There was a man walking alone on the road from Vengerberg to Gulet, he had been walking a good few hours when he stopped to releave himself on a nearby tree, letting out a sigh as he habitually fumbled with the straps to his swords. Two swords, one was typical steel while the other silver which as those who have read any beastiary would know that silver is most effective against monsters and a silver sword is normally carried by a witcher, a professional monster slayer. The tall, broad-shouldered witcher could faintly make out the sound of a cart wheeling by as a horses hooves thumped in the dirt. He turned around after fastening his belt and made his way back onto the road, he saw a lone woman with a young girl and what looked like a young man who he assumed was also hers as they rolled near the stranger he waved his hand in the air.

"Good morning!" He called out, doing his best to seem non-threatening, which is hard to do with a cats eye and two swords.

"Morning sir, how are you?" The woman asked, she bore a Keadweni accent as the witcher eyed her children while they stared at his one cats eye as the other was covered by a black patch that was tied around his head with lether cords that bound it resting on the nape of his neck.

"May I ask where you are headed?" His posture may have seemed lax and unthreatening, however a witcher will often lean on one of the their hips(opposite of whichever side their swords lay on their back) ready to pounce at any moment.

"Gulet...For the fair." She responded, eyeing his swords.

"Ah-well then, fair lady... " Ulfrik did his best to seem charming however he knew he was fumbling over himself, "may I beseech you a ride to Gulet?" He bore a polite smile that caused her to blush as he stood a good a foot from her wagon looking up at the trio looking down at him, the boy was in the front with his mother as the younger girl in the back her hands clutching the side of the wagon as she peered down at the stranger. He wore a leather vest that was studded and thick with four buckles running diagonally across his torso-the top one was left undone, under the vest was a simple gray robe with a large hood reaching to the middle of his back, as the robe itself sit just below his waist and covered the middling of his palms much like a monk although clearly not as he also had plates strapped to his arms, with the one on his left shoulder baring spikes, his forarms bare except for the gray sleaves covering them.

" you have a name stranger?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ulfrik, a witcher of the isles." He replied.

"There be monsters?"

"None that I can see, but I hope to find work in or around the mines. I can also offer protection on the road."

"No coin then? Hm." After a bit of a staredown the woman did nod her head, "Hop in the back with Gisli, Ulfrik. Never know with those squirrels about. I presume those swords aren't just for show?"

"They are not."

Ulfrik hopped in the back of the wagon, he unstrapped his swords and set them down in the hay as he then lay down next to Gisli who was sitting on a small keg. She had little dark locks that tossed about in the wind. She resmbled her mother as did her brother, their mother oddly alone Ulfrik presumed the father was dead or in Gulet himself. He thought of the womans words "Squirrels about." a reference to the scoia'tael who primarily operate in Keadwen if Ulfriks memory served him right-although he's heard rumors they've reached Temaria and the Pontar valley although he's heard even less about them being in the south but Aedirn that boarders Keadwen and Temaria might have something to worry about.

"Yes?" Ulfrik hahad noticed the girl-Gisli- had not taken her eyes off of him.

"You're a witcher, I heard that means you eat cats and fight monsters."


"What's the biggest monster you've ever fought?" Asked the boy.

"Eron, one question at a time...How does one properly skin a cat master witcher?" Ulfrik caught a smirk as she looked back to him, he sat up and scratched at his face as his beard was once again growing.

"Well, I've only eaten one cat-out of spite not hunger."

The woman let out a giggle as did Eron Gisli however did not understand. "What's spite?"

"I was angry with it, scratched at my ankles and bit me when I sleept. So one morning I set it on fire."

"With magic?"

"With magic."

The children's eyes widened as Ulfrik confirmed his use of the arcane arts, very few have ever met a witcher that is unless they knew where to find a monster in that case witchers are normally good about finding work through word of mouth.

"And your biggest monster?" Gisli reminded him,

Ulfrik let out a sigh as he stroked his chin thoughtfully thinking of the largest most dangerous undertaking he had ever accepted...or one's that had been brought upon him, his eye was an obvious tale and the slightly malformed flesh under the right side of his neck that unbeknownst to most covered his entire shoulder as well as his back and chest which was from the acid of a griffin that burned through his armor.

"I'd say the most dangerous was a griffin in Verden, yet the biggest is surely the orge of An Skellig, she was a beast-"

"She?" Eron cocked his head. "I thought monsters were magic and didn't need to breed."

"They are magic, but so are sorcerers and they are born of the womb. As was I." He reminded them, it is hard to think of people much less monsters for having parents. Although monsters do not "parent" they mearly sire their children.

"Interesting, how big was this ogre?" Their mother asked.

"Have you seen the door to king Demavends' castle?"

"Of course, we're from Vengerberg after all." She added. "I'm Jonna by the way."

"Hello Jonna...The orge was twice that size and equal in gerth." He said causing Jonna to turn completely around as the horse that pulled them along purred and snorted as it tugged on the reigns.

"That's impossible, nothing is that big."

"That's what I said when I found her, chewing on a cow."

"A whole cow?" Gislis eyes widened.

"Of course a whole cow Gisli, a monster of that size prefers cow to human...although it will settle."

He saw her swallow as well, glancing to Eron who piped up. "Which sword did you use to kill it?" He stared at the two laying in the back of the wagon next to Ulfrik who picked up his silver sword within its scabbard and drew it for him, the hilt was a about twelve inches long, in excellent condition with it's artfully crafted leather grip and sporting a angled cross gard that pointed up (typical for silver swords) . The pomel was a silver dragon with tiny horns facing upward giving it the appearance of a serpent, as simple as the decoration was it did have a certain...presence. The blade itself, flawless, and beautiful when sporting it's black swirls embedded via the specail method in whitch it was crafted not to mention it is razor sharp, like a witchers sword ahould be, as Ulfrik spends a considerable amount of time caring for them after battle.

"It smells of hemlock..." Eron said as Ulfrik showed him the blade, he did not let him hold however. Ulfrik let him touch the blunt side of the sword and then back in the scabbard it went with a quiet shick.

"That is because I've coated it with blade oil so many times that the smell has taken."

Kneeling down in front of him Gisli peered at under his vest where his medalion sat around his neck.

"You said you're from the isles?" Jonna asked.

"The smallest one, Faroe." He held up his forefinger and thumb to Gisli to emphasize the size of the isle.

"You're very agreeable for a witcher." Jonna added, "From what I've heard you lot hate...everything."

"Our reputation often does proceed us." It almost sounded like a warning, however his nature was more or less a rouse. In the sense that he was being more cordial than usual as a kindness to those who've shown him kindness. A normal and polite thing to do, that and he was in a relitively good mood for it seems the stars had aligned for him that day. They rain had gone and it wasn't even muggy, he had caught a deer early on in the week and had been enjoying venison vittles ever since and then of course there's the kind Jonna of Vengerberg who let him ride in her wagon.

"If you don't mind I'd like to catch some sleep, I've been walking for a few days now." Ulfrik said situating himself in the hay as Gisli went back to sitting on the small keg.

It was the late hours of the day when Ulfrik opened his eye to find Gisli poking at his shoulder. She was whispering his name until she saw his shiny yellow eye blink open. She was shaking as she looked over the side of the wagon Jonna was standing up in her seat as Eron remaind quiet, sitting up the witcher paid attention to the conversation.

"We simply want to reach Gulet." Jonna said.

"Of course, I will not deny you passage. Me and my friends here only ask for compensation for keeping the roads safe."

"Where is Demavends seal? None of you are knights or soldiers."

Ulfrik heard a man make his way around the wagon as they spoke, Ulfrik sat up and came face to face with the man as he stood in front of the back. He was a bit fat and not at all threatening to Ulfrik however to a young woman (Young to Ulfrik at least) and her two children a few men with swords can do a lot of harm.

"Oi! There's a man back here- a cripple." He was staring Ulfrik down, refering to his blindside on his right eye Ulfrik looked down at his side and picked up his steel sword by the scabbard and held it firmly, scooting out of the back. When Ulfrik stood up he was a head taller than the man in front of him, he took a step back placing a hand on his sword.

"A tall cripple...with a cats eye...and a fancy bit'o jewelry." He reached for the bear around Ulfriks neck.

The witcher swatted his attackers hand away as he threw a striking jab with the pomel of his steel into the mans gut followed by strike to his brow that knocked him to the ground, the pommel on his steel was a common Skellige design, it was curved like the moon with a short nine inch hilt. He turned to see the others approaching from the front of the cart. He counted four...five, two had bows drawn on him and the other three, swords drawn, one man had a red cape holding a slightly better made sword in his hand as he appraoched Ulfrik.

"What's your buisness?" Ulfrik asked, when after some time he recived no answer he nodded his head.

"So be it." He heard a bow string release, dodging the arrow, Ulfrik had moved so fast the bandits could barely track his movements in the waning daylight. He shoved the still sheathed sword towards the leader who waisted no time closing the gap between he and Ulfrik, somewhat to the witchers surprise his enemy's attack was almost effective but instead used his enemy's momentum and whirled around whacking red cape with his left elbow as his sheathed sword deflected the other. He felt an arrow pass against his leather armor as it hit a stud with a metalic 'tick' before the other could even leave it's string Ulfrik wrapped his left arm around the neck of the leader and used him as a sheild.

Dropping the body he began to unsheath his sword tossing the scabbard to the ground he overpowered the first attacker forcing his sword into the dirt as Ulfrik grabbed him by the collar and forced his sword into his gut. Using ard to knock the archers down he lifted a knife from his boot and used it to deflect the strike from the last swordsman who bore a look of shock as a sword was plunged into his chest, the dagger was then thrown into the neck of an archer as the other one began to nock an arrow.

Jonna had never seen a man move so fast in her life nor had she ever seen a head fall from another mans shoulders. She was clutching Gisli and Eron in the back of her wagon when Ulfrik approached wiping his sword he turned to the man writhing on the ground.

"Get up." He grunted.

The fat man moaned and groaned as he stood up to face the witcher. "Preferably soon...for your sake."

"What now? You going to kill me too?"

"Just...don't let me hear of you again...or I'll find ya."

"Yes ser." He ran off in the direction of Vengerberg back down the road, he turned to Jonna, standing in front of the family in silence the witchers piercing golden eye shining in the darkness as he waited for a response.


"Drive." Jonna spoke in a hushed tone. Ulfrik understood, he was almost surprised but he did as she asked and drove the rest of the way to Gulet.

They didn't speak until the reached the city boarder when the sun had began to rise. Ulfrik stopped them just short of the gates and stepped out, as did Jonna. She had his silver in her hands, holding it out for him as he stood in front of her strapping his steel to his back, he gently took the other sword from her.

"Thank you, I imagine those bastards thought we were easy prey."

"You were, why were you traveling alone?" Direct but the question had to be asked.

"We're actually here to see my father, my husband died a week ago, left us pennyless with debt."

Ulfrik nodded in an understanding way, he didn't say anything though. His eye watch the woman in front of him, occasionally it darted back to the childern, the thing about having a single cats eye is everyone looks at it and notices where it drifts and Jonna could tell Ulfrik wanted to get a move on. She raised an eyebrow and took a careful step towards him, placing her hand on his chest to balance herself and standing on her tip-toes Jonna placed a kiss on his cheek.

"If you are ever in Gulet again, you should find me, my father owns land on the other side of the city-we'll give you a roof."

"I may just do that, until then..." She had sweetness to her that seemed melt his iron will. But then again he must wonder, for he walks in the shadow of death knowing that any job could be his last.

'Tis the reality of a witcher.

"Gisli, Eron." He grunted placing a hand in Gislis dark locks as he passed them and walked into the city.

"Until then." Jonna stood in place and watched him walk away for a moment. Before she turned to her childern and headed back to the cart.

Yep, a reboot. Like the description said this is a refocusing and retelling of Ulfriks story. Now that I've read the book series (not finished with 'blood of Elves' yet) I'd like to incorporate both the game timeline and the books.