I was bored and made this!
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing except for my ideas
The whole day at the mountain was really spooky for the team. Every time they were walking it felt like someone was following them or the lights would flicker. The lights stopped flickering after a couple of hours so they started watching a movie.
"Okay I am going to hack the lights and you are going to scream." Robin said while sitting on the counter.
"Ok. Ready?" Wally asked. Robin nodded and started hacking the lights.
Suddenly the lights started flickering in the mountain and the TV turned off. Then the team heard something that sounded exactly like Wally screaming. Then they saw Robin running back into the room and jumping in Connor's lap.
"It's the Hash Slinging Slasher!" Robin said with a horrified face. Then the TV turned back on. M'gann and Kaldur looked worried, Conner looked annoyed and was glaring at Robin, while Artemis had a slight smirk. But then Wally ran back in.
"Hah! Pranked you!" Wally exclaimed while Robin got off Conner and stood next to Wally. The team suddenly understood. Wally and Robin had been pranking them the whole day.
"Yup! We made creepy noises and followed you guys everywhere. I also hacked the lights!" Robin added.
"Who's the Hash Slinging Slasher?" Kaldur and M'gann said in perfect unison.
"It's from this TV show called Spongebob. I showed it to Rob a couple of years ago. Ever since then we've wanted a team to prank." Wally explained.
"Sorry to be Squidward, but if it was you making the noises, following us, and flickering the lights, then who turned off the TV?" Artemis asked while pointing to the TV.
Everyone looked at each other then screamed and ran out of the mountain. Then the TV turned onto a different channel. A horror channel.
Meanwhile in the Batcave
"You think that taught them a lesson about going to sleep at their bed time?" Batman, now Bruce Wayne with his cowl off, asked Alfred while smirk.
Sooo... Was it good? Please give me a good name for this! I have next chapter planned out already but still tell me ideas!