A/N: Thanks to pheonixlegend for helping me to point out that I've been using the wrongterm to refer to Romano's grandfather. Pfft. Anyway, to those who have noticed as well, really sorry! I will edit all of them as soon as possible and make sure future chapters are clean of this mistake, for those who haven't… well, Carry on.
Disclaimer: As much as I would have loved to be able to take credit for making the characters of Hetalia, I can't.
Two frantic teens looked around the house, which was in shambles.
"Matthew! Over here!" Romano cried.
The two rushed to a small closet in which held a button. It was small and most probably just fell off the hat but it meant a lot to the friends who have seen it a thousand times.
Matthew picked it up and hugged it to his chest.
"A broom." Canada looked up.
"Feliciano.V." Canada squinted at the messy inscription. He looked up at Lovi, "The one he said he got from your brother." Romano picked it up and held it close to his chest.
"Bastardo!" Matthew looked at Romano in alarm and shocked face.
Romano retaliated with tears in his eyes, "I don't care anymore Matthew! Whoever did this to Rome is a bastard! A sick, cruel, ugly bastard! I hate them, I hate them all!" Then Lovi broke down sobbing into Matthew, while dozens of silent tears slid down Matthew's cheeks.
They let loose their sorrow in the ruins of a house of a friend.
There was a knocking sound at the door, it was ignored. The nation standing just outside the door sighed. "Lovi?"
"Go away," came a muffled reply. Spain took a deep breath and said with a stronger tone, "Lovi, it isn't good to stay holed up in your room like this, I know things are rough and you're sad, but you can't neglect your own health. I'm sure Holy Rome won't want you to either."
Spain sighed yet again. "Well, at least read the letter that Matthew sent to you. If you won't do that I don't know what you'd do." With that he knelt down and slipped an envelop with a French stamp on them under the door.
On the other side of the door the teen lying on the bed looked up and over to the door. The young nation silently slipped off the bed to retrieve the item tucked under the door then returned to the humble bed to read the small letter carefully through.
Hey Lovi,
I hope you are doing well, I hit puberty! I think… my voice hasn't gone as deep as yours or Holy Rome's… Speaking of (writing of?) him, I'm not sure whether or not I'm over him or moved on, but I still hope that you have.
I wonder if he is with mama or with your grandpa, if so, please don't be sad, he would be very happy knowing that we are doing well and being with the others… I don't think it'll be too bad. If you don't want to write back, I'm sure you are going through a lot and Francis says not to rush mourning loved ones, but most importantly I'll always be here Lovi, even if I'm going through a lot, even if we can't meet in person for awhile, I hope you know that I'll always be here for you even if Holy Rome couldn't.
Your Loyal Friend
Romano had tears in his eyes as he buried he head in his pillow barely managing to return the letter to its envelop without drenching it.
Letters would keep arriving monthly bearing worse and worse news from the other nation, and with every letter Romano could see the harder it got for his best friend to stay happy and stable.
"Francis, do your wounds hurt?"
"They're fine Matthieu, thanks to you, I'm depending on you too much, go back to your room." Matthew hung his head as he headed up the stairs, knowing that he could do nothing about the way his carer dismissing him so quickly and cutting him off gradually.
Matthew went outside and saw that the mail arrived, brightening up. He looked through each letter slowly and then again with excitement but qas quickly disappointed and more depressed than he started out.
"He didn't send one huh…"
Dear Lovi,
I hope you're doing well! Francis and England are fighting harshly. Francis comes home everyday with many wounds that I help patch up, sometimes, he doesn't come home at all…
I haven't heard any news from you so I hope that means you aren't going through any problems! If you are… I'm always here to help. My people are happy, though many are hard at work aiding Francis in the war. Send my love to Spain!
"Francis, are you sure you don't need help with that?"
"I'm fine Matthieu, if you don't mind, I need to complete this work so may you go somewhere else?"
"Okay papa." Matthew replied managing to hold his tears until his bedroom door closed behind him.
Dear Lovino,
I hope you, your people, and Antonio are doing well. I hope to hear some news from you as soon as possible.
Francis is cutting me off, I can tell. He is dismissing me quickly and I'm never allowed to help him, I don't know what happening… Anyway, the war is over. England won. I don't know what is happening now, Francis hasn't told me, but whatever it is I hope that it will lead to me seeing you again. Its getting harder to cope with all this now and I hope that if you are going through anything you might like to share you will tell me, I'll always listen.
"Francis, please tell me it isn't true." The desperate Canadian whispered, tears in his eyes.
The Frenchman smiled weakly, "I'm afraid it is, I'm sorry Matthieu."
The personification of France broke down crying once the younger nation fled from the room.
Matthew sifted through the mail as he did every day as pure habit more than anything else now. He had a depressed look on his face, bracing himself for disappointment that Romano would probably not have time to send a letter. However, his face brightened up at the Spanish stamp on a single letter that was no doubt a letter from his trusted friend.
Dear Matthew,
I'm sorry I didn't reply to any of your letters, how are you doing now?
Times were hard for me, I refused to get over Holy Rome's death and shut everyone out… even you. I still read all your letters though! You're going through more than I am but even so, you give me what little left you have as support even though I'm only taking it and not helping you in the slightest. I'm doing fine now and so is Spain and my people.
I guess this is to say… thank you. Your letters really did help me get through the worst of it and now… I'll help you get through the worst of yours too! Tell me whatever is happening and remember that, whatever happens, you will always be my friend.
Matthew teared up and held the letter to his chest as he quickly searched his room for his pen and paper to write a reply.
Dear Lovi,
Thank you. Your last letter truly helped me get through what I'm going through. This might be the last letter I can send to you and, if you send a reply immediately, that might be the last letter too. France lost so, I'm moving to England as per the trade agreement and, I'm not sure if he'll let me send letters. France has become even more distant since I found out. So, please reply.
Romano read the latest letter through in shock and sent the shortest letter ever in reply.
Dear Matthew,
I'm coming over.
Your best friend.
It takes a month or so for the letter to get there and by then Mattie would be leaving. Romano would have to prepare for about a month in order to make sure he gets there when Matthew is there and to make sure that all goes well.
Hang on Matt, I'm coming for you.
A/N: I hope this wasn't to angst for any of you and I apologise for not being able to make the second chapter of last week! I'm getting rather busy now that school's started… Anyway, see you next chapter!