Disclaimer: I do not own any of Shingeki no Kyojin. (I wish)

Chapter 1—Eye on You

It was just another chilly autumn day, or to everyone else at least. To you, it was the most anticipated day of this year; No Name's concert-the hottest rock band right now, and you were lucky enough to nab a ticket since you were close friends with the band's drummer, Eren. From then you've been looking forward to this day.

You took a glance at the smart watch on your wrist—5:00PM. Alright, I've got 4 hours. Deciding to take a shower, you set down your schoolbag and head towards the washroom, stripping of your school uniform as soon as you shut the bathroom door. The hot water hit your back and you sighed, your body sagging in relief, feeling relaxed. As soon as you were done with the shower, you dried your hair, wrapped your body in your [f/c] towel and headed towards your bedroom to get dressed. You open your drawer and pick out a matching set of black lacy underwear, your favourite pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a light gray t-shirt and your embroided jacket; a gift from Eren. The jacket was interesting, it was black with a magnificent blue and white bird embroided on the back. While admiring the jacket, you heard a loud grumbling.

Realising it was your empty stomach, you chuckle to yourself as you head to the kitchen, grabbing a melon bread. You check the time hoping it would be time to go, but to your disappointment, it's only been an hour. You decide to read some manga to kill some time, since the concert was taking place near your apartment.

After what seemed like years, the clock finally hit 9, you get up in a hurry, grabbing your keys, phone and wallet, as well as slipping your ticket into your side pocket. You decide to wear a pair of black platform sneakers, and you run out the door. The cold air hits your exposed face but it doesn't bother you as you walk towards the venue, the anticipation driving your heart haywire.

You enter the venue, showing your ticket in exchange for a rubber wristband. You slip on the wristband as you head into the huge concert room, people already gathering around the stage. You slip past a couple of screaming fangirls, rolling your eyes at their squeals, giggles and their posters with "Insult me Levi" written all over, reaching an area you deemed close enough to the stage.

Suddenly, you hear screaming and you turn towards the stage, the band members appeared on stage, and you had to admit, they all looked sexy as hell. The lead singer especially, he had an undercut and his hair was parted towards the middle, he had bandages over his eyes, but one of his sharp steel gray eyes were showing through the parted bandages. He had tight black jeans and a black button up collared shirt, the top few buttons were undone, revealing those oh so delectable collarbones. At that moment, nobody else mattered, your eyes were fixed on him. The sound of your name being called snapped you back to reality, when you noticed Eren waving at you from the stage, and you realize that your best friend looked like he could slay a Titan with just one look. He too had bandages covering one of his eyes, the other deep ocean teal eye was looking right at you, his V-neck shirt expose just the right amount of skin, leaving the rest to a fangirl's imagination. You couldn't help but feel your heart beat faster and faster, butterflies dancing in your stomach.

"Are you ready?!"

The lead singer shouts into the microphone, and everyone screams. Eren taps a beat on his drumsticks and the first song kickstarts. Everyone is jumping and pumping their fists along with the beat of the songs. You were amongst them, feeling adrenaline in your bloodstream, screaming along the crowd. You couldn't help but keep your eyes glued on that sexy lead singer though, the way his sharp gray eyes looked at you. Wait. The way his sharp gray eyes looked at you. The sudden realization hit you that he's been glancing at you, too many times to be coincidental. You look up at him, and you could swear his eye was burning a hole in your soul.

Before you know it, the concert is over, and people begin to flow out of the concert venue. You decide to stay back and wait for Eren to congratulate him on such a successful concert, and maybe even get to meet the lead singer. You slip past the security guards, pretending you need to use the washroom, and as soon as they're out of view, you switch courses, walking briskly towards the backstage.

"Eren!" You say as you enter the backstage room, running up to give him a bear hug. "That was an amazing concert!"

"Thanks [y/n]! I had so much fun, the hype was so real! Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced you to my bandmates yet have I?" As if on cue, three others enter the room, "This is Hanji, our main guitarist, Mike, our bassist and of course our lead singer, Levi"

"Tch, who's this?" Levi looks at you as he unwraps the bandages from his eye, and his eyes widen as if he realized something. "Levi, this is [y/n], my best friend!" Eren stated.

"Nice to meet you, Levi" You stick out a hand to give him a handshake, but he ignores it, "Same here" he says simply. "Aw c'mon Levi, don't be such a prick," Hanji laughs. The bassist, Mike leans down and sniffs you, seemingly satisfied with the way you smell. You arch a brow at Eren and he shrugs with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, I should probably get going, it's getting late," You say as you turn to head towards the door.

"I can give you a ride," You turn around, realizing that Levi had just offered to take you home. You rub the back of your neck sheepishly, "It's okay, my place is pretty close by anyway."

"Tch, brat, it wasn't a question," You look at Eren for help, but he shakes his head "Sorry [y/n], once he makes up his mind, there's no changing it."

You follow obediently behind Levi in the now quiet halls of the venue, too shy to talk to him. "How close are you to Jaeger?" Levi suddenly asks, you swore you could hear a tinge of jealousy in his voice. Shocked at this question, you could only mutter "Pretty close…"

In a matter of seconds, he had your wrists pinned on the wall of the narrow hallway, his face was an inch from you, his piercing gray gaze bore into your shocked face. "L-L-Levi?" You stuttered as you averted your eyes from his intimidating glare. "How close exactly?" The last word rolling off his tongue in the most seductive fashion. Before you could answer, Levi was upon you, his hot breath dusting along the crook of your neck.

"Is he this close?" You were too much a blushing hot mess to answer. You had only met the guy for heaven's sake! And he was already on you like that. "[Y/n] the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I wanted you, you're different from those fangirls, I could tell," he whispered into your ear as he exhaled sending a shiver down your back.

"Let's go, brat," And as fast as he was onto you, he was already walking away, towards the exit of the venue and to the parking lot. You quickly regain your senses, still a little shaken by what happened, even feeling turned on if you hadn't been shocked. You quickly follow him, reaching his car, a sleek black BMW M2 Coupe. It had a small decal of a pair of navy blue and white wings on the side. You whistle, "Yo, nice ride you got here eh?"

"Yeah, now get in," he ordered. "Alright alright, you're a demanding one, aren't you?" you remark.

As he started the car, and you could hear it roar to life, and then settle on a gentle purr. You couldn't help but enjoy the sound of the car as he drove. It was a silent ride home, aside from you giving him directions, and you noticed how immaculate his car was, you totally expected him to be messy. Before you knew it, you guys pulled up at your apartment complex.

"Well, this is your stop, I guess," Levi seemed a little reluctant to see you go, giving you a bit of a pout as you stepped out the car.

"Um… You can come for some tea or something if you want as a—"Before you could finish your sentence you could already hear his car door close. "Lead the way then," He says, somewhat impatiently.