The Greatest Duel
Albus Dumbledore knew what he had to do. He had to defeat the only person whom he truly cared about - Gellert Grindelwald. He searched for a very long time, but finally he had found him, standing alone in the middle of a desert.
"Albus..." - started the most feared wizard in modern history, his voice unsure, as if he was searching for something with it.
"Gellert..." - said Dumbledore, his voice shaking, his eyes tearing.
"You came here to kill me, didn't you?" - Gellert still stood with his back turned to Albus, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"No... Gellert, no... It's not too late, you can survive, I can convince them... Just... just give it up, Gellert. This is not the greater good that we seek, this is madness!"
"Madness? Tell me Albus, you say you can convince me to give it all up... I wonder, if I could persuade you to stand by me? Join me Albus. Think about it, we are both powerful, think about what we could achieve if we only worked together!"
Albus was speechless. His legs gave up, he knelled down, sand surrounding him from every corner. After a few moments, he began to speak, slowly, quietly, as if he himself was afraid of the things he wanted to say.
"Gellert... I... I love you. I love you, that's why I can't let you do this! Come back with me, Gellert... Come back, please, I beg you."
Grindelwald chose this moment to finally turn around. He met the eyes of his lover and spoke, his voice cold and sad.
"And what if I don't? Are you going to kill me?"
"Gellert... I... I will do what I must. Please, just come with me, you still have a chance!" - he begged, still hoping for a change in his lover's heart.
Grindelwald stood motionless, his eyes coldly regarding Albus. After a few seconds, he slowly unsheathed his wand, raised his hand, and walked slowly to where his lover was still knelling and crying quietly.
As he took his slow steps, he raised his wand to Dumbledore's level and started to say two words, two unforgivable words.
"Avada Kedav..."
And then, suddenly, he stumbled over a small rock, and died.
"Well, that was for sure easier than I expected," said Albus while standing up.
"And now, to more important matters - where did I leave my lemon drops?"