Of beauty – by FunkyCharms21

Summary: the life of Sirius Black- from 4th year in Hogwarts, this is a slash story with multiple partners (my characters) and eventual Remus/ Sirius. Told from many different points of views.

Rating: R

~ James p.o.v~

Have you ever met a person whose inner and outer beauty matched completely? That one never detracted from the other, they both just enhanced what was already there for all to see, to love, and sadly even to despise?

The story begins with the end of our fourth year. Just a month before school breaks for the summer…

Sirius had done the impossible, he had sex! And not with just anyone. He slept with Elena Bradford, a 6th year, and a pretty one at that.

"I don't believe you!" exclaimed Remus, a note of sadness in his voice, or am I mistaken?

"Well it's true, I wouldn't lie about it, forget it, let's talk about the Animagus potion, how far along are we James?"

"Wait a minute I want to know more about this as well?" I said; now don't get me wrong, even at 14, Sirius was beautiful.

From the first time I laid my eyes upon him nearly 4 years ago on platform 9 3/4, a muggle born child, with long black almost blue hair, the most uncannily purple eyes and a nervous yet confident smile, I loved him, right then. So when this year Sirius turned even more beautiful, none of us was surprised to see all the girls and boys from 1st year to 7 practically drooling over him.

But Sirius at that time just didn't care about these things, until last night.

We had been sitting in our common room devising a plan on how to get back at Snape and his cronies, slytherin trash; they set a dung bomb in Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff DADA lesson. Naturally for their honour we had to retaliate, it was expected of us after all. Marauder pride and all that.

 "I say we put a dung bomb in their DADA class!" exclaimed Peter, excitedly.

"But Peter, that's our class as well, besides we need to do something different, something that would leave them speechless, you know?" replied Remus.

We sat there until dinner thinking up plans that could humiliate Snape and his band of idiots completely, but unfortunately a plan like this calls for some Sirius (as Sirius would say) inspiration.

 "No place more inspiring then the kitchen, I'm starving!" announced Sirius. We had no wish to discuss our plan for revenge in the great hall for fear of eavesdropping and for peace and quiet to work on our devious plot.

So off we were to the kitchen, which we found "by accident" in 2nd year. It was the place where chocolate flavored dreams were made, so naturally thinking up a plan on a full stomach was better then on an empty one, see the logic?

We had finally come up with a plan meaning Sirius, Remus and I (Peter is not very good at charms), would charm their food to turn into slimy goo from the moment it entered their mouths.

Sirius and me were just returning from the library with the necessary charm (which we modified a bit), when Elena Bradford, nearly every guy's wet dream, towering at 5'5 with the most beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair, approached us.

 She had a gorgeous body as we all agreed one night while we were discussing preferences, I knew Sirius liked her.

So what was a gorgeous 6th year doing talking to two 4th years? Got me!

"Sirius, I was wondering whether you are doing anything tonight?" said Elena throatily, pouting her full pink lips and batting her eyelashes up at him. Even at 14 Sirius was exceptionally tall, standing at 5'7; apparently Sirius' dad was 6'2 (or so he was told, since he never met him) and his mom was 5'8 so it was possible he would grow even taller. As for me and Remus we are only 5'5 now, but we too might grow taller as our fathers are about 6'0, 6'1, I hope so, it will make being around Sirius a little easier, nobody likes to be ignored, and it is harder to ignore a 6'0 tall guy, right?

So there I was standing next to Sirius feeling bored while he chatted up Elena Bradford, I can't get over that, until she invited him to the astronomy tower tonight at 10.

 "Should I go James? I mean I don't wanna leave you with all the work for the prank." Asked Sirius a nervous look in his eye as well as hopeful.

"You have to go! This is Elena Bradford we're talking about, asking you to the astronomy tower, that's a dream come true Sirius, you have to go! Wait till Remus and Peter hear about this!" I exclaimed ecstatically.

"Don't tell them! Not until I get back, there might be nothing to tell!" pleaded Sirius rather forcefully.

Sirius at the time was unaware of his own devastating looks; but we weren't.

This self confidence in his looks became obvious to us that night, when we all sat up waiting for Sirius to return from his hot date.

It was 1 am when he walked in, looking disheveled and glowing, I have never seen him look as beautiful as he did at that moment, when he spoke softly almost in awe and said.

"I did it! I had sex and it was beautiful, incredible!"

And that was it, things changed forever in that moment.

Next chapter will be longer, I promise.

So R & R if you liked it or you didn't or whatever, I'd love to know.

Flames will be used to fry McDonald's wonderful corn sticks!