Diablo 2: Longing to be with you (Chapter 1)
By Amethyst Haze
Disclaimer: I do not own Diablo II, its concepts, its designs or anything else related to it. Those are the property of Blizzard Entertainment, this story is simply a non-profit tribute and parody. This story is Rated R for moments of sexual content, offensive language and violence.
Amethyst Haze's comments: If this story sounds EXTREMELY familiar to you.... then you've read the original fanfic as the NC-17 version when it was under my old pen name. I will not be writing like that anymore.
Breathing heavily and fueled by adrenaline mixed with dread, Erix charged the large and muscle mass of fur. The gleaming metal flashing in the nearby torch lights was dripping of blood that splattered out. As the long sword swung out in a perfect and powerful arc
when it flashed in the nearby light of a wall torch and found itself a new home, imbedded into the arm of a gargantuan beast. "Damn you!!"
With a pained howl, the beast fought back and pushed his assailant back forcefully enough to send him staggering from the blow. The beast's bloodied eyes, red from its own eyes, centered on his main target. Next to a broken long staff was the lithe body of a young woman clad in green and gold who was slumped unconscious against the stone wall- a sorceress. It was her charged bolts that so kindly made his eyes bloody and her firebolts that was responsible for the gaping wound on his back.
Snarling, the beasts' right hand swung out, striking the left side of her head. The circlet perched upon her head flew off and hit the wall diagonally behind the beast as the sorceress hit the floor.
The attack ignited more rage from the paladin.
"Nooo!" Erix cried out angrily. His boots raced across the stone floor with such alacrity. He rushed the beast, smashing his gilded shield into the back of the creature's cranium before striking him three times in quick succession - Zeal is what he called this attack. The creature screamed and writhed in agony as more of its blood was shed and the pain was clearer to it than ever before. It knew that this was its last moments of life.
The paladin threw his shield to the ground and gripped his sword with two hands. The hilt was held so tightly it was as though Erix believed himself to be strangling the beast's neck. He swung his blade with all of his might, feeling the energy pour out from both of his powerfully muscled arms. The beast's severed head rolled away into the shadows, its neck squirting blood like a dying fountain struggling to continue on by nature. When the body of the creature crumpled to the ground, its dark fur collecting its own blood, the paladin bent down to pick up the small sorceress and tried to wake her.
"Nevia, Nevia..." He shook her shoulder; gently yet rough enough to hopefully rouse the petite woman. "Can you hear me?"
No response.
He quietly changed holy words and felt the warm and inviting power of his prayer aura descend upon him and the woman. He sighed and threw out a town portal scroll before picking up the young woman and carrying her into the brilliant light of a swirling blue portal. This was not the first time his partner ended unconscious due to her impulsive actions, and, as usual, Erix was the one who had to run in and play the hero just to save her ass.
* * *
Coughing and desperately gasping for air through the water sloshing in her throat, her eyes fluttered open. She rolled onto her side and spat the water as her hands gently cradled her stomach. The brown dirt and soil eagerly sucked up the water, leaving a dark stain on the ground where Nevia's rejected drink once was.
She groaned then blasted air out of her nostrils to expel any water that dared ventured up those passages. Dark eyes glared at the paladin as she wiped her wet lips with her arm.
"Dammit! What's the big idea??!" she shouted angrily. The man who those harsh words were directed to straightened up and stepped back, leaning against one of the many crates scattered in the Rogue encampment.
He removed his helmet, shaking his dark locks as he spoke in a low and clearly furious voice, "I should be asking YOU that."
Nevia sighed and returned with an incredibly feeble apology, "I'm sorry, Erix, really, I am. But," she bit down on her lip. "It was important."
"Important???" Erix repeated, "What is so important that you have to blindly run into a room full of gargantuans??! What, is it another mana potion like last time? Is that worth risking your life over?" He gritted his teeth and quickly exhaled out in frustration. Once again, Nevia was trying to rationalize her reckless behaviour. In Erix's mind, there was no excuse whatsoever for her actions.
Nevia's head shook, "Don't be silly--"
"-Don't be stupid," he retorted quickly, receiving a glare for that remark.
"I saw these." One by one, from tucked into her belt, she pulled out three gold rings, each one decorated with a different coloured gem. She quickly explained the magical qualities of each ring excitedly and ended off her long advertisement with, "If I sell these, I'll have enough to gamble with Gheed for that amulet I've been eyeing for quite some time."
Damn you, woman... You're gonna be the end of me, he thought, feeling as though his veins could jump out of his body and strangle the life out of his partner. Instead, his tightly balled-up fist shook with unfiltered anger, "You nearly died for an AMULET????!"
"Not just any amulet," she retorted, crossing her arms defiantly, "I have a feeling it'll be an angelic amulet. And I really need that, my skills aren't that great to even--" Erix quickly cut her off by throwing his full helmet to the ground in frustration. The helmet dully deflected off the ground and bumped Nevia's heavy leather boots.
"You're impossible!!" he yelled, throwing his shield into a crate and storming away from her towards Deckard Cain. The old and frail man glanced at Nevia concerned then back at Erix as he walked off to Warriv.
Nevia finally picked up Erix's helmet and sighed. She walked around the camp, heading to Akara's little corner. Passing the small stone wall, she spotted the purple-cloaked mage seated on a thick tree stump, hard at work researching magic as usual. She was quickly flipping through a thick book that was obviously old considering the yellowed and worn out pages.
"Akara?" Nevia quietly asked.
The middle-aged woman looked up and smiled serenely, "Oh, you're back from the monastery already. How was it?" She stood up and returned the book to a heavy chest on the floor. It creaked on its hinges as it opened and closed.
"It was alright," the sorceress replied. "There weren't as many monsters as last time."
"Well, that's expected considering you and Erix killed Andariel," the older woman chuckled, beckoning the sorceress to take the seat on the tree stump. Nevia complied as Akara took her own seat on the heavy wooden chest.
"I know, but, there were a few monsters, mostly in packs. It's still reasonably safe to pass through though. Warriv won't have too much trouble since Erix and I will be along for the ride."
Akara nodded solemnly, studying the young sorceress' facial features, "You don't seem too happy about something."
Nevia hesitated, fearful of receiving a lecture from Akara. "Uh, I was hoping there'd be more monsters since I need more money."
The older woman chuckled and shook her head, "It's not money that you need, it's experience. You're still young and-"
"--I'm nineteen," she cut in, annoyed that she was being treated and spoken to like a mere child.
She nodded and smiled wistfully, "And full of youth. Don't worry about money...." She paused, "Tell me, how much gold did you take from Andariel's throne room?"
"About four thousand pieces," she
arched an eyebrow, "Why?"
"How much did Erix take?"
Nevia lowered her head, embarrassed. "... about forty pieces," she
answered sheepishly.
Akara coughed back a laugh, "Yes, well, before you woke up, he paid me forty thousand to replace something.... do you understand what I am getting--" She couldn't finish the sentence.
Nevia jumped up from the tree stump and, in disbelief, her face reddening slightly in humiliation as she bared her teeth, "He's such a hypocrite!" All the harsh words Erix ever said to her about materialism rushed back and began to hollow of its meaning.
How dare he!" Nevia thought, "Telling me
junk about how bad materialism is."
"He's worse than I am!!"
"No, no..." Akara interjected quickly, not wanting Nevia's temper to flare up worse than her inferno spells. "I didn't mean it as he saves and spends money madly, I meant that over years he's saved up little-by-little."
"Oh..." she paused, her eyebrows furrowing. Nevia shook her head, "What costs that much though?"
She smiled and pointed at the staff rack behind Nevia, "Why don't you take a look in that pouch there?"
Nevia glanced curiously at the frail mage and then at the staff rack where she could see a red velvet pouch, the length of her forearm, hanging. She picked up the pouch, her fingers unconsciously stroking the soft and sensual fabric as she returned to the tree stump where she hesitantly opened it. A gasp escaped her lips as she pulled out a decorated wand. On one end, it was shaped like a large eagle's claw, detailed to every crease in the skin and jagged edge of the nails as it grasped a smooth and clearly flawless crystal orb. The handle was embossed with gold and silver and even shone brilliantly in the dim light like hope lost in chaos.
"It's beautiful..." she quietly remarked, her eyes sparkling as she admired the precious lightweight weapon.
"It's in the angelic class of orbs," Akara explained. "It will magnify your magicks a bit, but... only fire spells, unfortunately."
"Really?" Nevia seemed amazed and not the least bit dissapointed with the restriction of power amplification. "That's....." she trailed off as it hit her. She looked at Akara, eyes wide, "This is for... for... me??" she squeaked as she spoke.
Akara nodded solemnly and Nevia's eyes lit in a most curious way; it was a mix of childish glee and humbled shock. "No way..." She said in a breathy voice. "Erix got this for me...?" She was both touched and confused by this sudden gesture. Even though she had been his partner since the day they ran into each other in the Cold Plains when she was being chased by a large gang of corrupted rogues, she didn't think he'd be so kind to buy her anything. But... how could she not think he wouldn't buy anything for her?
Right... she thought bitterly. in his eyes, I'm like his little sister...
"I can't use this," she said simply, hoping her excuse would be good enough to reject such a fabulous and pricey gift. "I don't have a shield--"
"Charsi should be done by now."
Akara smiled, "I used to have Sigon's tower shield, but, Erix bought it from me and asked Charsi to repair it since it's rather old." Nevia was confused. "The Sigon tower shield is mysterious in its powers... said to empower any fighter in every way... but, only a little bit." the older woman explained with a simple smile. "Is it no wonder to see why he elt you'd be better off with it?"
".. Me?" She repeated, dazed as she walked away from Akara, the red velvet pouch still in her hand.
"Don't forget to say thanks to Erix," she called as Nevia walked away and silently headed over to the campfire. Her thoughts were churning and a strange feeling of foreboding filled her as she drew closer to the contained blaze.
Erix looked up at her immediately as his finely-tuned ears picked up the sound of her boots shhfff-ing against the crumbly soil. His eyes glinted a strange awareness as she sat down on an old rotted log placed nearby.
Nevia gripped the velvet pouch tightly, her fingers still unconsciously stroking it. She watched as his gaze trailed down, glued to the slow movement of her slim and dainty hands. His eyes flickered up back to her and remained fixed until Nevia turned away, swallowing nervously.
A moment of silence haunted the two of them. Erix nervously removed one of his light plated gauntlets and helmet, setting them on the ground. "Did you get that amulet you wanted?" He asked, not seeming all that interested.
Startled, Nevia scooted herself slightly away from him on the log they sat upon. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah I did..." She lowered her head, upset, "But, it wasn't what I was hoping it would be."
"Sorry to hear that," he said automatically.
More silent uneasiness came. I don't know how much more of this I can take, Nevia thought, taking a deep breath to summon up the courage to speak her mind.
"Um, Erix, why did you buy it for me?"
"Because you staff broke," he replied simply.
Nevia shook her head as she removed the beautiful wand from it's velvet prison. "But, this is expensive... I know you don't hoard gold like I do. You could've just bought a plain short staff for me instead."
"I know, but, no," a brisk reply.
Her eyes narrowed, "Why are you like this?! I don't want to feel as though I owe you anything, Erix. You've done so much for me already. Please, can't you ask Akara to give you your money back, return the stuff and get me a plain old staff?"
"No." That was all.
"And why not? I never asked to get really good stuff, which actually turns out to be the best that Akara had at that time. I didn't ask for the best! I already owe you my life, I don't want to owe you anything else!" she cried, trying to keep her voice down to not wake anyone in the camp.
"I know."
Frustrated with his small and unsatisfactory
answers, Nevia shook her head and left the log, heading towards her own set up tent,
"Why do you do such things??! Arghhh...."
When Nevia's hand pressed against the canvas flap entrance of the tent, he heard Erix's
reply: "...because... I think I'm in lo..." His voice trailed off as he
shook his head with a sigh.
Still facing the tent, her face not visible to the paladin who just confessed his feelings, her eyes widened in shock and her breath froze in her throat. She knew exactly what he was going to say... or at least she thought she did... She didn't answer him though, she just quietly retreated to the inside of her own tent.
When she lay down on the ground, her eyes stared blankly up at the corners of the burlap tent. She didn't think she'd get much sleep, and she was probably right. But... suddenly, she felt like the tent no longer acted as a sleeping sanctuary for her.... but a prison cell.
Alone again.
* * *
Nevia sighed and emptied her cup of water with her thirst before setting it on the wagon floor. She then lay back against the firm, but soft, pillows. Her arms were sore from loading all the supplies onto Warriv's wagons. Even though she was happy that they were on the road again and heading east to Lut Gholein, the sound of the wooden wheel, seeming to groan in protest with a foreboding sense, was making her sick to her stomach. Across the wagon from her was Erix's unequipped form. He was rifling through his own stash, seeming to reorganize all the potions, gems and items, but, Nevia knew better. "He just doesn't want to talk to me. I can't blame him though," she thought.
Nevia recalled the events of last night and their little chat during Erix's night watch. She was trying to reply the moment. Her mind pictured him... so realistic, down to every single detail of his perfectly chiseled out face, his eyes looking up at her with restrained longing.
Drinking more water, she sighed. The look in his eyes latched onto her heart; it was the way she wanted him to look at her for a long time... and there, she missed the opportunity to have him for herself!
Why didn't I say anything? she thought, angry with herself. I don't know what I feel.... but, it can't be nothing... She shook her head and lay back against the pillows, closing her eyes suddenly against the waves of confusion that crashed against her.
What would I have said to him if I could turn
back time...? she thought, shaking her head with self-disgust.
Nevia suddenly felt really hot. She tried to open her eyes, but found herself unable
to move any part of her body... at least that's what she thought. And, from her mind, she
found herself trapped in the moment she wished to returned to, but it seemed she did reply
in the way Erix would've liked to have heard. He was holding her, his lips pressed against
hers as though that tight sealing of their lips was a promise.
Looking in Erix eyes, she felt a fire burn in her chest, "Erix... I..." Before she could speak anymore, she felt his hand roam down and gently squeeze her left buttock. Her eyes widened and she gasped in surprise before the paladin claimed her mouth again, slipping his tongue past her sweet lips.
Another hand was placed on the other buttock, gently kneading the soft, but firm, flesh. Nevia's head seemed to be swimming in a river and stuck at a fork. One way leading to passion she never experienced, the other leading to her normal way of life - sorcery studies, the perfection of the elemental magicks, the way of the Zann Esu.
Her decision in that dream was clearly made, not only to her, but also to the Erix lying awake in the real world....
* * *
Erix looked over his shoulder at the sorceress asleep on the pillows, watching her chest rise and fall with each quick breath and the expression on her face. She looked so innocent in her sleep and it was that very look that made him realize days ago that he did have feelings for her. That expression, so simple, so pure, made him feel as though he had to protect her. That his life as a holy warrior is useless, fighting for the sake of justice is such an abstract cause while fighting for a real reason, one defined with solid evidence, the evidence of a living breathing person, seemed much more appealing to him. He found his eyes traveling to her breasts, the bottom slightly visible due to the cut of the shirt. His mind instantly remembered on one instance, about a week ago. She ran at an enemy, her arms raised to cast a blizzard, completely unaware that her dark brown nipples bounced down into clear view with every step.
Something seemed strange though by her breathing... she seemed to be breathing harder and shifting slightly in her sleep as though trying to arch her back like a woman would during-- Erix shook his head, not wanting to get aroused over a sleeping woman and his fantasies. He looked up at the inside of the canvas cover for the wagon and sighed, leaning back against the hay, his hand brushing against Nevia's.
She murmured inaudible words and Erix pulled his hand away from hers. She suddenly rolled onto her side, closer to the paladin with her hand resting on his chest.
He swallowed hard and closed his eyes, feeling Nevia's hand trail down from his chest to his stomach then scandalously lower.
His breath froze in his throat as he suddenly heard her softly moan in her sleep. His head quickly turned in her direction as her face showed expressions of a pleasurable look mixed with despair.
Hesitantly and nervously, he tapped her shoulder, "Uh, Nevia?" She responded with several moans, this time, uttering a name to follow, "Ahh..... Erix..."
His eyes shot wide open, "???" His heart nearly jumped out of his chest to do backflips until he realized the sad reality of it, "No, I can't do anything to her... she's asleep. She might wake up... what am I even thinking?"
The paladin's interest was suddenly piqued when he heard Warriv's voice from the far front of the wagon, hidden behind all the boxes and out of their sight, "That wasn't really water she drank, you know?"
A smile could be heard from the man's voice, "Yep, I knew a man in Lut Gholein... he was very good with potions, Old Lysander. I used to have trouble sleeping before... all those monsters terrified and traumatized me.
So he made me these potions that could put me to sleep instantly for a few hours," he chuckled, "However, a woman in that city too, Atma, once gave me the recipe for an aphrodisiac for women... as you already know, Nevia's having quite a pleasant dream."
Erix fell silent, shocked at the man's actions and story. "Impossible...." he replied.
"See for yourself if you don't believe me..." Warriv replied. The wagon suddenly stopped. "Hm, I see a gathering of wagons up ahead, I'll leave you two here with the wagon for awhile, I'm gonna go talk to them. Don't make too much noise." With that, Erix could hear the man's footsteps gradually fade away into the distance.
Erix was debating in his mind what to do. "Geez... I can't do this..." Apparently, the north seemed to be winning against the south.
"Mmmmm.." Nevia purred seductively in Erix's ear. Her hand testing his steel reign on his desires with a tempting squeeze. "Take me..."
Erix shook his head, his thoughts colliding all at once. On one string, he was ecstatic, and why shouldn't he be? Here lay the woman he loved, writihing in her slumber from erotic dreams of him. But, on the other side of the gold coin, he was doing things to her only in her mind!
His thoughts briefly voiced an oath as he raked his hand through his hair roughly. Would it be so bad just... to touch her once?
He gritted his teeth, looking over at her as she sighed, her hand runnin up his stomach, over his chest and over the soft flesh of his throat. He groaned, closing his eyes briefly. This woman would be the undoing of him and his oath as a paladin.
"Erix..." She shifted closer to him... the scent of her hair so intoxicating.
His control snapped right then as he pulled her lithe body close to her, pressing her against the hard length of his form so that no part of them remained untouched by the other. His mouth came down upon hers possessively, savouring the soft and enticingly smooth feel of her lips crushed against his. A muffled moan drifted from her gently parted lips, giving the paladin the moment he needed to deepen their kiss. His hands were buried in her thick and luxuriously soft hair as he tilted her head to match his.
His tongue greedily plundered her soft mouth. His body screamed for more as he felt Nevia's graceful hands roam over the muscular planes of his back, kneading and raking them in a lovingly rough and passionate way.
One hand withdrew from the nest of her silky hair and trailed to the front of her green blouse. As a moan escaped her mouth from the corner, a few words followed, muffled by Erix's mouth.
His attention snapped to. He recognized those words.
Erix's eyes widened and he suddenly withdrew his hands from her and backed away. "What am I doing?" He shook his head in disbelief at what he was thinking of doing to her and easily could have done.
Guiltily, he took five deep breaths and murmured apologies to her unconscious form despite the pain of doing nothing over his erection. He distanced himself well from the young woman by placing his plated armour between them in hopes he would not cross the line again.
What made things worse was that Nevia was still lost in her dream, moaning and murmuring sweet words over and over. Every time her passion-filled voice cried out his name, Erix could do nothing against the horrible pang of guilt twisting deeply in his stomach and turning more violent with each time.
"Forgive me..." he sighed softly, squeezing his eyes shut as his hands curled into tight balls.
She cried out his name again.
Erix wanted to throw the armour aside and kiss her... but not in the desire-fueled way he had before; he wanted to give her a chaste kiss of a promise, of an apology... of something that gave him a feeling of assurance that he is capable of being gentle and would not take advantage of her again.
And he did.
"Nevia..." He leaned down and firmly pressed his lips against hers. Her lips were still warm and swollen from his previous attentions. He sighed, shaking his head and scolding himself further for not keeping a tighter reign on his desires.
It was then that the sorceress uttered again the words that had reawaken Erix's morals and gentlemanly behaviour. "I love you."
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