'What the hell was I thinking.' Marinate screamed internally.

'Yes, go befriend a stranger who looks like he's readyto pounce on anything. That always ends well.' She rolled her eyes.

'Well at least he's cute.'

'That means nothing, he could be a murderer...or worse!'

While Marinate was panicking Adrian was enjoy the sites and the sounds of the city. As they went higher up the more Adrian saw of the wonderful city he should have seen before.

He felt buzzed, like he could do anything. 'Well you couldn't navigate this city on your own.' His inner voice commented.

Adrian looked up and realized that that the lady who helped him was still there with him.


Marinate looked back at the stranger. He was rubbing the back of his head slefconshisly. She would have found that cute if there wasn't a chance of him killer her.

"For what?" Marinate asked

"For back there and helping me out now." Adrian said while blushing.

Marinate smiled at him a true smile one that she hadn't worn in a while. 'If he is a murderer at least he has manners.' She thought.

"No worries."

Adrian was struck by the smile she gave him it wasn't like the ones everyone else gave him. This one was different. It was real. He wanted to make her smile again.

"We're almost there just a little more." Marinate said moving a piece of wood from a blocked window.

"My name's Marinate by the way."

"Oh..n-nice to met you I'm..." Adrian struggled to find a name to tell her.

"Yes?" Marinate urged on

Adrian saw a little cat in the corner and blurted out "I'm Chat Noir!"

Alya burst out laughing, well if a monkey can laugh. Marinate giggled and Adrian decidedhe wanted to hear that for the rest of his life.

"You might want to work on that." She said with the monkey who was still in her hysterics.

"Your monkey seemed to like see she's howling." Adrian remarked

"Anyway we're here." Marinate said not reacting to his pun.

Adrian looked around and realized that they were in a small room with to levels there was nothing really striking about the room except that therewas a wall missing and it was facing the palace.


"I know right. I can't help but wonder what is living in there like." Marinate sighed longingly."

"Probably lonely." Adrian said with disdain.

"Mabey your right. Now why don't you tell me what your running from?" Marinate said siting down.

Adrian crossed the room and sat next to her. " I'm taking my first and last taste of freedom."

"Poor kitty." Marinate pouted

"Hey it's hard being what other people want you to be.

"And when ever you try to stand up the push you back down.

Adrian's eyes lit yup thankful to have someone to understand him.

"Yeah i feel so..."


Their eyes caught each others. For a second there was a spark of somthing they couldn't place.

"Well kitty it seems like weremore the same than i thought.

"Yeah we are."

Alya curled around Adrian's feet and smiled, well if monkeys can smile.