As Kya made her way out of the thick branches of the forest, something caught her eye at the opening. A rather long table set up with many teacups and steaming teapots scattered about. At different ends of the table sat three oddly dressed gentlemen. "Okay whose next?" She wondered. "My old collage professor?

But to her surprise, Kya saw than one of the men was none other than her manager, William T. Spears, dressed in a colorful looking suit with the giant ears of a hare sprouting from either side of his head. The second man looked like her co worker, Ronald Knox, with his head resting on the table (Typical) the only thing out of the ordinary with him were the mouse ears sticking out of his head and a twitching tail. The last man at the far end happened to be the old Undertaker himself. Nothing seemed too far off about him (no more than usual anyway) except for his choice in clothing.

The three men hadn't looked up from their teacups as Kya approached the table. Undertaker took a sip of his tea before finally speaking up.

"Sorry dearie, there's no more room."

"No more room." William repeated.

Kya raised an eyebrow at their claims as she looked at the many seats around the table that were clearly empty. "Weird"
Ronald shifted in his seat as if he heard Kya's comment. "Come now, how could you say that?"

Not wanting to put up with any more nonsense, Kya turned her back and began to walk away. She stopped as she heard Undertaker cackled from behind her. "It was merely a joke, there's plenty of room!" His slender fingers picked up one of the many chipped teapots and poured the bitter hot liquid into a tiny cup. "Sit sit, have a cup of tea!" He then motioned to the seat across from himself.

Kya shrugged and took the Undertaker's offer by taking a seat. Maybe one of these men saw Grell pass through and know which way he's headed. She cleared her throat and sat up. "H-Have any of you seen the Red Rabbit?"
The March Hare (A.K.A Will) was the only one who was fazed by her question. He took a sip from his cup. "And what business do you have with that foul creature?" He asked without looking up at her.

Kya's cheeks puffed at his blunt question. "He's not foul, he's my b-boyfriend." A blush swept across her face as she stuttered. "Last I checked he didn't like you either." The Marche Hare's ears twitched as he placed his tea down, his sharp eyes finally met hers.

"That rabbit is a disgrace to me."

Before Kya could shoot back, the Undertaker appeared before her, plopping a cup of tea in front of her. "How do you take or tea, dear Alice? One cup or two?" He took a handful of sugar cubes and proceeded to dump them into her tea.

"That's way too much sugar!" Kya gasped as drops of tea spilled onto her dress. "Besides, I'm not much of a tea drinker-"

"Ssshh, look into the cup"

Kya watched the sugar cubes dissolve into the tea, but what it was replaced by she didn't expect. A picture appeared into the teacup, a picture of her to be exact, in a wedding dress. The picture then changed to another of herself but this time in a 19th century costume performing on stage.

Though she wasn't sure what to think, Kya didn't take her eye off of the cup. "Why are all of these of me?" The Undertaker cackled as he dumped in another handful of sugar cubes. "Its of what to come and nothing more."

The pictures started to change more rapidly with one being of Grell in a Red Death costume with her on stage, then one of her as a grim reaper's recruit, then lastly, a ghostly picture of her dear friend Simm, looking nine months pregnant with no sign of color or health on her face.

Kya shot up from her seat as she gazed upon the picture. "What's wrong with Simm?" She then saw a picture of Will standing over the almost dead looking Simm. Her eyes snapped to the now accused March Hare. "I knew you were no good!" She screamed angrily. "I'm glad I like rabbits better than Hare!"

With a nerve being hit, the March Hare's ears twitched in annoyance as he straightened his glasses. "Well it's good you know the difference you ignorant-"

"Quiz time!" The Undertaker interrupted as he threw out Kya's tea. "You're first question, why is a raven like a writing desk?"

"W-Why is a raven like a writing desk." Taken back by the sudden randomness, Kya scratched her head as she answered. "They're not alike at all, one is an animal and the other is merely a desk."

She was then startled as the March Hare slammed his hands onto the table and shoot up from his seat. "That young lady is cheating!" He raised his voice as he pointed at her. "I'm afraid we'll have to disqualify you from this round."

Kya stomped her feet as his absurdness. "Cheating, you call being intelligent cheating?"

The Undertaker's soothing cackle once again quieted everyone down. "Now now, I suppose we can excuse this round." He then stood up onto the table and made his way towards her, knocking over every cup and pot in the way. "We are celebrating something special after all."

Kya watched him as he approached her. "Special, what's so special?"Her attention was pulled out from him as she heard the court bells chime from the palace. "Oh no!"

The sleeping Dormouse twitched in his sleep as the sound of the bells echoed throughout the forest. "Looks as if the queens at it again." He sighed.

At that very moment, Grell hopped along pass the table and towards the direction of the palace. Kya took in a sharp gasps as she saw him and ran as fast as she could after him. "Wait!"

But before she could get far, the world around her vanished into pitch black. For a moment, Kya feared she might have lost her vision. That is until a blinding spotlight shined on her from above. Looking down to shield her eyes, she noticed she was standing behind a podium in a dark courtroom. "How did I get here?' she wondered. A second spotlight shined across the room to a fancy dressed couple, both of which had decorative masquerade ball masks covering the top half of their serious faces. 'The King and Queen of Hearts!'

The king stared at her with deep soulless eyes as he spoke up first. "Order! The court is now in session!" His jeweled hand motioned towards Kya. "The accused Alice against the people of Wonderland!" 'Accused? She thought. 'What on earth could they have against me?' Kya wasted no time in defending herself. "And what exactly is my crime?" The king glared at her. "You stand accused of abandoning your friends in a time of need!" "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" The queen chimed in.

That was more than Kya could take. She leaped from the podium stand and stood before the king and queen. "I would never abandoned them, even if I couldn't be with them, they would understand!" "And do you have any proof of this statement?" the queen asked, not amused. "Do you have any witnesses?" Kya backed up as she struggled to think of a single person there in Wonderland who would vouch for her. "No, not that I know of." The queen smirked. "THEN OFF WITH HER HEAD!"

Before Kya could say a prayer, Simm the Mouse appeared before the court, now wearing a lawyer's outfit and holding a briefcase in her hand. "I will defend Alice!" Kya was caught off guard by her friend's sudden appearance. "What the hell, Simm, have you been watching Law and Order?" The mouse giggled. "How do you think I got my license?" She then cleared her throat and put on a serious face. "Will the first witness come to the stand?"

As called, Sebastian the Caterpillar flew to the witness stand with his newly developed butterfly wings. Surly he wouldn't be much help. "Oh, this is hopeless." She wined, laying her head in her hands in despair. Sebastian smirked, not once looking up from the hookah stem. "Ah yes, Alice is a marvelous person indeed." The little duchess from suddenly appeared next to the witness stand, clutching the two red headed babies. "She brought back my cousins for me!" she vouched happily.

Next appeared the Undertaker, back in his original attire and snickering like a mad man. This gave Kya a small ray of hope, seeing as he knew of what was to come, he could somehow prove her innocence. "Your majesties, please listen for a moment." Before she could continue, the Undertaker's laughing cut in between them. He circled his way around the king and queens thrones, fiddling cubes of sugar in his fingers. "Poor Alice has some tough roads ahead of her, I'm afraid." "Then would you be willing to face them all?" the king asked. Kya nodded. "Of course. I may not be able to perform in the future, but as long as I have my friends with me, I will find something else to do with my life."

An unexpected voice answered her from behind. "Oh, how could you not be able to perform with that precious voice of yours?" Kya jumped back to see none other that Grell standing behind her, a genuine smile pulled on his pale lips. Kya's eyes overflowed with tears as all of her emotions hit her at once. "Grell… no one's ever believed in me. Not my mother before she went insane, not my father when he was alive…but I love them and need their support."

The king's voice suddenly changed to a soft, yet familiar tone. "And you have it, Kya." He then slipped off his mask, only to reveal himself to be Kya's deceased father. "Your mother and I are so proud of you." Out of all the surprises she came across on her journey thus far, this was the one that she never would have suspected. Kya could hardly form the words as she looked upon her father. "D-D-Daddy? You're the king?" Her hopefull gaze then turned to the queen. "T-Then that means…i-it can't be…mommy?"

The queen slowly stood from her throne and walked towards her long lost daughter with graceful steps. "I am proud of what you've become, my love." Once again, Kya wasted no time. She ran full speed into her mother's waiting arms with heavy tears falling down her face. The queen wrapped her into a tight embrace and smoothed out her daughter's soft hair. "Kya, I want for you to start enjoying life again. I want you to keep moving forward." Her voice was like a small harp from Heaven to Kya's ears. "M-Mom, I'm so sorry I haven't come to see you." Kya hung her head in shame. "I've just been too afraid."

The queen merely smiled. "I know sweet heart. You have your own life to live. She lifted Kya's chin to look her in the eye. "But I'm thankful whenever I hear your voice." Overwhelmed with happiness, Kya threw her arms around her mother and hung onto her as if she were her only life force. "I love you, mom."
A single tear fell from behind the queen's mask. "And I love you, Kya."

After what seemed like an eternity, the Red Rabbit broke the moment by touching Kya's shoulders, as if bringing her back to a disappointing reality. "Come now darling, it's time to go back." But Kya didn't want the moment to end and tightened her hold on her mother. "I can't. I'll loose one of you if I go back. I know I will." The queen gently patted her back to comfort her. "There's no way you can loose us." She assured. "We are always here for you." Kya looked up at her mother and nodded, understanding. "I love you mom." She said again. The queen kissed her daughter atop her head. "And I love you. I'll see you soon."

Kya reluctantly let go of her mother as Grell took her hand. "Come darling, you'll be waking up soon!" He then scooped Kya into his arms and leaped into the air, all the way through the ceiling as everyone left in the courtroom waved goodbye.

Kya's eyes fluttered open as dizziness filled her head. Her blurry vision made out something red as it moved beside her. "Kya darling?" It called. She recognized the blur to be Grell, smiling and standing over her as her sight became clearer. Kya looked still confused as she noticed he still had his fluffy red bunny ears. Surly he she thought he would have left them in Wonderland. She lifted a shaking finger and pointed up at the red reaper. "R-Red Rabbit?"

"What?" Grell blinked until he realized he had the ears. "Oh these, I picked these up at the gift shop for you!" He then slipped them off of his own head and onto hers. Sitting in the chair next to her was a non-mouselike Simm. Simm smiled and patted her friend's hand. "How do you feel, bud?" she asked. Kya groaned and closed her eyes again. "Tired… what hospital are we in anyway?" "Same one as before dearie." Grell answered. "But in a different room." Simm admired the paintings on the wall opposite of her "You got to love the theme." Kya opened one eye to see a mural of Alice in Wonderland painted on the wall.