Chapter One

Bella couldn't believe what she was seeing. The fancy scripture of her husband's handwriting was jumbled and unusually messy, blurring together in her eyes. Her mind couldn't comprehend, couldn't analyze its true meaning. She didn't know what to make of the words.

I am leaving you...

The piece of parchment fluttered from the grasp of her fingers and landed on the floor with a silent thump. Instead of her gaze following its journey, she stared at her raised, yet limp hand. Bella's body felt frozen and numb, unable to move. She could almost see her nearly whole heart shatter once more and for the same damn reason as the first time.

Edward was gone.

This time was different though. This time, the last time as he had stated, he left her stranded on Isle Esme, off the coast of South America. She was alone, not even able to just drive back to her father's house. Not that she wanted to, anyway; what would Charlie say? I told you so?! He could say that and Bella wouldn't care. She knew he was right, she should have never believed he loved her.

Her body took control. Her mind was separate and had no control over her limbs and their actions. As she grabbed the first thing she could reach for, a stained glass vase, a guttural scream, one of pain and sorrow, came from her throat, tearing through her teeth. She launched it in whatever direction felt natural and the vase crashed into the door that lead to the en suite bathroom, smashing to unfixable pieces. She grabbed again; this time, her fingers latched onto a bottle of perfume she had received as a wedding present from Alice. That followed the vase's footsteps, straight into the door.

For the next few days all Bella could do was cry and scream, and then scream and cry. She barely ate; she barely moved off the bed, out of her cocoon of blankets. She was always curled up in a ball underneath, despite the tropical weather and nothing to keep cool with. As far as she was concerned, she hoped she died. Somehow, some way, sometime soon, she wanted to die. It was a powerful feeling but an empty, yearning one.

She didn't move until something changed.

Bella felt something prod her stomach on the fourth day. She opened her puffy, dry eyes, wondering what was touching her. She rolled onto her side and looked down at the bed. Nothing was there except for the smooth baby blue sheets.

I'm imagining things now, that's just great, she muttered mentally and lay back down on the bed, her stomach flat against the sheet. She still felt the prodding; this time, it covered her lower abdomen and felt as hard as a rock.

"What the heck?" She asked herself and moved onto her hands and knees. She moved one hand over the sheets that were beneath her. Nothing was there; it was as soft as the first time she had laid there.

Climbing out of bed, Bella took her time. She knew she hadn't eaten in days and that she would be weak. Holding onto something with each step, she carried herself to the bathroom, thinking maybe she had to go. Right as she was about to head in though, something caught her eye. She turned and faced the mirror, seeing her dirty, ratty self.

And a rather small but visible bump between her hips.

"That's impossible," she murmured as her eyes glued to the sight. She twisted and turned to see it at different angles, but nothing changed. That bump was definitely there.

Snapping out of her haze, Bella fumbled for her bag of personal products. She had learned from a young age to keep track of her periods and kept a miniature calendar to mark her days down. She looked at her last date and counted until the next time she was supposed to get her period. When she got her answer, she shook her head.

That can't be right, she thought and recounted. Bella still got the same answer though. She was fourteen days late.

"Can a vampire even get someone pregnant?" She asked herself as she went back to the mirror. She poked at the bump, but it was hard like granite or marble. She poked again, only harder this time.

Something poked her back afterwards.

"Oh my God," she squealed, jumping back a step. "This can't be happening; it's impossible!"

Bella knew enough that pregnancies didn't work this way. A baby never developed that fast; she had grown an inch to two inches in less than four days!

Next thing she knew, her body was carrying her out of the room at a faster speed then she thought she would be able to walk at the moment. She first went into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of pretzels from the cabinet and then found Edward's cell phone on the counter. She pulled a stool up and sat down before taking a pretzel and nibbling on it. She ate slowly as she went through the contact list. She first tried Alice, hoping that this time she wouldn't leave her alone. All she got was a disconnection message.

She went through every contact of the Cullen family listed, which was everyone but Esme. No one picked up. It was either a disconnection message, like Alice, or a simple beeping noise. She tried Carlisle's cell phone last, praying he didn't get rid of his phone too. He couldn't do that, not now. Not when she needed him as more than a father in law but also as a doctor.

Still, not even Carlisle picked up. She then tried the Denali Coven, hoping they would know how to get in touch with anyone from the Cullen family. Bella only got an answering machine.

She slammed the phone down on the counter, dropping her pretzel in the process. She held her head in her hands, trying to figure out what to do without getting upset again. She could go home, but it would be impossible telling Charlie how she was pregnant and showing already. Her mother would be a little bit gentler, yet still how could Bella explain this?

"The pack," She whispered. They might know what to do. They could help her. They dealt with vampires and if the Cullen family left, wouldn't they know? They had to!

Bella stumbled off the stool and looked around for the note Edward had left her. Skipping over his excuses for leaving her again, she found the section she wanted. He had left her a box filled with everything she would need in the future. The key was under her pillow and the box was under her bed. She left the note on the table and got the box and key as quickly as she could. As she opened it, she found a wallet full of credit cards. Underneath it was rows of cash, enough to hold her over several years.

"Bastard," she muttered. To get this much together, she knew Edward had planned this. He knew he was going to leave her. He just wanted to break her heart first by marrying her and promising to make her dreams come true.

She reached for the cell again and this time tried calling Charlie. Her father answered on the first ring. He must have been at home.

"Hello?" He asked after he had answered.

"Dad?" Bella asked in return to confirm it was her father.

"Bella? Hey, how's it going at the island?" Her father asked his voice chipper. He must have finally gotten over her marriage.

Bella ignored his question though; if she told him in full what happened, she would break down and Charlie would probably end up killing someone.

"Dad, I'm coming home," she said.

"So soon? Why? Is everything okay? Are you sick? Is Edward okay?"

Bella hesitated, making sure she wouldn't break down again. "He left me dad," she murmured.

"What do you mean 'left you'? What, did he go to the mainland for something?"

Bella bit her lip. "No dad. He left, as in he's gone. He just left me here and I need to come home."

The string of curses that came from Charlie's mouth would have put a sailor to shame. Bella had to pull the phone away from her ear and even flinched at his tone. There was no doubt that Charlie was angry. Actually, angry was an understatement. Charlie was royally furious.

"Bella…? How are you able to get home?" Charlie asked when he had stopped yelling. His voice was rough and raspy, almost as if he were going to cry.

"He left enough money to get home and a number to call the cleaning crew to get me back to the city," she explained with a sigh.

"Do you want me to come get you? I can fly down immediately, I'll leave now-"

"No dad, it's fine. I remember each airport I need to get to so I'll be okay. I'll call you each time I land. Can you pick me up when I get to Seattle though? I don't like cabs."

"Of course baby, just please don't get hurt. Do you have a number for the Cullen's place? Never mind I'll just go other there myself, see if I can get my hands on his neck," Charlie grumbled. A shot of panic flew through Bella at the thought of Charlie trying to kill a vampire.

"No dad, don't!" She exclaimed then fought to cover her words. "I've already tried each number in Edward's phone. They're all disconnected… I think they moved again. They did the last time he left too…"

"Bella, you aren't going to run off after him again, are you? You really are coming home?"

Bella thought for a moment. "No, I'm not going after him. I don't ever want to see his face again. I don't want to hear from him and I don't want to have to have my life revolve around him and his choices. I'm done with him."

Inside, something snapped in Bella. She didn't have the urge to cry anymore. She didn't feel pain or sadness. She didn't have that feeling of buried guilt or rejection. She didn't have the urge to find him and beg him to take her back.

All she had was anger. Anger and hatred for him because he left her with…with his child!

"Dad… I'm going to start packing so I'll call you when I get to the airport, but when I get home, we need to talk about some things, and you aren't going to want to hear it."

"Alright… well then be safe Bells, please. Just come home."

"I love you dad." With that, she hung up and started packing.

Hello Fanfictioners! So this story was posted once before on here but it's literally been years. I just started working on this again though and have been editing some changes. Hopefully you like; I'd love to hear your feedback. So please review/PM me!

Also, this is currently posted on wattpad.