(A/N-Special thanks to Mint18 for beta reading this for me, appreciate it tons!)

"Here," Ruby says as she hands her friend a drink, taking a seat beside her with her own drink in her hand.

"What the hell is this?" Regina asks, holding the glass closer to her nose than her mouth. It smells fruity, just like the first three drinks she's already had tonight. She already had a slight buzz going on.

"It's a red drink," her roommate, Ruby, says as she giggles and takes a drink. "Now drink it. And then turn around and eye fuck McHottie who has been eye fucking you for like three minutes now."

"What?" Regina peeks over her shoulder and sees him seated at a two person high top table. He's alone, both chairs pushed in. His presence alone, even in a busy bar, makes her melt. He was drop dead gorgeous. His hair was cropped short and dark blonde, his features perfectly cut of his jaw, the dark stare of his eyes, it's like he's right next to her, already touching her. His eyes were the most peculiar shade of blue she had ever seen, fringed with the sort of luxurious lashes some women would kill for. Just then he smiled lightly at her, those dimples of his, seemed to scream at her.

Regina turns back to look at Ruby. "He's been staring at me?"

"Yeah girl," Ruby says encouragingly, "I mean, wow. He wants him some Regina. Go give it up girl!"

"Stop that. We came here for drinks." Regina reminded her. Regina was a registered nurse at 23 Tavern Hospital along with Ruby. The two women had come to the bar to let off some steam after a long, hard week of work.

"You've had three drinks. Now four. Now go get laid." Ruby said as she looked at her friend.

Regina snorts and takes a sip of the red drink that Ruby had given her. Myfuckinggosh… it's so good. It's probably because of the ton of sugar used to mask the eight different liquors in it. Those are the deadliest drinks, aren't they? The kind that taste so sweet and yummy, then destroy your mind. Makes you do things that have you regret the next morning when you wake up and don't remember the name of the person who is in bed beside you.

But she needs this. So bad.

"Go," Ruby says. "If you don't, I'm going to go fuck him."

"You have a fiancee already," Regina reminds her friend. She couldn't believe the streak of jealously that went through her.

Ruby waves her off. "But this is not about me. This is about you walking your ass over there to Mr. Hottie, grabbing him by the tie and pulling him into the nearest bathroom and bringing those hot lips of his in for a kiss."

"In the bathroom? Real classy, red," Regina replies sarcastically.

Ruby hits Regina on the arm. Regina thinks sometimes Ruby and her are total opposites. Ruby is a little on the wild side, where as Regina wasn't so much. Ruby has done a lot of crazy things in her life. The wildest thing Regina has ever done was to leave home in the middle of the night, that and marry Chris in Vegas one night. It was the year after she had finished med school, she had met Ruby the very first night. The two had become inseparable ever since.

"Regina, do something!" Ruby punched her on the arm again. "He looks like he's ready to leave."

Regina looks back at the handsome stranger, to see he's still looking at her. He gave no hint of being aloof. One hand rests on the table, near a drink of amber liquid. The other hand is at his side, balled into a fist. But his eyes, his eyes are definitely locked on her.

"Regina!" Ruby hisses at her.

"I know! I know! I'm working up to it," Regina says, gathering her courage.

"It's about time. I don't want to hear from you until your eyes have been rolled back in your head at least twice." Ruby teases her. Regina stands up from her chair and grabs her drink, she takes a deep breath and takes a step. Ruby takes the opportunity and grabs Regina's ass, causing her to jump and scream.

"I hate when you do that," Regina says back to her.

Ruby smirks as she tells her, "I bet you won't mind when it's McHottie doing it."

"Shut up!" Regina smirks as she starts to head over to 'McHottie's' table. As she was making her way over, a group of party goers walked in front of her as they made their way the bar. They effectively blocked her view of the handsome stranger for a few moments, as she finally manuevered around the crowd, her heart stopped as the hunk was no longer at his table.

Regina's shoulders slumped and she bit her bottom lip as she looked around the bar for him. But he was now nowhere to be found.

"Damn," Regina murmured as she looked back at Ruby who put her hands up to ask what had happened.

Regina walked back over to their table, "He's gone. He was there one second and gone the next, he disappeared like smoke."

"He's got to be here somewhere," Ruby commented as she looked for Regina's dream guy.

"Ruby, he's gone." Regina said as she took her drink and finished it off.

"Maybe, the bartender might know who he is," Ruby said as she started to head towards the bar.

"Ruby-" Regina began.

"Regina! This is your chance for some excellent sex!" Ruby reminded her, quite loudly. Regina turned her head to see two women looking at her after Ruby's words.

"How do you know he would even be good sex?" Regina asked.

"Are you blind, Regina? The man practically oozes sex," Ruby said.

Regina had to admit Ruby was right. He had been as beautiful as any human being had a right to be...and yet the air of ruthless power that surrounded him like an invisible cloak removed him from being just an incredible looking man to being a man who drew stares and held on to them.

Ruby grabbed Regina's hand and led her over to the bar, "Excuse me!" Ruby yelled out to the bartender. "Hey! Pay attention over here!"

The bartender, a rather bulky man made his way over there, "Can I help you ladies?"

"The hunk who was over at that table," Ruby pointed at the table where Regina's stranger had been, "who was he?"

"Not quite sure, he paid in cash," the man replied.

"The waitresses? Who waited on him? Maybe they got his name, where he works. His status? Anything?" Ruby tried every outlet she could think of.

"He came to the bar and ordered a drink, paid in cash. And I didn't ask if he was married or not, he's not exactly my type." the man said.

"Smartass," Ruby grumbled as the bartender walked over to wait on some other customers.

"Damn," Regina said, clearly disappointed.

"No worried, we'll find you a cock to ride," Ruby playfully reminded her.

"You never stop do you?" Regina said as they sat down at the bar.

"Hell no! I'm determined to knock those cob webs off you," Ruby said as she motioned to the bartender to refill their drinks.

"I'm more than capable of knocking those webs off, thank you," Regina said as she took her new drink and swallowed a few sips of it.

"It's been too long since you got any," Ruby reminded her. She saw the look pass on Regina's face. "You can't let what happened with Chris be the end of you, Regina."

Regina closed her eyes as she thought of how bad things had gone and ended with Chris. That had been the relationship that she had thought would be the last one for her. One that she had hoped would end with them spending their lives together. But fate had intervened and after a heartbreaking event in their lives, they had parted ways. Forever.

A few tears seeped from her eyes as she thought of what she would never have now.

"Regina, I'm so sorry for bringing him up. I know it still hurts to think about-"

"Let's just stop talking about all this and just enjoy the rest of the night," Regina said.

Ruby was about to say something to Regina, when a voice interrupted them, "Hello...ladies!"

"Jefferson," both women said at the same time as they shook their heads.

"That was quite a reaction if I ever heard one," Jefferson commented as he kissed first Regina's then Ruby's cheek before sitting beside Regina. He ordered himself a drink and turned to look at them. "So what are you two doing in my fine establishment tonight?"

Jefferson owned the bar they were in, The Rabbit Hole. He had bought it a few years ago from the previous owners, giving it a complete makeover. It had taken him a few months to turn it all around, but after a little, a lot, of hard work, he had made it successful. Ruby and Jefferson had gone to college together and had been friends ever since.

"Long week at work, needed to let off some steam to recharge for next week," Regina answered him.

"I see," Jefferson said with a smile as he leaned over and whispered into her ear, "I would be more than willing to help you relieve some of that tension."

Regina bit her lip as she grabbed Jefferson by the shirt and pulled him close to her, "Do you think you can satisfy this strong hunger that I have?"

Jefferson was shocked for a few moments then he replied, "I can more than satisfy that hunger."

"Mmm," Regina purred close to him, as her lips hovered near his mouth, "It's a huge hunger, and I just can't quite seem to get it satisfied."

Jefferson looked around and then said, "Why don't we go back to my office and I'll take care of it."

"There's just one question I have before that," Regina asked as she brushed her cheek against his.

"What's that?" Jefferson croaked out, he was getting turned on by her so much at the moment that he didn't know if he would last to his office.

"Well," Regina whispered close to his ear, "can you...make some fried pickles in your office?"

Regina had to laugh at Jefferson's reaction, he closed his eyes and pursed his lips as now both Ruby and Regina were laughing at him.

"Fried Pickles? That's your hunger?" Jefferson asked.

Regina stopped laughing to give him a sort of serious look, "Of course, dear Jeffferson. What else could I have been talking about?" Regina let out a cackle of laughter and had to hold her stomach as she kept laughing.

"Damn Regina. I thought I was good at this," Ruby said as she hit Jefferson on the arm, "Don't sweat it, Jefferson. I'm sure it's not the first time you've had a case of blue balls."

"Evil, you're both just evil," Jefferson said as he brought his arms around both of the ladies and hugged them to his side. He couldn't be mad at either of them, not for long anyways.

"And you love us both for it," Regina said.

"Indeed," Jefferson agreed. "So how was you beautiful ladies week?"

"Ugh," Ruby said with a frown, "Very long week."

"It's a little uncertain with work right now," Regina said as she took another drink.

"How's that?" Jefferson asked.

"We're getting a new chief of staff next week," Regina answered. "We don't know who it is. Or what they'll do with the staff. Will they cut staff? If so, who?"

"Ah, I see," Jefferson said. "Well heads up, if you two do get cut, you can always come here on Friday nights for wet t-shirt night."

"Gee, thanks Jefferson. We didn't know you cared so much," Ruby said sarcastically.

"You know I love you both," Jefferson said. "But I'm also sure that any hospital chief is going to be thrilled to have you two on board their team. Regina, you know your job inside and out. You're always ready for whatever walks into your hospital, and you never give up."

"Thanks, Jefferson," Regina said as he hugged her close to his side, before turning to Ruby.

"And you, Red, you know how to run circles around other nurses. You go charging in and never hold back, always fighting for what you believe in. You're fearless and determined to do your very best for your patients," Jefferson commended her.

"Damn, Jefferson, what's got in you tonight?" Ruby asked as she pulled him in for a hug as well.

"I'm just telling it like it is," Jefferson said, " That big chief would be making a huge mistake letting either of you go. Because if I have to march down to your hospital and tell that person what a dunce they are I will, because no one messes with my two friends and gets away with it."

"We appreciate it, Jefferson. You've made us feel quite a bit better tonight," Regina thanked him for his words.

"Not as much as McHottie would have made you feel," Ruby teased Regina as she rolled her eyes slightly, but also smiled.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who is this 'McHottie' fellow?" Jefferson asked.

"Just someone who was looking at Regina like he wanted her to know what his ceiling looked like," Ruby informed Jefferson as she drunk her shot.

"Tell me all about him, Regina," Jefferson said, "But, wait, why aren't you beneath him right now? I mean I enjoy your business and all but I have been saying how you have been needing to get laid for a while now."

"Okay, just for the record," Regina said as she brought up her finger and pointed it at both of them, "I can get laid when I want to, thank you both."

"You know I'm more than willing to-" Jefferson began.

"Jefferson, thanks for the use of your cock, but I'll know the man when I see him," Regina said as she gave the eye to Jefferson and Ruby.

"Sounds like you saw him earlier," Jefferson said.

"Oh, did she ever? I tell you Jefferson, I bet she was getting wet just looking at him," Ruby said.

"Wow, sounds like this guy made quite the impression on you," Jefferson chimed in as he looked from Ruby over to Regina. Once she made eye contact with him, he raised his eyebrow at her mixed with a smirk.

"Well, it was all for naught," Regina said as she twirled her drink on the table. "He's gone."

"Did you ask John-" Jefferson started to ask.

"He paid in cash," Ruby informed him.

"Oh, damn. Wait, what about my video camera?" Jefferson asked the two women.

"No," Ruby answered. "Let's go check them out now!" Ruby stood up along with Jefferson, causing Regina to snap out of her chair to stop them.

"Wait! This might be a total waste of time," Regina said, putting a hand on Ruby's arm to stop her progress. Jefferson had stopped a few paces ahead, intent

"How?" Ruby asked her friend.

"What if he's married? Knowing my luck he probably is," Regina said as she thought of how she might have flirted with a married man tonight. That was one area she would not cross, she would never get in the middle of someone else's marriage.

"Oh, fuck it, Regina. If he is, then we'll just have to get him divorced really fast. Operation get Regina laid is on!" Ruby said as she grabbed her arm as the three of them headed to Jefferson's office. Once they were in, Jefferson turned on his computer and looked at the recordings of the cameras from earlier.

After about ten minutes of searching, they finally found their target.

"That's him," Regina said as she pointed at the screen. They watched him go to his table, saw a blonde waitress take his order. After he made a phone call and received his drink.

"I don't see a wedding band," Ruby said happy as she looked over at Regina.

"That doesn't mean anything these days," Regina reminded her as she raised an eyebrow at her friend. "With my luck he's here to get someone for his wife and himself." That was also something she would not do, if she was with one person, she was with one person. She didn't want to share her man, and neither be shared with someone else.

"Will you please stop with the negativity, sour puss," Ruby said.

"I'll be right back," Jefferson said as he got up from his chair and exited his office.

"Seriously, Regina, you got to take a chance every now and then," Ruby said.

"I did that, and look what happened!" Regina said frustrated. She was frustrated with the whole night. She had thought that there might be someone interesting that she could meet tonight, but her hopes had disappeared as the mysterious stranger had.

Ruby took her friend by her shoulders and looked her in the eyes, "Regina, this is not about the past, you're not that person. You're stronger and you have a fighter's heart, don't let what happened in the past keep you from having a future."

"But this guy is a stranger," Regina protested.

"A stranger that has had some sort of effect on you," Ruby reminded her, "Hell, even if it's just to get you back in the game, it's a start."

"But what if all this is for naught? What if he's not really my type? What if he has a wife and kids at home waiting for him?" Regina asked.

"Okay first off, it's taking a chance. If nothing ever comes from it, it's not for nothing. It was an adventure. If he's not your type then you find someone who is your type. And if he has a wife and kids waiting on him, then we find you a Hottie who is single and soooo ready to mingle with your jingle," Ruby said as she hip bumped her friend.

"But what about my-"

"No! No more, Regina. That won't matter with the right person. And he's out there, he might have been in this bar tonight," Ruby reminded her quickly.

"And you deserve someone who can treat you like you should be," Ruby also chimed in.

At the sound of the office door opening, the two women looked up to see Jefferson walking back in, "John is right, he did pay in cash. I spoke with Sam and she said he made a remark that he was new in town and that he was here tonight to get a feel of the city," Jefferson said.

"So that's it?" Regina asked.

"Well, not exactly. I know a few of the other bar and restaurant owners and I'll touch base with them to see if they get someone who looks like your man in," Jefferson offered.

"Okay, first off, he's not my man," Regina said. Looking over at Ruby's raised eyebrow she added, "Not yet, anyways."

"There you go," Ruby encouraged her.

"And second off, we can't go around spying on some guy because he happened to catch my interest," Regina said.

"Yes we can," Jefferson said as he folded his arms across his chest.

"We couldn't," Regina said.

"I think we could," Jefferson added with a smile. He loved to tease her, loved seeing her reactions to it. But while he enjoyed teasing his friend, he also wanted her to find this man who had obviously intrigued her.

Regina let out a small laugh as she looked at him and smiled, "We shouldn't."

"I think we should," Jefferson said, laughing as well. She was going to give in, he just knew it.

"Alright, give it a week and if nothing, then that's all it is," Regina said.

"Agreed," Jefferson said as he put out his hand to shake, and Regina took it and shook once. Regina looked down at her watch and frowned at the time.

Three o'clock in the morning.


"Well, this night has been entertaining, but we best be heading home," Regina said. It was way past her bedtime.

"Already?" Jefferson asked with a grown.

"Party pooper," Ruby said.

"Yes. We have to get some sleep to get through next week," Regina said. Dreading already how the week would unfold for them all at work.

"I'll see you two soon?" Jefferson asked as he walked them out of his bar.

"Next weekend, let's have a barbeque," Ruby offered, "bring a guest and drinks!"

"Fantastic, I'll see you two queens then," Jefferson said as he hugged first Ruby, and kissed her on the cheek, followed by Regina, giving her the same treatment. "I hope that by the time of the bar be que, we'll have found your fellow." Jefferson watched as their cab arrived and they were off.

What none of them knew, was that someone else had watched their goodbyes from a dark car that was about to leave the parking garage across the street. He had watched the stunning brunette from earlier, whom he had admired, and her friend in the bar earlier, had seen them when they first walked in. His attention had been focused on the dark haired one with the warm brown eyes. He had watched the way she had played with her hair for a few moments, before her red headed friend had caught him looking at her.

When those eyes had locked with his, his whole world seem to shift. He had smirked lightly at the way she had bit her bottom lip slightly as she had looked over him as he had also looked her over. She had jeans on that showed every curve you wanted to touch, to embrace, to savor. His heart had quickened at the second she had stood up and started to make her way over to him.

Unfortunately fate had intervened, when his phone had started to ring and he looked down to see someone's name. He had left his table and went to walkway to the men's restroom. "Yes, Marian. What is it now?"

A few minutes later he had returned to see his interest leaning in to whisper into another man's ear. They had looked so comfortable with each other. The casual intimacy between them jarred him for some reason.

Well, what did you think? That you're the first man to notice her? Males had probably been following her around since preschool. She's probably head over heels in love with the guy beside her.

Figuring it must be her lover, he had left. He had walked to his parked car across the street, thankful he had not made a fool out of himself in front of her.

He let out a long deep breath as he thought of the long week scheduled after this weekend.

"Well, Locksley. Are you ready to start a new adventure?" He asked himself as he drove to his new apartment. He had moved across the country literally to take this new job, one he intended to give his full attention to. He couldn't let his attraction to someone he didn't know, had never spoken to get in the way of his future plans.

There was more than one person's future that depended on how this new story of his began.