The Loud House belongs to Chris Savino.

Due to the success of his sandwiches Lynn Sr has been requested to serve them at a fancy hotel as one time only breakfast special a few states over. This could be a vital step in him being a successful chief and promoting the restaurant he currently works at. Lynn Sr was also invited to bring his family, completely unaware of the sheer size of said family and the chaos they bring. But Rita and Lynn Sr was all to aware, but didn't want to appear rude so it was decided that Lincoln would stay at home and look after his younger sisters and Leni, while the others would accompany their parents to the hotel, and be on their best behaviour, as they didn't want to ruin this for him.

Lori was pacing her bags while Leni watched. "Why am I staying again?" Leni asked her only older sister.

"Because we don't want you to accidentally show anyone up in your amazing self made dress." Lori lied, not wanting to hurt her sisters feelings.

"Oh, ok." Leni happily answered, completely falling for the lie.

The door opened and Licoln walked in. "Hi girls." He greeted.

"Hi Lincoln." Lori said, not looking away from her packing.

"Hey Linky." Leni greeted, smiling. "Ready for some one-on-one time with your big sister?" She asked.

Lincoln couldn't help but smile at his sister enthusiasm and naivety. "It's not just us Leni." He says, shaking his head a little. "Theirs Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily too remember?" He asks in a friendly tone.

"Oh yeah. I wounder if they're excited to?" Leni wonders.

"Why don't go ask them?" Lincoln says with a giant toothy smile.

"Great idea Lincoln!" Leni exclaimed. with that she left the room.

When she left the room Lincoln walked up to Lori. "Lori, I need advice for tonight. I've made a few notes, but i don't know if it's enough to stop what happened last time." He said taking out a notepad and handing it to Lori, by now he had her full attention.

Lori looked though his notes making a variety of face and noises. "Lincoln, not everything is a mission you know?" she waving the notepad a little with a light smile.

"It's how I've delt with every other challenge." Lincoln replied.

"You're incharge because of your caring nature." Lori spoke softly, placing the notepad on her bed. "Just just look out for them like you always do." She says pulling him into a hug. Lori began smiling. "Just don't keep that selfish side in check."

Lincoln looks up at her, and when he sees that she's smiling he grins. "Says you, miss I-was-born-first-so-i-get-everything." He cheekily remarked.

Lori gave a over dramatic gasp. "Well I never." She said in the same dramatic tone. "Maybe I'll have to squeeze you until you apologise." She joked, while hugging him tighter.

"Never!" Lincoln yeld between jiggles.

They both stay like this for sometime, both hugging, both laughing.

They both slowly begin to calm down. When they did they pulled apart and Lori spoke. "I'll give you some pointers, but you've got to trust your gut. You should know things never got to plan in this house."

"You're right Lori, thank you." Lincoln said with a small smile.

"You're welcome twerp." Lori smiled.


Everyone was at the door, with Lincoln's group saying their goodbyes to the others.

Lynn was talking to Lucy. "It's going to be strange having a room to myself." Lynn admitted.

"It is strange, but it's nice for the first few nights." Lucy informed her.

Lynn sharply raised her first. "Two for..." Lucy didn't flinch. "Why doesn't that work on you?" Lynn sulked. Lucy gave no response.

Lori and Leni were thinking back to when they had their own rooms. "I literally can hardly remember when I had my own room." Lori said, clearly looking forward to it.

"Me to." Leni said, excited. "It's been like months." Lori rolled her eyes in annoyance at her sisters response.

As the final goodbyes were said Lori gave Lincoln his notepad back. "You already had most of the tricks and I've left you a note for when we leave." She said. "Don't look to much into it, i just want to still have a house when we get back."

"Okay Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa. I want you to behave for Leni and Lincoln." Rita said.

"And if we comeback and the house is a mess, you're all grounded for a month." Lynn Sr added on.

"We'll behave." Lana said.

"Promise." Lola added on.

"Well it's time we left." Rita said before handing Lily to Lincoln. "Take care kids." with that they left the house.

"All right." Lincoln began, gaining the attention of his sisters. "I want you all to have fun, but we need to be careful. We was lucky to only have a broken golf club to explain, and I'm sure none of us want a month long grounding." All of the sisters nodded in agreement. Lincoln smiled in that case, I'll be in my room if you need me." With that Lincoln went into his room, opened up his notepad, and read the note Lori left him.

Hey Lincoln.

The month grounding is mostly a bluff, it would probably be only a week, but don't tell the others because this gives you leverage. And if I find out you abuse it to get your own way I will literally end you!

Start making dinner a hour before we usually have it and get Leni to help you.

Also rip this paper up once you've read it.


Once he had finished reading it he did as instructed and tore the note up and threw it into his bin. He then decided to go down stairs and play video games.


Lana crawled through the vents looking for Bitey (her rat). While crawling through she saw some thing that shocked her. Lucy sat on her bed, reading a Princess Pony book. She gasped so loud that Lucy heard it. "Huh?" Lucy said looking up to the vent, Lana covered her mouth as if it wasn't too late.

Fortunately Lincoln walks in. "Lucy have you seen the T.V. remo-" Lincoln stop when he saw Lucy throw her book into the air, only for it to land on her head. Lana watched with anticipation.

"Dang it." Lucy stated, lowering her head.

"Lucy relax, it's me, Lincoln." Lincoln quickly responded" walking up to her bed.

'I guess it makes sense Lincoln would know.' Lana thought to herself. 'He likes it too.'

"Oh." Lucy says taking her book off her head and looking up at him.

"I thought you read that in the bathroom at night?" Lincoln asked.

"While Lynn is away I thought I would take the opportunity to read it in my bed." Lucy admits. "But it seems it's still not a safe decision." Lucy said, putting her book in her pillow.

Lincoln sat next to her on her bed as she pulled out her poem book. "I've got a idea!" Lincoln happily exclaimed. "Why don't you do the same thing you did with your poster." Lincoln said leaning behind Lucy and grabbing her pillow as she silently watched. Lincoln took out the Princess Pony book and placed it in between the pages of her poem book.

Lucy looked up at Lincoln smiling. "Thank you Lincoln, for everything."

Lincoln smiled back. "I try. Just remember, that me covering for you can only help so much." Lucy nodded. "Now have you seen the T.V. remote?"

With that Lana began crawling back to her room, completely forgetting why she was there in the first place. She had to tell Lola.