For Storm that Follows
Chapter VII: Turbulent Times Ahead
Great Pyramid
Bay of Dragons, Essos
Year 301 AC
"I can't wait any longer, my Queen."
"You must, Naruto."
"Nope, again." Daenerys said as Naruto groaned in frustration. They were practicing Valyrian grammar and pronunciation since Missandei was more preoccupied with Grey Worm who wanted to learn the Common Tongue with her. And they were not alone as it turns out for the better.
Rhaenys giggled at Naruto's apparent mispronunciation. "You lost another point there, Naruto."
"Dang it." Naruto muttered as he gave up another piece of his purse.
They decided to make the lessons more entertaining by wagering money between Naruto and Daenerys while Rhaenys's purse was of fruits and drawings she procured during her stay in Meereen. All and all, it was a friendly competition with Naruto and Rhaenys learning the almost dead language that is Valyrian.
"I think we will end our lesson here."
"Thank the Nine Beasts." Naruto sighed with relief. Daenerys and Rhaenys shared a laugh before they all began feasting on fruits that was brought to them during their session.
Daenerys said to the Assassin, "Your Valyrian's improved during the last two months, Naruto. You should be proud." She looked to her niece. "Especially you, Rhaenys. You are a natural at the language. You make me proud."
"Thank you, aunt. I feel proud of myself as well. It's like I'm embracing this lost part of me that I never knew until now." Rhaenys admitted honestly to the present audience. "But it's a lot more fun learning it with other people." She gave an amused pointed look at Naruto.
The Assassin raised an inquisitive brow. "What's that look for?"
"Nothing." Naruto grunted in annoyance while Daenerys simply smiled with her niece. The trio felt a presence enter the room and delight etched their faces once they saw who it was as Rhaenys stood up from her chair. "Mother!"
It was Elia. It was two weeks after the Targaryen voyage to Basilisk Isles that Elia was better than ever. She exuded a brightness that was not seen, according to her, for a very long time and she informed her family and Naruto that her body felt reborn after her rest, much to their relief. Her skin had its olive-like feature returned and her eyes were full of life as she hugged her daughter as tightly as possible.
"How are you, dear sister?" Daenerys had stood up and hugged her sister-in-law before they broke away.
"Fine. I actually feel great for the first time in my life."
Naruto rose from his seat with a nod. "That's good to hear, Lady Elia. Very good." He groaned lowly as his hand rubbed his head. Naruto noticed the ladies' eyes were on him. "I'm fine." They didn't look convinced. "Really, I am." They still didn't look convinced and he couldn't blame them at all.
Two months after their return from Basilisk Isles, Naruto was stricken by unusual fatigue that plagued him afterwards. The Blue Graces could not determine the cause, but Naruto knew it to be something else. It was chakra exhaustion, but Naruto was confused about this since he did not use a lot of his chakra on the islands nor in the time before. In fact, Naruto traced back the days he first felt his chakra lessen to the day a new member of House Targaryen's entourage was born.
Ghidora was somehow absorbing Naruto's chakra through their bond. He does not know how or why, but it was the only explanation he could think of at the moment. It would explain Ghidora's unusual rapid growth during this whole time. But now his chakra was returning to its normal size and he could feel it.
Naruto learned during his childhood that his chakra reserves were extremely large in comparison to his parents and most of the Assassins in the Faraway Lands. The only ones to match his reserves are the Three Great Mentors, an Assassin from the Hyuga Clan and the deceased Uchiha Clan members.
"Are you really sure?" Daenerys asked her Queensguard.
Naruto nodded. "Yes, I am fine, Daenerys. Don't worry about it." He looked at the sun and determined the position of the small pear tree's shadow before he stood on his feet. "Now it's time for my appointment."
"What appointment?" Rhaenys asked as her aunt poured a drink in her glass. The trio of women looked back at the chair only to find it empty. "I really hate it when he does that."
Daenerys sighed heavily. "You are not alone, Rhaenys." Elia chuckled at her relatives' reactions before she sipped her glass.
Naruto grunted loudly as his body was on fire. His face contorted in visible strain and his muscles bulged as a sign of maximum exertion. His feet dug into the earth to stand his ground as he slightly moved forward with one step. Then relief washed over him as he fell to the ground in exhaustion. His chest heaved with every breath as his body twitched every few seconds.
"I finally did it." The Uzumaki Assassin gasped out as he looked at the challenge that he set upon himself for the past two months.
The challenge was to drag a massive boulder across the plains that surrounded Meereen. Of course, when he told this to the Targaryen entourage, they all thought he was crazy but Naruto proved them wrong! The point of this was to increase his speed and strength.
After couple more minutes of rest, Naruto stood up and grabbed a rag to rid his bare torso of sweat before putting on his Targaryen attire and weapons. Speaking of weapons, he got a new bow gifted from Daenerys herself after she learned about his original bow being broken during his one man slaying crusade. Of course, he treasured his original bow since it was gifted from his parents the day he was declared an Assassin from the Novice rank along with his mother's Valyrian steel Hidden Blades.
But the bow gifted by Daenerys was nothing he'd ever seen before and he only heard about them. It was the one most sought after in the world due to its extreme rarity and the Dothraki themselves wanted these bows for themselves. His new double-curved bow was as black as night perhaps even blacker than the night sky, but its string contrasted the color with the whitest that he had ever seen.
It was a dragonbone bow, and due to its lightweight but flexible steel-like weapon, it can outrange even the Summer Isles' goldenheart bow. Naruto was stunned to have a dragon-crafted weapon in his arsenal, but accepted it out of gratitude. Although, he never got to test it until now that is…
Grabbing one arrow from his quiver and holding the dragonbone bow properly, Naruto inhaled deeply as his eyes scanned for a suitable target. A small tree from about 100 yards away would suffice for it. As he was about to release his arrow, he heard the unmistakable roar of a dragon not too far away. There was only one who was unaccounted for lately in the past week.
"Drogon…" Naruto mounted his horse and rode it to the direction where he heard the screech while his bow and arrow remained in his left hand.
The Uzumaki could only hope that he was not too late for whatever Drogon was doing at the village in the area. It was becoming apparent to the Targaryen entourage and the entirety of Meereen that Daenerys's dragons are growing out of her control. However, that cannot be said for Naruto's dragon as she didn't show disobedience to her bonded one and remained loyal and there was something else that changed the dynamic between the four dragons.
Another roar drew his attention as he rode up a hill where his eyes caught the black dragon hovering above its prey. Said prey was a young girl on the ground, clearly terrified of the dangerous creature. Without thinking, Naruto drew his arrow and fired it in one motion as the projectile flew a great distance with strength left before it cracked against Drogon's head.
The Targaryen dragon snarled in anger as he looked for the one responsible for its meal interruption. Another snarl left his jaws before he turned his head back at the terrified girl and opened its maw to eat her. Yet three arrows pestered Drogon once more as he howled in defiance at Naruto who had dismounted his horse and landed next to the girl with his bow put away in favor for Blackfyre.
"Drogon!" Naruto cried out before speaking in Valyrian. "Fly! Stay away from her!" Drogon roared once more at them as Naruto brandished his blade.
Then they heard it. A very loud thunder-like symphony rang throughout the sky as Naruto smirked while the girl clung to his side. As for Drogon, he stepped back a little before roaring in defiance at the latest arrival behind his prey. A louder roar bellowed in response at Drogon as she snarled at him.
It was Ghidora and she didn't look happy at the small one who was threatening her father. Naruto noted the size differences between the two dragons as Drogon was the same size of a fully-grown horse with his horns being spikier and the red-black frills on his long neck and tails were prominent. As for Ghidora, she was what changed the dynamic of the dragons as her size was that of a large whale with her blue-silver frills grown fully along with her horns at their spikiest.
She was the dominant dragon in the group now. And Drogon doesn't like that not one bit.
The Black Shadow as he was called by the locals dashed at the bigger dragon, but Ghidora quickly swiped her tail at the smaller dragon and sent him tumbling on the ground. The sapphire dragon exhumed a breath of blue flames into the air as a warning to Drogon who reluctantly retreated to the skies.
"Good job, girl." Naruto praised his dragon as he petted her head. Ghidora cooed at her father's touch while the young girl held onto Naruto's clothes tighter, which caught his attention. "Are you still scared?" She couldn't understand him so he gestured with his hands to convey his words. Once she understood him, the girl reluctantly nodded as her hand slowly inched closer to Ghidora's scaled neck until they made contact. "See, she's not scary."
The girl chuckled at the dragon's positive reaction towards her while Naruto stepped away to give them space. The young girl then walked from Ghidora as she flew vertically to the skies like her kin. Naruto heard a panicked man run to his daughter as they held each other tightly while the Assassin mounted his horse and sheathed his blade.
"We got to do something about this." Naruto muttered as he turned his horse to Meereen's direction.
Whitehill Castle
The North, Westeros
Year 301 AC
"We should attack those lowly Forresters now!"
"Slit their throats for all the crimes done to us!"
The great hall of the Whitehill Castle was unimpressively decorated with poorly brazen images of deceased lords and ladies from years past. Large tables were stationed vertically on both sides of the hall as the vassal lords and leaders of the Whitehill family shouted their wanted approval to demolish the Forrester stronghold and slaughter all their kin.
Lord Whitehill, a plump man in his dark robes with his grouchy eyes, stayed silent during the whole debate until he could tolerate no longer. "ENOUGH!" He slammed his fist onto the table as the voices ceased by his command. "I know very well the atrocities those Forresters have done to us so do not lecture me." He inhaled and exhaled quickly. "For too long, they have looked down on us."
A round of 'ayes' chorused after his words.
"They've taken the majority of the ironwood and left us the bare minimum to make living like peasants!"
Another round of vigorous 'ayes' agreed with their overlord's words as they slammed their hands on the tables as well.
"Well I say we take what is rightfully ours!" The men cried out with the greatest of joyous yells. "Summon the men! We march for Ironrath at dawn!"
Unbeknownst to the Whitehills, they were not alone as two certain hooded figures had been watching the entire conversation. The Uzumakis looked at each other with concern but their faces also showed expectations as well. Minato knew somewhat about the Forrester-Whitehill feud during his travels and had a vague feeling that the Whitehills might attack at any time. There was also evidence in the form of arriving caches of weapons and supplies that bore the mark of King's Landing that Kushina caught sight of with her gift two days prior.
"We need to warn the Forresters." Kushina whispered to her husband.
Minato nodded. "Yes, but we cannot let the Whitehills be at full strength for battle." He gestured her to follow him as they silently traversed the castles until they reached the small area where the wagons full of grain and armory lay stationed inside the shed that provided cover from the somewhat cold air. "We must destroy them."
"I think I got just the thing."
The two Assassins jumped off the roof and landed safely in the two heaps of hay as they waited for a couple of guards to approach them. The moment arrived as Minato and Kushina sprang out from the hay with their Hidden Blades out, stabbed the guards in their necks and pulled them inside the heaps without a single sound…the sign of a Master Assassin, especially Mentor caliber.
"Let's go." Minato said after the coast was clear as he and Kushina approached the shed and opened the door to find the wagons. "Are you ready?"
The married couple separated to do their jobs at different parts of the armory and reemerged from the shed as they climbed up and over the wall with the shadows providing cover from the watchful eyes of the towers. Minato and Kushina positioned themselves behind a tree with their slightly ajar hands in a semi-sign before they looked at each other and nodded as they complete the hand gestures.
A loud explosion rocked the Whitehill Castle as yellow flames flashed out briefly and the men inside clattered with worry and shock. The cause of the explosion was a simple distraction technique but amplified when contacted by a peculiar black powder that seemed to be highly explosive albeit not the exact scale of wildfire. The end result was a big explosion that caused panic in a House fortress.
"We still have much work ahead of us." Minato whispered to Kushina as she nodded before they left Whitehill territory to do their next set and warn the Forresters.
Ironrath Castle, The Wolfswood
The North, Westeros
Year 301 AC
Lord Forrester and his wife was not expecting this type of news so late in the dead of night but the former had a vague feeling since the Red Wedding. He had a feeling that the Whitehills would attack them but he never thought they also would be equipped with weaponry from King's Landing or his House's saviors would reveal themselves once again.
"Are you certain about this?" Lord Forrester asked as his military commander was nearby along with his eldest son.
The hooded Minato nodded while his hooded wife gauged the weary armed Forrester guards as they were obviously wary by their appearance. "It is true, Lord Forrester." Minato answered respectfully. "The Whitehills will march unto your lands and destroy you and your House to gain control of the ironwood. We suspected they might make a move against you and spied on them last night when we heard their battle plans."
"Then we must raise the alarm." Lord Forrester looked at his eldest. "Gather the men outside the castle and alert them of the Whitehills' approach." His son nodded and left with the commander to rally the men. "This is late news, hooded ones. I do not believe we can summon our full strength in time of their arrivals."
Minato and Kushina shared a knowing look before they turned their gaze back at the Forresters. "On the contrary, Lord Forrester, you will have enough time when they arrive at noon." He emphasized the last word, which drew intrigue from the Westerosi.
"By what do you mean by that?" Lady Telessa asked somewhat weary of the guests in front of her.
It was not only her but those who were in Ironrath castle instead of the Red Wedding that weariness had a tight grip on them. Only her husband and son's words soothed her about their identities as the ones who saved House Forrester's men. Still, fear gripped her by the presence of the two.
"Assume that they won't be full strength by the time they reach here, Lady Forrester."
(The Next Day)
Border of Forrester-Whitehill Territories, Wolfswood
The North, Westeros
Year 301 AC
Lord Whitehill was not happy at least one bit. His additional supplies and weapons from King's Landing was destroyed last night, probably by the Forresters in his mind. His army had marched from his ancestral home and territories with all 500 men at his disposal to take finally take down his rival Lord Forrester and take the ironwood business all for themselves.
Something else had a plan against them as they had encountered numerous, elaborate traps that stalled them to reach their destination. The Whitehill army fell to numerous pits filled with spikes, rotating swinging logs released by string traps and lastly a rolling large boulder from atop a hill. All in all, they had a very crappy morning and Lord Whitehill lost 100 men but that didn't stay his course. He pressed on with a vow to avenge his fallen men with the destruction of House Forrester and his army agreed with him.
However, something had bothered the heavy-set man from the moment they set march and that feeling of dread increased when they finally reached Forrester territory. Regardless, he shook it off and pressed forward with his army until a whistling-like noise rang in his ears.
"What is it, father?" Whitehill was about to answer when a soft 'thud' drew his attention to his right and he found his eldest son with an arrow between his eyes as the latter fell on the ground from his horse.
"NOW!" An unfamiliar voice shouted out around the forest like a bell.
All Whitehill soldiers looked up to see the sun being briefly blocked out by a massive shadow. It was not a shadow but a shower of rapidly-descending arrows that threatened to pierce their skulls or heats. They along with their lord raised their shields in time to block the horde of arrows but there were some who were not lucky enough. The unfortunate Whitehill soldiers had arrows through their arms, legs, shoulders and skulls while the horses mounted by them and the mules that dragged the cart of weapons were shot dead as well.
"Form up!" Whitehill commanded his surviving men just as a massive force that bore the Forrester banner on their armor burst from the ground in front of them and drew their weapons while they charged at the stunned Whitehill soldiers.
The Whitehills formed a phalanx of shields and spears against the charging Forresters. Whistling rang out in the air before the phalanx Whitehills braced against their shields for incoming arrows but two of them did not react in time as they fell backwards and left an opening.
One Forrester soldier saw this chance and deflected a spear upwards as he entered the opening and swung his sword through two Whitehill soldiers. They too fell and the hole in the phalanx formation had grown to allow a group of Forrester soldiers to bust through the formation. Chaos reigned in the battlefield that is on the border of two rivalling Houses.
Lord Whitehill took cover behind his dead horse and drew his broadsword before he entered the fray of battle. The loud symphony of pain and blood drowned out the thundering approach until it was too late as his eyes caught sight of mounted horses from the rear.
"A pincer attack!?"
The mounted men held spears instead of swords as they cut through the rallying men who had barely put up a shield wall albeit poorly fashioned. They also bore a different banner that hosted a crimson rose surrounded by seven swords inverted on a blue field. The soldiers wore warm clothing that were also suitable for combat under light armor.
There were many screams but that one was particularly different by the tone of it. Lord Whitehill looked through the amass of colliding Forrester and Whitehill soldiers where he had spotted a sight that would forever stay in his memory forever. Two cloaked figures seemed to wade through the masses of frenzied soldiers while they cut through any Whitehill soldiers that spotted them without any visible effort.
Minato and Kushina had led the masses of Forresters and prepared a battle plan with Lord Forrester about the battle. During the night of preparation, they got the surprise of a lifetime in the form of reinforcements by the rose-bearing soldiers who was led by a certain Forrester.
Now their primary objective was the subdue the Whitehill leader and force his soldiers to submit surrender.
Dodging another strike, Minato cleaved off a Whitehill soldier's head off while Kushina stabbed her Hidden Blades into two other soldiers before they continued their rapid approach towards the now scared Whitehill lord. "You bastards!" Whitehill charged at the two Assassins with slow and poorly swung sword strikes.
Kushina dodged the strike while Minato lashed out with his arm as it connected with Lord Whitehill's face and brought him down. "Lariat." It was a rather simple but surprisingly strong technique in the martial arsenal of the Assassins, especially for those who are faster or stronger than the others. It can even be used by little amount of effort by Master or Mentor-level Assassins.
Lord Whitehill grunted after he hit the ground and tried to snap out of his daze from the unusual attack. Couple of minutes had not even passed when he noticed the fighting…or lack thereof as his eyes looked up to see the point of a blade inches away from his face. "Get up." Kushina demanded coolly as her hand gripped the sword's handle.
He got up and saw that his men, whatever remains of them, had their arms up in surrender while Forrester soldiers and their surprise reinforcements pointed their weapons at them in case they tried to do something foolish.
"It is over." Minato calmly stated before a massive chorus of cheers erupted from the Forrester men.
Lord Whitehill and his men were not pleased at all by their loss as the former confronted the ones who were obviously the key to the Forrester success. "Who are you, fucks?!" He grunted as he was punched by the hooded Minato.
"Your bane."
Ironrath Castle, Wolfswood
The North, Westeros
Year 301 AC
Lord Forrester stared at the one with the most scrutinizing expression he could muster at the time. Long ago, he brought shame upon their House by sleeping with a Whitehill woman in spite of him. Still a touch of relief still panged his heart as it was a long time ago that he saw his younger son.
It was a long four-month boat ride between Meereen and Westeros, particularly the North with the only port in the entire region. Since Daenerys's refusal to leave Meereen at the time, she had given him enough gold to buy an entire army and be on his way so Asher traveled to Volantis, Tyrosh, Lys and lastly Pentos to gather enough soldiers to aid his family in protecting their lands from the Lannisters and Whitehills. It was at the last Free City that he had encountered a sellsword company who was actually looking for him during his entire exile in Essos.
This sellsword company was not on the same prestige like the Second Sons and definitely not the Golden Company, but they made a name well enough for him to know their origins. They were called the Company of the Rose and their origins went as far back during Aegon's Conquest of Westeros. Asher was informed by one of the current commanders of the Company that their founders including a Northern woman were banished by the Starks after the latter had bend the knee to Aegon Targaryen. They, along those who refused to bend as well, fled to Essos where they started up their own sellsword company and had waited for a chance to return to Westeros when it is at its weakest.
With the Targaryens now gone save one, the Company of the Rose had stepped foot on their Northern Westerosi ancestors' homeland for the first time. The reason they were looking for Asher was because he too was banished and knows the scale and terrain of the North region. Thus, they initiated him into the Company along with Beshka after she proved herself in a fight one night when a Roseman tried to flirt with her.
"Asher." Lady Elessa could no longer contain herself before she approached her second son and hugged him tightly.
Asher felt relief at the touch of his mother that brought back memories of his boyhood. He remembered the times she would read him tales of legendary figures from the Age of Heroes like Brandon the Builder. "I'm happy to see you too, Mother."
It was after the battle against the Whitehills that his father called to see him to speak about the battle and so they did. Asher reported to his father about minimal casualties on their forces and it rated at 80 men while the Whitehills lost most of their army as their remnants totaled to 120 men. Asher also informed his parents that the Company of the Rose will remain in Westeros to protect the North from the southerners, especially the Lannisters and the Tyrells.
This was rather surprising, but positive news for House Forrester. With the Company of the Rose and House Forrester's forces, their combined strength totals to 1420 men thus the largest force in the Northern region right now. Lord Forrester knew this would not be enough against the combined might of King's Landing and all the southern kingdoms. Dorne, he knew for sure, would never ally with the Lannisters, especially the brutal murder of Elia Martell at the hands of The Mountain.
"Father, what about the Whitehills?" Asher asked with his older brother beside him.
"We'll keep him and his sons here in Ironrath's cells. As for their stronghold, we'll send a garrison to maintain them and prevent King's Landing from obtaining the fortress." Lord Forrester told his sons.
"It will be done, Father." Rodrick left the room to do his father's bidding.
That's when Minato and Kushina emerged from the shadows of the ceiling as they landed softly behind the surprised Asher. "Damn it, don't do that! I could've killed you." Asher warned with his weapon half-drawn from its sheath.
"You could try, but I doubt it." Minato answered back in a teasing tone.
Lord Forrester approached the Assassins and bowed slightly to show his gratitude towards them. "Thank you both for aiding House Forrester. Please, allow me to throw you a feast of a token of our gratitude."
"That's very generous of you, Lord Forrester, but my partner and I be best on our way. We long to reunite with our son," Kushina responded as Elessa nodded. She too wanted to see her son Asher during his banishment, but remained dutiful to her husband.
"Where is your son?"
"In Essos."
"Dangerous place, but if what you two have shown me says anything, it is your son can take care of himself. Very well, but at least stay for the night."
Minato and Kushina exchanged worried glances, but they know their son can wait one more day without them. "Then we accept your invitation." The Forresters were very pleased with their choice as Asher called for the chef to begin cooking for the feast.
(Three Days Later)
Bay of Dragons, Essos
Year 301 AC
Daenerys, Elia and Rhaenys stood on the pavilion as they watched the Queensguard and their Lord Commander instruct the City Guard the proper sword techniques and movement. Barristan even had three squires training under him personally so they can be knighted by Daenerys and join her Queensguard in the future, much to her pleasure.
"No, no, no!"
The men trained by Naruto stopped as their instructor approached them and assumed a fighting pose that was rather odd to outsiders. "You must carry your weight through the punch…" He slowly turned his body with his right arm about to extend to show the motion before he reset himself to actually punch the post. Said post cracked from the strength while a chunk flew off of it. "If you do so correctly, this is the result… of course this comes from years of training."
The recruits and their teachers stared at him because of the display which was the proof of Naruto's prowess being vastly different from the rest of them. Barristan had a thought that Naruto could be called the epitome of combined speed, strength, and graceful agility given his affinity for stealth.
"Are we ready to try it again?" Naruto asked his batch of recruits who nodded vigorously. "Let's go. Another round of 30 minutes!" He watched his recruits punch the wooden posts repeatedly with their left and right fists, but with their weight behind them this time. His training sessions consist solely of hand-to-hand combat with the purpose to teach the City Guard to fight proficiently just as well as with weapons.
Daenerys watched her Queensguard train their recruits, but the thought of her dragons returned despite her efforts to avoid it. When Naruto had told her about Drogon's near killing of a young girl, she felt utterly hopeless about her child. She remembered that if Ghidora had not arrived in in time, Naruto would have drove Blackfyre through Drogon's throat with no choice. Daenerys was angry about Naruto's honesty to kill her dragon, but she knew in her heart that he was right since Drogon was always the most aggressive one of the three original hatchlings.
If word reaches that her control of the dragons was fading, the slave masters would take this opportunity to revolt against her and her army. She still has the largest army in the Bay of Dragons rivalling the numbers of the Golden Company, but that could change anytime. Should other cities like Volantis hire and combine their forces with the Golden Company, then the Unsullied and Second Sons would be outnumbered and that was without the dragons. Right now, her army has four war beasts and they are very dangerous and powerful to ward off any city that might attack them.
For how long, though, is another matter for some other time.
"Your Grace…" Daenerys looked to her side and saw Tyene approaching her as she curtsied to her.
"Tyene. How was it?"
Tyene groaned a little as her legs rubbed against each other subtlety. "Very, very strange, Your Grace." She was referring to one of the many sessions at riding on Phytos, her Basilisk, since it would be some time until either of them will engage in battle. With that in mind, Tyene wanted to get to know her animal beast first and then practice to ride together as one. She also wanted to know how fast can a Basilisk go on land and wondered if it was comparable to a dragon in the sky.
Speaking of a dragon though…
"Your Grace, I received this also on my way here." Tyene pulled out a parchment and gave it to Daenerys in her hands. "It's from one of the cities in the far east of here. I recognize the seal…it belongs to-"
Daenerys had held up her hand in a respectful gesture. "Wait there, Tyene. My party should hear of this together and that includes the Queensguard." Tyene nodded and left to gather her fellow Queensguard. Few minutes later, Daenerys and her entourage stood in her private chambers with the unopened letter she got from the Sand Snake. "Lady Tyene here has brought me a parchment very recently and I want you all to hear of it."
As Daenerys opened the letter and read its contents, Naruto looked at Tyene who exchanged glances with him briefly before she turned away from him. They have not spoken to each other since their mission in Basilisk Isles, especially not after their kiss and Tyene didn't want to talk about it at all. Whenever Naruto tried to speak to her, Tyene would just leave his presence rather in surprising speed for someone like her but he decided to let things pass through and let the Dornish woman talk when she is ready to do so.
"Is that really true?" Naruto snapped out of his staring as Barristan received the open parchment from his queen. From the sounds of his voice, he was surprised. "They want to forge an alliance with us?" The experienced Lord Commander asked skeptically.
"What was the name again?" Naruto asked before he received a slight nudge from Jorah. "I couldn't hear it the first time so relax, Jorah."
"Samyriana." Daenerys answered as her blonde Queensguard's eyes widened in surprise.
"Samyriana? Why would they ask for an alliance? They and their sister cities rely on each other for any disputes for both internal and external problems. They only tolerate merchants from different cities and their warriors are…well odd." Naruto said the last two words in a hesitant tone.
"Can you elaborate?" Daenerys asked the Uzumaki.
"I rather not, Daenerys." Naruto answered meekly. Jorah wanted to push for information from him, but Barristan and Daenerys shook their heads in response. "Back to the topic at hand. Are they asking for tributes?"
Barristan shook his head. "They ask for us to send a representative to discuss terms for the alliance."
"So, we send Elia and Ser Jorah to the city to discuss terms and-"
"Forgive me, Your Grace, but they've requested one of us by name or title."
Tyene asked, "Who?"
"They request the Man Slayer."
"Say what now?" Naruto asked for clarification even though he heard it the first time.
(Two Days Later)
Samyriana, the Bone Mountains
Stone Road, Essos
Naruto exhaled a breath of wonder as his hair fluttered against the rushing wind while his face was brushed with the clouds. He could feel Ghidora's heart beat under his hands as they held on tightly to her scales. It was exhilarating to be flying in the open skies…just free and no restrictions to hold you back.
"I am jealous of you two that you have all this to yourselves." Ghidora growled contently at his words while Fuka screeched lowly. The small avian being was flying on Ghidora's left side for the entire trip from Meereen to Samyrian and she clearly enjoyed it as did her family.
For the past two days, the trio of different species flew at top speed as the human wanted to arrive and left the city as soon as possible. He and Daenerys also wanted to know about a dragon's top speed from city to city and this was a great opportunity for the dragonriders. So far, with a couple of one-hour breaks, Ghidora can travel the distance between Meereen and one of the Sister Cities in a span of two days. In Naruto's mind, it was utterly impossible even for a dragon to travel that span of land in just one day. It cannot be done at all!
"Land here, Ghidora." Naruto fought the feeling of his stomach falling into a pit as Ghidora glided into a descent and landed on a large hill that was far enough from the designated location. After all, he wants to avoid giving the wrong impressions of Daenerys or himself. "You stay in the clouds, Ghidora. Don't want anyone freaking out when they see you."
Ghidora snorted at her father before she took off for the clouds in the sky that quickly covered her entire body. Naruto sighed as he began walking towards the city with Fuka flying over him. Each step he took, it brought him closer to one of the cities that he harbors ill will towards for their actions against his family. Samryian's sister city, Bayashabad, tried to kill his mother while she and his father were on assignment in the city. Their warrior maidens also attempted to take his father alive and use him a breeding machine for their women when they saw his combat skills.
Putting his hood over his head to shield against the sun, Naruto walked the rest of the road where he joined the long busy line of merchants and foreigners who sought to live in the city. The legendary setting was a grey stone city carved into the very rock of the mountains it defends with several catapults stationed upon stone platforms. From what he could see, there were a total of ten: four on the ground level, two on the third level, and another four near the palace on top.
Passing by the gate undetected, Naruto saw the warrior maids this city and its sisters were well-known for: differing shades of hair ranging from short to back-reaching and the colors of black to dirty blonde with iron rings in their visible nipples and rubies in the cheeks. Armor was light, but their weaponry consisted of curving knives, wooden bows, and a bladed chain around their waists.
Although his weapons—Blackfyre, the bow and quiver—were visible, it was thanks to his mastery of stealth that they didn't notice him as he made progress to the palace. The streets were dirt and smelled of urine combined with the sweat of an unkempt man sleeping with a woman. Naruto walked past a group of dirty women in rags, calling out to the men in the crowd for their purse in exchange for bed crashing.
The lone Assassin reached the second level and stopped upon a plaza where the populace gathered around a spectacle. It was a platform with a stone slab located in the center while two people in rags, a man and a woman, stood between two warrior maids with cuffs restricting their arms and legs. There was a man whose face covered by a mask and wielded an axe in his right hand, most likely he was the executor.
Among all the people on the platform was the man dressed in rather lavish clothing. Though, that did nothing to hide his muscular frame that surpassed all men Naruto's encountered in his life including the Dothraki. He lacked hair on his head, but the thin stubble gave him a look that he was not someone to mess with.
"This must be one of the Great Fathers," Naruto thought to himself before he recused himself away from the crowd. Retreating to a nearby alley, the Assassin climbed to the top of one of the building's steeples and watched the Great Father speak to the crowd of the second level.
"My people and subjects, today I stand before you to inform you of the atrocious act committed against me," the Great Father announced distastefully. "Many of you know of my favorite wife, Delia, whose beauty surpasses even those of Valyrian women. She betrayed me and all of you by committing adultery with none other than my dresser."
"Seriously? The Westerosi kings of old committed adultery countless times with Robert Baratheon being the prime example of all. The rules of this world are messed up," Naruto thought internally. As much as he wants to intervene, it could lead to the destruction of the proposed alliance between Meereen and Samyriana.
But the Nine Beast Gods had something in mind for the Assassin and the people led by the Great Father.
Hearing a long screech from above, Naruto looked up at Fuka who circled around an area across the plaza from his position, before a gasp escaped his lips. Suddenly, he found himself staring down at the location where Fuka was circling and saw an unknown figure slowly crawling to gain a vantage position behind the Great Father in the plaza.
A second later, Naruto blinked furiously and rubbed his eyes as he found himself back into his current surrounding. Was he seeing through Fuka's eyes just now? He'll have to put that thought aside for now as an assassination attempt was about to be made against the city of Samyriana.
With swift action, the Assassin silently ran across the rooftops for the cloaked figure. As he reached the intended building, Naruto jumped to the lower portion intentionally to avoid detection by the would-be killer and climbed quietly to the back, then the top. Upon reaching the top, Naruto slowly pulled his head over and saw his target preparing his bow, a shoddy one to boost, before he moved to the lone arrow accompanied by a restrained scorpion.
"A poison arrow," Naruto exclaimed before pulling himself over the ledge. He then slowly crept behind the distracted bowman who had killed the scorpion and dipped the arrow into its severed tail, lining it with poison. With a subtle flick of his wrist, his right Hidden Blade emerged from his right sleeve before Naruto performed the deed as he grabbed the figure's face to cover the mouth. "Who sent you?"
The man grumbled in Valyrian behind his mouth. "Fuck you. I never tell you, son of a pig!"
"Very well," He stabbed his blade into the back and waited until the body went lax, placed it slowly on the ground, and covered with a nearby cloak, but not before finding an object of interest from his person and leaving the spot. "You've got to be kidding me." Naruto muttered in surprise before stuffing it into his tunic.
After slowly climbing down the building and made himself scarce for the time being, Naruto decided to go to the palace and wait for the Great Father there as he retracted his Hidden Blade. As he finally reached his destination, the Assassin was confronted by a squad of warrior maids given by the amounts of spears pointed at his person.
"I am the representative of House Targaryen of Meereen, here on behalf of Queen Daenerys of the proposed alliance," Naruto informed the maids though that wasn't enough. He reached for his tunic, but stopped when a spear threatened to pierce his chest. "I'm just going to pull out the Great Father's seal, okay?" The hesitant maids exchanged glances, but sent him a nod to do so, which he did and revealed the parchment with their ruler's seal. "This confirmation proves I'm here to discuss terms about the alliance."
The warrior maids relaxed somewhat and their leader, a red-headed woman with green eyes, gestured the Assassin to follow her. So, he did under the watchful eyes of the maids who followed him inside the palace. The hallways were spacious, comparable to Meereen's throne room, though slightly smaller as it was littered neatly with statues of men with dates ranging from each generation.
"Are they the previous Great Fathers?" Naruto asked politely, though he didn't receive an answer. Either they can't speak the Common Tongue or simply refuse to respond in kind.
They entered the throne room as the Targaryen Assassin was stunned by the sheer size of it. Not only the incredibly space, but also the number of tapestries hanging on both walls. From what he gathered by sheer glances, the tapestries displayed historic events not just in Essos, but also Westeros. The throne itself was decorated excruciatingly with rare metals like gold and silver objects as if to show off the wealth of the Great Father.
Stopping in the center of the room, Naruto waited while the warrior maids positioned themselves by the walls. It was rather an uncomfortable time of silence, but luckily for the Assassin, he didn't have to wait for long as the Great Father walked into the throne room, approaching his guest of honor.
Both men stared at each other until the Great Father chuckled moments later, "Relax, my friend. After all, it is a day of great celebration for our cities. You may call Korzis."
"You are right. Forgive me, but I ran into some unexpected trouble on the way here," Naruto answered as the Great Father turned around with an amused face.
"Would this have to do with the bowman that was set to kill me?"
"Your silence gives me my answer. Recent days, my city has been attacked by cowards who stayed in the shadows; they destroyed the grain stores, polluting our waters, and killing our cattle. My maidens killed the majority of their forces, but the remnants remains, hiding in my city," The Great Father sighed heavily as he took a drink from his wife, who happened to be the woman that was set to be executed, except she was dressed glamorously like Korzis. "Delia and my dresser volunteered to aid me in drawing them out today."
Naruto realized the meaning of their plan, "You were the bait and today's execution was a trap. And one of your maids saw me kill him."
"Correct, though I am pleased to know the revered Man Slayer lives to his reputation," Korzis answered sincerely. "When I heard stories about you killing three hundred men in the Siege of Meereen, I thought it was merely a folktale, but my wife saw you that day." He and Naruto gazed at Delia who looked afraid to be near the latter's presence. "Would you do us a favor and remove your hood? It seems you still frighten my wife even to this day. I too am curious what you hide underneath there."
"Fine," Naruto answered before he removed his hood, revealing his blonde hair and six whisker-like birthmarks
"Ancient Fathers," Korzis muttered in shock as he stepped away from the Assassin. "Kiiroi Senko. The Man Slayer is also the Senko?" His warriors readied themselves to kill, but he stopped them with his hand. "Wait, this conflicts with the information since the Kiiroi Senko has been alive for almost 20 summers and you look no older than nine-teen. Perhaps, you are his offspring or his younger cousin."
Naruto didn't respond, but eventually relented by saying, "That's part of the mystery, isn't it?"
"Cunning with words I see," Korzis retorted with a serious look before it turned to one of relax. "I like you, Man Slayer. I think that is a more fitting title for you than the Kiiroi Senko. Now, the terms for the alliance between myself and Daenerys Targaryen."
"What are they?"
"The terms are as follows: you are to aid me in quelling the embers of the cowards who forsake my city." Naruto slowly nodded as Korzis continued, "And establish trade routes between our two cities as my people are rather bored with Dothraki rags."
"I see."
"The next is security. Now, I am proud of my warrior maids and our traditions, but I even fear that they will not be enough if we're to be invaded by an foreign force. I'd like for your queen to send a contingent of your Unsullied soldiers to us as they are perfect to us without cocks in their skirts."
"That will be a problem with Her Majesty as the Unsullied are her primary force in all of Essos. May I offer a more pleasing alternative proposal?" Seeing Korzis gesture him to proceed, Naruto did so. "The past months, our forces had grown stronger thanks to a few sellsword companies who joined the queen's cause of liberation. My proposal is that we send ten platoons of sellswords captained by an Unsullied soldier. They may be yours for a year, but you can use them to build your numbers not in the battlefield, but in the bed. That way, the queen's soldiers are well kept and satisfied in and out the battlefield while your maids will produce more warriors whether female or scribes if male."
"Intriguing, but I am concerned about the sellswords who do not have a well-favored reputation. If they wish so, they may desert my city and take our women in the process."
"Not if they hear it from me, they won't." Naruto countered confidently. It was times like this that he was proud of his 'Man Slayer' title since it commanded respect and fear from the sellsword and the trainees under his guidance. "I'm fairly good at persuasion."
"Your negotiating is proof of that," Korzis finished with an impressed smile, "The third term is-"
"My lord."
"What is it?" Korzis asked irritably at being cut off by his subject.
"My apologies, but your child's nameday…"
"Ah shit, I almost forgot. I will be there shortly," He sent off his subject who bowed before leaving. "My apologies, Man Slayer, but time affected my memories as of late. Today is my daughters' nameday as they say at Westeros. In fact, I invite you to join the festivities," Korzis said to his guest, knowing that he won't refuse his invite.
And he was right.
"I would be honored, Great Father. Plus, my stomach calls for food after a long day of travel," Naruto chuckled at the end before leaving with Korzis for the party. "May I ask what the third term you had for the alliance?"
"Say what now?"
"I will feel better when my dear sister is wedded. You see, she's a widow and her husband, Ancient Fathers grace him, fell ill four summers ago. She has not been the same since then," Korzis spoke solemnly. "I miss her smile and her husband, whom I considered a brother, was the only one who brought it out."
"And you want me to marry her?"
Korzis laughed as soon as he said those words, much to Naruto's relief. "No, no, no. As much as I want the Man Slayer to be family, I want my sister to be happy with a man whom she feels safe with."
"And offering her to marriage as part of the terms is her choice?"
"I did not say it was perfect, Man Slayer," Korzis said honestly as he pouted a little to the side. "Are there any distinguished men in your queen's household?"
Naruto nodded as they approached the courtyard where decorations littered the area with glamorous decorations meant to celebrate the girls' year of growth. "Yes, but both of them are members of Queensguard as am I, but Queen Daenerys does allow marriage. One is the Lord Commander and his name is Barristan Selmy. However, I'm sorry he will not be suitable for your sister."
"How's that?"
"Despite his elderly, he was a member of the previous Targaryen and Baratheon kings' reign, and took their oath of celibacy. I'm afraid he's out of reach due to his word, which I respect tremendously."
"I see. And the other man?"
"Ser Jorah of Bear's Island."
"My Lord? And another thing, I will have to discuss with Queen Daenerys about the terms with a raven. I hope that isn't an inconvenience."
"Not at all. Tell me more about this Jorah… after the party."
"Of course," Naruto followed Korzis to the table and took seats with him as they began the party for the Great Father's daughters whom were at the age of seven summers. "They are adorable, my lord."
"Wise for you to say," Korzis joked as he clapped his hands. Three rows of beautiful women rushed out from the door as they wore revealing clothing with long, translucent skirts of varying colors before dancing as to entrance everyone watching them. "The beauties of Samyriana."
"None compared I see," Naruto commented as he clapped for more along with Korzis.
Although, it may seem the alliance will happen, there was something bothering Naruto about the whole ordeal. Usually, Samyriana and its sister cities decide together about matters like this, but Korzis rarely said anything about the other Great Fathers. If anything, it felt like he was trying to amass superior numbers and possibly take control of Kayakayanaya and Bayasabhad using Daenerys's soldiers in the near future.
In a world ruled by deceit, cruelty, and greed, one must always be careful with those he or she meets. For an Assassin, the risks are greater.
Naruto looked up at the night sky and saw his favorite star, the Cunning Fox, beaming brighter than the other stars. His mother told him that the Cunning Fox was the symbol of Kurama, the Ninth Beast God, and he watches over all children of the Faraway Lands. When one looks at the star, he or she can feel at home where they are under his eye.
Now, it is time for him to drink and relax for the night, but his senses remain on high alert as the next part of his assignment will commence after the party regarding the alliance terms.
Sorry about the long wait between chapters, but I hope this makes up for it and that you all enjoy it. The Death of Superman will be out next month, so I can't wait to see the battle between the Justice League and Doomsday. Nothing more to say except that possibly Origins and Odyssey element may appear in the story from now regarding missions or people.
Chapter VI Q&A's:
Vongola II (Oct/1/2017): That's good to hear. I researched the book series and the TV series wikis, so the opportunity was there. The Uchihas will not stay for long as I have something planned for them.
BioHazard82 (Oct/1/2017): Thanks, man. How are you doing? How was the latest chapter?
Jebest4781 (Oct/1/2017): That's good to hear. How's it going with your Dragon's Guardian story?
ExDaGod (Oct/1/2017): Really? Cool to see your mind changed with the pairing.
Doomkiller98 (Oct/1/2017): I know that, so what bothers you about that? Forgive me, but I'm a little confused.
Toile grant (Oct/1/2017): How was the latest chapter?
AnimeA55Kicker (Oct/1/2017): It's only temporary, but Tyene will work with the Basilisk not to kill Targaryen forces.
Vizard890 (Oct/1/2017): It was really appealing, but a fire-breathing dragon came on top. I know, but it made the story better, right? At least ones that are popular and exists in other franchises. The relationships will develop to the point eventually.
Insanemaelstrom (Oct/1/2017): I thought to surprise you guys with creatures related to the franchise. I know since he really isn't much of a follower, but a man of honesty and action. Though in this chapter, he had to be careful with the city and their plans. I'm glad you like that he is influencing them with his culture. Thank you for understanding about the pairing and I'll do my best to write it correctly. What do you think of the latest chapter?
Jgs237 (Oct/1/2017): Thanks, and I will. I thought that you would like their appearances. No, there won't be summoning jutsus in the story. Sage Mode won't appear also, but the other prominent power Naruto uses in the manga will do so down the line in regards to the White Walkers and other foes. There won't be big harems like the others in the categories. Yes, they will meet up with him eventually.
Guardian of the Inheritance (Oct/1/2017): Thanks, and I will continue to do so. How are you doing? Did you like the latest chapter?
Perseus12 (Oct/1/2017): They will all meet their downfall, but the Uchiha Clan sooner than later I might add. The warrior maid cities have appeared, but it is a test of twists and turns with the alliance. By the way, thanks for mentioning the fortress cities as it enabled me to write this chapter.
Blaze1992 (Oct/1/2017): Really? How so? The thrilling sneak attacks and monster battle? Did you enjoy the latest chapter?
Elchabon (Oct/1/2017): I'm pleased you enjoyed the entire chapter. It was actually difficult to write it out for a time. Did you like the mythos behind the Ghidora name I wrote? There's more than just the cities listed in the TV series as the book showed more worlds out there and I intend to use them as much as I can. How was the latest chapter?
Godwinny (Oct/1/2017): How was the latest chapter? How are you doing?
R-king 93 (Oct/1/2017): And you guessed correctly with Naruto's chakra influencing Ghidorah's rapid growth. Thanks, and how was the latest chapter?
Guest (Oct/1/2017): Well, we will have to see from here, won't we?
Will (Oct/2/2017): I apologize if it annoyed you, but you do not have to read it.
ABC (Oct/2/2017): We'll have to wait and see as the story progresses.
Guest (Oct/2/2017): They will progress in future chapters. I understand completely and Ariane is a good pairing choice in the category. The egg hatched in chapter six. They will not stay in the story for long as they are merely pawns.
Luffyxrobin-luffyxnami (Oct/2/2017): It made sense to give her the Basilisk since she is a Sand Snake and her compatibility factored in as well: silent and deadly. Most of the story will focus on the Targaryen portions of the show with some bits of Westeros that are important for narrative.
Hmmm (Oct/2/2017): Well, Tyene's ancestor Nymeria is special for having conducted a bond with the Basilisk, much like the Targaryens and their dragons.
BattleCharger (Oct/2/2017): That's great to hear, and I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.
AnimeIsLife0407 (Oct/3/2017): You are welcome and thanks for the input about the Dragon Eye. I read the chapter and you are correct. Input and ideas fuels Fanfiction writers to write better and improve their stories, so again thanks.
12345 (Oct/4/2017): I know, but Tyene is a Martell so she had to take it before her life was about to end. That would be funny. We will have to wait and see from here.
Wolf (Oct/4/2017): As I mentioned before, we will have to wait as the story progresses and you are right about the potential between them.
Animegod (Oct/4/2017): Oh, really? That's a little saddening, but what would you have chosen? They do, but the three dragons in the series are male, but books show there were also females as well. You are right about that and I intended to keep them for a short while. How was the latest chapter?
KagomeSesshomaruSeras (Oct/6/2017): I'm happy that you love my story and the dynamics in each chapter. It's mentally draining regarding the world and different characters and whatnot. Jon Snow will appear in my story and follow the canon with some differences here and there. As for the pairing, we will have to wait and see as the story progresses.
Desdelor97 (Oct/6/2017): Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter as well.
Clearhorse (Oct/11/2017): Well, here it is.
Pvictor (Oct/13/2017): I will start giving the Starks more screen time when we are in season five, which is not far from now. Perhaps, Arya can learn from Minato and Kushina instead of the Many-faced God in Braavos.
Fee-fi-fo-fum (Oct/14/2017): Yeah, there is that, but I'll be honest with you: it is challenging to write Naruto without making overpowered in terms of GoT standards, you know. Really, it bothers you that much? Well, let me figure out how to change it, okay. You are right, and I will put Barristan more in the story. So far, the Uzumaki Assassins only know, but they take it upon themselves to kill the traitors before alerting the Mentors. Rhaella? She didn't appear in the story at all. Are you referring to Rhaenys or Elia?
Red eye (Oct/24/2017): For the pairing, we will have to wait and see in the future. I thought the Basilisk would be a good addition to the story and I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.
Hawkeyestratos1996 (Oct/31/2017): That's great to hear and I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.
Guest (Nov/10/2017): Sorry for the long wait, but I hope this chapter makes up for it.
Aenar Targaryen (Nov/25/2017): Well, I'm sorry you feel that way and, yes, I know the amount of hatred against the Uchiha in fanfiction, but rest assured that they won't stay for long. No, she is not a virgin. Rhaenys will be paired with someone else, but outside of GoT and Narutoverses.
0King (Dec/1/2017): You as well, huh? I reiterate that we will have to wait and see as the story progresses. You are right about Kushina wanting grandkids, though that'll be a long while before it happens.
Guest (Dec/25/2017): How was the latest chapter?
Kweila (Jan.1): I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far. How was the latest chapter? As for the pairing, we'll have to wait and see from here.
MonkeyDGabry (Jan.8): Before being happy, Kushina will definitely need to have a 'discussion' with her son if the story progresses down that route. How was the latest chapter?
Guest (Jan.11): And here is the latest update.
EmpireReign (Jan.18): How was the latest update? Satisfying? If not and you feel it could use a changeup, please tell me so I can improve it.
DarkFox2 (Fe.6): I agree with that and it is mentally draining when adding new elements from other franchises. I thank you for your compliment as it makes me feel good about the progress I'm doing on this story. As for the pairing, we will wait and see as the story progresses from here. I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter.
TheBlackEntity (Feb.14): And here is the latest update. Hope you enjoyed it.
Naruto Namikaze 19 (May.28): Well, you didn't wait long compared to the others.