Chapter Sixteen

Bella's POV

I expected a nice relaxing Friday night when I arrived back home from talking with Rosalie. Instead, I was greeted by the sight of my family gearing up for an outing. Heidi was nowhere to be seen; the same was said for Demetri.

"What's going on?" I asked as I got out of my car. I left it running out front of the house and then ran to my children. Evie looked worried and hugged me while Felix and Noah took everything to my car. I tossed the keys to Felix for his use.

"Heidi called; she and Demetri were hunting and they intervened on an attack. There were at least two of them. Demetri is tracking them now but one of them is fast, almost too fast for Heidi to keep up with," she explained as she pulled away from me and helped her brother. I nodded and went back to my car, dumping everything I didn't need out before replacing it with my own tools.

"Address and which direction?"

"They were spotted right outside of Forks, west side heading north. Heidi said their going in direction toward the high school," Noah explained as he and Felix shut the trunk. While they finished up in the garage, I changed my books into the extra pair of sneakers I learned to keep with me and then shed my sweater for a t-shirt.


"Alive, just barely. Heidi said it was a teenager, male, from Forks, about sixteen to eighteen years," Noah answered. I told him and Evie to head up straight for the victim and see what they could do with them. After getting a reassuring glance from my children, I got back into the driver's seat and Felix got into the passenger side. I pulled away from the house before the door was even closed and then pulled out my cell phone before tossing it to my companion.

"Call Heidi, see where she's at," I barked. Felix did as he was told and I listened intently to what Heidi was saying. When I heard her directions, I changed lanes and sped around anything that was blocking my line.

"How far ahead of you are they?" Felix questioned.

About a mile back; I just saw you two pass on the road so there's your heads up. Tell Bells that if she floor's it, you might be able to cut them off.

"What am I dealing with, Heidi?" I asked aloud as I pressed down on the pedal harder, watching as my speedometer rose. I could feel the exhilaration of the car on the slick road and prayed to God nothing went wrong.

Male and female, both fairly young, probably about a few decades. The male is fast but the female is a fighter. She has good reflexes while the male evades. The only way you're going to stop him is if you physically cut him off.

"Are they mates?"

Yeah and the female is very territorial. Watch your back, Bells.

Right as she said that, I spotted two blurs deep in the trees. I hissed and told Felix to hang up. "Grab the wheel and keep the speed up," I muttered. Once his hands were on the wheel, I climbed over him and then rolled down the window. "When I tackle the first, stop the car and make sure the female doesn't knock me over. Restrain, do not kill."

"And if that isn't an option?" Felix asked in a growl.

"Rip off every limb except her head. We need answers and these two might give them to us," I answered. He nodded once and I slid my upper body out of the window, peering over the hood of the car for sight. We were about neck and neck with the rogues; just slow close to success. "A little bit faster, Felix!"

"I don't know how much more I can go with your car, Bella!" he hissed.

"Just try!"

When we had about ten feet ahead, I went for it. Throwing my shield up across the woods in direct line of them, I climbed out of the window, launched myself off the roof of my car, and went straight for the male. The female slammed into the shield and was knocked onto the ground but the male flew at me; I don't think he saw me though until I wrapped my arms around his neck and slammed him into the ground.

Pain radiated from my shoulder, a burn that lit felt too realistic to be imagined. I growled and pinned him to the ground, only to see him grin. After a second of thought, I knew what had happened; the bastard bit me.

Too wipe the smirk off his pale lips, and drew one elbow across, before striking him in the jaw, making his neck snap to the side. The crack under his skin was overshadowed by a loud screeching noise, one that killed my ears to hear without flinching. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Felix had already stabilized the female by ripping one leg and one arm off her torso. Venom dripped from the pale arm he held in his hand.

"Stupid bitch," he hissed and tossed it to the side; she had bit him too.

The male beneath me struggled to break through my grip but instead of giving any leeway, I smashed his skull back into the ground as hard as I could. "Keep it up and I'll dismember you like your bombshell over there," I hissed to him, forcing him to look at his mate's torn apart body. With one look at the blonde in agony, he stilled.

The others stopped running when they reached us. While Heidi went to help Felix interrogate the female, Demetri came up and helped me off the man. I kept my shield over him, forcing him to lie still in the ground before Demetri could get his arms around the rogue and force him onto his knees. When that was done, I lifted the shield then bent down in front of him, gripping his chin to force him to look at me. His bright eyes glowed from his recent feeding.

"Well… this is eventful," I murmured to Demetri. "Think we should ask then torture or reverse it?"

"He and his bitch fucked the kid up pretty bad, Bells. I would do both at once; you might get some answers that way."

I hissed lowly when he tried to jerk away from my hand. "I'm not giving you anything!" he growled but shut up when I backhanded him.

"Maybe he doesn't know who we are," I suggested to my companion quietly. Demetri chuckled and yanked the rogue's head back, baring his throat for me to wrap my hand around.

"He'll surely wish he did if he doesn't already," he replied. I smiled grimly and forced him lower onto his knees while bending his back more.

"Do you, rogue? Do you know who you've pissed off this time?" When he didn't answer me, I continued. "Your masters, honey. The Volturi don't like that you're risking our existence. Do you know how we handle that?"

At the mention of my bosses, the rogue's ruby eyes went wide. He knew exactly who we were. I could taste the fear that vibrated off of him.

"She's not giving any answers, Bella. She won't say a word about who is running this shit," Heidi said from across the trees. I looked away from my victim to his counterpart. Her eyes were just as bright as his and when they connected with my gaze, she hissed violently, baring her pearly white teeth for all to see. With another peek at the man, I grinned.

"Burn her if she's no use to us," I murmured. The man beneath my hand started to shake and hiss, struggling against Demetri and me to get to his mate. Felix grinned and tore off the female's remaining limbs before having Heidi snap her head clean off her neck. A loud growl of fury erupted from the vampire in my hands, and the sound brought out a side of me that I hated.

Kneeling next to him, I forced him to watch as Felix extracted a lighter from his pocket. "See that?" I whispered in his ear as the fire devoured the first limb. "That's what's going to happen to you in about two seconds if I don't get any answers from you. So let's begin, shall we?

"Who are you working for?"

The vampire growled and to force his words, Felix lit another limb on fire. I could only imagine the pain he was going through, seeing his mate turn to ash.

"Answer me!" I hissed.

"I don't know their names. All they said was to kill the humans, to have fun with it!"

I searched within his eyes and tone for a lie. There was nothing; he honestly didn't know. "Where can I find these people? How can I get in touch with your masters?"

Again he hesitated. It took both of the female's arms to be lit on fire to get an answer. "They meet us at this rave! It's in Seattle, where most of the humans are wasted and high. They meet us there and tell us what to do next."

"Address, now," I hissed in his ear. He rumbled off an address and Heidi memorized. "Is it the same people each time?"

He shook his head. "Changes with each meeting."

I nodded approvingly. "When?" He paused and eyed Felix fearfully as the torso went up in flames. "When, damn it!?"

"Tuesday nights!" He screamed when Felix started to wave the lighter at the last piece, his mate's head. I smiled grimly and patted his head before standing.

"Got all of that?" I asked Heidi and she nodded. I turned to Demetri who grinned. "Finish that off please. I need to call my children," I murmured.

As I pulled out my cell phone, Felix burned the last remaining piece, igniting both purple smoke and vain screams from the male. Demetri waited a minute as he watched his mate burn before twisting his head off the body.

Three missed calls, all from Evie and Noah. I narrowed my eyes and dialed the number. "Where are you?" I asked when they picked up.

"Mom," Evie sobbed. "We didn't know what to do, Noah didn't have a choice."

Immediately, my fear spiked. "Evie, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Noah had to turn him mama; the venom spread too much already," she cried. "We couldn't just kill him mama, we couldn't have."

"Evie! Evie, baby, take a deep breath. What are you talking about, who is it?"

"Mama," she whispered when her tears had slowed. "We knew the boy. The boy they attacked was David, from school."

Sorry for the late update m'dears! Hope you don't mind and enjoy the chapter. Can't wait to hear what you guys think. Thanks for reading!