An old man was in some sort of room with a one-handed a piece of parchment in front of him. His face was illuminated by a single candle revealing wrinkly chubby face.

He then started to write. "Air, Water, Earth, Fire. These are the four elements that encompass the entire world and I have been those that have been able to control these elements. We call them Benders, an ancient martial art that is so ancient no one is share where it started from our history but is the very foundation of our culture.

"Like the four elements there are four different people scattered across the world forming four different cultures. The Air Nomads, who moved through the air as if they're moving from water and have a deep spiritual connection to the world, they live in four different temples from the North, South, East and West. The Water Tribes exist upon the Southern and Northern poles and are able to create marvels from ice and are widely known as the best seafarers in the known world. The Earth Kingdom, a powerful nation as strong as the earth itself and inhabits the largest continent upon the planet they are stubborn and unbelievable as the earth itself. Finally we have the Fire Empire, who exist within the outer political islands that dotted across the West of the world, they are known for their tenacity and fiery spirit and is possibly the most technologically advanced society within the known world.

"In order to keep the balance between these poor nations once every generation and mighty warrior capable of learning each and every elemental martial art and able to commune with the spirit world is born. This individual has been known as the Avatar. The Avatar is the single most powerful being upon the planet, whose primary mission is to bring balance and make sure that each nation does not get too strong from the other.

"However, that all changed one day. A mighty uprising happened with in the Fire Empire resulting in the death of the Emperor and the disappearance of the Avatar. The one who started this proclaimed himself Emperor and looked to expand his borders across the land. To make sure that his reign would not be challenged, he razed the Air Nomads to the ground killing them all making sure that not a single one survived.

"He then started to attack the Water Tribes and the Earth Kingdom in a bloodied war that has no end in sight. It has been 20 years since the Fire Empire attacked and still there has been no sign of the Avatar and many start to believe that he was gone for good. However, I never gave up hope and started to search for the Avatar knowing that he was our only hope for salvation.

"I ventured across the land with no sign of the Avatar, but then I began to enter into the southern Water Tribe. They had been one of the first casualties in the early stages of the war, all the Water Benders there had been taken captive and their men had now just left to join the Earth Kingdom in the war. This is how the story begins and how they did what I could not, find the Avatar."

Deep within the cold waters of the South Pole, a lone boat was sailing across the water. Inside contained three young teenagers, one was 15 with raven black hair and dazzling green eyes and the other two were 14, clearly twins, with long blond hair icy blue eyes.

Their names were Heather Valha, who was the daughter of the chief of the tribe and the only Water Bendor in the entire South Pole. Sadly her skills were not that good but she had no one to teach her and she was too busy to lead the tribe. The twins were known as Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston and they were warriors with a tendency to blow things up and not thinking ahead.

They were in the middle of fishing, but they were not having much luck within the icy tundras. That's when they saw fish swimming past their boat.

"Look fishy!" Ruffnut pointed.

"I've got this," said Tuffnut pulling out his spear and aiming at the fish.

"You're going to fall in," said Heather following her arms.

And that's when she noticed a fish on her side of the boat and then removed her gloves. She then began to move it up and down concentrating and immediately caught the fish within a bubble of water.

"Looks like I did you guys," said Heather.

"That's cheating," Ruffnut grumbled. "Neither of us are able to play with magic water."

"Yeah, and you can't control the best of times," Tuffnut complained.

Heather glared at them and loss of concentration freeing the fish from its bubble. She looked at them annoyed. "Now you see when you maybe do?"

"Maybe you should try doing things our way instead of yours," said Ruffed folding her arms. "You know instead of playing with magic water."

"It's not magic, it Water Bending and its an engine are unique to our culture," Heather reminded. "And need I remind you that without a teacher I have been resorted to be self-taught."

"Try and keep your weirdness to yourself," said Tuffnut folding his arms.

Heather raised an eyebrow. "I'm weird, you guys can't go by step without blowing something up."

"Not true!" Tuffnut yelled defiantly.

"Yeah, it's more like 10 steps," said Ruffnut.

Then before they could argue any more they struck a piece of ice and suddenly found themselves trapped within a current heading down to a particularly large iceberg within the crevice. The twins immediately grabbed the ball was began to paddle away in order to avoid them from being crushed by the ice.

"This way!" Ruffnut yelled.

"No that way!" Tuffnut argued.

"Will you guys stop arguing!" Heather yelled.

Another problem with the twins was that they argued constantly and because of this they kept on knocking within the small pieces of ice within the water and was soon trapped. They quickly jumped out of the boat before the eyes crushed it leaving them stranded on the block of ice.

"When are you guys going to stop arguing," Heather glared.

"Well maybe you should have Water Bended us out of the ice," Ruffnut countered.

"I can barely make a wave let alone a new current," Heather snapped.

"Why do girls always screw things up!" Tuffnut grumbled.

"No boys always mess things up!" Ruffnut yelled.

Immediately the two of them jumped onto each other and started hitting one another.

Heather immediately turned on them and filling every single bone in her body. "If you two would just stop arguing for five seconds we wouldn't in this mess!" she was so angry she didn't realise he was creating massive waves behind.

One of these waves struck the iceberg behind them slicing a chunk of it away and immediately that stop the twins arguing and they just stared at Heather.

"I have been getting out of trouble since we could walk!" Heather growled. "And ever since my father and the men left, you two have been totally out of control! Even my brother is more sane than you and he's crazy!"

"Uh, Heather," said Tuffnut fearfully.

"You may want to calm down," said Ruffnut with fear in her eyes.

"No, I will not calm down!" Heather roared. "It's about time that you two worked together and actually help people that need it!"

She then created another wave that tore another piece of the iceberg.

"No seriously you need to calm down," said Ruffnut.

"Or else were going to be in big trouble," Tuffnut added.

"You guys are already in big trouble!" Heather roared and then unleashed another wave that sliced right through the middle of the iceberg.

It was only by the sound of wisecracking that Heather finally stopped yelling at them and turned around. That's when they saw the iceberg splitting into and fell into the ocean creating a massive wave that blew them further out to sea.

"Okay, maybe you should control your anger," Ruffnut advised.

"I did not know you had that kind of destructive capability," said Tuffnut looking at Heather impressively.

Heather just stared. "You mean I did that?"

"Yep," said the twins.

Then suddenly the water in front of them began to glow and they saw something floating towards them from beneath the waves. Then suddenly bursting through the water was another iceberg, but unlike the others they have seen in their lives this one was blowing.

Heather took a step closer to examine it and saw humanist figured trapped within the eyes. Then she saw the figures eyes open and saw them glowing.

"Someone is alive in there," she gasped. She then immediately grabbed Tuffnut's mace and then jumped towards the iceberg.

"Is that a good idea?" Ruffnut asked looking at her brother.

"I don't know, but there's a chance that whoever is inside there respects our talents," Tuffnut smiled.

"That's a good enough reason to bursting open," said Ruffnut eagerly.

The twins then followed Heather jumping from ice block ice block to was the iceberg. However then slammed the mace into the ice again and again. It took several swings, but then they were pushed back by a sudden burst of steam and the iceberg began to crack.

Suddenly there was a large beam of light that shot into the air, so large in fact that it could be seen for miles.

Not too far away was a ship made of dark metal is flag bearing a crest. It looked like a dragon skull with the sword from its head. In truth this ship belonged to the Fire Empire and commanding it was a handsome black haired man of 25 years wearing red armour.

"Finally," he said. He then turned towards a man of about 50 years sitting cross-legged. "Uncle do you realise what this means?"

"That I won't get to finish my game of Maces and Talons?" he assumed.

The old man had black hair with a few whites in it and was sitting in front of a board with figures upon it. He too was wearing red armour and just sat there a kind and relaxed look upon his face.

"It means my search is about to come to an end," he said.

His uncle sighed knowing what was coming next.

"That light came from an incredible powerful source it has to be," said the young man defiantly.

"Or it could just be a celestial light," said his uncle. "We've been down this road before Eret. I do not want you to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit, why don't you test your skills with Maces and Talons your father always enjoyed."

"I'm not my father!" he roared. "I need to capture the Avatar." He then looked up towards the bridge. "Helmsman, had a course for the light."

Eret uncle just sat there in silence as he moved a pieces from the board.

They weren't the only ones to see the light, because not too far way were trapped in furs and riding on a pair of dragons were two young Dragon Riders.

Dragons had existed upon the land for many centuries and it was only until the first ruler of the Fire Empire that it was proven that people could ride dragons. There are four different categories of dragons, fire, earth, water and air and they usually start their own territory is.

One of these dragons was a beautiful blue and yellow scaled dragon that resembled a bird. She had a pair of horns sticking up ahead and razor sharp talons on her legs, plus her tail was long and capable of shooting spikes. It was a powerful fire dragon known as the Deadly Nadder.

The other one resembled a walking graveyard and was a large of the two. Its bones came from different types of dragons, but it's skin underneath looked olivegreen. It was an air dragon known as the Boneknapper.

"You saw that light?" said one of them male.

"No one could have missed that," said the other companion who had a female voice female. "Do you really think it's him?"

"I do sense a massive surge of mystical energy coming from that light and whoever generated it had to be extremely powerful."

"We've been searching for over a year and now he shows himself?" his female companion frowned as she removed her hood. She was a beautiful young woman of 15 years and had golden blond hair and a pair of stunning steel blue eyes. Her hair was wrapped in a ponytail, the right side of her face was completely covered by a set of bangs. "I don't know Ragnar, it sounds too good to be true."

"We have to search every single lead Astrid," said Ragnar removing his hood to reveal a handsome brown haired young man of 15 years with chocolate brown eyes. The most noticeable mark was the fact that he had an arrow-shaped mark on his forehead and upon his palms as well.

Astrid nodded. "I suppose you're right, but let's be careful. Last time we were chased off an island by the inhabitants."

"That would have happened if you kept your temp and not break the arm of the local Lords son," Ragnar pointed out.

Astrid narrowed her eyes at him. "He had it coming, he insulted my honour."

Ragnar just rolled his eyes. "Never understand you Fire Empire types."

Astrid said nothing, but now in her eyes at him.

Then they immediately took off into the sky and headed towards the light.

Meanwhile at the centre of the light Heather and the twins just there shooting themselves from the steam that erupted from the iceberg. When the steam finally dispelled the twins immediately grabbed their spears and aimed it at the iceberg.

That's when they saw him emerging from behind the iceberg. He was about their age, maybe a little bit older, but he was quite skinny and had scruffy aurbun hair. He was wearing a green tunic that was underneath a fur vest and wore a pair of green trousers that started a pair of combat boots.

The twins kept pointing their spears at him and Heather took up a fighting stance. They had no idea who he was or whether he was friend or foe.

Then suddenly the lights that surrounded them began to die and the young man in front of them collapsed. Out of pure instincts have a rushed towards him and caught him and then the twins tapped the butt of their spears at its head.

"Stop it!" Heather snapped.

She then laid the young man onto the ice and he began to stir. His eyes opened to reveal a pair of emerald green eyes and the moment he saw Heather and the twins he immediately backed away.

"Who are you?" he said demandingly.

"We were going to ask you the same question," said Heather.

Tuffnut blinked. "We were?"

"I wasn't going to ask him?" Ruffnut frowned.

Heather groaned. "Okay I was going to ask you the same question."

The young man then rubbed his head. "I've got a splitting headache."

"You were frozen in a block of ice, I should count yourself lucky," said Heather.

He looked up. "Frozen in a block of ice?"

Then suddenly they heard a growling sound and immediately the young man climbed over ice and slid down the other side to approach a black scaled dragon.

"Toothless!" he yelled with relief as he rubbed the dragon's head. "Are you all right, bud?"

Heather and the twins walked around the ice and then just stared at Toothless. He wasn't the largest dragon they have seen, but his wingspan was the largest. Immediately the dragon awoke and then started to lick the young man constantly.

"Ah, stop you win!" he yelled laughing. Eventually the dragon stop licking and the young man began to remove the saliva from his body. "You know that doesn't wash out."

The dragon nearly gave what they assumed to be a chuckle and the young man splattered some of his own saliva onto the dragon.

Heather just stared at him. "I've never seen a dragon like him before."

"Not surprising, his kind are quite rare," said the young man rubbing his chin. "His name is Toothless and he's dragon."

The twins then snorted.

"What kind of name is Toothless for dragon?" said Ruffnut.

Heather took a closer look and saw something unprecedented. "He hasn't got any teeth," she exclaimed."

"Okay, that explains the name," said Tuffnut.

"Actually he does have teeth, they're retractable," the young man explained.

Heather just frowned at him. "Who are you?"

The young man looked at her. "Oh, I have introduce myself have I? The name is Hiccup and you guys are?"

"I'm Heather and the twins are called Ruffnut and Tuffnut," said Heather gesturing to her and the twins.

"Judging from your clothing you're from the Water Tribe onto," said Hiccup looking at their clothing.

"We are, but I'm slightly more concerned with that bolt of light emerging from the iceberg," said Heather.

"Yeah, that was so cool," said Ruffnut.

"Yeah, do it again," said Tuffnut.

"Guys, we don't want to attract too much attention," said Heather looking at them. "We have no idea what it was and more importantly it could lead the Fire Empire here."

"Sorry, but why would the Fire Empire be here?" Hiccup frowned.

"He's got a point," said Ruffnut looking at Heather. "We haven't seen them for 10 years."

Tuffnut nodded. "Yeah, not since you're…" He then stopped.

"Not since what?" Hiccup frowned.

Heather didn't say anything. "What we need to do is get back home."

"But we lost the boat?" said Ruffnut.

"And I don't fancy swimming back home," Tuffnut added.

"Toothless and I could give you a lift back home," Hiccup offered. He then looked at Toothless. "Granted, there won't be much room."

Heather bit her lip. "I don't know." She then looked towards the frozen water. "There again I don't fancy being frozen to death out here."

Soon they were all board Toothless, but they had to hold onto each other very strongly since there wasn't much room for the four them.

"Sorry for the squeeze," said Hiccup.

"It's all right," said Heather.

"You better hang on tight, Toothless is a very fast dragon," Hiccup warned.

"I think we can handle him," said Heather.

Hiccup shrugged. "Take us out, bud."

Toothless then stretched his wings and with one good black shot off into the air like a catapult. Heather and the twins screened that they held on tight as Toothless zoomed upwards.

"Told you he was fast!" Hiccup called.

"This is awesome and scary!" Tuffnut yelled.

"Can't he fly a little slower?" Heather cried.

Hiccup leaned towards Toothless. "You had, bud. Nice and slow."

It was getting dark when Eret his ship arrived at the general location of the light and still there was no sign of anything resembling the Avatar.

His uncle then approached him. "I'm going to bed now," he said as he yawned. "Yep, a man needs his rest." He then sighed when he saw that Eret wasn't moving. "Eret you need some sleep, even if you're right, and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. The Emperor himself has failed to find him and he's the most powerful man on the planet."

"That's because he is honoured in cling on the Avatar's capture," said Eret strongly. "Mine does, this coward's years in hiding are over."

Not too far away from their position was Astrid and Ragnar as they managed to locate the iceberg that Hiccup was trapped within.

"So this is where the source of the light came from?" Astrid asked looking around.

"I definitely sense a massive amount of spiritual energy here," Ragnar nodded.

Astrid then looked at the ice. "I have to agree with you, the way of the ice is jagged. It indicates that a large amount of power went straight up, but there's no one here?"

Ragnar frowned. "He could have already left, if it were me I wouldn't stand around too long after unleashing that amount of power."

Astrid nodded. "I agree, but where do we look now?"

Ragnar folded his arms. "If it were me I would try and find the nearest settlement to get supplies and rest."

"So he would head to the Southern Water Tribe," Astrid assumed.

"The only problem is we don't know where that is handed not particularly big if the rumours are correct."

Astrid bit her lip. "This is the closest we've ever been from locating the Avatar. We'll just have to keep on searching."

"Let's hope that we were the only ones who saw that light," said Ragnar as he mounted his dragon. "Let's go, Skull."

Skull his dragon then took off into the sky and soon Astrid mounted her dragon.

"Follow them, Stormfly," said Astrid.

Stormfly then took to the sky began to follow Skull.

Hiccup was flying Toothless in the air completely alone when suddenly by a ball was fired from the sky. He desperately tried to steer Toothless away, but eventually they got hit and fell into the water.

They try to fly up back towards the surface, but they were completely surrounded by an entire armada of ships bearing the same crest as Eret's. Hiccup tried to hold his breath as long as he could, but eventually he had opened his mouth and began to pull unconscious.

Both he and Toothless floated towards the bottom of the sea and then suddenly Hiccup's eyes shot wide open glowing with a bright light. He then slammed his hands together and suddenly he and Toothless were completely covered in a block of ice.

"Hiccup, Hiccup wake up!" Heather's voice yelled.

Hiccup immediately sat up looking completely sweaty. He found himself in some sort of tent and sitting next to him was Heather.

"It's okay, we're in the village now," she said. "Come on, get ready. Everybody is waiting to meet you."

Hiccup grabbed his shirt and boots placed them on a few seconds later he and Heather made their way out of the tent.

When he got outside he found a large group of people waiting for him, mostly they were children and old women.

"Hiccup this is the entire village," said Heather introducing him to them. "Entire village, Hiccup."

Hiccup respectfully bowed and immediately the young children hit behind their mothers.

"Did I do something wrong?" Hiccup whispered to Heather.

"We're just being cautious," said a voice.

The crowd soon parted and a boy of 18 years made his way towards them. He had I the red and was forming a beard and his green eyes matched that of Heather's.

"I mean it's not every day we see people frozen in a block of ice," he said looking at Hiccup curiously.

"Hiccup, this is my brother Dagur," said Heather.

"Pleasure to meet you, Dagur," said Hiccup nervously as Dagur began to walk around him.

An old woman then emerged from the crowd. "While I son-in-law is fighting against the Empire, Dagur is the leader of our Tribe."

"What?" Hiccup blinked.

Dagur narrowed his eyes at Hiccup. "I noticed you're wearing Earth Kingdom peasant clothing, but you ride a Night Fury, a fire dragon."

His eyes then fell towards Toothless, who was merely sleeping.

"It's not uncommon for people of other nations to ride different dragons," said Hiccup looking at Dagur.

"True, but Night Furies are thought to be extinct," said Dagur narrowing his eyes.

Hiccup stared at him. "Extinct? I know they're quite rare, but…"

Dagur narrowed his eyes. "Listen, we don't know who you are and for all we know you could be a Fire Empire spy."

"Now you're being ridiculous," said Heather glaring at her brother. "Does he look like he's a spy?"

In truth, Hiccup didn't look like much of a warrior either and that made Dagur curious. If this boy was indeed from the Earth Kingdom why would he be in the South Pole and more importantly why was he frozen.

He then looked at Heather. "So how exactly did you find him?"

Heather looked at him awkwardly. "It was an accident."

"She used Water Bending to slice apart an iceberg and he emerged out of the water," said Ruffnut.

Dagur groaned. "You need to be more careful of your Bending."

"It's not like I have anyone to teach me," Heather pointed out.

Hiccup looked at Heather. "You're a Water Bending?"

"Not quite," said Heather rubbing the back of her head.

"All right, that's enough," said Heather's grandmother. She then took ever away from Hiccup. "Heather you've got chores."

Heather looked at her grandmother. "Why are you taking me away from him?"

"Heather, your brother has every right to be concerned about your new friend and he's hiding something," she said.

Not too far away was Eret's ship and he was in the process of training with two soldiers on the deck. Observing the training session was his uncle.

"Again," said his uncle.

Eret then immediately fired two bursts of fire from his fists straight at the soldiers, but they ducked. One then fired planes from his hand and the other said the burst of flames from his foot over the deck.

Eret jumped into the air spun around dodging their flames and unleashing flames in mid-spin. He then landed behind them aimed his fist directly at them.

His uncle sighed as he got to his feet. "No, power in Fire Bending comes from the breath, not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body, the energy extends past your limbs and there comes fire!"

He then flung his fist forward unleashing bursts of flames directly in front of Eret, but stopping them before they struck him.

"Get it right this time," he said.

Eret narrowed his eyes at him. "Enough! I have been drilling this sequence all day, teach me the next set. I'm more than ready."

"No, you're in patient. You have yet to master your basics," he said as he sat down. "Drill it again!"

Eret looked at him in rage and then unleashed a burst of flame from his leg a aiming it at one of his soldiers. The soldier quickly tried to block it with fire, but it proved too strong and he was knocked off his feet.

Eret then turned on his uncle. "The Elders tells us that the Avatar was the son of the previous Emperor. He must be at least 40 years old by now, he's had two decades to master the four elements I will need more than basic Fire Bending to beat him. You will teach me the advanced set!"

His uncle narrowed his eyes at him. "Very well."

Dagur was walking around the village with the twins.

"We need to fortify this place in case the Empire comes back," he said.

"But places already fortified," said Ruffnut.

"Yeah, we haven't exactly got much of an army," Tuffnut pointed out.

He then gestured towards the children that were following them.

Dagur sighed. "Look you can call me paranoid, but without our parents we are all that's left defending the Tribe. We need to be prepared in case the Empire comes back."

"You're right," said Heather as she approached him with Hiccup. "You are paranoid."

Hiccup just looked at them blankly. "What's this about the Empire attacking?"

"Something we call the war," said Dagur rolling his eyes.

Hiccup stared at him. "War with the Empire?"

Everyone then stared at him.

"How can you not know about the war that been waging on for 20 years?" Dagur stared.

Hiccup shook his head. "But… Emperor Stoick would never declare war."

They looked at each other again.

Heather then looked at him. "Uh, Hiccup… Emperor Stoick was assassinated 20 years ago?"

Hiccup's eyes widened. "What? I don't believe."

Dagur looked at Heather and the twins. "You had better show him."

Heather looked at him. "You sure?"

"Just don't go inside," said Dagur.

"Show me what?" Hiccup asked.

"Proof," said Dagur simply.

A few moments later Heather and the twins were taking Hiccup through the snowy wilderness beyond the village.

Hiccup then looked at Heather. "You mentioned that you you're the only Water Bender in the Tribe."

Heather looked at him sadly. "Yes, you're looking at the only Water Bender in the entire South Pole."

"This isn't right," said Hiccup. "A Water Bender needs to master water. Can't you just go to the North Pole, I'm sure you'll find a master there."

"Maybe, but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in a long time," said Heather.

"Plus it's not exactly next-door," Tuffnut added.

"Yeah, it's like on the other side of the world," said Ruffnut.

"And you don't have any dragons to ride upon?" Hiccup asked.

Heather shook her head. "All the dragons in this region have either been slain or captured by the Empire."

"Well, I could take you to the North Pole on Toothless," Hiccup offered.

Heather looked at him. "Well… that's… I don't know. I have never left home before."

"Think about it, I won't be going until Toothless had his energy back," said Hiccup.

They then walked over snowy hill and Hiccup's eyes widened. But trapped in the ice was an Empire naval ship, judging from the way the ice was pointing it had been trapped there by Water Benders.

"What is that?" Hiccup stared.

"What we want to show you," said Heather looking at him. "It's a Fire Navy ship and a very bad memory for my people."

Hiccup saw the flag and his eyes widened. "That's not the Empire's crest."

"No," Heather nodded. "It's Emperor Drago's."

Hiccup eyes widened. "Did you say Emperor Drago?"

"It was one of the first things he did as Emperor," said Tuffnut.

"He got rid of the old emblem of the Empire and replaced with that one," said Ruffnut.

"That's the mark of his clan," Hiccup stared.

Heather frowned. "Clan?"

"The Fire Empire is actually made of individual clans the Haddocks, Hofferson and many others. 300 years ago there was no Empire only a small coalition of clans warming with themselves. It was only until the first Emperor arose that they started to form a proper Empire."

Heather frowned. "You seem to know a lot about the Empire."

Hiccup wasn't listening as he stared at the ship and they started to make his way towards it.

Heather immediately grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?"

"I need to know what happened," he said looking at her.

"We've been told to never enter, because it's booby-trapped," said Heather.

Hiccup looked at her. "If you want to be a Bender you have to let go of fear." Heather just stared at him. "Besides, I was following them."

Heather looked up and saw the twins climbing onto the ship. She knew she couldn't leave the twins unsupervised and reluctantly made her way towards the ship with Hiccup.

They entered through a hole within the hull which was no doubt caused by the ice. They began wondering through the dark and cold corridors of the ship and soon they entered the bridge.

"This ship has haunted my Tribe since before I was born, it was part of the Fire Empire's first attack," Heather explained.

"Yeah, they began abducting Water Benders from the tribe," said Ruffnut.

"The last attack was 10 years ago," said Tuffnut.

Hiccup immediately grabbed the ship's log and began to look at it. His eyes widened as he looked at Heather and the twins. "This doesn't make any sense, you tell me that Emperor Stoick was assassinated 20 years ago and Drago took over as Emperor. It was only yesterday that he was on the throne let alone a war."

Heather and the twins looked at one another and then back to Hiccup.

"Hiccup, how long were you in that iceberg?" Heather asked.

Hiccup rubbed the back of his head. "I've got no idea."

"I think you being in there for 20 years," Heather stared.

Hiccup's eyes widened. "The ice must preserve my body."

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruffnut asked.

"Yeah, I'm completely lost," said Tuffnut.

Heather groaned. "We're saying the reason why Hiccup knows nothing of the war is because he predates the war. He was frozen in a block of ice for 20 years, the war, Stoick's assassination, he never experienced it."

Hiccup then leaned against the table. "20 years? That means everyone I know has grown up."

Heather placed a hand on his shoulder. "I can't even imagine what you're going through, but maybe there's a bright side to this."

Hiccup shook his head. "If there is I don't see one."

Heather gave him a sympathetic look. "Let's get out of here."

Hiccup looked up. "Uh, where is the twins?"

Heather's eyes widened as she slowly turned around and saw the twins were gone. "Those idiots."

Immediately they began running across the ship trying to locate the twins and finally found them in the engine room.

"What do you think this does?" Ruffnut asked pointing out a valve.

"Something cool," Tuffnut offered.

"Don't touch that!" Hiccup yelled rushing towards them.

Too late, the twins turned the valve and immediately flames shot out from the different valves around them. Everything went into slow motion as Hiccup began spinning around and somehow control the flames before he deflected them back into the valve melting them.

Heather and the twins stared at him.

"You're a Fire Bender?" Heather gasped.

Hiccup looked at her awkwardly. "I was going to tell you."

Heather then placed her hands on her hip. "When?"

"I was going to tell you before you mentioned the entire war with the Empire thing," said Hiccup. "You that your brother and your people would not be too happy to find a Fire Bender in you're until I found more information."

Heather could see his. "Fair enough, but if you're holding any more secrets…"

Hiccup looked at her. "I would like to tell you everything about me, but we need to move because I just melted the valves and soon the engine room is going to explode."

Heather's eyes widened. "Run!"

They immediately run down the dark corridors until they found the entrance they came from and jumped. They then buried their heads into the snow and a few seconds later the entire ship exploded.

The explosion was heading their way, but Hiccup immediately got his feet and began to push the planes away with his Fire Bending.

Unfortunately not too far away was Eret and he had seen the entire thing through his spyglass. He was unable to say Hiccup very well, but he saw the Fire Bending and knew instantly who he was.

"There he is, the son of the previous Emperor," said Eret. He then frowned slightly. "He is certainly quick on his feet he was able to deflect the explosion."

Immediately turned towards his soldiers. "Wake my uncle, tell him I found the Avatar." He then looked at the spyglass and saw Hiccup, Heather and the twins running towards the distance. He looked around the area and saw that they were running towards a small settlement. "As well as his hiding place."

Eret was the only one who saw the explosion. Astrid and Ragnar were quite a distance away, but they saw the smoke in the distance.

Astrid looked at Ragnar. "Smoke here?"

"Clearly by some sort of large explosion," said Ragnar looking at Astrid. "It's got to be him."

"Then let's fly," said Astrid.

Immediately they flew towards the smoke hoping to find the Avatar.