Obi-wan hesitated before nodding, stepping aside and allowing Ahsoka to enter the room. After the Temple bombing fiasco,he owed it to Ahsoka to atleast hear her out.

"So, how have you been, Ahsoka? Would you like anything to drink? Tea, perhaps?"

"No thank you, Master Obi-wan. And wow, Anakin wasn't kidding when he said you were obssessed with drinking tea," Ahsoka teased, and Obi-wan cracked a smile. "A habit I inherited from my old Master, I'm afraid. What brings you here, young one?"

"Honestly, Obi-wan? In the past few days, my world has turned upside down, and I think you might be one of the few people who could help me make sense of everything." Ahsoka paused before asking, "Have you heard of the clone trooper that escaped, Fives?"

"Yes, I was just talking to Anakin-"

"I've been hiding him."

A tension-filled silence followed her treasonous statement, as Obi-wan looked at her, dumbstruck.

"Ahsoka, did... did you just tell a Jedi Master that you are sheltering a known fugitive?"

"Obi-wan let me explain. The reason I came to you and not Anakin is because in this particular situation, Anakin is not someone I can trust. Fives thinks that there is a plot involving the Chancellor. He thinks that the Chancellor is responsible for chips inside the clones' brains, chips that he intends to use to make them kill the Jedi, when the time right. I know how much Anakin trusts the Chancellor, so I couldn't go to him with this. But I know that you don't share Anakin's fondness for the man. I know that there's a chance that you would believe me."

"Ahsoka, this... this is ridiculous. Why on earth would the Chancellor want to kill the Jedi? We are the ones fighting this war for him! Fives tried to kill the Chancellor, that's why he is making up these lies to confuse you and get you to protect him."

"I know, I know it sounds crazy, Obi-wan, but imagine if it were true. I mean, isn't it weird that Palpatine is still Chancellor and has been for over a decade now, even though term limits are only four years? And think about it, who has benefitted the most from this war? Palpatine! He's the one that gets to keep his power and extend his influence, using the war as an excuse. I know it's far-fetched, but you and I both know that something is not right with that man. And wouldn't you rather investigate the possible planned genocide of your comrades than turn a blind eye and regret it later?"

Obi-wan winced at the not-so-subtle jab. "I'm sorry, Ahsoka. About the trial, about everything. We should've given you the benefit of the doubt, and actually look into the matter thoroughly, instead of taking the easy way out and blaming you."

"Look, Obi-wan, that's all in the past. That's not what matters now. Will you help me?"

Obi-wan pursed his lips and looked at her, sensing her Force signature. Strangely enough, he didn't sense any deception from her. Which means, at the very least, she believed Fives was telling the truth. And some of the points she had brought up actually made sense. Obi-wan had never trusted politicians, especially not ones like Palpatine, who showered his apprentice with praises and only furthered the boy's arrogance.

Ever since the war had begun, a dark cloud had hung over the Republic in the Force. The dark side had muddled all of the Jedi's senses, even Master Yoda's. So who was to say the Sith Lord hadn't been staring them in the face the entire time? Of course, Palpatine as a Sith Lord was quite far-fetched, and Obi-wan still didn't really believe it... but there was doubt. And if there was even a shred of doubt, then it was Obi-wan's duty as a Jedi to investigate. He had learned from his past mistakes with Ahsoka.

He had turned his back on her once.

He wasn't about to make that mistake a second time.

"Alright, Ahsoka. As long as you don't intend to hurt anyone, and this is just an investigation, I'll help you."

Ahsoka barely blinked before launching into the specifics of her plan, sharing with her Grandmaster everything that Fives had shared with her. "So, basically we need access to Kamino. I know the Jedi have key cards that give them access to the facility. I need you to access it, get to the droid, and see if there is any evidence for Fives' claims."

Obi-wan nodded grimly, grabbing his cloak and his lightsaber. "I can't believe I'm actually agreeing to this, but alright. Let's go to Kamino."

Ahsoka and Obi-wan left the Temple, heading towards the hanger bay where the ship was parked. To his shock, he saw none other than Assajj Ventress, deep in conversation with the clone Obi-wan assumed was Fives. "Ventress? What are you doing here?"

"Ahsoka asked her to meet me here. Said she had a job for me. What are you doing, Kenobi?"

Obi-wan didn't have a chance to reply before Ahsoka interjected, "Ventress, the three of us are going to break into Kamino. We need a scout and a getaway driver in case things go south. You up for it?"

"I go where the credits go," Ventress shrugged before turning around entering the ship, although Ahsoka knew that credits weren't the only reason Ventress was there. Strangely enough, Obi-wan didn't question Ventress' involvement in their mission.*

Fives smiled at Ahsoka, before gaping in horror at a figure standing a few meters away. "Ahsoka! General Kenobi! Watch out!"

Ahsoka ducked, narrowly avoiding a blaster bolt to the chest, even though it was clearly set for stun. She turned around, coming face to face with a man she never thought she'd see again.

"Hello, Commander Tano. Long time, no see. Hand over Fives, and maybe we call all get out of this unscathed."

Obi-wan froze, one hand on his lightsaber. Had it been any other clone, he would've used the Force to push him aside, but this was Anakin's right hand man, and a good friend of his as well. Ahsoka stared. "Rex? How did you find us?"

"Master Skywalker is staying at the Temple as well. Imagine my surprise when I saw you walking down the halls of the Temple. I suspected you might be in kahoots with Fives, so I followed you. Guess I was right," Rex said grimly, holding up his blaster, desperation on his face.

"Ahsoka, General Kenobi, please. Just turn over Fives. He'll face justice in the Republic Courts. No one needs to know the two of you are involved in this."

"Rex, I know this sounds crazy, but Fives isn't guilty. Atleast, I don't think he is. He's being set up by the Chancellor. Please, you have to let us go. And don't you dare talk to me about justice in the republic courts. Where was my justice, Fives? Where was my justice when they decided to blame a sixteen year old girl and almost sentenced her to death, without bothering to look at all the facts?"

Rex sighed. "I'm sorry about what happened to you, Commander Tano, I am. Truly. But if you're not willing to surrender, than I have no other choice. I tried to give you a chance, but my duty is to the Jedi, and to the Republic. I'm sorry, Fives. You were my brother, and I hope that you'll come to your senses."

Rex took a deep breath, before activating his commlink. "General Skywalker? I found Fives."

*If you haven't read the novel Dark Disciple, I highly suggest you do, or atleast look up a summary on Wookiepedia. It really fleshes out Ventress' character, and it explains why Obi-wan trusts her a little but more and does not question her presence, or react with hostility. SMALL SPOILER FOR THE DARK DISCIPLE = For the sake of the story, I'm going to say that the end of Dark Disciple never happened, and Vos was okay and didn't turn evil when he returned to the Temple, but he still left Ventress. Also, I'm going to say the events of Dark Disciple happened before this story.

To my patient reviewers and followers: I'm sorry it took this long to update. School kind of got in the way, and it's hard to find time to write, but I promise this story is not currently being put on hiatus or discontinued. Updates may take a little longer, but thank you for all the feedback and support! Once again, I ask that you review, and feel free to make suggestions for introducing new characters, or ask any questions.