Chapter 5

Last Time:

Moments later, the plane landed in Paris, France and they all disembarked from Asami's private plane. They left the airport in a white limo and started taking in the sites before heading to the hotel. The stopped several times, for Aki and Asami to take pictures together most of the time it was either Suoh taking the pictures or Melody or Aki setting up the camera to get the picture just right of her and Asami.

After they had done a good amount of sight seeing; they were heading to the hotel while Melody went to go see her aunt and give her aunt the design of Aki's wedding dress that Asami described for her to design. Melody thought that it was amazing that Asami Ryuichi thought that Aki would look nice in a white silk wedding dress that had white lace as well as little pink cherry blossoms on it and she had to get the design to her aunt right away.

~The Paris Grand White Moon Rose Hotel~

Asami Ryuichi and the others arrived at the hotel.

"Paris Grand White Moon Rose Hotel?" Akihito questioned.

"Apparently, the owner of the hotel was a Sailor Moon fan." Asami said.

"You have to admit that is an unique name for a hotel." Aki said.

Kou, Sara and Takato started laughing.

Both Aki and Ryu turned wondering why the three were laughing.

"What's so funny, you three?" Aki questioned.

"Aki, Asami was always dressing like Tuxedo Mask without the mask and you dress like Sailor Moon without the sailor scout outfit." Kou said.

Asami just raised a brow at this; while Aki was just surprised.

"Even I have to admit that I had been surprised how two act like a couple well more like royalty." Sara said.

Asami and Aki looked at each other for a moment then smiled at each other.

"They're smiling?" Takato said.

"They must've thought that the reference was funny." Kou suggested.

Little did they know that trouble was about to begin for the soon to be married couple because a model by the name of Alley and her cousin, Anna were also at the same hotel planning their revenge on Aki mainly.

~Allison Grace's Fashion House~

"Melody, what are you doing here?" Allison asked giving her neice a hug.

Melody returned her aunt's hug and said, "We just landed a few moments ago and Asami Ryuichi wanted me to hand you the design of Aki's wedding dress that he had come up with from what Aki had told him."

"So, Aki isn't aware that Ryuichi is planning to marry her here in Pairis then?" Allison questioned.

"Not a clue." Melody said.

"Well, it's a beautiful design and I think Aki will look like a princess in it." Allison said taking the design drawing from Melody.

"Aki has pretty much become completely aware of her surroundings since she's been with Mr. Asami." Melody said.

"I take that Aki is worried about something, isn't she?" Allison questioned as she grabbed some fabric.

"Yeah, she is." Melody said.

Allison could tell that her neice was concern for Aki and Ryuichi and said, "Ryuichi, will always protect Aki because I can see that he really loves her and doesn't want to lose her. Trust me when I say this, when the time comes and Aki is pregnanet with Ryuichi's child; he'll be really overprotective because if you harm what is his, he shows no mercy what so ever. I know that he's protective of her now and it will get worse but he does it because he truly loves her. I've known him a long time and this is the first time that he has really been this serious for anyone; because most women wanted him for his money and good looks. Aki is different because she didn't care that he was rich and powerful."

"That's true. We were stunned when he showed up at Tokyo University that day and kissed Aki in front of everyone. Although, we are still curious at how they met each other. The only thing that Aki has ever said to us is that Ryuichi saved her life and she wasn't going into details about it." Melody said.

So they continued to talk as they both helped each other with the wedding attire for Ryuichi Asami and his bride, Akihito Takaba for their secret little wedding in Paris.

~Back at the Hotel~

Ryuichi Asami, Akihito Takaba and guests checked into the hotel. Ryuichi and Aki headed to their room which was the honeymoon suite. While the others checked out their rooms and put their things away.

...In Room 402...

"Anna, we are here in Paris at the Paris Grand White Moon Rose Hotel and if we see Aki then we will put our plan into action." Alley said.

"Alley, I know that we are cousins and all; but what if the rumors are true about Asami Ryuichi being Yakuza boss?" Anna questioned.

"I doubt that is real." Alley said.

"But what if it is true?" Anna questioned.

"Again, I don't believe that and you shouldn't either." Alley said.

Anna sighed because she had heard what Asami Ryuichi was capable of from a few cops as well as journalists after she had agreed with her cousin, Alley to do Aki harm for putting her family behind bars. However, unbeknownst to Anna; Asami and Aki had some connections with some cops as well as journalists because things had been explained to them what was actually going on.

~Back with Asami and Aki~

"Ryu, why are we in the pent house suite of the hotel?" Aki asked curiously.

"Well, Aki, I like the pent house suite more than any other rooms in a hotel." Ryu stated.

"Ryu, could you imagen getting married in the romantic place well city in the world?" Aki questioned looking out the window.

Asami smiled and then said, "Yes, I could and plan to marry you, Aki. Right here, in Paris, France tonight."

Aki turned to face Ryu and said, "Really?"

Ryu nodded.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Aki said.

"Ms. Takaba, please excuse us but Asami-sama will come with us while the ladies are with." Kirishima said.

"Okay." Aki said as she watched Asami Ryuichi leave with his men and her brother-like friends.

The girls immedately took Aki into the master bedroom to get ready for the secret wedding; while the guys to Asami to get ready for the wedding as well. While, the guys where with Asami; Suoh informed Asami that Anna was here with her cousin and they were indeed planning something for Aki.

"Make sure nothing goes wrong on this special day, Suoh and Kirishima." Ryu said annoyed.

"Hai!" Both men said and went off to double check everything.

Asami Ryuichi was not pleased that Anna and her cousin were here at the very hotel that he planned to marry Aki in but he knew that eventually that they would meet up again with Anna and he hated the fact that Aki's uneasy feeling was becoming a reality and on their special day no less.