AN: HELLO EVERYONE! How's it's been? I know that I said before that I ran out of steam on this one but I guess I just got some inspiration back recently. Don't ask how it just happened.

- Anyways, seeing as I got absolutely no offers to adopt this thing I decided to pull it back out. If no one else wanted to take a crack at it I guess I'll give it another go.

-This chapter is a bit shorter than the typical length for this story but I figured I'd get it out there asap. Hope you enjoy.



Sakura Haruno, a girl with pink hair studying at the Konoha ninja academy. Her grades where the best of the girls in her class. She had a massive crush on Sasuke Uchiha, and it annoyed her to no end that he was apparently choosing Hinata. The girl barely ever talked to him (and probably didn't even like him) He was stuck to her like glue and following her around like a puppy. Just what had she done to grab so much of Sasuke's attention? Seriously, he was always sitting next to her in class these days, even once kicked someone out of their seat so he could have a spot next to her (which she scolded him for later). Almost all the other girls in class had given up, seeing it as pointless now. Not Sakura, no...she was not going to admit defeat that easily. Even Ino, her once best friend and former greatest rival (guess who inherited that title), had lamented that she had lost with how much time he was spending with the princess. It made no sense! How had the world flipped upside down in such a short time?

On another less frustrating note the class clown and dead last, Naruto Uzumaki, had been less annoying lately. He had been constantly pestering her to go out with him in the past and it got on her nerves. Lately he had stopped. It felt weird at first since it used to be so common that she had gotten use to it. Admittedly she had been curious as to what had changed so much to get him to stop (then dropped it cause she didn't care enough). It felt nice that he wasn't constantly in her face about going out with me (not that she'd ever agree). It seemed like he finally learned his lesson.

She figured the reason out one day when a strange dark haired girl was waiting outside one day after class. She didn't seem to be from around here, most likely a visitor to the village. She went up to the girl and asked.

"Uhh hey... Can I help you look for someone or something?"

"Nah, I'm just waiting for my friend. Gotta walk him home."

"Oh okay, who is it? If you don't mind my asking."

"His name's Naruto. You know him? He's blonde, whiskers on his face, kinda loud?"

Now that stunned her. This girl had said she was Naruto's friend and (from what she had said) was staying with him. Was this the reason he'd stopped pestering her for dates? Because he had a girl living with him? H-Had...had she been replaced? Suddenly she started feeling very uncomfortable about this. If even Naruto (of all people) had found someone else, what chance did she have with Sasuke? It was actually a bit disheartening. She had been replaced rather easily. Naruto, someone almost everyone hated, had tossed her aside.

Ironically, his voice was the one that stopped that downward spiral. He came out cheering, hands up in the air as he speeded his way to the girl. He seemed to instantly dismiss Sakura's presence in favor of the dark haired person.


The mystery girl had perked up and grinned a bit. She seemed pretty happy to see him (and, obviously, him her).

"How's it going stupid?"

"Ah, today was nothing, pretty boring. What are you doing here anyway? You usually stay at home."

He put his hands behind his head in his usual relaxed stance. He had no trouble talking to this girl. Judging from her own cross armed stance and relaxed body language, neither did she.

"Big bro made me come get you. He said he had things to do. Said it had something to do with your birthday coming up."

He brightened right up at that statement (excitement obvious in his eyes, genuinely). Sakura had never seen him this happy.

"Ooo! What do think he's doing Kuro-Chan!? Getting a cake? Planning a party?!"

Mystery girl laughed into her hand a bit before speaking.

"Calm down stupid. You have to have friends to have a party, remember? Besides, we gotta get home"

"What are we waiting for?! Let's get going."

"Fine... Later pinkie."

Sakura was actually a bit surprised that the girl remembered she was there.

"Oh! Sakura-chan. Didn't see ya there. I guess I'll see ya tomorrow."

And like that the two were gone... He hadn't even noticed she was there? Guess it was true, she'd been replaced by someone far more responsive. Should've seen It coming really, now that she thought about it. A person (even one as stubborn and persistent as Naruto) could only take so much rejection before they moved on. The facts didn't make it feel any less weird. Just as Sakura was going to take her leave (a little sad at her lack of value) two more figures came running out with determined expressions. It was Sasuke and Hinata, hot on the trail of the other two. He spoke first (seemingly unaware of the pinkette next to them) the tone was all business.

"The target is on the move, can you track him?"

Hinata nodded then activated her byakugan.

"They are heading in that direction."

"Affirmative, I believe it's best we avoid their direct sight. Unless we want to be compromised."

Again she nodded and they disappeared, leaving behind a thoroughly confused Sakura. Any attempts to wrap her head around this fell flat. Just what were those two doing following Naruto (their "Target obvious) around anyway? What did they hope to accomplish? In the end she gave up as it wasn't her problem. She decided she was done with it all. Ironically, she had a similar thought to that one of her classmates would have.

'Tch, these people so troublesome'

Across the village a certain young Nara suddenly felt a chill go down his spine, something was not right with the world. Now it was going to eat at his brain for the rest of the evening.

The next day, Sakura noticed something else weird about the blond loudmouth. He was actually awake during class and taking notes (well as best he could). From the looks of things, he was listening to every word rather intensely.

Was he actually studying? That was just plain weird. Just how much about him had changed? And in such a short time... Whatever, not her problem.

At lunch she avoided talking to anyone (her friends found it weird) and went to the roof, hoping to escape the hustle and bustle. Just eat her food and enjoy the solitude. There she found her classmates Shikamaru and Choji. Shikamaru was the first to note her appearance. He sat up and lazily addressed her.

"Not to be rude.. But what are you doing here?"

Her response was quick

"Avoiding people."

He regarded her for a minute. It was intense and almost made her leave before he spoke again (relaxed again).

"Well, you're among friends. We're also here to avoid people."

He patted a spot next to him, inviting her to sit or lay next to him. She accepted but gave enough space to be respectful. She laid down and watched the clouds go by. Some of them had interesting shapes, it was quite calming. She began to understand why the lazy boy enjoyed doing this. Choji was the one who spoke first, he walked over and offered his bag of chips to the new addition.

"Hey, Sakura, want some?"

She looked in and saw it was almost empty.

"No thanks, you probably want the rest."

He smiled and walked away. Shikamaru spoke next.

"I think you've just earned his seal of approval. He's usually guarded around his last few chips."

She smirked and sighed.

"Well, I didn't want him to hate me and I don't like that flavour anyways."

Choji stopped his eating and looked at her.

"Why not?!"

She didn't hesitate.

"Because the salt and vinegar flavor always tastes gross!"

"Salt and vinegar is awesome!"

"No it's not! BBQ is better!"

Choji paused before shrugging.

"I won't argue about that...but Salt and vinegar has it's place."

As he sat down, Shikamaru look at her in shock (Well, as much sock as his lazy face could produce). He was a bit concerned.

"Did I do something wrong?"

He simply laid back down.

"Nah, it's just that that's the most I've seen someone do with him. Needless to say, you're now welcome anytime you want."


Silence returned and it was welcomed, the quiet was what two of the three wanted anyway. A curiosity wormed it's way into Shikamaru's head.

"By the way- "


"- what made you come up hear in the first place? I mean, you're usually a bit more socially inclined."

"Everything is just so crazy right now. With Sasuke spending so much time Hinata these days so suddenly. Naruto with his new girlfriend staying at his house-"

He looked shocked at that.

"What? He has a girlfriend now?!"

That wasn't Shikamaru. No, that'd be Ino, who was currently standing at the door to the roof looking shocked beyond words. Sakura just regarded her former friend with an exhausted sigh (sounding very familiar) before responding.

"I'm not sure she's really his girlfriend, I just said that. This girl I've never seen before was waiting to walk him home two days ago. He seemed really excited to see her and I think they're staying together. Not to mention I've noticed he's been studying a lot more seriously these days. The two things could be related... Or I could be wrong about everything, who knows?"

She surprised herself and the boys with how bored she sounded, Ino was too distracted by the revelation to care. Being a known gossip, her next reaction was entirely predictable.

"I have to get to the bottom of this! Right now!"

With that she was gone, probably to corner and interrogate the poor boy. Shikamaru spoke next, sounding similar to how Sakura just had a few moments ago.

"You know what you've just condemned him to right?"

A deadpan look was directed his way.

"I used to be her best friend. You remember that little tidbit, right? She's gonna wring him for everything he's got about mystery girl. Not sure how she's going to do it though. I kind feel sorry for him now that I think about it."

"Tch, whatever, let's get going it's almost time for class."

He was right, classes were starting soon. With that, the trio headed inside.