Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.

Chapter One:

In a land of myth and a time of magic the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name… Merlin.


Merlin was running through a forest, he couldn't see more than two foot in front of him due to a heavy mist which had sprung up from between the trees. The moon was full allowing him to see, but only just.

Behind him he could hear those chasing him, drawing ever closer.

He knew no matter how fast he run, they'd catch up with him soon. He could hear their hunting hounds barking and sound of hunting horns echoed through the trees around him. The sound of hooves pounding on the Earth, sounded like thunder, leaving a ringing in his ears.

Suddenly he was thrown forwards through the air, as a series of magical explosion occurred behind him and the magic felt familiar. Before he could get to his feet and continue running to sets of hands grabbed him and he was forced to his knees as a figure approached him through the mist. Merlin supressed a gulp and Morgana stepped out of the mist.

"I was hoping for more of a challenge," Morgana smirked as she stopped in front of him. "There was a time when the name Alator struck fear even into the most courageous. Your skills of torture were unparalleled, did you know that?"


"That was nothing to be proud of," Merlin found himself answering, but it wasn't his voice which came out of his mouth… If was Alator's.

"What was it you used to say?" Morgana said, glancing round at her men. "The victim always talks… Eventually."

"What do you want from me?" Merlin found himself demanding.

"I thought that was obvious," Morgana smirked again. "I want you to tell me where Emrys is."

"I told you before," Merlin once again answered. "Never."

"I was rather hoping you'd say that," Morgana cackled.

Merlin woke with a start and sat bolt upright, panting as his heart beat wildly in his chest. The dream, it had seemed so real… Alator! Merlin jumped out of bed and tripped over before he had even made it a couple of steps. It was the middle of the night and his room was hidden from view in complete darkness.

Quickly untangling himself from whatever it was he'd tripped over, Merlin jumped to his feet and made it to the door, which he threw open and rushed down the steps, almost falling down them in his haste, into the main room. On the far side of the room, Gaius had been woken by the commotion and had quickly lit a candle.

"Merlin!" Gaius exclaimed as he caught sight of Merlin.

"I have to go, Gaius," Merlin answered, as he hurried around the room. "Alator… He's in trouble… Morgana… He was caught by Morgana. I have to save him!"

"Merlin," Gaius said softly, approaching the clearly distressed Merlin. "Merlin, calm down. Tell me what happened."

"You don't understand, Gaius!" Merlin shook his head. "Alator, he needs help! Morgana's caught him!"

"Merlin, calm down," Gaius repeated, reaching out a grasping Merlin by one arm. "It is the middle of night, my boy."

"But, Gaius-" Merlin began to protest.

"Hush, my boy," Gaius ordered softly as he led Merlin over to one of the room's many work benches and forced him to sit down. "The state you are currently in, you'll be no help to anyone."

Was Merlin was sat down Gaius moved around the work bench and began to prepare a potion.

"Now, tell me what happened," Gaius said, as he looked up from his work.

"I had a dream," Merlin answered. "I was being chased through the forest… I was running as fast as I could, but they were gaining on me… I knew I couldn't escape them. Suddenly I was thrown forward, by magic. Morgana's magic… Two of her men grabbed hold of me and forced me to my knees before her. But I wasn't me, I was Alator… It felt so real, like was there. He's in trouble Gaius, I know he is! I have to help him!"

"Here," Gaius handed Merlin a potion. "Drink this."

"What is it?" Merlin asked, studying the bottle in the semi-darkness of the room.

"A calming tonic," Gaius answered.

Merlin downed the potion in one and gagged at the taste.

"Now, back to bed with you, my boy," Gaius ordered. "We will talk about this in the morning. We don't even know if Alator is truly in trouble."

"It was real, Gaius!" Merlin exclaimed. "You… You don't believe me."

Gaius sighed, "You have an incredible power, Merlin. There is nothing I don't believe you capable of doing."


Merlin was lost in his thoughts as he followed after Arthur and Gwen, who were riding ahead of him, as Arthur searched for the perfect spot for him and Gwen to have a picnic. Merlin couldn't stop thinking about his dream… He and Gaius hadn't had a chance to discuss it that morning, as Arthur had burst into the chamber just as Merlin was getting up, to announce he and Gwen were going on a picnic and Merlin better hurry up… Or he'd be mucking out the stables for the next two months.

Ahead of him, Arthur stopped and jumped down from his horse and looked round.

"This really is the most perfect spot is it not?" Arthur asked looking round.

"It is," Gwen answered, looking round with a smile.

"Sometimes I forget how beautiful Camelot is," Arthur said looking round, before his gaze settled on Gwen. "But never how beautiful my queen is."

While Arthur had been talking, Merlin had gotten down from his horse and started unpacking the supplies.

"Was that you Merlin?" Arthur suddenly asked, turning to Merlin.

"What?" Merlin asked. "It was the horse."

"Because if you were mocking the king..." Arthur threatened as he walked across to Merlin.

"I wasn't," Merlin defended himself. "I wouldn't."

"There is a special punishment preserved for such impudence," Arthur warned him, before nudging Merlin's arm and smiling. "You're too easy Merlin. Every time."

Arthur walked over to Gwen and helped her down from her horse.

"How about here, Guinevere?" Arthur asked, gesturing to the small clearing before them.

"Yes," Gwen smiled. "It looks perfect."

"Then here it shall be," Arthur proclaimed.

"Over here," Gwen beckoned Merlin over to spot she had chosen and helped Merlin spread out the blanket.

"I haven't seen him this happy in a long time," Merlin whispered to Gwen.

"Yes," Gwen smiled watching Arthur as he picked up and empty water skin. "He has changed hasn't he?"

"Yeah," Merlin nodded. "Yeah I think he has."

Suddenly Arthur threw the empty water skin at Merlin, it bounced off Merlin's back and Merlin looked up, annoyed.

"Sorry," Arthur apologised, not sounding that sorry. "Pick that up will you, Merlin?"

"Well perhaps he hasn't totally changed," Merlin muttered to Gwen, who laughed.

"And this one too," Arthur said, holding up another water skin. "Are you ready?"

"Sire-" But before Merlin could protest, Arthur threw it.

It sailed through the air far above Merlin's head and disappeared through the trees.

"I think my dog can catch better than you," Arthur said.

"Possibly because you treat him better," Merlin answered, as he got up to go and find the water skin.

Walking through the trees, Merlin looked for the water skin. Suddenly some scorch marks on a nearby tree caught his attention. He could sense the magic radiating off of it… It was Morgana's magic. Kneeling beside the tree, Merlin reached out and traced the scorch marks as he remembered his dream and the magical explosions which had knocked Alator off his feet.

"Are you blind, Merlin?" Arthur asked from behind him.

"Something happened here," Merlin called over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the marks.

"Stags marking their territory," Arthur replied.

"No," Merlin disagreed. "This was caused by magic."

"Merlin," Arthur sighed. "Who knows more about hunting me or you? It's rotting season, half the trees in the forest look like that. Come on. Your king awaits."

"And who knows more about magic," Merlin muttered to himself, as he got to his feet and went in search of the second water skin once more, but not before a medallion on the ground caught his attention, which he quickly picked up.


"What happened?" Arthur asked Sir Leon, as he, Gwen and Merlin rode into courtyard to find it full of refugees.

"They sought sanctuary at the western garrison," Leon explained, as Arthur jumped down from his horse.

"Ashwinds' been at peace since my father's time," Arthur answered, looking round at the people who had sought refuge in Camelot.

"They're not from Ashwind," Leon said. "They came over the borders from Odin's land."

"Summon the council," Arthur ordered, hurrying up the steps into the castle.

"Yes, sire," Leon called after him.

No less than half an hour later the council was gathered and Sir Leon began explaining what he knew of the situation.

"Two days ago the city of Helva was attacked," Leon told the council. "Only a handful of people managed to escape."

"Who is responsible?" Arthur asked.

"At first we assumed it was the Saxons," Leon answered. "They've been active in that area before, but the refugees tell a different story… They say magic was involved."

"Morgana," Arthur guessed.

"The evidence suggests so, sire," Leon nodded.

"Strengthen the garrison," Arthur ordered. "Double the patrol on the border."

"Yes, sire," Leon bowed and with that the council departed.

"Why would Morgana attack Helva?" Merlin asked, once the doors had been shut behind the departing council members.

"She must have her reasons," Arthur answered.

"Helva is one of the few places where magic is practiced freely," Merlin pointed out. "Why would she attack her own? It makes no sense."

"Not many of the things Morgana does, makes sense, Merlin," Arthur said, as he moved to where Gwen was waiting, who was sending Merlin a worried look as she overheard their conversation.

Merlin watched as the two of them left the council hall together and Merlin pulled the medallion he had found from his pocket. He traced the writing on its surface. He was sure it was written in Catha… But what would the Catha be doing in Helva? They no longer practiced there, they hadn't since the formation of the magical kingdom.

Merlin's eyes widened as a thought suddenly stuck him.

The prophecy Alator had spoken of… Had he returned to Helva to try and find it?


Hey! I hope you enjoyed the start of this story. Until next time,

Blessed be,
