Man's world was a very strange place. For one Diana Prince, this statement couldn't be truer. A world that held little peace, yet wished for it dearly, a world where mankind would rather not mention their mistakes or blame others, a world that saw woman as nothing more than a trophy or worse.

Yet, for all its problems, she had seen the good. How people would help each other, how they stood side by side in a bond that reminded her of how she stood with her sisters. She had seen many things in her life, but the complexity of mankind will always be fascinating to her.

Now, she was walking out of a U.N meeting being held in England. As the representative of the island Themyscira, she had a role to play. So, she attended these meetings to help the bond grow between the two worlds. It was not easy, but she never thought it would be.

She walked down the steps and noticed the appealing eyes of those around her. She smirked lightly at that. She knew her figure was…well, wondrous in some cases. A tall lean body, flowing black hair, baby blue eyes, and a smile that could charm anyone. Yes, she knew what she did to some people. Even dressed in a business shirt and blouse, she still looked good.

She casually waved at a few people as she passed, smiling at a little girl who was dressed as Wonder Woman, running around laughing. Children had always been a soft spot for her. She loved them dearly. They were so innocent and pure that it warmed her heart whenever she visited them.

She was feeling elated right now. It had been a good day, with a wonderfully progressive meeting, and she couldn't be happier about it, especially since the sky was blue and spotless.

However, little did she know, she was soon to have her life changed forever...

It all started when she decided to take a walk. It was such a lovely day, and she had no desire to let it go to waste, and as such, she went exploring throughout the town.

It was a wonderful town, and many of the people were polite and kind.

However, then there was the less than ideal people to be around...

A large man and a woman who's face resembled that of a horse gave her dirty looks as she passed them. She didn't mind all that much but there was something odd about those two.

Decided to worry about it later, she continued her walk. As she passed by a lone street light, she remembered the story her friend Zatanna told her about. A hero who defeated a dark villain to safe the magical world.

Oh yes, Diana knew about the magical world, for she herself could be considered magical. However, much like man's world, the wizarding world was also a mystery to her. Yet the story of the "Boy Who Lived" was an interesting story for her.

She continued her walk, turning into another neighbourhood and spotting the same couple entering a boring looking house. Feeling that something wasn't right once again, she decided to go and investigate.

The trouble was, she wasn't sure the best way to go about it without coming off as suspicious. She briefly considered letting it go...

Until she noticed a small figure working in the garden...Tiny, with dark green hair and emerald green eyes...

He truly was a cute little thing... But the problem was that he was TOO tiny. There was something very off about his small size...

"...Child?" She said softly to get his attention.

The little boy let out a cute yelp and turned around slowly, only for his eyes to widen at the concerned face of the prettiest woman he had ever seen. She had knelt in front of him, her blue eyes holding concern for the small child.

He looked around, wondering if she was talking to someone else. He saw no one else around, so he looked back up at her timidly, holding the little shovel he had.

Diana smiled softly down at him. "Hello. Are you alright, little one?" She asked him softly, her voice calming his nerves, but also leaving him with a red face as he looked down timidly.

"Uh…Um…" he shuffled his feet slightly, and Diana's smile turned warm at this. 'A very cute little thing' She thought in amusement. Her amusement was short lived, though, as she saw the cuts on his little hands, making her frown in worry and sympathy.

"You're hurt." She said softly, grabbing at his hand carefully and studying it closely. "What happened?" The little boy looked down at the ground.

"I...I cut myself doing yard work..." He said softly, fidgeting in place. The physical contact was nice...But not something he was used to.

"...I see..." Diana said softly. "Yard work...But why are you doing yard work? To my knowledge, in human society, that is the job of the mother or father."

"No...It's the job for the freaks...Like me..." Harry said softly.

Diana's eyes had grown wide at that. "Excuse me?"

Harry flinched and looked up at her timidly. "Uh…I'm a freak…freaks have to do all the chores, and... not do any freaky stuff or I get hit." He muttered softly.

Diana stared at him with wide eyes, covering her mouth in shock and horror. Her eyes then narrowed as she saw the child looking down, sad and shaking slightly. Someone had hurt this child, and so Hera help her she was going to get to the bottom of this. Her grip on his hand tightened slightly making him look up at her curiously.

"Who has been telling you this?" she asked, her tone still soft, but there was a hardness to her eyes.

"I...I'm not supposed to say...If I do, I'll get in trouble..." Diana picked him up carefully and held him against her chest, stroking his back.

"Do you live in that house?" She asked, pointing to the house before her. The boy nodded slowly. "I see...I know who's been saying this to you. And I will confront them about it." Harry gasped.

"N-No...He'll kill me..." He said softly. Diana smirked at him.

"...I think it's time to show you who I truly am." And she began her transformation.

Placing him down on the ground. She smiled at his confused expression as she started to spin in place soon becoming a whirlwind. When she had finally come to a stop, her outfit had changed drastically.

She no longer wore her brown skirt and blouse, but now wore a bright red and blue one piece. Over her chest was the golden wings of an eagle, spread out over her breasts, and her bottoms where decorated with white stars. On her waist was a golden belt with a golden lasso hung off her side. Her boots were now a bright red, with white rimed at the top. On her head rested a small tiara, indicating her place as princess.

Wonder Woman stood before the small child with a determined look at the house. Her baby blue eyes narrowed. Said child was shocked. The nice lady…she was a superhero!

Wonder Woman knelt to the child and gently ran her fingers through his hair and cupped his cheek. He leaned into her soft touch with a coo. Diana smiled tenderly down at him. "Don't worry. Your suffering ends now." She vowed. She gently picked the little one up, making him let out a cute squeak, yet he relaxed into the heroes arms, feeling safe.

She was so soft and warm. He felt his eyes grow heavy, but he kept them open as he saw that they where walking up to the house, and he watched as she knocked on the door. It's then he also noticed the two silver wrist guards. "So pretty." he mumbled.

Diana blinked twice and looked at him with a tilted head. When she realized he was referring to her wrist guards, she smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Thank you very much, little one." She said softly, delighted by the little boy's sweet, kind demeanour.

"Welcome..." Harry said softly, closing his eyes once more.

"Are you tired, child?" Diana asked gently.

"Yes...Didn't sleep too much last night..."

Diana smiled tenderly down at him and gently moved him so she was cradling him in her arms like a baby. She rocked him gently in her arms and the poor thing went out like a light. 'Such a precious child.'

Loud footsteps from inside the house brought her back to focus as her grip tightened around the boy, now holding him protectively against her as the door opened.

"What do you- "

The man that stood before her was an ugly one for sure. His large body gave away nothing and his facial hair made him look like a walrus. His shocked expression, however, gave the heroine a bit of satisfaction, as she glared him down with cold blue eyes.

"Y-You're..." He stammered, taking several steps back.

"Yes, I am Wonder Woman. And I know that you've been harming this child. It's as plain as day." Diana said sternly.

"Y-You...You don't understand! That's not a child! That's a freak! A monster that needs to be kept at bay-"

Vernon choked as the woman grabbed the collar of his shirt with one hand.

He felt his feet leave the ground, as the woman gave him a cold glare full of hate. "The only monster I see is you." She hissed at the man, tossing him into the house on his back.

He scattered back before rising back to his feet, watching as the woman approached him slowly. "Y-you can't do this…you're not allowed."

"Shut it!" she said sternly to the terrified man.

The man shook his head anger started to enter his eyes. "You think you have the right to come into my home and do what you want!? Just because you have freaky powers!? DO YOU!?" he bellowed at her. "YOU DON'T, YOU FREAK!"

Diana slapped him across the face. She didn't put enough force into the hit to cause any serious damage. But she did cause the man's head to jerk violently to the side.

"You will not criticize my actions, you disgusting, awful excuse for a man. I am simply coming in to take any possessions that may belong to the child. Then I plan to bring the proper authorities to deal with you. Now where are his things?"

"I won't tell you anything! Get out!" Diana had a feeling he would say that. Luckily for her, she had methods of making him talk. She pulled out her trusty lasso.

Swinging it in the air a few times, she swung it at the fat man. He was to slow to avoid it and it wrapped around him tight. "WHAT IS THIS!?" The man bellowed and tried to get himself free, but he could not.

With one good tug, the man was on the floor face first. He grumbled in pain. He felt a boot kick his side, spinning him over so he laid on his back. He glared up at the woman holding the freak on one arm and holding the golden rope in another.

"Now. You will tell the truth. What have you done here?" she demanded as the lasso started to glow.

Vernon bit his lip, feeling the need, no, the desire to tell her everything. He tried to fight it, tried to resist. But no one, man nor god, was immune to the power of the lasso of truth. He confessed and told her everything he had done to the boy, all in great detail.

The raven-haired woman listened with an expression of cold, stoic fury. Her face remained calm, but her eyes made her true emotions clear as day.

"You...vile, vile individual..." Diana spat angrily. "How could you do such awful things to your own flesh and blood?!"

"Because I hate him. I HATE HIM!" Vernon snapped.

"Disgusting..." Diana said, staring at the man with pure contempt.

"W-why?" A little voice spoke up surprising Diana. She looked down at the small bundle in her arm, awake and staring at his uncle with a sad look in his green eyes. "W-why do you hate me?" He asked.

Vernon glared at the small child, the golden lasso glowing forcing him to tell the truth. "Because you are a magic using freak! Just like your parents. They left you on our doorstep to take care of you after they died. Well we never wanted you! We tried many ways to get rid of you but they always stopped us! So we decided to use you instead."

As he continued, Harry felt his world falling around him. H-his mommy and daddy used magic? He has magic. Yet what stung the most was the fact that his family...never wanted him. He felt tears start to build in his eyes as he lowered his head and cried softly.

Diana held him close and rubbed the back of his head. She had no words...This was just an awful situation for any child to be in...

Harry fought through the tears and looked at his uncle. "D-Did Mommy and Daddy hate me...? Like you said they did...?"

"Bah! No! Those freaks loved you! Freaks love freaks, that's what I say! Stupid magic-using idiots, the lot of you!"

Harry frowned and shook his head. "Mommy and daddy weren't stupid!" He said softly, yet it held an inner strength.

Vernon stared at the boy with wide eyes. "What did you say?" He demanded.

"You heard him." Diana said sternly, her grip on the child growing tighter. "This little boy's parents are not fools. For they conceived an adorable little boy. They loved him till their last breath. If that's foolish to you, then you don't deserve to love another."

Vernon gritted his teeth. "You're a stupid bint! I don't care if you're a beautiful woman, you annoy me and I hope you die!"

"Your petty name calling has no effect on me." Diana said firmly. "Disgusting pig...That's all you are."

"You're an Amazon freak! Go back to the jungle where you belong, animal! And take that freak with you to get eaten by the wild animals!"


The man fell onto his back with a yell as blood started to fall from his nose. Diana grunted in annoyance and anger as she lowered her leg back to the ground. "For your information, pig, the wild animals from my homeland are not as savage as the one I see before me. Now tell me where his belongings are at once!" She demanded.

The man grumbled as he glared up at her. "Cupboard under the stairs. That's where the freak sleeps."

Diana punched him again. Twice. This knocked the man unconscious. Harry just whimpered softly and began to tear up. Diana held him up to her chest.

"It's all right, little one...It's okay to let it out...Go ahead...Cry."

"A-Are you sure...?" He whimpered softly.

Wonder Woman nodded with a sad smile. "I'm sure." She whispered to him gently.

He let loose. And he cried. He cried and sobbed into the woman's chest, letting out tears of pain, neglect, and loneliness.

Diana held the child close, feeling her heart break at his distraught crying. She walked over to the cupboard and pulled it open with a swift tug, and felt disgusted and devastated at the sight before her.

"It's awful..." She breathed softly, not able to accurately respond to what was going on before her.

This cupboard was a disaster...Blood and wastes all over the place, and only two belongings...It was disgusting that not only did they abuse the child to this level, but they also didn't seem to care about the state of their cupboard.

Wordlessly, she reached in and grabbed the little bear from inside the disgusting cupboard, grimacing at putting her hand in there.

The bear was surprisingly clean, but if one looked closely, you could see that it had been burnt at some point. This only increased her anger for the large man. Trying to destroy the one thing the child held dear... Disgusting.

She reached back in, grimacing as she grabbed the second object. A soft baby blue blanket that was folded up. Diana smiled softly and gently wrapped the little boy with it and gently gave him the teddy bear.

He grabbed it and hugged it close with a smile. "Mr. Fluffers." He said with a smile.

Wonder Woman only smiled and kissed him on the top of the head, making him blush and look away with a timid smile. 'To cute.'

The princess gave the man another glare before shaking her head. "Now then, child...I believe it is time for us to make our leave." Harry tilted his head.

"Okay. Where are we gonna go?" He asked.

"Our first stop will be to inform the law enforcement of your awful treatment at this man's hands." Diana explained.

"Okay...But...Am I still gonna live with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia?"

Wonder Woman shook her head with a frown. "Not if I can help it." She said in a stern tone, glaring at the big man.

Harry frowned and lowered his head. "Then what is going to happen to me?" He asked softly.

Diana frowned slightly. 'That is a good question. What will happen to him?' She contemplated this as she walked over to the phone. Thanks to some friends, she understood how these blasted devices worked, and called the police to come quickly.

Hanging up, she turned to the child resting in her arms and thought 'He might end up going to a foster home until a new family chooses him.'

She looked down at him with a frown. Something about that didn't feel right to her...She felt a at the idea of being separated from this boy...

He looked up at her with his big, confused eyes, and she understood immediately.

She was won over by pure cuteness.

She held him close with a smile. "Well, if you want... You could stay with me, little one." She said softly.

Harry gasped with wide eyes. Wonder Woman wanted him. The greatest superhero wanted him to live with her. He was confused though. "W-why?" He asked.

"You deserve a nice home to live and grow up. A loving place. I'm also rather fond of you, little one." She said gently.

"B-but I'm a freak." He muttered.

"You're no more of a freak than I am, child. You're gifted. That is all you are. Please, will you give me a chance? To raise you the correct way, and give you the love you deserve?" Harry stared at her.

"D-Do I really deserve love...?"

"Of course. All children are deserving of love. If a child is not loved, it is a large tragedy."

"A-And you'd really love me...?"

She gently handed him her golden lasso and he blinked as he took it in his little hands, looking up at her in confusion. She gently wrapped the lasso around her wrist and smiled at him. "With this I cannot like. Ask me again Harry."

"Y-you'll really love me?" He asked. The lasso glowed and Diana felt the urge to tell the truth, but she did not fight it.

"I'll love you like a mother would love her son." She said with a tender smile.

Harry sniffled softly and began to tear up. He looked down at the lasso again before asking another question.

"W-Will you be mad at me if I cry...?" He whimpered softly. Diana shook her head.

"If you feel you must cry...Then please, by all means."

He leaned into her hold and once again cried his little heart out. Dropping the lasso, he groped her chest plate and sobbed again for all the pain and neglect that he had suffered over the years.

Diana held him close, gently rocking him slowly in her arms, whispering soothing things to him. She knew he needed to cry, she understood that it was good for him. But it still pained her heart to hear his pain filled sobs.

She heard the sirens outside and slowly looked over too see the police begin to approach the front door. She kissed the child on the top of the head, "You're safe with me." She whispered as the police stormed in.

Harry let out a frightened yelp as he heard the door being kicked down, and Diana rubbed his back. "Now, now, don't be frightened...It is merely the people who have come to help."

"Th-They broke the door...Uncle Vernon's gonna be really really mad at them..." Harry whimpered as he pointed at the broken door with a tiny finger.

Diana just smirked and held him tighter. "Well, I think he'll find that getting angry at them will only make his situation even worse." She said, amused.

The police surrounded the man, who was slowly waking up, holding his jaw in pain. "Police! Hands in the air!" Vernon stared at them wide eyed, then glared at Wonder Woman, who was giving him a stern look while Harry gazed at him, scared.

Vernon growled low and slowly stood up. "You should be pointing those things at that brat in her arms." He spoke in anger.

The officers did not flinch, keeping their guns pointed at the big man. "Do you not know what he is? A wizard! A freak! One of those criminals!" He roared.

The police all exchanged glances, all looking baffled by the obese man's insistence that the boy was a 'freak'. "A wizard? Does he mean like Doctor Fate?" One of the officers asked.

The officer in charge of the situation stepped forward with an angry expression on his face. "You better listen here, pal. Being a wizard has nothing to do with whether or not you're a criminal. One of those wizards you hate so much is a great hero that does all he can to help the public, and for you to say that is VERY ungrateful to him."

"Don't you get it?! He's only trying to lure you into a false sense of security! When he gets the chance, he'll turn on us all and make us all into frogs or something!"

The officers all started to glare at the man as if he was crazy. "I may not be the biggest fan of kids being super heroes. But I don't think that little guy is a problem." The older officer spoke out firmly.

Vernon glared at them, taking a step back. "You don't understand! They are among us! Wizards are all around us!"

"Take him down!" The officer shouted, causing the officers to fire their tazers at the man, causing him to yell out and fall to the ground, twitching.

Diana just shook her head and gently pushed the child's head into her chest so he would not have to witness the scene before them. He was too innocent. To see it would frighten him.

She watched the officers carry the obese man out of the house and smirked as he convulsed from the shocks the tazers had given him. 'He certainly deserved it, that much is certain.' She thought to herself.

One of the officers stepped up to her with a smile. "Thank you for calling us down, Wonder Woman." He said gratefully before pulling out a sheet of paper. "Um...Would you mind signing this? My daughter is a huge fan, you see..."

She gave him a beautiful smile. "I would love too." She said, taking the pen and writing out a little message and her name for the little girl. "There you go."

"Thank you, ma'am." The officer said with a smile.

"Greg! Hurry up!"

"Got to go! Thanks again." He said, running off. Diana chuckled softly at that as Harry blinked, confused, before looking up at her adorably.

H-His daughter is a fan?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "So she's one of those things that blows cold air? I didn't know they were alive..." He said softly. Diana blinked twice.

"Oh...Oh no, young one. The man simply meant that his daughter admires me." She explained with an amused smirk on her face. Harry looked at her.

"Admires?" He asked. "Admires...I like that word...But I don't know what it means." He scrunched up his face in deep thought. "Does it mean...she thinks you're cool?" Diana laughed.

"Perhaps it does." She replied. "Though I must admit, I am not entirely familiar with the term 'cool'." Harry tried to think of how to explain it. "It means...Um...Awesome."

"That one I have heard." She smiled lightly, causing him to smile.

Wonder Woman slowly walked out of the house seeing the officers taping the scene. "Can you handle him, Wonder Woman?" An officer asked her.

Diana nodded with a smirk. "Of course. He's an innocent one in this. I'll watch over him." She said with conviction.

"Then get him to a doctor or out of here until CSI gets here to collect evidence." He said.

"Understood. Thank you for your assistance, officer. Please keep up the good work in enforcing the law." The officer saluted as Diana flew upwards.

Harry, at first, let out a squeak of fright as the raven haired woman took off. But that fear was very quickly replaced with wonder and excitement as he looked around wildly.

"We're...We're flying!" Harry exclaimed. "Or...You're flying, and you're carrying me while flying...But it feels like I'm flying too!" The little boy said excitedly.

Diana smiled at his enthusiasm. "Yes, dear, flying can be a rather amazing thing." She said gently. "Just don't move too much, all right? I must maintain a firm grip."

Harry nodded and nuzzled into her more, keeping a firm grip on her shirt. Diana's smile softened as she gave him a kiss on the forehead, causing him to blush.

She flew through the sky at a moderate speed, not wishing to startle the little one in her arms. Yet she was getting distracted as the little one continued to look around with wide sparking eyes and a wide excited smile.

She giggled and looked ahead, coming up to her hotel room that she had paid for ahead of time. It was a nice hotel, five stars and everything.

"Well, little one, it would seem you're about to find yourself living in a far different environment than what you're used to." Diana said, ruffling his hair.

"Is...Is that your house?" Harry asked with wide eyes, staring at the huge hotel before them. "It's such a big house...And it's really pretty too!" He said in awe.

"Oh no, dear. You see, this is what is known as a hotel. A place where people stay for a short amount of time when on vacation or on business, such as myself."

"Oh..." he said in understanding.

Diana smiled, and with a simple spin in place, she returned to her pedestrian look. Harry blinked a bit, surprised by the sudden movement, but tilted his head in confusion as he looked up at the raven haired beauty.

"What happened?" He asked.

She giggled lightly. "Had to make a quick change. No worries, dear." She said in amusement.

"Oh...but..,you're still you." He said tilting his head.

Diana smiled mirthfully and patted his head. "And you are still you." She replied. Harry blinked several times before smiling softly. He nodded his little head.

"Yeah...I am still me." He said softly. "So I'm still...special?" He asked, causing Diana to smile in amusement and nod her head up and down.

"Yes, Harry. You are still my special little boy." She cooed.

He smiled bashfully and nuzzled into her, feeling special and loved.

Diana smiled tenderly down at him and walked up to the hotel and entered it. She gazed around the very elegant lobby, and everyone wearing uniforms.

She found it cute. She walked to the elevators and let Harry press the botton to her floor. She had smiled at his adorable look of focus as he pressed the button.

They arrived at her floor with a ding. Walking into the long hallway, she swiped her card on the door to the left and it opened with a click.

Harry looked around as she stepped into her room, his eyes shining with curiousity. "Wow...This room is so big! Bigger than my old house!" Harry said excitedly.

Diana could only laugh slightly. "Yes, it's a big room indeed. But I'm not sure I would say it's bigger than that entire house." She replied, placing him down on the bed.

Harry moved slightly atop the bed, smiling brightly as he felt the mattress sink slightly under his weight. "Comfy..." He said softly, patting the bed with his hand.

Diana couldn't agree more. She gently removed the hair tie, allowing her hair to flow like it should. She smiled down at him. "I think we need to get you changed and washed up for the night." she said.

Harry tilted his head adorably at her. "Wash? Like the clothes? Am I wasting the clothes?" He asked.

Diana shook her head. "No, no, dear. Those old things have overstayed their welcome. I think it's time to put you in something nicer, don't you?" Harry shrugged.

"I...I don't know..." He said shyly. "I guess if you want to..." Diana patted his head and gave him a smile that radiated confidence and reassurance.

"I don't just want to. I need to." She said to him before leaning down and kissing his head. She grimaced slightly at how dirty he was. "Yes, you definitely need to be washed."

He frowned and looked down. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." She said gently, picking him up and walking into the very large bathroom. She smiled as she walked over to the bathtub.

It felt amazing her first night here, so she knew he was going to love it. She turned the water on, getting it to the right temperature, and when she felt satisfied, she turned and started to gently tug off his shirt.

Once it was off she gasped in shock at what she saw. "Mercival Minerva..." she breathed.

His little body was covered in scars, fresh and old. Old burn marks and parts of his skin looked infected, just adding more to how bad he looked.

She felt compelled to hug the child tightly at the mere sight of those ghastly looking injuries. And that was exactly what she did, pressing him tightly against her chest, but certainly not too tightly.

"M-Miss Diana?" Harry said, surprised by the sudden display of pure affection. Diana simply rubbed his back, trying to find the right words to say.

Finally, she settled on a simple. "I'm so sorry, Harry...You did not deserve this..." Harry smiled softly at her touch. Then she pressed her lips against his forehead.

He felt his cheeks warm up at that, making the amazon giggle lightly at his cute display. "I assume you can take your shorts off?" She asked with a smirk.

Harry nodded and did so, placing them down on the ground. Diana smiled at him and gently lifted him up and placed him into the tub.

Harry winced, expecting it to be boiling hot, yet it felt very comfortable. "I-its nice?" He asked, surprised.

Diana nodded her head and smiled at his reaction. "Well, of course it is, dear. I would never put you into something that would hurt you." She cooed gently.

"I thought the water was always too hot...I thought it was always supposed to hurt...I didn't know there was a way to make it not hurt." He admitted softly.

Diana gave him a sad smile and kissed his cheek. "Well now you do know." She said with a gentle nod. "Now let's get you cleaned up the best we can..."

She washed him thoroughly, making sure to not miss an inch. She found out he was very ticklish, and she got great amusement over his laughter.

She discovered the lone lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, and she frowned softly as she traced it gently.

"Uncle Vernon said that I got it when I was little." He explained.

Diana nodded her head in understanding. "A very early injury...If you've had it for so long...Then I can't imagine it going away..." She said softly.

"Oh..." Harry mumbled softly, looking down at the water. Diana wordlessly continued to scrub him for a bit, trying to figure out what to say to him.

Finally, she settled on "I don't think the scar is entirely bad. In fact, I would say that it adds character." Harry looked over at her and tilted his tiny head.

"The scars we wear are the stories of our hardships. It shows the pain that you have endured." She said with the knowledge and tone of a woman far older then how she looked.

Harry tilted his head adorably at her, his eyes narrowing with concern and thought. "D-do you have scars?" He asked.

Dina gave him a sad smile and nodded. "Yes child. Even I have scars." She whispered gently pouring watter over his head, having his hair cover his eyes.

Harry moved his hair out of his eyes and looked up at her with a tilted head. "But...I don't see any scars..." He said softly. Diana smiled and rubbed his head.

"Well...I am very good at keeping them hidden." She said with a wink. "You don't want to see the scars that I have, little one." Harry looked down at the water.

"Oh...If you say so..." He said softly. The bath continued in silence for some time. When it ended, Harry found himself wrapped up in a fluffy white towel.

Diana dried him off with the towel, making him squirm and giggle a bit. She smiled at the sound. Soon, he was all dry and the towel wrapped around him so snug so that only his head could be seen.

"All clean." She said with a beautiful smile.

Harry smiled wide at that. "Yay! Clean is nice!" He cheered.

Diana smiled mirthfully at his reaction and patted his head. "Yes, dear. Clean IS rather nice, isn't it?" She cooed. Harry leaned into her touch with an even bigger smile.

"Um...M-Miss Diana...?" He said softly, causing her to tilt her head and smile at him. "Um...Th-Thank you...for being so nice to me...I feel happier now..."

Diana just had to smile at that. She gave him yet another kiss and pressed his tiny head against her chest. "You're most welcome, little one. Most welcome."

She lifted him up and walked back into the main room. She laid him down gently on the bed and covered him up with the blanket.

He nuzzled into the comfy blanket and looked up at Diana with an adorable smile. She gently rubbed the top of his head. "Get some rest, little one. I'll get us some food while you rest."

Harry frowned softly at her. "D-do you want me to cook, Miss Wonder Woman?"

She froze at that, eyes wide, before shaking her head back and forth. "No. I don't." She said. "The food shall be brought to us. You are too young to cook."

Harry looked down with a small frown. "Oh...But I like it..." He said softly. "Cooking is fun...I like making food happen..." Diana smiled mirthfully.

"I see. Well then...Perhaps I will allow you to cook in the future, under my supervision, of course." Harry perked right up when he heard those words.

"Yay!" He cheered softly.

Diana chuckled at the cute act and gently rubbed his head. He cooed at her gentle touch. The feeling of being clean, warm, and being petted so gently... The poor boy stood no chance. He was asleep in seconds.

Diana smiled tenderly down at his sleeping form, finding him so adorable when he slept. "Rest well," she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. "My little warrior."