Chapter 8:

A/N: Sorry for the long gap in updates I just finished my senior year in college and am now just getting my inspiration for this story back. I hope to have regular updates now that I am out of school. I do not own any characters other than Vaermina, all other characters are J.K. Rowling's. Also, some characters may be OOC.
That night after dinner Vaermina had parted ways with Severus and had taken to wondering around the castle remembering old memories and reaching out to Hogwarts magic and greeting her old friend from so long ago. She was just turning a corner when Tom came into to the corridor alongside with Dumbledore.

"Ah, there you are Ms. Aidoneus, we have been looking for you." The Headmaster said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just wondering around the castle getting a feel for it. What can I do for you two?" Vaermina asked while looking between the two wondering what could have convinced Tom to spend more time with Dumbledore than strictly necessary knowing of his limited patience with the man.

"I was hoping you could come with us to the third floor and show you the corridor that will be restricted during this year, Professor Quirrell already knows about the why and has contributed toward what is being protected there. I believe it is important that you are brought in on what is being protected at Hogwarts this year in the case of an emergency." Dumbledore replied.

Vaermina nodded and followed the two towards the third floor knowing that she was about to learn about the sorcerer's stone, though she was somewhat surprised she was being brought it on the know considering how new she is and is practically an unknown.

'Either the old man is losing his touch or he is trying to win my trust with honesty' she thought to herself somewhat amused, because if it is the latter reason then the old man is a bigger fool than she first imagined.

Once on the corridor that was restricted Dumbledore showed her the room that lead to the stone after explaining just what they were supposedly protecting. What she saw left her hard pressed not to react because in the room guarding over a trapdoor was Aurora, Cerberus's daughter. Seeing her chained up and cramped into such a small room left Vaermina seething in rage at the light wizard's audacity to lock up such a creature and the daughter of one of her friends in the Underworld like she was nothing but a dumb animal.

Quickly getting control of her anger, she placed on a cold mask looking at the Headmaster she asked "Are you sure it is the best idea to have such a dangerous being in the castle for the children to come across? Forbidden or not there will be a few that will be foolish enough to come see what is so forbidding about this corridor."

The Headmaster simply smiled "I am certain no harm will come to the students at Hogwarts, now tomorrow is going to be a busy day I would suggest getting some rest. Good-night you two." He replied before heading off.

As soon as he was gone Tom looked at Vaermina with concern and asked "Are you ok? You seemed angered by seeing the Cerberus locked up here."

"That's because that is Cerberus's daughter Aurora in there and these light bastards think they can just lock her up in here. She belongs in the Underworld with her father." She replied feeling her raging growing and quickly entered the room where Aurora began to growl before realizing how was coming up to her and immediately looked away from Vaermina's angry glare. "That's right you should be ashamed look at the mess you've got yourself in. Captured by light wizards, chained like an animal. This is exactly why me and your father tell you not to leave the Underworld."

Aurora looked up at Vaermina and whimpered knowing she was in big trouble this time for sneaking out of the Underworld. "No don't give me that look, now you have to stay here until the end of the year after all this mess with the stone is finished with before I come up with a way to send you home. Now, stay here, be good, and do as your told. Think of this as the beginning of your punishment." Vaermina stated firmly and waiting for Aurora's nod before turning and leaving, locking the door behind her. Turning from the door she saw Tom staring at her with a look of shock on his face.

Clearing his throat, he asked "So I take it you two knew each other?" before he paused and looked at Vaermina "So all those legend based on you and your family in Salazar's journal were true?"

Vaermina looked at Tom with slight amusement after calming down and nodded her head before laughing at Tom's shocked expression. "What did you think Salazar was righting down mere legend based on speculation and religion from ancient Greece? No, I told Salazar all about my family and separated fact from myth."

Tom stared for a moment before shaking his head "And here I thought when the journal said you were a goddess was a mere expression. Though I have to wonder how did Hades survive your birth since he was your host and from what I could tell the way you were born should have killed him?"

"He was a god." Vaermina said simply like it answered everything. And Tom supposed it technically did. Vaermina chuckled at his look of resignation at her simple answer. "Good-night Tom I'll see you tomorrow, should be interesting."

Tom nodded his head in agreement before saying good-night and parting ways with her. As he walked back to his room he thought back to how worried he became when he saw Vaermina's rage surfacing, he had thought that he was through with being close with people but he was starting to realize that he was beginning to see Vaermina as a sister after getting to know her over the past few weeks and seeing how she was so willing to help. And for once he wasn't worried about her betraying him because he was beginning to understand what she meant about the familial bond they shared. Though he did wonder what had caused it to form so quickly, he supposed that was something he would have to ask her later.