Author's Note: This story is based on Chapter 46 *SPOILER- when Shouta tries to find Lucoa's weakness to get back at her for constantly teasing him. I always wonder what their relationship would be like when Shouta gets older and I think this chapter gave us a hint. I died laughing when Shouta said 'I've got to take the bull by her horns!' loll, poor thing, he wants to take control of the situation so badly, he's just too young to know how. I initially thought it was a big sis/little bro type deal (despite the obvious pun on his name)but Shouta seems to really care for Lucoa and he stated in this chapter that he was frustrated that she doesn't notice him (of course she does) and treats him like a kid. I knew he liked her more than he was letting on but I think this chapter shows the extent of it and what it could develop into in the future. Lucoa also seems extremely uneasy about one day having to leave Shouta. A very interesting dynamic between these two. I think the roles will be reversed when he gets older, won't that be interesting!

Disclaimer: I do not own Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

The Changing Tide

A 17 year old Shouta lay in his bed, arms crossed behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully. As usual, thoughts of his exuberant, not to mention well endowed, familiar consumed his mind. He turned his head to look over at her, because of course she was snuggled up next to him in his bed as usual. At least she was wearing a vest and some shorts rather than her birthday suit. He suddenly wondered if she was comfortable wearing that…she wasn't fond of clothing after all. He smiled at her peaceful face and soft, steady breaths. She didn't need sleep so it was rare that he caught her actually sleeping. He exhaled softly in frustration as the organ below his waist twitched to life, already semi erect.

This was his dilemma.

He wasn't even looking at her body, just her face…that gorgeous face…and he wanted her. It wasn't just a simple matter of lust. Oh he knew what lust entailed. During his younger years he was almost always paralysed with it when she was close in proximity. He swore his face would have remained a permanent shade of tomato red from the number of times her ample assets made him blush. He didn't know what to do with those feelings back then, but he knew it was most definitely lust. No, this was something else entirely. As the years went by and his mind and body further matured, he became less resistant to her displays of affection. Not physically, but mentally he welcomed every overly affectionate embrace. He had hit a tremendous growth spurt at 14. He was tall and lean; his hair now cropped short, his bangs still covering a bit of his forehead. This combined with his obvious intelligence and maturity never failed to attract female attention. Yet the one female he wanted still saw him as a child.

At 15 years of age when his friends excitedly told him that one of the most beautiful girls in school was rumoured to like him he'd shrugged it off. He was already thinking of returning home curious to see how his carefree companion had spent her day. He was sure his friends thought he was crazy…and probably weird…for never going on dates. When he'd let it slip to Lucoa that yet another girl was interested in him, she insisted that he at least ask this one out stating that it would help to alleviate his shyness. He'd rolled his eyes as she squeezed him in a tight hug, his head then reaching just above her bosom, declaring his shyness 'so adorable'. He hadn't been the shy little boy she'd first encountered for a long time now.

So he'd gone on the ridiculous date, already knowing it would be a one-time deal. Mari was a nice girl, but she wasn't the girl he wanted to be sitting opposite on the terrace of the cosy cafe. Speaking of the devil, he had to hide his amusement every time he looked behind Mari only to have Lucoa (who was hiding behind a nearby plant) flash him two enthusiastic thumbs up in encouragement. The ex-goddess was confused as to why he'd opted not to take Mari on a second date but nodded in understanding when he stated she wasn't the one for him.

Things had pretty much remained the same between them for the next two years. He had developed immensely as a mage. His was quite advanced now and of course he shared his mastery of every new spell and ability with Lucoa. He was grateful that he came from a long line of mages, it had allowed him to summon the person he wanted to be with forever. The only problem was finding a way to ascertain whether she reciprocated his feelings. Sure she teased him constantly about giving him her body but did her feelings go any deeper? The wheels began turning in his head as he formulated a plan.

Nodding slightly 15 minutes later, a sly grin broke out on his face. He turned his head slightly to look at his unsuspecting victim only to find her staring back at him.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep? Let me help!" Lucoa cheerfully suggested, pulling his head into her generous cleavage.

"Lucoa!" he gasped, his ability to breathe temporarily compromised until he turned his head to the side.

He half-heartedly protested, all the while enjoying her attentions. He couldn't wait to see her reaction to what he had in store for her tomorrow.

The next night…

Shouta stretched his limbs as he finished reading a hefty volume on higher level enchantments. He'd already finished his school assignments and his revision for the University entrance exams. He had no doubt he would qualify for *Todai, but tonight he had another goal in mind.

He closed his books and headed over to the bathroom, a smirk forming on his lips. It was now or never.

He was a creature of habit and he always took a bath around 8 pm. His busty familiar always took advantage of this knowledge and joined him in the tub soon after.

He removed his clothing and neatly set them on the tiled counter after starting to fill the tub. Even after the bath was ready he casually leaned against the counter, waiting. Five minutes later sure enough…

"Shouta!" Lucoa smiled widely as she happily entered the bathroom, a short white towel hanging on to her curves for dear life. She stopped abruptly, noticing that he wasn't yet in the tub but next to it, fully nude.

He hid a grin as her eyes trailed down his lean stomach and narrow hips to the part of him that was steadily rising, before flicking back up to his face, a red stain blooming on her cheeks.

Ah…so he could make her blush too.

"Hey Lucoa, are you ok?" he asked innocently.

"Y-yes of course!" she smiled brightly.

"Good," he smiled stepping into the tub, "well aren't you coming in?"

For the first time ever he saw her hesitate in this situation. She actually gripped the towel tighter around her body. If nothing else revealed her nervousness, that action confirmed it. His confidence in his plan grew even more.

"It's really warm and relaxing." He coaxed, leaning back against the tub's smooth surface, never taking his intense gaze away from her. In his younger years he usually looked away out of embarrassment. After getting quite used to her exhibitionist habit he usually looked away (when he could) to preserve some of her modesty (which she couldn't care less about), being the gentleman that he was. He didn't intend to be a gentleman tonight.

Lucoa nodded and dropped the towel, her hands quickly moving to cover her breasts and the region between her shapely thighs. She NEVER covered herself. This was going better than he hoped.

She quickly climbed into the tub and settled in opposite him instead of invading his personal space like she usually did.

"Are you feeling ok?" she suddenly blurted out.

"Fine." He nonchalantly replied, "You're awfully far away, come closer, I'll wash your back."

She actually narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She was definitely uncomfortable, now that she was getting a taste of her own medicine.

He chuckled and began moving over to her. Remarkably, she began retreating from him until her back was pressed against the end of the tub.

"Am I making you uncomfortable Lucoa?" he asked, moving in even closer. Her lips parted in surprise as he pulled her raised knees apart and knelt between her thighs, their bodies pressed flush against each other. There was no way she couldn't feel exactly how much he desired her.

"Wha…what are you doing?" she whispered, swallowing thickly as he cupped a bounteous breast in one hand.

"Do I really have to explain? You've been in existence far longer than I have, surely you know about the birds and the bees." He teased, watching her eyes glaze over as his palm glided over one tight, pink nipple below the water's surface.

"Ahhh!…I ah…I have to go!" she half moaned half gasped out, climbing hurriedly out of the tub.

"Careful, remember it's slippery next to the…"

Shouta winced as Lucoa slipped on the tiled floor right next to the bath mat, landing hard on her hands and knees. They always avoided that spot after baths. In her haste to leave she'd totally forgotten about it. She was completely flustered.

"Lucoa, are you ok?" he asked worriedly, moving to get out and help her. His worry over rode his pleasure at seeing her in such an overtly sexual position.

"Fine, fine." She insisted scrambling to her feet, "I'll see you later okay!"

Shouta settled back into the water and laughed anxiously, his nerves finally rising to the surface. His plan had gone much better than he expected. There was no way she'd look at him the same after tonight. Whether that was a good or bad thing, only time would tell.

Kobayashi Residence

"Help meeee!" Lucoa wailed into the living room rug.

"Would you calm down already!" Tohru frowned, "You're so melodramatic. You come on to him all the time so what's the problem?"

"The problem," Kobayashi smirked, "is that the tables have officially turned. Shouta's the aggressor now, and she doesn't know how to handle it."

As Lucoa sniffed, Kobayashi took pity on the ex-goddess.

"Lucoa, you like him don't you?" Kobayashi asked.

"Yes! But he's…changed."

"Well geez did ya think he'd be a kid forever!?" Tohru huffed with a roll of her eyes.

"No!" Lucoa denied, but a hint of a blush betrayed her guilt.

"Listen Lucoa, I don't know how in the world you haven't noticed, but he's not a child anymore. Your relationship was going to change at some point. He's always liked you; he just didn't know what the heck to do with you. Seems like he's figured it out and he's made his intentions pretty clear." Kobayashi concluded.

"Seems like the ball's in your court now Lucoa." Tohru smirked at her long-time friend and fellow dragon.

"I guess it is." Lucoa said softly, a hint of a blush returning to her face. It wasn't that she was unaware that he had grown up. His voice had changed, she now had to look up at him as he had long ago surpassed her in height and his blushes were far less frequent. She just didn't like uncertainty and change. So she ignored the inevitable, hoping that the elephant in the room that was their changing relationship could be avoided. What if he didn't want her in his life anymore? She cared for him far too much to face that depressing possibility. After tonight though, it seemed like he wanted anything but to end their relationship. He actually wanted to take it to the next level…

She suddenly sprang up and waved cheerfully at her friends, "Thanks for the advice guys I really appreciate it!"

They stared after her as she hurried out.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Tohru asked.

"I think she'll be fine." Kobayashi smiled.

Shouta was just about to fall asleep when he felt the bed dip beside him. He rolled unto his back and smiled at his familiar.

"Hey, I'm glad you're back, are you alright?" he asked motioning for her to come closer.

She did so without hesitation and lay on his chest, his arm hugging her close to his body.

"I'm fine. You just…shocked me." She admitted.

He laughed, "I bet. I had to do something to make you realise that I wasn't 10 years old anymore."

"I know that! I just…I guess I didn't want you to grow up and forget about me." She said softly.

He sat up and leaned over her, "I couldn't ever forget about you even if I tried Lucoa. I want to be with you forever."

"I want to be with you forever too." She smiled.

As he leaned down further to kiss her, Lucoa gently pressed two fingers to his lips.

He raised an eyebrow at her actions.

"You know that I'm immortal…" she said in a breathy whisper, "Time won't ever be the same for us and…"

"I don't care, I want you any way I can have you, for as long as I can have you." He said firmly.

Tears began to pool in her eyes as she nodded happily. He closed the distance between them and finally kissed his loyal companion for the first time, feeling her arms wrap around his neck as they deepened the kiss.

Change wasn't something to be feared at all. One only needed the courage to embrace the tide.

Author's Note: Todai- The University of Tokyo.