A/N: Three things I want to mention before the start of story, one the other story is now on a permanent hiatus and is unlikely to return (Chronic lack of enthusiasm on my part), this'll replace it, second, yes this story is based on the idea of another one and lastly since I'm Irish you Americans might notice different spelling of some words (Don't complain I said it here) and with that done and dusted onwards to the story.

A boy of 14 years was traversing the empty corridors of his school, he couldn't believe how far he had come since he first arrived here seven years ago,it took him a long time but he had finally cast away that stupid philosophy of entertainment and smiles for everyone…No only the strong could smile as they crushed their opponents, his face twisted into a psychotic smirk as he thought back to when he first arrived here…How feeble he was and how that man saved him.

(Seven years ago)

"Huh," a small seven year old boy with green and crimson hair wearing orange goggles with a blue star obscuring one lens on his head, an orange t-shirt with green cargo pants and red trainers looked confused to his surrounding area, "where am I?" He asked into the empty hallway in front of him, he was scared he didn't know where he was or where his parents were. Things were just getting stranger for him first his favourite card Odd-eyes Dragon had started to glow and then before he knew it he was transported to here with no sign of his parents. He felt hopelessly trapped lowering his goggles and burying his head in his hands until a man wearing a militaristic purple uniform approached him, the man lifted up the boy's head from his hands and removed his googles, water gushed out, the man stared at the young boy's face It's no coincidence that he shares his face…This is his second part he thought quietly into himself, continuing to carefully study the boy's face. The boy was now able to get a closer look at the man in front of him, he wore a purple colored militaristic outfit with several black buttons, a purple cape with a black ending, and a pair of gray boots. He also has a black belt with a red line which both end in a button on the front, and what appeared to be red circular strings across his chest with a pair of black gloves on his hands.

"What is your name boy?" The man stared directly at the boy who in turn began to answer albeit with a twinge of fear in his voice "Y-Y-Yuya Sakaki-i-i Mr.…"

Sakaki…It couldn't be…Could it? The man was thinking tentatively about what to say next when Yuya's next question snapped him back to reality, "Do you know where I'm and where my parents are?" The man took his time formulating his response eventually settling on the following "For where you are Yuya, you are at Academia, for where your parents are I don't know." The last part of this sentence caused Yuya to start bawling it was clear to man that Yuya really missed his home and parents, only action he could take was to comfort Yuya "My name is Leo Akaba but you can refer to me as the Professor." Leo placed a hand on Yuya's shoulder causing Yuya to look up to him with curiosity on his face, "Now then Yuya… A solider doesn't cry!" Yuya was shocked but this outburst caused him to hold back the tirade of tears that wanted to downpour onto the ground before him. "Yuya come with me." Leo gestured Yuya to follow him down the corridor, a shy Yuya responded "Y-Y-yes Professor."

(Current time)

Yuya was snapped out of his flashback by a ringing on his duel disk which had changed from his days back home, his old disk was taken by the professor and was replaced by a special one issued by the professor himself, it was the standard Academia shield but this one was gold tinted with a red rim, when activated the a sword like blade with a red glow would appear. The caller ID brightened Yuya's dull day, it seemed as if the Professor had a special job for him. A massive grin was spread across his face as he made his way to his destiny.

(Leo's Throne Room)

"Ah Yuya you've arrived." The professor was sitting quietly in his throne going through his plans, legs crossed hand on forehead as he saw Yuya approach. "I take it that you got my message."

"I most certainly did Professor," Yuya had grown more smug and arrogant during the time he had spent at Academia "For what is this special mission?"

The Professor looked over his favourite solider whose appearance had changed since they first met seven years ago, Yuya had taken to wearing a similarly styled uniform to the Professor it bore resemblance to a military officer's uniform of sorts it consisted of a red waistcoat, a two-part cape of red, a red abbreviated coat with thick cuffs and gold shoulder bands with an amber-colored setting, fastened at the collar bone, and black trousers [1] tucked into silver-tinted boots but he still retained the googles he had first worn upon his arrival.

The Professor stood up from his throne and walked slowly over to Yuya placing a hand on Yuya's shoulder the Professor began to give details "You are being sent to the XYZ dimension to recover a very important target to me." Yuya let out a sadistic grin as he heard the XYZ dimension mentioned…He enjoyed watching those XYZ scum squirm as he carded them, it was feelings like those which he now lived for. The Professor continued "I've already sent someone to scout the target just talk him to get the current location…You know what to do next." Yuya's grin widened, "I most certainly do Professor…"

Wearing a hooded cloak Yuya walked out of the room, he took a card out from his deck, "Malevolent flash…" and with that Yuya was on his way to the XYZ dimension.

(XYZ Dimension)

A boy with curly bright red hair and oddly designed clothes was standing silently on top of a roof in a completely annihilated city watching the few remaining citizens collect water. "My patience only lasts so long," the red haired teen sighed "where is he…" he was tapping his foot showing clearly his irritation. At this point a blinding red flash appeared next to the boy causing him to scream comically and fall backwards. "AHH!" the person emerging from the flash deadpanned while looking directly at the red head who got up from the ground.

"Never do that again Yuya." He dusted himself off.

"Oh don't worry about that Dennis I won't be around here for long just show me my target and let me do the rest."

Dennis was intimidated by Yuya even under the cloak he was wearing which somewhat covered face he could feel the piercing glare of his crimson eyes.

"She's over there" Dennis waved towards a girl who had pink eyes, long dark purple hair which extended past her lower back even with it tied up in a bow-shaped style and has shorter, lilac side tails. She secured her hair with a wing-shaped barrette and wore a bracelet with a purple gem in the middle on her right arm. She seemed to know Dennis and happily waved back before continuing her journey to collect water for her comrades.

"Excellent." Yuya licked his lips, jumped down from the roof and with sadistic grin and all chased the girl into the ruins of this city, the girl was caught off guard from this hooded teen quickly approaching and ran away leaving behind the water she was collecting.

The chase continued deep into the ruins of the destroyed city until Yuya finally managed to corner the girl against the ruins of a house.

"Looks like you're out of room." Yuya's face became briefly visible to the girl as he grinned manically. The girl was taken back by the face staring back at her "Yuto?!" she asked shocked that Yuto would do something like this, she thought quickly about what to say next towards her 'childhood friend' and was about to speak when Yuya cut her off.

"I know nothing of this 'Yuto' person but what I do know is that you're coming back with me to Academia!" Yuya's smirk only got wider as he saw the girl strap her duel disk to her arm and ready it. "So you want to do things the hard way," Yuya readied his duel disk in conjunction with his statement "that's great! Because I do enjoy the hard way oh so much!"

[Let's Duel]

Yuya: 4000 LP Unknown: 4000 LP Cards x5

"I'll go first," the girl declared Yuya simply stared her down and his grin caused a chill to go down her spine, "Since I don't control a monster I can special summon Lyrical luscinia – Turquoise Warbler," Level 1 (100/100), a small bird anthro with turquoise and blue feathers appeared before the girl "It's effect activates allowing me to summon another Lyrical luscinia monster from my hand, I chose Lyrical luscinia – Cobalt Sparrow," another small bird anthro this time brown and white feathers appeared, "Sparrow's effect activates allowing me to add a level 1 winged-beast monster to my hand I chose Lyrical luscinia – Sapphire Swallow… Swallow's effect activates from my hand since I control a winged beast I can summon this card and one more monster in my hand! I summon two Sapphire swallows!" The two small birds with blue feathers joined the other two birds on the field. "I now overlay my four Lyrical luscinias to build the overlay network!"

Yuya's face twisted into a psychotic expression, his smirk broadened "I see you're going to XYZ summon…Come on then, show me why the Professor wants you!" a crazed laugh shook the girl to her very core.

"I XYZ summon! Rank 1! Lyrical luscinia – Assembled Nightingale!" Rank 1 (0/0 OLU: 4).

"Is that it?" A look of disappointment was evident on Yuya's face, "that's the best you can do? A monster with zero attack?" He let out a sigh "Still though if the Professor wants you who am I to object!"

The girl although visibly shaken and scared explained Nightingale's effect "This card gains attack equal to the number of overlay units it has x200!" Nightingale's attack (0 – 800) "With that I set one card face down and end my turn." The girl's confidence was returning with Nightingale on the field she felt there was enough time for her brother and Yuto to find her and save her from this maniac. Cards x1

"It's my turn, I draw!" Yuya's grin grew as he saw the card he drew "To start I'll set three cards face down, now I activate Polymerization fusing together Performapal fugolem and Odd Eyes Dragon in my hand! Dragon with dichromatic eyes! Become one with the giant born from soil and revive as a new race!" Yuya furiously clapped his hands together. "Fusion Summon! Level 8! Performapal Gatling Ghoul!" Level 8 (2900/900) The demented ghoul wearing a top hat and tuxedo wielding a massive Gatling gun appeared with Yuya grinning from ear to ear. "Ghoul's effect now activates, when it is fusion summoned damage is dealt to the opponent equal to the number of cards on the field x200!"

The girl took a step back against the wall of the house counting the amount of cards on the field as Ghoul's gun revved up. "There are six cards on the field that means 1200 points of damage!" Yuya's chilling voice was quickly broken by the sound of Ghoul's gun firing and assaulting the unknown girl viciously.

Unknown (4000 – 2800)

The girl held her shoulder in pain shouting "SHUN…YUTO WHERE ARE YOU!"

Nearby a young girl with blue eyes with short light-purple and lilac hair wearing a pair glasses quickly ran to the base of resistance in the XYZ dimension where the two boys' in question would be

At the resistances' base sitting at a table were two boys one with black spiky hair, purple bangs and steel grey eyes was talking to another boy who had blueish-black hair, light green bangs and golden eyes. They were talking about how to survive the latest round of Academia attacks.

"We should go and fight them straight out!" The blue haired teen slammed his fist down on the table causing the Purple haired one to leap in surprise.

"Shun…Calm down you don't win wars by going headlong into battle thoughtlessly." Steel gray eyes meet golden ones in a battle of sprits [2].

Shun finally cracked under the pressure and relented "Fine…You win Yuto…Will go with your plan…."

"As I th-" Yuto was interrupted by a flurry of action as a girl came bursting into the room.

"YUTO! SHUN!" She panted, exhausted from her long journey. Yuto quickly ran to the young girl's aid, "Sayaka calm down." Yuto placed his hand on her shoulder asking "Why are you here? What's happening?" Sayaka calm down but was still panting as she etched out the following sentence much to the shock of Yuto and Shun. "It's Ruri…She has been cornered by an Academia Student!"

"What!" Shun shouted as he knew his sister was in trouble, seething with rage it was likely he would've punched something had Yuto not been there to subdue him.

"Shun…It's probably nothing you know the average skill of Academia student, she'll be fine"

Sayaka was shook her head causing Yuto and Shun to look at her with disbelief. "I don't think it's an average one…He's not using the standard deck and disk looks different."

Shun looked at Yuto both sets of eyes narrowed "Where is she Sayaka!" Both of them collectively said. "Follow me!" She responded leading Yuto and Shun quickly out of the base to Ruri's location.

Back at the duel Ruri was still holding her shoulder still screaming for her boyfriend and brother to save her. Meanwhile Yuya's eyes slitted laughing manically as he said towards his target "How does it feel to be hopelessly trapped with nowhere left to go!" Yuya removed the hood of the cloak of his head, "You say I share the same face as someone you know and love…Well let that be the last face you see before I drag you into the abyss! I activate the spell Performapal Hurricane!" One of the cards Yuya had set face down to maximize the effect of Gatling Ghoul now flipped as said hurricane appeared as every piece of rubble around the two was picked up as Yuya explained the effect of the card, Yuto, Shun and Sayaka were alarmed as they saw and felt the hurricane "She's over there quickly!"

"This spell card returns cards on the field to the hand equal to the number of performapals on the field, sadly I only control one but it is no matter as I return your Nightingale back to your extra deck!" The hurricane unleashed its full fury on Nightingale forcing it back into card form and returning it to the extra deck.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Yuya's sadistic grin and slitted pupils turned this innocent, fun loving statement into one of unspeakable malice. "I activate another face down spell Performapal Award Winning Act! With this card all performapals on my field are unaffected by Spell or trap effects!" Ruri was in disbelief at her utter failure as she accepted her fate about to give in but just as she was about to surrender she heard her brother's voice shouting her name.

"Tch…" Yuya clicked his tongue in irritation "Some people just won't let me have my fun now will they?" Yuya pulled his hood back up not wanting to spoil his appearance to anyone except his target. Yuto, Shun and Sayaka could now see Ruri and the person she was dueling. Yuto and Shun looked at each other their worst fears had been confirmed, Ruri was dueling was the Professor's personal enforcer. "Oh it's so good that more people came to watch me." Yuya turned to face the three intruders "My father would be proud!" Yuya's face was menacing causing the hairs on the back of their necks to stand up. "You're just in time for the grand finale! Gatling Ghoul direct attack!"

"RURI!" Yuto and Shun's collective shouts were soon drowned out by volleys of fire from Gatling Ghoul which were fired with such ferocity it flung Ruri back against the wall of the house knocking her out.

Ruri (2800 – 0)

A win icon briefly flashed on Yuya's duel disk as he made his way to the Unconscious Ruri. "It's been a great show folks!" Yuya draped Ruri over his shoulder "But now it's time for me to leave! Malevolent Flash!" Under the watching eyes of Yuto, Shun and Sayaka Yuya disappeared leaving behind no trace of him or Ruri ever being in the XYZ dimension. Yuto stood in shock muttering "…His face." Sayaka was trembling in fear while Shun punched the ground furiously screaming Ruri's name.


A red flash appeared in corridors of Academia, Yuya appeared with Ruri still over his shoulder.

She looks oddly familiar like I have seen that face somewhere before… The cogs slowly turned in Yuya's mind as he began to think back more to before he arrived here at academia.


"Come on Yuya!" A young girl with dark pink mid-length hair, tied up in pigtails, clipped down by blue spherical hair clips. Which also had two lighter pink bangs that fell to either side of her face was running as she called to her childhood friend. "Slow down!" Yuya was breathing heavily from running for so long trying to catch up to his friend. "You just need to run faster Yuya!" The girl sprinted onwards towards a place called 'You Show Duel School'.

Back in the real world the sight of the duel school triggered another memory to resurface, one of him dueling the girl whose face he was still unable to see.

"Mozarta attack Yuya directly!" The girl declared as a beam of musical notes appeared from the conductor's baton the monster and struck Yuya directly knocking him to the ground as the field dissipated around him.

Yuya (300 – 0)

"Ah come on if only I had one more turn I would've won!" Yuya pouted as he folded his arms, the girl walked over to him with a smile on her face as she held her hand out to him, "Come on Yuya! At least it was fun!" Yuya debated the meaning of this in his before finally deciding on taking the girl's hand, smiling brightly as he got up. "It sure was let's do it again right now!" the girl simply laughed as she returned to her previous spot as the field generated a setting to suit their duel.

"Duelists locked in battle!" Yuya began the chant

"Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!" The girl continued

"They storm through this field! Behold!" Yuya smiled as they chanted together.

"This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling! ACTION…DUEL!" Their duel disks were readied and the duel began.

(Flashback ends)

For the second time today Yuya's reminiscing was cut short, this time it wasn't the Professor but the girl he had just kidnapped as she was starting to stir back into consciousness. "Where am I? She asked Yuya as he turned his head to answer "You're at Academia like I said you would be since you lost to me." The shock was evident on Ruri's face as Yuya moved forward she fought with all her remaining strength to free herself but Yuya's grip on her was too strong. "My brother and Yuto will come save me!" she said finally giving up on the fight, Yuya still dragged down by his thoughts couldn't think of a response and simply walked onwards towards the Professor's throne room. Ruri finally collapsing from exhaustion just before entering the room.

(Throne room)

"Ray…" the Professor muttered under his breath when a rather glum Yuya entered the room with Ruri.

"Yuya leave her with me." Yuya registered the command releasing Ruri but it was clear to the Professor that Yuya had something on his mind as he didn't say a word as he left the room.

"Doktor come here immediately." It was not long after this a bug eyed man with long white hair entered the room he was carrying a jar which contained a small insect a grin widened on his face as the insect entered the unconscious Ruri's ear making its journey towards the brain.

The Doktor looked on happy that his creature had worked as Ruri stood up.

"She now belongs to you Professor."

"That's good Doktor," the Professor paused, thinking "Take her to her cell and invite Yuya back into the room…I think he wants to speak to me about something."

"Certainly Professor."

Walking out of the room the Doktor saw Yuya slumped against a pillar with hood off and googles down.

"Yuya?" The Doktor asked him, Yuya pretended not to pay any attention but the Doktor could see right through it. "The Professor wants you, I believe it is best if you go to see him." Yuya nodded stood straight up, walked past the Doktor and went straight into the room.

The Professor knew something was wrong as Yuya walked in with his googles down, "Yuya…Tell me what happened."

"Professor…" Yuya's voice returned to that of the terrified seven year, that the Professor had first met in the halls of Academia, "It's two things, first was that in the XYZ dimension I saw another boy who shared my face"

So he saw the third piece…

"Second that girl you sent me to get…" Yuya bit his tongue, struggling to follow the Professor's orders "A solider doesn't cry!" reverberated in his head, "Her face reminded me of my previous life…My parents…My friends."

"Yuya I think it's best if you just forget about it and rest up I'll be needing you again tomorrow."

A small part of Yuya, standard Yuya wanted to rebel, the part that wanted to return to his old life with his friends and family it was however quickly shouted down by larger part of him, the Academia him who wanted to remain fiercely loyal to the man that had given him strength. His eyes underneath the googles became visible, his eyes were slitted showing clearly his decision on which path to take, "Yes Professor."

Meanwhile in the standard dimension a boy with purple and pink hair who shared Yuya's and Yuto's face was walking with a girl sharing Ruri's face. "Yuri?" the girl asked "Do you think you're ready for this?" the boy turned to his friend of seven years "I'm most certainly am, I will avenge my father, Yuzu."

A/N 2: electric boogaloo. Back to what I said about my other story and my lack of enthusiasm for it. Enthusiasm seems to be something I'm incapable of mustering I can add that to list of things I can't do such as: Laughing, smiling and good writing. So if by pure miracle I can conjure enthusiasm the other story might come back. The next chapter will likely deal with Rin's kidnapping tell me how I could improve this story please. Now here are the notes for this chapter.


[1] This an example of localization, the Americanised word is pants

[2] I feel so disappointed in myself for writing that.