1 piece AU

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"Um…" Usopp stared at Lucci who was standing on the ship and sticking close to Robin and Luffy, looking unsure of himself almost as he stared back at them.

"The labs. He…you know the three children that the labs said that they killed? The ones Makino said she had seen die? This…this is our son." Robin said softly as she looked up at Lucci and gave him a gentle but watery smile. She hadn't been there. She hadn't been able to save him and so he had hunted her…god if she had known…

"Bonney's power?" Zoro asked making Luffy and Robin nod their heads.

"He's only…he's only five." Robin said and there were tears in her eyes again as she stared up at her son who looked unsure of himself.

"We gonna meet up with Bonney so she can turn him back to normal then?" Usopp asked shrugging, this wasn't the weirdest thing he's ever heard of happening…or that he's seen ever since he joined up with Luffy.

"Only if he wants to. We want to give him the childhood he deserves to have…but not if he doesn't want to." Luffy said leaving the decision up to his son.

"I…I want to stay as an adult for a little while longer. I can help protect kaa-san and my siblings better like this…" Lucci said softly as he glanced at his obviously pregnant mother who gave him a loving and gentle smile in return.

"That's sweet of you dear but you don't have to worry about protecting me. Your mom has quite a few tricks up her sleeves." Robin said as a simple wave of her hand caused dozens of hands to appear on the marines nearby and Spandam. A simple twitch of her fingers snapped all of them into at least two pieces.

"And so do I." Luffy said with a grin as he used his Elephant Gun to knock a few of the Marine Battleships out of commission and their way.

"You were holding back when we fought…before I…" Before they knew the truth is what remained unsaid, before they knew that Lucci was really Brown as the lab had named him.

"Course. I didn't know you were my son then but I still didn't want to kill you by accident. Especially not where Makino could see." Luffy said smiling at Lucci reassuringly.

"If he's alive though then what about the other two? Blue and Braid?" Nami asked looking at the parents who froze for a moment as they stared at each other and then looked at Lucci.

"Do you know…?" Robin trailed off as she stared at Lucci who gave her a small shrug.

"Blue eyes had blondish pink hair, the lab said it was cause of grandma but not which grandma…She's a marine." Lucci said and Luffy and Robin both immediately began trying to think of any blond-pink haired marine that they had met.

"Sounds like the Cage lady from Alabasta." Usopp said, having gotten a better look at her than anyone else and making Luffy and Robin whip around to look at him and then at each other.

"Captain Hina of the Black Cage Corps…" Robin said softly as she looked at her husband who stared at her wide eyed.

"You think she might be Blue Eyes…I…I can actually see that. She does look a lot like you…and gramps once mentioned that my grandma was blond in her youth." Luffy said softly as he stared back at his wife.

"Braid… I'm not completely sure. Last I heard of her she had managed to escape the facility and got free somewhere in the New World. Her last reported sighting was near one of Whitebeards territories. Her hair was the most different of all three of us because of some experiments that the scientists did. She has an affinity for ice and they were trying to tap into that and force it to the surface." Lucci said and his mother pulled him into a side hug as the crew escaped Enies Lobby back towards Water 7.

"Don't worry sweetheart. We'll find your sisters and bring them back home and then we can be a family again if you all let us." Robin said smiling at Lucci who looked unsure of what to do. His hands hovered in the air a bit as if he wanted to hug her but he seemed hesitant to do so. Finally he just gently placed his arms around her and gave his father a completely lost look that begged for help.

"Robin…he might not be okay with much physical contact yet." Luffy gently told his wife who immediately released Lucci who looked a bit relieved that he was now set free.

"I'm sorry Lucci I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Robin apologized to her son who just gave a small shrug.

"It's…fine. It was nice…I'm just not used to it." Lucci said looking away and looking kind of embarrassed, making Robin and Luffy give sad smiles while the crew winced.

"Well if you ever want another hug just let me know. For now let me introduce you to the rest of the crew." Robin said smiling softly but sadly at her son and then turning towards the crew.

"Usopp-san is our sniper, he's a bit of a coward and has a habit of telling lies but his hearts in the right place. Zoro-san is the first mate and swordsman. He's protective as crazy and seems all tough and uncaring but he's actually a really big softy. Sanji-san is our cook, he flirts with women a lot and refuses to ever hit a woman but he's an amazing cook and his heart is always being put into every dish. Nami-san is our navigator, she's a regular weather witch in the making and is also a bit of a greedy coward but she's very smart and wants to draw a map of the entire world. Franky-san isn't part of the crew yet but I'm sure Luffy is already planning to recruit him. Finally last but never least is Chopper. He's our cute little reindeer doctor and he can be very protective of the crew and take on different forms for fighting. He's not afraid to tie you down to a bed to wrap up your injuries." Robin said pointing to each crew member in turn as she introduced them to her son who nodded to them all politely.

"Hey uh…I don't mean to bring up bad memories and all…but how did Makino see them die when they obviously didn't?" Usopp asked looking awkward as he spoke.

"Somebody apparently ate a type of hypnotism fruit or a fruit that makes people see something different and the scientists planted the image of us dying in Makino's head to try and bring out her talents via trauma." Lucci said while Makino whimpered a bit and clung tightly to her big brothers leg.

"Captains' orders guys…if you ever come across one of these labs…free any prisoners within and burn it to the ground if you can. If you can't then tell me where it is so I can do it." Luffy said giving his crew a serious look and making them all nod grimly. After learning about what those bastards did to innocent children…even Chopper and Usopp would be more than happy to burn the building down with the scientists inside.

"Aye Captain."