The Mission

Quick thanks to a guest reviewer who pointed out that Hana's codename was being deleted

Bastion stomped through the corridors of the Watchpoint, its optic radiating a blood red. Behind the Omnic, Hana , McCree, Lúcio, and Orisa followed closely behind, weapons trained on the Automaton as they tried to figure out what was happening. When it had barged into all of their respective rooms, Bastion had been eerily silent, and ignored any attempts to speak with it. Even Orisa, one of only two Overwatch agents able to understand Bastion, had been ignored in favor of whatever had set off Bastion's Combat Protocols. Approaching another door, Bastion stopped in front of it, left arm pulled back and smashing down the door to Captain Amari's quarters, startling the veteran sniper and making er spill some tea. Just like with every other room Bastion forced itself into, it performed a quick scan of the room. This time, however, it began to beep rapidly, optic glowing brighter as it turned its gun on Ana.

The Captain, to her credit, only smiled at the Omnic, picking up the stopwatch she had placed on her coffee table. The sniper nodded with approval, standing up and walking over to the bird cage that contained Ganymede and releasing the small bird to Bastion's care. Once the bird had landed on the barrel of Bastion's rifle, the Omnic quickly shut down its Combat Protocols.

"15 and a half minutes is an acceptable time, Agent Bastion." Ana commented, "Of course, it would have been less had you not assumed the little one was late in returning for his daily treat. Overall, acceptable." At this point, the Captain smirked at the group of agents behind Bastion. "But try to explain yourself next time you force yourself into others' rooms, hmm?"

With a nod of understanding, Bastion reached into the small satchel bag that Lúcio had gifted to it, pulling out a bird treat and feeding it to a chipper Ganymede. It then turned around and walked out of Ana's room, moving past the others without a second look and beeping with joy at the return of its friend. Orisa followed it, intent on learning why her fellow Omnic was willing to activate it mission-only programming and potentially throw away its position as an agent of Overwatch for such a small creature.

NEXT CHAPTER- Broken Hearts and Broken Turrets

Author's Note- Yeah, sorry this took so long to get out. I recently moved out of my parents house, and between getting situated into my roommate's house, getting a tattoo, writing scripts for an in-progress comic series, and pouring my life into work, I lost track of time. But, Bastion has returned, and I would greatly appreciate any ideas that you guys may have.