Day 7 - Film Noir
Soft jazz was the only thing that he could hear when he closed his eyes; taking in the pleasant saxophone, it was all that he enjoyed about this environment.
When his eyes were open, the room was dim, the lighting being for shit in this place. But, he supposed that was the aesthetics of this location. Cigar smoke clogged the room, making it even harder to see and honestly leaving a stale taste in his mouth each time he took a breath.
All the men around him were sleazebags for sure. Some were there for pleasure, whether they got that through paying the odd mistress that walked in or not.
He swirled the glass of brandy clasped between his fingers. He wasn't of the legal drinking age yet but it was amazing what a fake ID and menacing tone could do for him.
Didn't really care for the stuff though. It was syrupy and left a bitter, firey streak in his throat as it trickled down and warmed him belly. It was mainly for looks. He wanted people to ignore him; for his face to blend into the crowd. He wanted to get in and get out again.
He hated everything about this place.
There was a flash of red hair and he quirked a smile.
Well, not everything. There was her.
Robin sat forward a little, the black fedora on his head covering his eyes just enough so he could peak and keep updated on their mission.
He wasn't like Beast Boy; he didn't greatly enjoy when they had to be sneaky and go undercover but there was some new criminal popping up around Jump at the moment and word is, an accomplice had a note leading to his whereabouts.
It was information given discreetly that said accomplice would be here tonight.
And then came Starfire for the plan to work.
Robin had not felt the slightest bit comfortable as using Starfire as their femme fatale beauty in order to get this guy's attention but when faced with thinking of an alternative, he came up empty.
Starfire was content to do it though; whatever included getting a new dress. And really, what a dress it was.
She looked gorgeous and completely the part. This type of dive with it's blacked out windows and grey wash over was perfect for her to shine through.
A strapless, sparkly black dress with a long split up each side of her legs was what hugged that magnificent body of hers. It was the perfect colour to contrast her hair, to make her stand out to the male preying eyes.
The accomplice's eyes were one of the sets watching her.
Starfire played the role well however and he was secretly, on some level, very proud of her seductress skills. As her boyfriend, he wasn't his happiest but he understood that she would break a man's arm the minute she was touched or leered at in a way she didn't want or that went too far.
She sidled up to him and at present, was whispering things in his ear and lighting rubbing a hand against his chest, throwing in a giggle here and there to entice him, lulling him into a false sense of security.
They wanted him fuzzy headed enough so that Starfire could steal the note from his pocket. As his hand went to her waist, Robin looked down again.
He took a big swig of brandy. It may have tasted like crap but it helped with his bolts of jealousy. Robin knew she was just doing as she'd been told but it was still hard to watch your girlfriend laying it on thick with another.
It was obvious she was the most beautiful in the room. None of the few women could compare. His eyes came to the woman singing up the stage; the double bass giving the whole room a low atmosphere. It was bittersweet; sombre almost. Practically everyone in there clearly had nowhere else to go. It was filled with men who'd either lost everything or had never had anything in the first place.
Robin took a chance and swivelled back to look at Starfire who was gone and so was the man. His heart dropped, wondering how far she would take things in order to get this information. That worry made him feel sick to his stomach.
He looked around frantically before he felt light fingers dance across his shoulders and he sucked in her breath; her sweet scent filling his senses. She lowered herself to whisper in his ear, "Did you miss me, my love?"
Robin grunted and let his eyes fall on her. She was so stunning; especially wearing that number.
Starfire hummed a giggle and walked around, not taking her fingers from his shoulder. She felt bold and still very much in character. She straddled him, her knees on either side of the chair he was sat on, his lap between them.
Robin gulped but gripped her hips, overjoyed to have his girl back where she belonged; with him.
"I did… watching you tonight… definitely made me appreciate what a beautiful girlfriend I have." He rumbled, kissing her neck,
She ran her fingers through his dark tresses of hair, knocking the fedora back and onto the seat. She peppered kisses over his cheek, smiling as she left red lipstick stains; marking her territory.
"Did you get it?" Robin asked, huskily,
Her eyes sparkled as she retrieved the note with their information on it from her bosom. It was tucked between her breasts in that corset style top half of the dress.
She giggled at Robin's gobsmacked expression. He groaned and let his face fall to the aforementioned area,
"You're killing me, Star."
Starfire simply laughed.