Sadly, I don't own Voltron.

Paladin High School. A place with every sort of person you could think of between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. It was full of chaos, misery, calm, happiness, and joy for many people. It all really depended on the person. If you take into consideration each individual and their home situations, thoughts, views, problems, strengths, and blocks, their feelings toward the establishment can differ in varying degrees.

Lance McClain: junior, jock, seemingly stuck up to the rest of the population, known playboy, and source of harassment to many. What nobody knows of is his private life, his alcoholic father, abusive mother, deteriorating financial situation, and lonely nights spent fearfully in locked closets. Those days his friends thought he was skipping? His parents simply forgot to unlock the door of the small room, leaving the boy contained and severely claustrophobic. If he broke out, that would only lead to harsher beatings. School is an escape.

Keith Kogane: sophomore, deaf, rather aggressive in appearances, projects indifference to everything, and never looks his fellow classmates in the eye. He grew up with just his father, seeing as his mother died of meningitis shortly after Keith was born. The boy contracted the same disease at the age of twelve, rendering him deaf, barely escaping with his life. Despite the hearing loss, Keith dreams of nothing more than becoming a musical prodigy. No one except his father knows of this of course, they would all laugh. He is a genius on the piano and can play anything suggested to him. At school his grades are above average, though not by much. He sticks to himself and never opens up. No one has much of a problem with this anyways, because who would want to befriend the deaf kid? School is simply an unavoidable part of life.

Katie "Pidge" Holt: freshman, tough-chick attitude, genius though she tries not to show it, model thin, semi-popular, and aspiring artist. She's the one who hasn't slept since last week because of the current project she's working on. Never tired though, she always puts up a front. In reality she lives in a dingy, two-room apartment with four siblings and two parents. Her family is very poor, struggling just to scrounge up food. That was never a problem for Pidge, however. Secretly she suffers from anorexia and depression. Constantly she works to get nourishment for her younger brothers and sister, yet nothing for herself. Her oldest brother, Matt, went missing half a year prior to the start of school, and she refuses to give up search for him. Art distracts her from all the things going around in her life. School is a pain, taking up her valuable time.

Tsuyoshi "Hunk" Garett: sophomore, gentle giant, rather shy, known for cracking jokes non-stop, sometimes teased for his size, and full of compassion. First things first: what's going on with his name? His mother is asian, so that explains most of it. The only thing Hunk knows is that it's hilarious when substitute teachers try to pronounce it. The boy was always up for a good laugh, and the more who joined in the merrier. Even though he was knowns as the kind, compassionate, and funny one, he didn't really have any close friends. He kept people at as much of a distance as he could without coming off as rude. His younger sister was the reason he constantly made corny and cringe-worthy puns. She has stage-two leukemia, and Hunk wanted to be able to cheer her up as much as possible. School was a place for experimentation.

As impossible as it seems, these four unlikely teens somehow managed to become the tightest group of friends. Their differences and struggles somehow lifted each other up, changed each member of the group for good. In short, they became each other's lifelines. All they needed was before them.

Sorry for the short chapter. ;-;

I know so far it seems really stupid and cheesy and OOC but wait! I have le plan. I will fix all of these things, just give me a few chapters.

God the ending is so stupid.

The power of friendship. Wheee...

I'll fix that too. It'll be super intense and angsty in future chapters.

Leave a review, tell me what you think so far! Criticism is always welcomed.

But seriously I'm sorry for how horrible this chapter is. It's making me shudder.