Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

The Adventure Continues…

Arthur was sat on his throne, beside him Gwen was watching him closely, her expression unreadable. The Knights of the Roundtable were stood alongside the throne, their faces a blank mask, void of all emotion. Gaius was stood to one side, grief and sadness battling for dominance on his face as he watched the door to the throne room, horror and fear settling heavily in his stomach.


"There is no weapon in this realm capable of killing Emrys," Alice answered, taking Freya by the arm and leading her down the corridor. "As for Sibella, there are many ways a seer can channel their visions, so not to disturb their sleep."

"I know," Freya replied. "To see something like that… She's so young, Alice!"

"She's the daughter of Emrys and the Lady of the Lake," Alice said, leading Freya over to a chair as they entered a small private room. "Emrys has had his power since birth and you are of Avalon, the laws of magic work differently there."


"I do," Merlin agreed. "But I did it for you, Arthur. I saved your life."

"You leave me no choice," Arthur said. "I hereby sentence you to death."

Arthur turned to Mordred, "And you, do you deny the use of magic within Camelot."

"No," Mordred answered, looking straight at Arthur and meeting his gaze, if Emrys could be strong so could he.

"You will both be burnt at the stake," Arthur stated. "At dawn tomorrow."


"I prepared breakfast," Merlin said, cheerfully as he gestured to the table.

Gaius raised an eyebrow at Merlin and Merlin quickly realised he hadn't dished out the porridge yet and quickly set about looking for a ladle.

"Emrys," A voice suddenly echoed through Merlin's head, causing him to drop the ladle he'd just found.

The voice was female, but Merlin had no idea who it belonged to.

"Who are you?" Merlin questioned, but he received no reply.


"Oh, Freya, my dear," Alice smiled sadly. "There is not a day that passes in which I don't wish I could visit Gaius… To be away from your husband for so long, to know he lives in a place where he could be executed for the power he wields and to see him so rarely… To want to see him doesn't make you a bad mother. They are safe here, no one would dare harm them or let harm come to them… To take them to Camelot with you, would endanger them."


Hey! Thank you everyone who has reviewed, followed and favourited this story. Next up is 'The Drawing of the Dark'. Until next time,

Blessed be,
