A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry, it has been a while since I have updated. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter. Also, Happy early Thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it and Happy Fall Season to everyone! Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants; Disney has that honor. Also, all of the movie will be in bold. -SpottedMask12
Chapter 4: The Villain Parents
Mal turned to face the thugs and smiled: Hi Mom.
The thugs moved aside to reveal Mal's mother, Maleficent, was behind them.
"Maleficent is much shorter than I imagined," Audrey commented.
Mal glared at her, "Size doesn't matter, power does."
Maleficent: Stealing candy, Mal. I'm so disappointed. (Maleficent pouted as she stroked her scepter).
Fairy Godmother smiled, "Good, I'm glad she is disciplining you for stealing candy from a baby. That is a very mean thing to do." Fairy Godmother scolded Mal while Mal rolled her eyes.
Mal held out the lollipop to her mother: It was from a baby.
Maleficent smirked: That's my nasty little girl.
Fairy Godmother gasped scandalized, "Well…I…never."
Mal rolled her eyes again, "She's a villain, what were you honestly expecting?"
Maleficent took the lollipop from Mal. Mal smirked and giggled before her mother spit on the lollipop and then stuck it under her armpit. Mal's smirk faded away.
Maleficent handed the lollipop to one of the thugs: Give it back to the dreadful creature.
"Ewww!" Everyone said.
Then she switched her scepter to her left hand.
Mal groaned: Mom.
Maleficent: It's the deets, Mal, that make a difference between mean and truly evil. Maleficent waved to the mother and her toddler. The mother of the toddler gave a tentative wave back.
Maleficent: When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms. Mal mouthed the words of the end of Maleficent's sentence.
Everyone laughed and Ben teased Mal, "I guess you hear that a lot."
Mal groaned, "Try every day. It's always when I was your age, I did this…when I was your age, I did that. Why aren't you like me?"
Ben grimaced sympathetically, "That sounds annoying."
"It is, princey," Mal responded.
Maleficent chuckled and took Mal by the shoulder: Walk with me. See I'm just… just trying to teach you the thing that really counts… how to be me. (Maleficent waved her hand through the air as she said these final words).
"That's not true," Belle said to the villain kids, "What counts is that you be yourselves and not your parents." The VKs gave her perplexed looks.
Mal nodded her head: I know that and I'll do better.
"I will," Mal said determinedly, "I will do something my mother couldn't even dream of."
Audrey was going to add a nasty comment when her mother glared at her.
Evie, Carlos, and Jay gave each other worried looks.
Maleficent flailed her arms in the air: OH! There's news! I buried the lead. (Maleficent chuckled). You four have been chosen to go to a different school in Auradon. (Maleficent makes a fancy hand gesture).
"Oh, so this scene occurs after Ben makes his proclamation. That's nice to know," Belle said.
Evie, Carlos, and Jay try to run but get stopped by the thugs: WHAT!
Mal turned towards her friends and then back to her mom in disbelief: WHAT?! I am not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy, pink princesses.
"HEY!" Lonnie, Audrey, and Jane all yelled insulted.
Lonnie glared at Mal, "I would not describe myself as a prissy, pink princess! Maybe Audrey fits that stereotype, but not all of us do." Audrey glared at Lonnie but wisely did not comment.
Evie stepped forward and played with her long, blue hair: And perfect princes. (Mal gave her a look) Ugh!
Everyone giggled at Evie and Mal's interaction except for Audrey. Audrey snarled at Evie, "As if any Prince would even date the likes of you!" Evie reared back in her seat hurt while Mal and Jay glared daggers at Audrey along with Ben.
"AUDREY!" Arora and Phillip admonished their daughter, "What you just said was uncalled for, apologize now!"
"Sorry," Audrey muttered not meaning it.
Jay put his fingers in quotation marks: Yeah and I don't do "uniforms", (Jay chuckles and points at Maleficent while she starts to look annoyed) Unless it's leather, you feel me.
Carlos walked forward looking worried: I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon… (Maleficent smirks) Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave.
Ben looked at Carlos carefully, "Carlos…I promise that most dogs are not like that. Dude isn't, he just loves to get cuddles and belly rubs. Would you like to pet him?"
Carlos looked at Ben and shook his head wildly leaning as far away from Dude as he could. Ben sighed sadly but he didn't pressure Carlos.
Jay snuck up on Carlos and scared him by pretend barking. Carlos hit Jay in the shoulder for scaring him.
"That was mean to scare your friend," Belle lightly admonished Jay, and Jay, much to his surprise and everyone else's, looked a little ashamed.
"Sorry Carlos," Jay said.
"It's okay Jay. You were only trying to tease and joke around with me," Carlos accepted the apology.
Mal whined: Yeah Mom, we're not going!
Maleficent: Oh… you're thinking small, pumpkin. It's all about world domination. (Maleficent made a big arm gesture and then smirked and licked her teeth).
"Eww, that's creepy," Doug shuttered.
"I agree…" Mal said looking horrified at both her mother's actions and that she was agreeing with someone from Auradon.
Maleficent smirked: KNUCKLEHEADS! (Then she walked away before turning back to her daughter and singing Mal's name).
Mal made a face but followed her mother.
Maleficent sitting behind a desk and filing her nails: You will go, you will find the fairy godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy peasy!
Fairy Godmother glared at the kids, "You will not touch my wand. It is a very dangerous tool in untrained hands. It could hurt you."
Mal stared at her, "Are you for real? You are worried about your wand hurting us and not the fact that we are supposed to be stealing it to give it to my mother?"
The villain kids all stand in front of Maleficent in a group.
Mal: What's in it for us?
Maleficent: Matching thrones… hers and hers crowns.
The kids gesture to each other.
Carlos: Um, uh, I think she meant us.
Maleficent throws the file behind her and moves towards Mal while gesturing Mal forward: It's all about you and me, baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?
"What? That's awful!" All the people from Auradon screamed.
The VKs shrugged, "That's the isle outlook. Make others suffer, so you don't." The people from Auradon stared at them in horror.
"That's awful. You shouldn't feel like others need to suffer so that you don't," Belle commented sadly. Her sorrow made a weird feeling enter the pit of the VKs' stomachs.
Mal chuckles: Well, yeah… I mean who doesn't.
Belle, Snow White, and Arora sent Mal a disappointed look and Mal had to fight to not squirm in her seat. What was this feeling the kept making her feel? It was so unpleasant.
Maleficent interrupts: Well then get me the wand, and you and I can see all that and so much more. (Maleficent leans towards Mal).
Maleficent stands us and does a little shimmy with her shoulders: And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will. (Maleficent raises both arms as she says good and evil).
Fairy Godmother paled, "Maleficent can never get the wand or the world will fall into fire and chaos."
"Don't worry, we will do everything in our power to keep the wand from her," Beast assured Fairy Godmother.
Evil Queen stops looking at her mirror to interrupt: Our will.
"Wait," Snow White said, "That's the evil queen? What happened to her?"
"Multiple facelifts and not enough exercise," Evie answered truthfully before gasping and looking around fearfully.
"Don't worry E, your mom isn't here so she can't punish you for saying that," Mal reassured Evie. The Auradon parents gave each other worried looks at that interaction.
Cruella DeVil points and Jaffar looks over from talking to Jay.
Maleficent waves a hand and corrects herself: Our will… our will.
Maleficent snaps her fingers at Mal to gain her attention: And if you refuse… you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy. (Maleficent winks at Mal).
"What, that's not fair," Ben said.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you, princey, that life just isn't fair," Mal sneered.
"Yeah, it may have been mentioned a couple of times," Ben responded.
Mal protests: What? MOM!
Maleficent snaps her fingers and then activates her green eye magic glare. Mal activates her green eye magic glare as well and they enter a stare-off.
"What the HELL is that," Beast roared, "Maleficent shouldn't be able to use any sort of magic while in the isle."
"Maybe, you should check the magic drainers on the isle whenever we leave here dear," Belle suggested.
"A wonderful idea, honey. I will do just that," Beast nodded.
Mal grimaces: Fine… whatever.
Maleficent puts a hand to her horns: I win.
Evil Queen: Evie. My little evilette in training. (Evie ran over to her mother and sat down in the chair in front of the Evil Queen).
Evil Queen: You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing.
Evil Queen and Evie: And lots and lots of mirrors. (Evie giggled).
"Is that all she is teaching you? How to get a prince?" Snow White asked.
"Of course," Evie answered, "That's all that is important to Mom."
"A prince isn't the only thing that is important," Snow White mentioned, "You should be able to find someone you love and not just find someone because of their station in life."
Evil Queen: No laughing… wrinkles.
"What?!" Snow White yelled, "You are a child, you should be allowed to laugh. And wrinkles do not make you ugly, they usually show that you have lived life to the fullest."
"Beauty is everything to Mom. I am not a child to her, just a tool," Evie stated matter-of-factly.
Snow White made a disgusted facial expression, "You are a child. It disgusts me that she would even think of you as a tool. You are a child that should be loved and cared for. Not treated like something she gains stuff from."
Evie stared at Snow White in awe, a warm feeling growing in her chest.
Maleficent made an exasperated face.
Cruella DeVil: Well they're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him too much. (Cruella petted Carlos's hair).
Carlos: Really Mom?
Cruella removed her hand: Yes! Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet? (Cruella lifted her leg and forced it into Carlos's arms).
"Geez… she sounds like my stepmother. Do all villains treat their kids like their slaves?" Cinderella asked.
"Not all, but yeah most do," Jay answered.
Carlos: Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing.
Cruella stroking Carlos's face: Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon.
Mulan snorted in disgust, "She is using your fear against you, what kind of mother does that?"
"A poor one," Belle muttered as she glared at the screen.
Carlos started but didn't say anything.
Carlos fearfully: Oh no… I'm not going.
Maleficent groaned.
Jaffar waving a wooden spoon around: Well Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store.
"You stock your father's store?" Jasmine asked Jay.
"Yeah…that's why I steal so much. It keeps me in Pop's good graces." Jay explained.
"What happens if you do not steal enough stuff?" Aladdin asked curiously.
Jay glared darkly, "You don't want to know." The Auradon parents shared fearful looks at that pronouncement.
Jaffar turns to Jay: What did you score?
Jay chuckles and reaches into his vest to pull out a cloth, a couple of other items, and a lamp.
Jaffar gasps at the lamp and starts to frantically rub it: A lamp. (Maleficent gives a deadpan stare).
"He's really into that lamp…" Aladdin muttered.
"He's obsessed with finding another genie," Jay said.
Jay interrupts Jaffar's excitement: Dad… I already tried. (Jay gestures to the lamp).
Jaffar yells in disgust and throws the lamp at Jay.
Evil Queen glaring critically: Evie is not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow.
Evie frowns and touches her forehead.
Evie frowns like her screen persona and touches her forehead as well, "Do I have a unibrow," She asks fearfully.
"Don't be silly darling," Belle responds, "You are gorgeous and have no unibrow. The Evil Queen is just jealous of your beauty."
"Thank you, your majesty." Evie murmured shyly.
"Oh, there is no need for the your majesty. You can just call me Belle." Belle said brightly.
"Okay, thank you, Belle," Evie smiled.
Maleficent yells: What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names. (Maleficent walks down the stairs and grabs Mal's arm. Maleficent throws Mal into a chair for Mal to sit down. Cruella looks nervous and Carlos moves slightly behind his mom).
Arora murmured to Philip, "She's still just as scary when she yells as ever."
Maleficent: For twenty years, I have searched for a way off this island. For twenty years, they have robbed us from our revenge. (Mal gives a nervous look).
Maleficent points at Evil Queen: Revenge on Snow white and her horrible little men. (Evil Queen as Evie plucks her eyebrows: Ow…).
Snow White glared at the screen, "They were not my horrible little men. They may have helped me out, but the seven dwarves were their own independent people."
Maleficent points at Jaffar: Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie. (Jaffar yells while Jay holds him back: I will).
"Hey! Genie was never bloated!" Aladdin yelled.
"We know, honey. Calm down," Jasmine soothed.
Jay: Pop!
Maleficent points to Cruella and walks around the table: Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches.
Cruella pointed back at Maleficent and squeaked her fake dog on Cruella's shoulder: Oh… but they didn't get Baby. They didn't get the… they didn't get the baby. (Cruella laughs with a crazy look in her eyes).
"Oh my god, how crazy is your mom?" Mulan asked Carlos.
"You are looking at her worst," Carlos said rolling his eyes at his mother's antics.
Mal rolls her eyes.
Maleficent: AND I, Maleficent… (Evil Queen made a hand gesture at Jaffar).
Maleficent: The evilest of them all (maleficent picks up Evil Queen's magic mirror).
Maleficent: I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince.
"She's right, I was relentless, "Philip commented, "No dragon was going to stop me!" Arora smiled and gave Philip a sweet little kiss.
"Ugh, Mom and Dad get a room," Audrey snarked.
"Audrey, do we need to treat you like a toddler…" Arora threatened, glaring at her daughter for how immature her daughter was acting.
"No…" Audrey responded sullenly.
Maleficent looks away from the mirror to the other villains: Villains!
The other villain parents snap to attention.
Cruella: Yes?
Jaffar while eating something: Yes?
Everyone laughed at Jaffar's expression.
Maleficent put her hand on her shoulder and smirked: Our day has come.
"No, it hasn't! Not on my watch!" Beast yelled.
"Well," Mal said, "Now we know why Mom is letting us come to Auradon. And to not become the top of her hit list, we will have to steal Fairy Godmother's wand. Great… easy peasy." Mal and the other VKs groaned.
"You know," Ben said, "That isn't your only choice. You could choose another path. Your parents made their choice, but you can still make yours."
"What other choices can we make, Ben? We are villain kids. No one is going to trust us or assume we would choose any other path. And if we do choose another path our parents will kill us. No, princey, we only have one choice," Mal argued.
Mal and the other VKs turned back to the screen before Ben could counter Mal. Another choice? They had no other choice. They would have to steal the wand. But even as these thoughts circled their heads, a little seed of doubt was planted. But what if…?
A/N: So that's the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to review with comments and critiques. Also, I noticed that some of you who read my story are not native English speakers. I don't want any of you to feel obligated to review in English. If you want to you can write a review in your first language. I only know English and a little bit of Spanish, but I will use google translate to get the gist of your comment. Also, please tell me in the comments if you are reading this in English or if you are translating it into your original language. Thank you all for your support. Have a fantastic day! -SpottedMask12