Another old fic I'm uploading now. This was based off of a picture I saw of a two-headed turtle, and also some fan art someone made of what a mutant two-headed turtle would look like. Unfortunately, I don't remember the artist, but if any of y'all know, let me know!

I don't own anything except for the OC. Enjoy.

For once, the turtles were silent. The ghastly scene before them was enough to horrify even their 'Fearless Leader' among them for months to come. It was a destroyed lab, with every square inch covered in trash - upturned tables, broken cages, scraps of metal littered everywhere.

"Leo?" Three heads swiveled around to look at their youngest brother, whose blue eyes were wide with sorrow. "Why would anyone do this?"

"The Kraang," Raph spat, completely drowning out whatever Leo had opened his mouth to say.

"They don't have boundaries," Leo said, casting a wary look at Raph, who looked like steam should be billowing out of his ears.

"Or morals," Donnie scoffed, using the end of his Bo staff to prod at a misshapen cage lying at his feet.

Raph sneered in agreement. "They're aliens - what do you expect?" He kicked the cage across the lab, ignoring the winces from the others as it crumpled further against the wall.

Mikey gulped, nudging a piece of shell-knows-what with his toe. "Don't we need to sort through this?"

Leo and Donnie exchanged a look. "Yeah," Leo said, and Donnie screwed up his beak in a scowl. "Who knows what we'll find?"

"They still have our DNA," Donnie said unhappily. "We can at least see what research they've attempted to do with it." He gulped, "Or what they plan to do in the future."

Raph grimaced, his scowl matching Donnie's line per line. "Here goes nothing." He narrowed his eyes and took a brave step forward, avoiding the scattered piles of destroyed cages and experiments. Leo sighed and followed after his brother, Donnie and Mikey right on their heels. Leo took a moment to look back at Mikey; his little brother was uncharacteristically quiet, mouth drooped down, but he was looking in each pile diligently for anything Donnie might deem important.

Raph stiffened in front of him and slowly bent over, and he turned and looked over his shoulder to give Leo a pointed look towards their little brothers.

"Mikey," Leo said slowly, not quite knowing what Raph found and how bad it was. Mikey looked up, puzzled, to meet his gaze. "Why don't you go keep watch outside? In case the Kraang come back to finish what they started."

Mikey frowned and protested. "But I wanna help!"

Donnie was having a silent conversation with Raph over his shoulder, and he turned to peer down at Mikey. "I think Leo's right. We need someone to stay on guard. I'll switch out with you in a few minutes."

Mikey scowled and dropped the busted table he'd been looking under. He straightened up and dusted off his knees, turning and walking out into the hallway, mumbling under his breath all the way. As soon as he was gone, Raph grunted in thanks, and Donnie pushed past Leo to get closer to him.

"What is it?" Donnie asked, and Leo stood on his tiptoes to peer over with bated breath.

Raph's shoulders slumped, but he straightened up to show the limp body of a baby turtle cupped in his hands. He half turned away and lifted up a bent cage, revealing three more little bodies of ordinary, pet-shop turtles. Leo looked away, bile rising in his throat at the sight, and he stepped around to move on to another pile. Raph looked up to Donnie, green eyes laced with horror. "What were they trying to do?"

Donnie sucked in a breath, the horror mirrored in his eyes. "They were trying to recreate us," he said monotonously, watching as Raph laid the little turtle next to its brothers. "They wanted their own ninja turtles."

"Guys," Leo said quietly, interrupting. He turned, cradling something child-sized in his arms.

It was a little girl.

Donnie laughed, but it was bitter and hollow. "And it looks like they did a pretty good job."

"I'm glad Mikey isn't here to see this," Leo murmured, still looking down at the girl.

"They're going to pay." Raph crushed the demolished cage with his bare hands. "I'm going to make every last one of them pay." Although neither of his brothers replied, he knew that the statement was unanimous.

Yes, the Kraang were going to pay.

Slowly, Leo, Raph, and Donnie went through the lab. Uprighting tables and desks, tossing aside the broken cages, setting aside any more turtles they found, some mutant, some not. It was a painstakingly slow process that no one wanted to do. Absently, Leo knew that Splinter must have been getting worried, but honor kept him tethered to the task.

It was nearing dawn by the time they finished their job. Finished - except for one remaining corner.

Donnie left his older brothers to finish up while he went to check on Mikey. Leo wiped the mingled sweat and tears off of his forehead, straightening up and watching Raph. Raph had been the only one not to cry, but exhaustion was written clearly in every line on his face. He worked diligently with a stony expression; only the look in his eyes betrayed him.

"You ready?" Raph said, jerking him out of his examination with a raised eye ridge. He motioned to a tipped table with one hand.

Leo nodded, taking a deep breath. He walked over to the other side of the table and gripped the rim. "One, two, three." He and Raph heaved the table up and over, grunting in exertion.

Raph groaned as it revealed a huge tangled mess of cages that had been hidden underneath. "Are you freakin' kidding me?" he snapped, and with a sudden burst of anger, he lashed out and kicked the pile. "Ow!"

Two startled squeaks came from the pile, and he and Leo exchanged shocked, wide-eyed looks.

"Was that-?"

"... Yup."

"Should we-?"

"... Yup."

Leo gently pried the first few mangled scraps off of the top of the pile and threw them to the side. He distantly heard them hit the wall, but honestly, messing up their organization system was the last thing he was worried about.

Raph tossed two more cages aside, eyeing the pile as if it had teeth. Leo shifted aside more scraps, and the boys could start glimpsing snatches of brown and green.

"Raph," Leo breathed.

Hesitantly, Raph stretched out his hand to the snatch of brown and tapped it. The pile shuddered once, and another cage slid to the ground. Leo could see the faint outline of a turtle shell.

"It's alive!" Leo exclaimed, and Raph shot him an 'are you stupid?' look, but his eyes were just as wide as Leo's. "Don't worry; we're going to get you out of there!" The figure didn't move again, and the boys exchanged nervous looks. "Come on, we gotta hurry." He started pushing aside cages again, and Raph was instantly kneeling by his side, joining him.

"There's two of them!" Raph looked up in surprise.

"What?" Leo said, frowning. He paused briefly to shoot an incredulous look at his brother. "No, there's only one. See, one shell."

"Then why are there four feet?" Raph was determined to prove that he was right, and he gestured towards the bottom of the pile, brushing off another cage. "Count 'em; there's four."

Leo searched the pile and pulled on a limb. "See, it's - WOAH!"

Raph sucked in a strangled breath. "What the shell is that?"

This is a multi-chapter fic. R&R!