The last chapter is here! Prepare for a lot of Merthur, a saddening realization, hard decisions, one last supernatural reference, and a happy ending! I hope you'll like it! :D

The Fall

The kiss, the slow movement of Arthur's lips against his, was something that Merlin wanted to feel forever. It felt better than wandering through the Garden of Eden, it felt even better than flying. He's never felt this way. And he never thought he could. But the moment their lips touched... he was lost.

He's fallen in every way imaginable.

But when they pulled away, hot breaths in between them and their eyes still closed, there was something wrong – Merlin could feel it. He frowned and stepped away, his wings moving away from Arthur's back – he didn't even know that they'd wrapped around the prince during the kiss – and then he saw him.


He was just standing there, with his arms folded on his chest and his wings bigger than ever. He looked intimidating even though Merlin knew he'd never do anything to hurt him. Will was his best friend after all. But if he was there on Heaven's orders...

"Merlin?" William asked. He didn't sound very happy. Arthur turned around and saw the angel, moving closer to Merlin and instinctively taking his hand – if in protection or reassurance, Merlin wasn't sure, but Will's eyes caught the movement and his frown deepened. He clearly didn't approve.

"I can explain," Merlin hurriedly stepped forward, tightening his hold on Arthur's hand. His eyes were wide and his heart was beating a little bit faster. He didn't want to lose something that he'd just discovered. He didn't want to leave Arthur now that he knew he felt the same.

"You've broken so many rules, Merlin," Will ignored him. "You've walked the Earth-"

"That was an accident-"

"-you've let a human see you, you've talked to him and..."

"We've fallen in love," Arthur defended Merlin and took a step forward as well.

"Also he's touched my wings, but I don't know if there's a rule about that," Merlin added with a hesitant smile.

Will didn't seem to be in a mood for jokes. He was much older than Merlin, he was protective and liked to teach Merlin things he didn't know and now he found out that his best friend has broken almost every rule he himself had taught him.

"I'm sorry," Merlin added.

"Explain then," Will asked him. "I've been looking for you all over Heaven and it was only now that I tried to use the pond. But I didn't believe you'd be here, until I got here and saw you being... intimate with a mortal."

Merlin's smile disappeared. He didn't want to worry Will, but it was too late for that. He guessed Will must have got a permission of some kind to even leave Heaven and get to Earth, and all for Merlin's stupid crush and his stupid idea to try and help Arthur. To be honest he was a bit surprised that Will got a permission to leave. That was very unusual, angels weren't supposed to be here at all.

"I... Remember how we talked about Arthur? In the Garden?" he asked, knowing that Arthur looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "And I asked how could I become his angel?"

Will nodded. "The prince of Camelot. Arthur Pendragon," he glanced at Arthur, for the first time acknowledging him in the conversation. "I could have expected this, you seemed too eager to help him."

Merlin's cheeks turned pink at that.

"I was on my way to the pond," he began with the story that got him into this mess. "And I thought I would be alone, but there were other angels, Shildre and others, who were watching lady Morgana."

"She'd been poisoned," Will said. Merlin nodded – Will knew about that then.

"And one of them said that Arthur rode out to find a cure and that it was a dangerous journey," Merlin continued, but before he could say another word, Will bowed his head and chuckled almost soundlessly.

"And you wanted to help him," he finished for Merlin, "because you wanted to be his angel and if he'd died, you wouldn't have had a chance."

"Well, I'm not good at using my powers, you know that better than anyone," Merlin nodded. He looked at Arthur and saw the love in his eyes, giving him the courage to continue. "And I messed up, and ended up here on Earth."

"I've never seen that happen," Will let his arms drop from his chest, and sighed. "A trip from Heaven to here," he looked around them, "requires a lot of knowledge and energy." He glanced at their joined hands. "You have much more talent than you think, Merlin," he smiled briefly. "And when you combined that with strong emotion, I guess it must have taken you straight to the source of your worries," he looked at Arthur. "To the prince."

Merlin swallowed again and nodded. "I know I shouldn't have tried, but I couldn't help it."

"I know." Will nodded. "But the outcome is the same. You'll be punished after you return to Heaven-"

"You can't-"

"-which is why," Will ignored Arthur's protests and raised his hand, "I'm not here officially," he finished. Merlin's eyes filled with hope. "I'm breaking a rule just by being here."

"You don't have a permission?" Merlin asked, his hope turning into a worry for his best friend.

"No," Will laughed shortly. But he still didn't seem relieved. "But I'm here anyway. I'm taking you back before anyone else notices we're both missing and that way you won't get punished and neither will I. And if someone finds out, we'll tell them it was an accident." Merlin's hope was leaving him with every word that left Will's mouth. "And then you can become the prince's angel, just like you wanted."

Merlin was silent for a moment. He looked at Arthur and saw exactly what Arthur was thinking. It was written all over his face: Please don't leave me. And he was right. Merlin couldn't leave Earth. He's never felt at home in Heaven and for the first time, now, he felt like he truly belonged somewhere, and with someone.

"No." Merlin simply said, looking down at his feet. Then he looked up at Will with an apology in his eyes.

"What do you mean no?" Will frowned at him.

"I'm sorry, I ca- I can't leave. I just can't," Merlin tried to explain and turned to Arthur, taking his both hands and squeezing. "I wouldn't be able to talk to you from Heaven," He told him. "Communication between angels and humans is just... forbidden. And I love talking to you, I really do." He smiled slightly.

"I love talking to you too." Arthur smiled back at him. "And I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave either." Merlin smiled. "This," he raised their joined hands up and smiled at him even more. He could feel tears in his eyes. "I can't lose this," he turned to Will then, feeling the tears roll down his cheek. "I can't lose him, Will. You need to understand."

"But Merlin, he's... he's mortal. It's-"

"I know it's against the rules," Merlin rolled his eyes. "But aren't we supposed to love humans? They're our father's creation and I'm sorry, but I can't help but love him. I'm not going back to Heaven with you."

"Merlin, you don't understand." Will took a step closer. "I want you to be happy. But if you stay here... you'll die."

"What?" Both Merlin and Arthur asked in unison, both in shock.

Will sighed and for the first time, he looked sympathetic. "The Earth... it's not for angels," he explained. "Only archangels can visit for a longer amount of time if it's required of them, but you and me? We're just average," he looked sad as he talked. And Merlin couldn't help but let his tears flow because leaving Arthur would kill him too. "If we stay too long," Will continued, "we start feeling and doing human things. Sleeping, eating... you must have experienced that by now."

"I've been here only for a day," Merlin whispered.

"You did sleep though, did you?" Will asked carefully.

"Right after I entered the castle." Merlin nodded, closing his eyes and bowing his head. He could feel Arthur's hand on his shoulder, but that just made it more painful.

"See?" Will pursed his lips. He was talking quietly now, trying to get Merlin to understand why he had to leave. "Sooner or later, you'd lose the ability to fly. You'd lose your powers and then your wings, and you'd simply disappear. And that would hurt. You wouldn't end up in Heaven, you'd be... gone. Forever."

Merlin took a deep breath and brought his hand up to put it over Arthur's on his shoulder. He squeezed and thought hard about his choices and his final decision.

He couldn't leave Arthur and return to how things were. He couldn't go the rest of his existence without hearing Arthur's voice and his laugh from close, without Arthur looking into his eyes. It would kill him. Not literally, but he'd be dead inside. Staying on Earth though, would kill him literally. And he couldn't let Arthur see that.

When he looked up at his prince, there were tears in his eyes. It was the first time he's properly showed any real emotion besides the kiss earlier. Merlin figured Arthur didn't like to talk about his feelings or feel weak, but Merlin couldn't help but put his palm on his cheek and wipe the tears away.

"You need to leave with him," Arthur whispered. "You'll die if you don't."

"But how can I live without you?" Merlin whispered back. He didn't care that Will was still there with them. He leaned in and let his lips brush against Arthur's, closing his eyes and wishing he could stay with him forever. They'd be happy here. He knew that.

When he pulled away, he turned to William. "Is there no other way?" He asked. The desperation in his voice was palpable.

"I'm afraid there isn't." Will shook his head. "I'm sorry, Merlin. I really am."

Merlin nodded and turned back to Arthur. They were standing so close to each other. Merlin's hand was on Arthur's shoulder and the other around his waist. He leaned closer again and put his arm around Arthur's neck, embracing him. His head was resting in the crook of Arthur's neck and Arthur's head lay on Merlin's. He'd never felt so close to someone. So warm inside, so complete.

And never before has he wished so much to have been born a human. He'd be able to spend a lifetime with Arthur then and they'd never have to say goodbye.

Then it occurred to him.

He opened his eyes and pulled away suddenly, looking at Will with wide eyes full of new hope.

"What if I became human?" He asked loud and clear. What if he became human? Was that possible? To just stop being an angel and continue his life as a mortal?

"What?" Will frowned at him. It obviously hadn't occurred to him until now.

"Can I become human? Be mortal? I don't care about my wings and powers, as long as it's possible and I can be with Arthur." Merlin explained.

Will kept silent, thinking about it. And it only fed Merlin's hope.

"Come on, you're older than me and more experienced, you must know if this is possible," Merlin asked his friend. When Will looked up at him, he didn't look that sad anymore.

"I've never heard of it..." He trailed off.

"... but?" Merlin nodded enthusiastically. "It is possible, right?"

"Merlin." He heard Arthur from behind him. "I can't let you do this, you'd lose your home."

Merlin smiled when he turned to him. "My home is wherever you are, Arthur," he told him. He was willing to do whatever it took to be with Arthur and he knew that even though Arthur might have been against it in the beginning, he wouldn't be at the end.

"I think it's possible," Will answered at last, making Merlin turn around to face him again. "But I've never done it before and it might be dangerous. I've never even heard of anyone doing it, this is... it's madness."

"But this madness is worth it," Merlin smiled at him. "I trust you," he added. "I know you'll try your best."

Will nodded.

"So what do I have to do?" Merlin asked.

"Nothing," Will said. Then he looked at Arthur. "But you'll have to stay away, I don't know if this will work, but it'll be dangerous for you."

"Alright," Arthur agreed. Then he turned to Merlin and threw his arms around him, trying to be subtle about saying goodbye, which meant he didn't say it but meant it that way.

"It'll work out," Merlin smiled at him. "You'll see."

"I know," Arthur nodded. He didn't look very convinced, but he trusted Merlin. Merlin could read that in his mind and it made him even more in love than he was before.

When Arthur left the tower and closed the door, Merlin turned to Will.

"You won't be able to see me once we're done with this," Will told him. That was enough to make Merlin come closer to him and pull him into a tight hug as well.

"I'll miss you," Merlin smiled as he closed his eyes.

"And I'll miss you." Will nodded against his shoulder. When they pulled away, he added, "but I don't want you to suffer for the rest of your life. And I can see that he makes you happy."

"Thank you," Merlin beamed at him. Then he stepped away and prepared for whatever was about to come.

"Just promise me you won't waste your mortal life," Will added.

"I promise I won't," Merlin smiled. He knew exactly what he wanted to do – spend the rest of his life with Arthur. And that wasn't wasting his life, that was living his life to the fullest.

Before he knew it, he heard Will start talking. He was saying words that Merlin never learned and didn't know how to use, mixed with words he tried to use himself – words that got him on Earth. He felt some kind of power surround him and he had to close his eyes. The white light was blinding.

After a few seconds, he couldn't hear Will talking anymore. But he knew he continued using his power, he could feel it getting stronger. Then his wings started to hurt. At first it was bearable, but then it wasn't. His heartbeat was speeding up and he screamed as something was ripped away from him. It wasn't anything physical, he didn't think, but something was gone and he felt... different.

The light stopped and Merlin collapsed on the grass. His heavy breaths turned into coughs and he carefully opened his eyes, looking around. It was quiet. He hoped no one had heard him scream, but judging by Arthur not running towards him, it must have been inaudible. Or maybe only angels could hear that.

With a heavy sigh, he sat up and groaned. His back hurt like hell. He reached behind his head and touched his skin beneath the robe that he was still wearing, and his eyes widened.

His wings were gone.

So it must have worked, right? His wings were gone and when he tried to concentrate on his power, he couldn't feel it anymore. He looked up and around, but he was alone, only with the stars above his head.

"Thank you!" He smiled up into the sky. He didn't know if Will was still there with him or if he'd already left, but he hoped Will heard him anyway.

As he stood up, for the first time, he realized how bloody cold he was. He wrapped his arms around himself and ran barefoot to the door, opening it. Arthur was pacing the hall.

"It worked!" He smiled at him.

When Arthur heard him, his frown disappeared instantly and turned into the widest grin Merlin's ever witnessed. And before he knew it, he had two strong arms around him again, squeezing him like his life depended on it.

"Ow," Merlin laughed and Arthur immediately let him go again, taking his face into his hands.

"Are you okay? How does it feel? You're not dying anymore, are you?" He bombarded him with questions until Merlin couldn't help but laugh too.

"I'm alright," he told him and placed his hands over Arthur's on his cheeks. "I'm human now. And I'm here to stay."

"Oh thank god," Arthur let out a breath of relief and pulled Merlin close again, this time gently.

When he pulled away and after another kiss, Merlin sighed and looked around, shrugging. "Well, now what?" He asked.

Arthur seemed to think about it. "Now we go to sleep and tomorrow you'll help me with training. From now on, you're my new manservant." He grinned.

"Wait, what?" Merlin asked, but Arthur only laughed and kissed him in response.

And Merlin couldn't say no to that. He'd love helping Arthur and learning more about humans and he'd get to spend every day with Arthur. And that meant a lot of alone time.

He kissed the prince – his prince – again and together, hand in hand, they walked through the castle, back to Arthur's chambers, where the bed was waiting for them.

And maybe even the bathtub – for later.


Epilogue – one year later

It's been a year. Everything in Heaven was fine, mortals had wars and marriages, arguments and children. Nothing changed. And no one knew that a former angel walked among them. No one noticed that Merlin left Heaven a year ago. No one knew that he lived his life together with the crowned prince of Camelot.

No one except Will. He's kept his promise and the secret. No one asked about Merlin, Will was his only friend. He missed him terribly, but he was glad that Merlin was happy.

It was a normal day in Heaven. Nothing unusual. The Garden smelled wonderful and the trees bore fruit and flowers were in bloom and Will was observing all of that right from the centre of the Garden.

It's been a while since he used the pond. He didn't have a human to protect ever since his human died (which was almost a hundred years ago). Will still felt like he had failed, but such things happened. Humans died and angels didn't.

But today was still different in some way. Will decided to use the pond, which was why he waited until there was no other angel around. Then he gently let his fingers touch the water and smiled. The water was pleasantly cool.

An image appeared instantly.

It was Merlin and Arthur, riding side by side through the forest. They tied their horses to trees and ran together to the nearest meadow, chasing each other through the grass with wide smiles on their faces.

It made Will smile too.

The night didn't seem cold according to what Merlin and Arthur were wearing as they fell to the grass, holding each other's hands and looking up at the stars.

"Remember when you used to be an angel?" Arthur asked him, a question seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"Of course I do," Merlin laughed. Then he smirked. "Remember when you used to give stars names?"

Now it was Arthur's turn to laugh as he propped himself on his elbow and turned to Merlin. "Come on," he rolled his eyes.

"Just for the record, I still think it's cute," Merlin added with a giggle as Arthur leaned down and kissed him, putting his other arm around Merlin's waist.

"You're cute," Arthur put an end to that playful argument as he pulled away and lay down on his back again. "What I meant though... do you ever regret it? That you became human?"

Merlin didn't answer and Will listened closely as the former angel turned to Arthur with a serious expression. "Not for one second," he told him. Then he climbed on top of Arthur, straddling him and laying his head on Arthur's chest, listening to his heartbeat as he closed his eyes. "I love you," he whispered, smiling when Arthur put his arms around him.

"And I love you," Arthur smiled.

When Merlin raised his head and started kissing Arthur passionately, Will chuckled and looked up at the Garden around him. Still peaceful and beautiful, but without his friend.

"You forgot to feed the horses again." He heard Merlin's giggle from the pond, followed by silent laughter.

"That was your job, you idiot," Arthur told him, but the rest of his words seemed to be stolen by another kiss.

Will smiled and touched the water again. Their image disappeared and the place fell silent. It was peaceful in Heaven indeed. And beautiful. And even without his friend, Will was happy that Merlin found purpose in life.

And it was a wonderful life, without doubt.


So this was the end! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this fanfic and liked the story of Merlin as an angel. As I said at the beginning, this was written for a Merthur AU fest on Instagram and originally was also supposed to be a oneshot. I hope you're satisfied with the ending, I sure had fun writing it :D I hope you'll consider reading some of my other stories (I write both short and long), and definitely let me know what you thought about this fanfic! I'd have made it longer if I had more time, but as I'm graduating this spring, I'll be lucky to even write a oneshot.

Thanks so much for reading and leaving reviews, favoriting and following!

Mischel xoxo