HELLO EVERYONE! Nicholas Friar here, bringing you the sixth chapter of Hero of the New Age. Ugh, I'm really tired at the moment. Probably won't finish this on march 22 like I intended. But, that's really besides the point. Oh, I have a new story out if anyone is curious. It's a My Hero Academia and Star vs the Forces of Evil story. It's kind of the only one, and I'm kinda glad I was the first to get the jump on that. If you're interested, please go check it out. Anyways, back to what we were doing. Hero of the New Age. Okay. Chapter Six. Gonna be mediocre at worst. Not going up tonight. Love you all. READ ON!

"Hey! Link! Get up!"

Link blearily rose from his sleeping position. "Huh? Wha-where are we?"

Aaron grinned and stood straight up. "We're in Shreveport y'all!"

Malon frowned. "That is very rude and stereotypical."

The sunny boy held his hands up. "I was just joking."

Malon grinned. "So was I."

The two shared a laugh, and Link just rolled his eyes, and stood up. He pulled out the map and fixed his beanie. "That was a surprisingly quick ride."

The daughter of Hermes shrugged. "It's 2017 dude. What do you expect? An 1800s train ride?"

Link nodded. "Yeah, kinda?"

Aaron pat the green demigod on the back. "We had my old man on our side! We'll be fine."

Link shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right. So, now that we're in Shreveport, next order of buisiness is finding a boat, and following the Red River, into the Mississippi River, then to the Atchafalaya Basin. That's where the amulet is."

They nodded, and Malon tapped her chin. "Hmm, never stole a boat before...I'm sure it can't be that much more difficult than smaller stuff."

Aaron frowned, but Link looked indifferent. "I'm sure there are plenty around. I mean, this is a port, right?"

Link felt like maybe he had bitten off a bit more than he could chew. He was at the wheel of the boat, despite never have driven a boat before, Malon was throwing heavy things out so we could get away faster, and Aaron was clutching the sides of the boat with a very disapproving look on his face. He yelled up.

"I'm not sure about this guys!"

Malon moved her hair out of her eyes. "Ah, shut it! You're just mad that we stole the boat!"

Aaron looked back to her. "Yes! That's exactly it! We're going to get arrested before we even save the world!"

Link continued to watch the river. "We've got the mist."

The son of Apollo went to argue, but then gently shut his mouth, and looked away.

"Okay, you're right."

Link let a sliver of a grin show, before focusing back onto the map. According to it, they had a few hours before they were remotely close to where they needed to be. Malon stopped throwing things, and dusted her hands off.

"There. That's should be everything."

Aarond mumbled. "That poor family..."

The red head looked down. "You'll be next. I'll be makin' ye walk the plank, matey."

He rolled his eyes, and chuckled. He turned to Link. "So, how far do we have to go?"

Link looked at the map. "Probably two, two and a half hours. At least, something like that."

Aaron nodded. "Hopefully this boat has enough gas."

Malon nodded. "I threw everything out except for this extra gas can right here."

The demigods grinned at the convinience, before returning their focus to the task at hand. It had taken a few hours, as well as a lunch break, and run in with the athorities, before the ragtag group of demigods had reached the huge freshwater swampland. Link frowned.

"Now we just have to find the amulet? We should've brought more people."

Malon snorted. "More than three is bad luck. We'd probably all die or something."

Aaron nodded. "She's right."

The green teen groaned. "You Greeks suck. Seriously."

They chuckled, and Link held a hand up. They went silent, and a soft hiss could be heard. Malon frowned.

"What..is that?"

Aaron's eyes widened, and he pointed forward. "Alligator."

Link groaned. "You've got to be kidding me."

Then, several more hissings could be heard. Malon's eyes widened.

"More of them?!" She said, whisper-yelling.

Aaron gave her a deadpanned look. "What do you expect?"

Link spoke up. "Well, I was hopeful. We've been pretty lucky so far."

Malon nodded, and held her hand out. "See, I agree with Link! We haven't even ran into any Greek monsters yet, and that Big Octo was easy to deal with."

Aaron's eyes widened. "Well don't jinx us!"

Just as he said that, a roar and loud stomps could be heard. Malon grinned sheepishly at the glare he sent her. "Uh, maybe it's a squirrel."

Link spoke up again. "I don't think a squirrel has that many heads."

The other two demigods gazed forward, watching as a two story Hydra extended its necks, and let out another roar. Aaron threw his hands in the air.

"Great, we're dead."

Link sighed, and pulled out his swords. "So, what's the thing with Hydras? Cut the heads of, fire in the stub?"

Malon nodded. "Basically."

He nodded. "Good. Then I have a plan. Aaron, do you have fire arrows?"

He nodded. "Eletrical, Oil Based, and Greek Varieties."

Malon looked at him. He shrugged. "Struck up a deal with Leo. I got a ton of useful arrows, and he got a ride on the sun chariot. Dad was happy to do it, apparently Leo invented a new instrument or something, and he really liked it. Weird story. Different time."

Link nodded, and held up a hand. "Okay, just go oil based. Malon and I are going to cut off its heads, and you're going to shoot a nice flaming arrow into its neck. Got it?"

They nodded. "Got it."

Link grinned, and drew his sword. "Alrighty then, let's go!"

Almost immediately, Link and Malon began running through the swampy water, trying to stay in the dry stuff and the shallows. The gators ignored them mostly, opting to bask in the sun rather than attack. They Hydra, however, was a different story. As soon as it spotted movement, it began its attack. Luckily, it seemed that it had only recently came back, because it was only sporting seven different heads. Of course, there was still a very high chance of death, but the optimistic look was more beneficial here. Link looked to Malon, and signaled he was going left, and she nodded and went right. The heads split their focus, four going after Link, and three going after Malon. Immediately, a head shot at him, and he ducked, slicing upwards, and coming off with a clean cut. An arrow whizzed by, and embedded itself into the neck, effectively burning the stump. Link grinned.


He rolled forward, the sword in his hand feeling much more natural than it had ever felt. Malon bobbed and weaved in between the heads, making deep gashes with the daggers she had. She grinned, and jumped on the back of a head, and cut it off. Another arrow. She jumped to the next head. The second tried to bite her, and she narrowly avoided it. Aaron called out from his tree.

"Be careful! Hydra venom is highly deadly."

Malon grunted. "What isn't highly deadly right now?!"

He shrugged, and knocked another arrow, as Link cut off another head. "I was just saying!"

Link barely dodged one of the heads biting at him. "Focus guys! We can't die before we even get good and started!"

They both nodded, and continued their assult. Malon cut another head off, and stumbled around. The last head on her side lunged at her, but she lost her footing, and was unable to move out of the way. A flaming arrow embedded itself in the monster's eye, and it reared back, hissing in pain. Using the distraction, she cut off its head, and a second arrow went into the stump. She grinned, and turned to Link, who had one head left. It was getting almost faster as each head went away, and therefore harder to fight, but Link was holding his ground. He grunted, and held his sword out, and it breifly glowed, before he made a cyclone with his body, and a gust of wind enveloped him, slicing the last head off, making the hydra fall to the ground, and dissapate into gold dust once the last fire arrow met its mark. Link grinned, and picked up the vial of hydra venom that was left behind, as well as a pile of seven arrows. He handed the arrows to Aaron, who greedily took them and put them back in his quiver. Malon grinned.

"We did it!"

She looked over to Aaron, and blushed a little. "Thanks by the way, you really saved me back there."

Aaron grinned. "It's like Link said. We can't be dying before we've even gotten good and started!"

They chuckled, and Link pulled out the map. "The amulet shouldn't be far from here, according to the map. Come on, lets go."

The began wading through the swampland again, making small talk here and there. Link frowned, and stopped.

"Something is weird guys."

Suddenly, a six foot fish man emerged from the water. He looked directly at Link, while everyone else was frozen in shock.

"The goddesses chosen! You've returned."

Link stared at him. "Uhhh..."

The man turned, and beckoned them to follow. "Come now. The Zora's Domain is just around the corner."

He began walking away, and Link gazed at him for a moment, before beginning to follow him. Aaron stopped him.

"Hold up! Are you sure we should follow him?"

Link nodded. "The Zora's have been allies with Hylians for a while. I think. Won't know until we try, and I'm getting hungry. Since no one brought any rations, we're following him."

He went to protest, before shrugging, and the three followed him. He brought them to a waterfall surprisingly enough. He said something in a strange language, and it opened up, and they four walked in. The Zora sat down, and gestured for them to do the same.

"The King will see you momentarily. Most likely to discuss the demons that have taken over the sacred Water Temple, where our amulet of wisdom resides."

Link elbowed Aaron gently, and grinned. He then turned back to the Zora. "Ah, yes. That's why we're here, to take care of the demons."

The Zora smiled and clapped. "Wonderful! I'm sure the King will reward you greatly. In fact let's go see him now! You're friends can come."

They nodded, and walked into the throne room, showing a huge Zora sitting on a ledge. He was easily ten foot tall, and his fins made some sort of cape or robe. He overall looked pretty regal. He turned to them, and smiled.

"Ah, The Chosen Hero has arrived. I have been told that you'll be dealing with the demons?"

Link nodded. "Yes."

The King clasped his hands. "Wonderful! Simply fantastic. I assume that you'll want something in return as well?"

Link nodded again. "Use of The Amulet."

The King didn't seemed surprised. "Every time with you Chosen Heros. Always wanting the important for your quest. Even if I would like to pay you with gold, I knew you'd want the amulet. Very well, but once you're done with it, I'd very much like it back."

Link grinned. "That won't be a problem."

The king nodded. "Very well. You and your friends can rest here for the night. I'm sure you're all tired and hungry. Prepare for your venture into the Temple, and leave when you can.

Link nodded, and they all went and found a place to sleep. Link looked to the other two.

"Alright guys, tomorrow we go to the temple. This is going to be pretty intense. From what I remember, the Water Temples are usually the worse." He cringed at his ancestor's vague memories about them. "We'll get prepared tonight. I'm going to go find something to eat."

The two other demigods nodded, and stayed behind while he went to find something. Malon blushed a little, and looked to Aaron.

"So what now?"

Link ran into another Zora once he left, seemingly a girl his age (although it was hard to tell with these fish people.) She fell onto the floor, and Link apologized and helped her up. She frowned, and stuck her nose (?) in the air.

"Hmmph! I can't believe a peasant like you would run into the crown princess of the Zoras, Ruto! I was named after my great great something grandmother, you know!? She helped the Hero of Time, you know?!"

Link rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry I ran into you. But me and my friends are very hungry, and we'd like some food."

She hummed in annoyance. "I won't forgive you unless you escort me to the dining hall!"

He sighed. "Alright then. Let's go."

He began to step forward, but she stopped him again.

"You have to carry me!"

Link groaned, and once she was on the ground, picked the Zora princess up. She began to direct him.

It was going to be a long night.

AAAAAAAAAAAND THAT'S A WRAP! I actually enjoyed writing this chapter. It was very bouncy and fun. It may be a little short, but I've been away from these so long that I'm a little rusty. But I'm back in the game baby! Taking my old friend, Monika's, advice to just write whatever, and go after it and fix it like I want it! Oh, and if you didn't read the above Author's Note, I do have a new story out, a My Hero Acadamia, and Star vs the Forces of Evil crossover. First of its kind! Go check it out if you're interested. And if you're interested in what happens next, leave a follow, and leave a review saying what you think! Each one is appreciated! Stay frosty my friends, and as always...

See You on the Flip-Side~Nicholas Friar