back to Tyler," She sipped her lemonade. "Do you think his cock is big?"
I stilled, then chugged my tea.
Thoughts of the size of his-the quantity of the-how much of it that would fit into me had crossed my mind a few times here or there. Maybe how his calloused hands of a man would feel sliding down my skin...Or how his cute little mouth would make me cu-
My eyes snapped to hers. "Huh?"
She slid her sunglasses back down. "Tyler is coming over here. Act natural."
Icy fear halted my body. "Seriously?"
"Mhmm," She tried not to laugh. "He looks pretty single to me."
"Do I look okay?" Nerves flapped in me.
She made a face. "Ehh."
This bitch.
"You know you look hot," She nibbled on another fry. "He looks hot."
I blamed my low growl at her on left over traits of Malia being territorial and protective of the Alpha.
Cari came out with our food, placed it on the table, and poured us glasses of water.
"Who looks hot?" Tyler came into view.
He wore a white floral print button down which showcased his sleeve on his right arm. His tan chinos fit him nicely. Light stubble dotted his face. The sun glinted off his nose ring. A snack. At least, that's what I've been seeing our Pennig shippers say. They weren't wrong.
"You," I said awkwardly.
Phoebe didn't hold in her laughter.
Cari gawked at him in awe. Phoebe's glass had more than ran over.
He stared at her. "Oh, hi." He reached over to grab some napkins to get the water up. He looked down at me with a budding grin that made his dimples pop. He gave a light laugh.
My face burned. I was definitely keeping the sunglasses on. That was a smart move. Best move I made all day.
"I'm so sorry," Cari said, flushed and clearly embarrassed.
"No, you're fine," I assured her. "Just bring us a rag and we'll get it."
She nodded, then ran off.
Phoebe's foot kicked mine under the table.
"Oh," I turned to Tyler. "What are you doing here?"
His thick arms folded across his firm chest as he stood back. "I had a meeting like a block away, then I got hungry."
I could eat you.
"You want some ketchup?" I teased.
He propped his elbows on the table to lean down. He lifted my sunglasses up and pushed them back so they were on top of my head, his fingers brushed my skin and hair in the process. He grinned. "I don't think that'll do today."
I stared into his cocoa eyes.
We hadn't seen each other in almost two weeks which I heavily disliked but felt was much needed to sort things out. And I still hadn't figured them out. I wasn't sure if it helped or hurt that we had kissed a bunch of times while shooting our Scalia scenes. While they weren't filmed in such a sexy way as they came out on screen, they were still eye opening and filled with laughter because I couldn't hold my composure. If I laughed he would laugh and it snowballed from there.
"You want a bite?" Pheebs offered around a mouthful of her burger.
He turned to her. "Yeah, give me some of that action," He bit into it as she held it. He moaned.
His contagiousness crept up on me again. I couldn't hide my smile.
"I think you should put your butt in that chair." She urged.
He grabbed the lone dry napkin and wiped his mouth while he sat.
Cari came back with a rag, she began wiping the table down without meeting our eyes.
Phoebe grabbed her hand. "Honey, we got it. What do you recommend for Mr. Posey here? He's a hungry man."
Her eyes went to the ketchup bottle, then they shifted between the two of us. I heard her mutter under her breath, "I'm gonna die."
Phoebe wiped the table dry.
"Um, we have good pizza. The burgers are really great."
That sounded really yummy, but my tummy couldn't take that right now.
"Give me whatever you like best. I'm not picky." He held his hand out.
Her eyes widened as she held hers out to shake. "Yes, T-Pose."
We laughed at her.
She was adorable.
She left this time a little less nervous.
"So you have a new girlfriend?" Phoebe flat out asked. Her eyes trained on him like a hawk.
Oh God.
I downed the rest of my tea and wished Cari was still here to get me another.
He glanced at me. "Uhh,"
Phoebe leaned toward him. "That's what it's saying all over social media. Sophia Ali to be exact."
My throat cleared. "You don't have to answer that," I assured. "Please don't."
He stared at me, uncertainty in his eyes about my current state. "Okay, I won't then."
I waited for Phoebe to kick me again but it didn't happen. I could see from across the table she was disappointed in me. Disappointed because I was being a coward about this, about him when we both knew I could do something about it.
She rose. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She walked inside.
Tyler and I locked eyes.
"How have you been?"
I gave a slight grin. "The show just wrapped up so I'm trying to figure out my next move."
He nodded. "I can't wait to see you in it."
"What about you?" I took a sip of my water.
Light danced behind his warm eyes. "I'm working on a few shorts. Directing them. My meeting was for another potential short. We're looking for an actress that can dance," His gaze filled with interest.
I leaned forward. "Are you asking me to audition for your short?"
He leaned forward. "No, I'm asking you to dance for me."
My eyebrows shot up at the suggestive undertone.
His dimples popped as he laughed.
"How much are you going to pay me to dance for you, Posey?" I asked playfully.
He thought on it. "What do you want?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not going to let you pay me for a short."
He grabbed a few fries. "How about this? Once we have a script solidified I'll bring you a copy and we can do lunch." He gazed at me. "Or dinner."
My dimples ran deep as a smile broke across my face. "Deal," I held a hand out.
His warm hand wrapped around mine. Tingles ran up my hand and along my arm. "Deal," His eyes ran across my face. He leaned a little closer.
I stilled.
"Do you think Phoebe will notice if I take another bite of her burger?" He whispered.
I eyed the door. "Go for it. I'll keep watch."
He snuck a bite that was noticeable.
"Oh, you're kidding me." I looked at him. "You ate half her burger, Ty."
He almost choked on his stolen food. He grabbed my water and downed it after he swallowed.
My eyes narrowed. "That was my water,"
He stared at me, unbothered. "Yeah?" He reached for my untouched salad. "Why'd you get a salad? You hate salad."
"I do not."
"You literally told me once, 'I hate salad'." He offered a smug look.
I nodded. "Now I recall I did say that."
He waited for me to continue.
My shoulders shrugged. "I don't know. I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately. Reevaluating," I leaned my head against my fist. "You know how that goes."
His head bobbed a little. "About what? Specifically."
I hadn't told him about Thomas and I breaking up and I guess now was a good a time as any.
My lips pursed. "So I broke up with Thomas like a month ago," My hand absently scratched at my nose. "Now I'm debating moving out of my house."
A few things happened.
He looked at me with utter shock in his eyes. He couldn't tell if he should be upset that I didn't tell him sooner or not. And his eyes softened as he gazed at me.
"What?" I asked, a little shyly.
"You broke up with him?"
Cari placed his food in front of him. "There-"
Our eyes stayed locked.
Cari let out a cry between a dolphin dying and a pterodactyl screech before she rushed off.
A few patrons stared at us in confusion, then went back to their lives.
"So Pennig, huh?" He put on the table.
I nodded. "Yeah, I think we're killing Cari. It's a shame because I like her."
He looked after her. "She's cute."
My brow rose. "She's like eighteen."
He turned back to me. "I didn't mean like that. Besides I like older women like yourself,"
My eyes gazed into his falling for the rich chocolate of his orbs.
"Senior citizen and all." He teased.
I didn't see that burn coming. I needed some aloe vera. And I was only like four years older than him.
I flicked him off but I didn't mean it. Or maybe I did. I didn't know. I didn't know if he had this new girlfriend. I didn't know a lot of things.
"Just for that, I'm telling Pheebs you bit off her burger."
He rubbed his hands together at his burger and fries. "I think she'll notice anyway. I'm starving."
God, it looked delicious. I really wasn't feeling my salad.
"Do you want some?" He offered.
I stared at him in appreciation. "No, it's okay. Thanks."
He dove in unapologetically. One of the things I loved most about him.
"Did Phoebe fall in or..." I muttered. She'd been gone a little longer than necessary. Maybe there was a line.
"Have you looked at new places yet?"
My head shook. "No. I was going to ask Phoebe but she's looking for new work after her show didn't get picked up again." I didn't want it to feel like I was rubbing it in her face.
He met my gaze. "I can go with you if you want?"
"Yeah? I mean, aren't you really busy Directing and podcasting?" I added a playful grin. I was proud of him. He really found the mediums he was in love with which was so refreshing to find in this business. He didn't care about fame or what big names he could work with. He just worked because he wanted to get his hands dirty.
He sat back in the chair, a light smirk on his face. "When do I not make time for you?"
I wanted to say when you decided to get a girlfriend but it wasn't my place.
"You do a decent job,"
His brows shut up. "Decent? That's all?"
"What, do you want a cookie?" I leaned forward on the table.
He smiled at me, his eyes drifted to my mouth momentarily, then back up to my eyes. "You offering?"
My laugh turned nervous, my eyes went to the table.
Phoebe thankfully trotted back out with a worried huff. "Sorry," She grabbed her purse, placed a twenty on the table. "I've gotta go."
"What? Why?" I asked.
"My mom's coming down and I have to clean the apartment and go grocery shopping, and do my hair. You know how she is."
Oh, I knew.
"Do you want me to come with you?" I offered.
She waved it off. "Not even a little bit," She leaned down to kiss my cheek, her mouth went to my ear. "You could use a little tickle down there."
I turned so red.
"Bye, Pheebs," I said pointedly.
Tyler rose for a hug and formal kiss on the cheek. "Call us if you need reinforcements."
She gave a dry chuckle. "I might have to take you up on that." She patted his shoulder. "Take care of my girl." She zoomed off.
We shared a look.
"So I have a confession to make," He started.
I grew rigid.
"I've been reading Scalia fanfiction at night."
I relaxed with a snort. "Seriously?"
"Yeah," He nodded. "Smoke and Mirrors by Etherealmindss got me hooked."
My arm rested on the back of the chair as I angled more toward him. "In that case, I've got a confession to make too."
His brow arched.
"I've been reading Scalia fanfiction also. I can't stop."
We laughed.
"Who are you reading?" He probed.
"All of ScaliaFics94. She's got a good amount."
"Never heard of it." He dismissed.
I went for my phone. "No, they're good. Let me show you." I found them, then scooted over until we were side by side.
He leaned into my space, the heat of his body warmed me up deliciously.
My eyes ran across his face as he looked at my phone.
He met my gaze.
"I think you'd like them," I said, my voice didn't hold much of anything from our closeness.
"I can think of something else I like a lot more."
I tried to hide my grin, but it shimmered across my face.
He split his burger with me, we finished that up and left Cari and nice tip. I would've waited for her to come back but I had a good feeling she was a Pennig stan and I didn't want to kill her more than we already had.
We ended up by my car.
He stared at me. "Do you want to get drinks tonight?"
Did I want to get drinks tonight? I wanted another drink right now. However, I hadn't tried much this morning and I would like to look like a snack too.
"When and where?"
A little shock danced on his face. "I'll text you."
I nodded with a grin.
He took my sunglasses, smirked, and turned to cross the street.
My ears picked up the closeness of a car. Instinctively, my hand grabbed his wrist, then pulled him to me. My heart slammed against my chest.
He fell into me when the car passed.
We were pressed against my car.
His intense brown eyes gazed into mine. His warm breath fanned across my face.
My hand slid down to his. "Are you okay?"
He didn't answer, he only hugged me to him.
And boy did it feel good. He had always been a safe place for me, that only seemed to deepen along with my feelings for him.
His mouth went to my shoulder.
I was a little shocked at the sensation but I didn't pull away until he did.
"Where's your car? I don't know if I can trust you to walk there."
He waved it off. "A block away." He moved away.
I pulled him back by the hand. "I'll drive you."
His brow arched. "That's not necessary, Shell." He looked both ways, then started for the road again.
My hand yanked him back again. "I insist. Your ass in my car. Now." I wasn't playing around.
"Yes, ma'am." He raised his hands, then went over to the passenger side.
We got inside.
The car felt a lot more intimate than I anticipated. My car wasn't that small but I guess closed spaces will do that to you.
He gave me directions to his car, turned on the radio to his favorite station and proceeded the rock out with arm drums as he sung along. He was so bright and funny, and charismatic. There were so many things about him that I could list that I loved.
"I could eat you," Slipped out before I realized I actually said it to his face. That was something we only ever said via social media. Never face to face.
He stopped what he was doing to bless me with one of his dimpled smiles that met his eyes adorably.
I laughed, then turned a corner.
A click broke the tension.
I looked over at him.
He lowered his phone.
"Hey, no fair. I probably look a hot mess."
He leaned an elbow against the open window. "I agree with one of those."
My face reddened but thankfully he was invested into his phone.
By the time we made it to his car my face had calmed down.
He leaned over to place a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, Shell. See you tonight," He was out and into his car before I had time to form words from the feeling of his lips on my skin again.
A smile plastered over my face as I drove off.
There was definitely a shift between us. Perhaps it was the fact that I was single and it was known to him. Or the girlfriend talk. Wait, I still didn't know if he had a girlfriend.
My hand slammed into the steering wheel as I let out a curse.
Whatever the case, I'd find out tonight because drinks this time didn't feel like just drinks. Or maybe I was over thinking it and we really were only getting drinks. Either way, I was going to look like a damn tasty snack tonight. Even if I didn't know he liked my snacks.
I let out a laugh.
Who was I kidding? He obviously did.
I winked at myself in my mirror, then drove off with the perfect outfit in mind and promise that whatever happened tonight with Tyler I would be open-minded about.
A/N: Cari is my spirit animal. I wish I were Cari. People that say I don't ship real people can go blow a hole. Do you want a cookie because you don't ship real people? Eat a diiiiiick! Haha I don't know how many times I've gotten that while talking to people about Scalia and bringing up Pennig. How can you not ship Pennig? That's why we're all here. Fuck it. How many people actually think Shelley is Posey's new gf and not Sophia Ali? Anyway, this will be updated in rotation with my other fics SO PLEASE BE PATIENT. Also letting me know what you think of this goes a long way :)