She wasn't sure whether to inform her of her granddaughter or her apparent 'parents' of each other's existence.
If she did, then there was a chance that her family would more than ever be intertwined with the meddling of the gods. Not to mention that Sally would also quite possibly kill her.
If she didn't, then nothing would truly happen. Neither would know of each other's existence, but they would always wonder where she would go. But she was a witch, and that should solve it!
And besides, ignorance was bliss.
"What are you thinking about, Mistress of Death?"
Harriet glanced to her side and sighed. Dodds, well Alecto, took it upon herself to guide Harriet as though she were a new-born fawn.
"Nothing Alecto," Harriet said dismissively, "It's a wonderful day, don't you think?"
Alecto merely stared at her with a brow raised.
"It's cloudy, and it's raining, and we don't have coats or umbrellas," deadpanned Alecto. "Not to mention, we also have to babysit the brats until they leave."
"Well, we all did volunteer to do this, Mrs Dodds," interjected Brunner.
The spring break had come, and Harriet couldn't wait to go home.
Alecto hissed at Brunner venomously. The latter gave the former a tight smile with a glare visible in his brown eyes.
"I have to say though," Harriet began, "Why is there a maths teacher here on a Classics trip to a Museum?"
"I am also interested to hear about that as well," added in Brunner. "It's the Metropolitan Museum of Art." After a pause, he then said, "It's rather unfortunate that poor Mrs Tran has food poisoning after you gave her your cake."
Alecto looked at Brunner insidiously.
"My baking is fine," she said defensively, "And art involves maths."
Harriet and Brunner shared a bizarre look before heading into the museum after the guide finished his talk on life in Ancient Greek.
Brunner took then took charge, focusing on the Greek area of the Museum, which they had agreed upon. Harriet instead took charge of the Roman area.
Truth be told, she honestly wanted the Greek section, purely because of her new-found connection to the pantheon. But she was the one who was teaching Latin to her class while Brunner explained the culture and also some aspects of Greek life.
Hence why she was mildly glaring-not pouting- at Brunner as he talked on about Ancient Greek and the culture.
She face-palmed when she heard her grandson told Brunner to shut up. Good grief, did he have to be such an impolite boy. Though an inkling in her head told her it was because of something else when she saw the wretched red-headed girl smirk victoriously.
After some questions, her grandson was called upon by Dodds probably for some disciplining, like she always does to practically every single student.
"You look like you knew this person personally," Harriet commented lightly.
Brunner only smiled at her sadly before strolling off to where Dodds went.
"Did he just ignore me?" asked Harriet.
"I believe he just did," answered a teasing voice.
Ah, wonderful.
"Hecate," greeted Harriet without even looking at the said woman.
The red-headed woman grabbed Harriet's shoulders and twirled her around. "Please call me mother, sweetie."
"Why are you here?" Harriet grumbled. "And will you just stop twirling me around?"
She knew exactly how ridiculous the pair of them bloody looked. A young red-headed woman, dressed in a black mini skirt with a black tank top, spinning around a formally dressed, wrinkled and grey-haired woman.
"Well, I thought you should know that Alecto is off hunting a demigod in your school," she teased, eyes darkening with glee, "A demigod by the name of Percy Jackson."
Harriet froze. "Oh, and why would she be doing that?"
"Hmm," Hecate said, wanting to increase the anticipation, "Word has it he stole Zeus' lightning bolt."
What on earth was the woman going on about?
Zeus' lightning bolt? Perseus stole Zeus' lightning bolt?
"I figured you should know," continued Hecate, playing around with her red strands of hair. She then whispered in Harriet's ears, "Your descendant does seem to be quite interesting."
Harriet remained composed and expressionless. "Of course, you do," she said in the end.
Hecate then backed away with confusion seen in her eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Mother darling," she said sweetly, "I thought you knew everything going on."
Hecate gave a small nervous giggle. "Ah, I see. Don't worry, daughter. I'll keep this our little secret."
With that being said, she then disappeared, leaving Harriet alone.
Harriet walked quickly towards where Dodds was. She didn't know where the woman was exactly, but with her senses, she could easily figure it out. She stormed past Brunner and Percy's friend and walked into a storage room.
Only to see Perseus slice a winged Alecto.
The woman burst into golden dust, and she stood there, staring at Perseus, ignoring her erratic heartbeat.
He's okay.
"Please tell me you just saw that," Perseus breathed out, panting.
Harriet walked towards him, picking up the golden sword, examining it, dropping it suddenly when it changed into a pen.
How interesting
"Did that just change into a pen?!" he asked her.
"Yup," she said with a pop after picking it up, "Don't you think this pen is interesting?"
He gave her a look. "My maths teacher turned into a bat and tried to kill me, and you're asking me that?"
"You're my descendant," she sniffed. "Of course, you'd be okay. We have this thing called Potter luck."
"Right," he said flatly. "See you at home."
"Wait," she said, "Who gave you this pen?"
"Mr Brunner gave it to me," he answered, snatching the pen off her hands.
Things are about to get a lot more complicated.
"Sally, my lovely granddaughter!" beamed Harriet as she entered the house. "How lovely it is to see you again."
"You too, Gran!" came the reply as her granddaughter carried in blue cookies, placing them on the table.
Harriet took off her trench coat and unwoven her scarf from neck and hanged them both on the coat-rack. "I think there's someone watching over Perseus."
Sally popped out her head from the kitchen. "There is?"
"Yes," she confirmed, "A man called Mr Brunner who gave Perseus a sword when a monster attacked him."
Then, turning her green eyes on her granddaughter, she asked, "Know him?"
"I had a feeling," she admitted as she tucked in a rebellious strand of her. "I just felt it, you know."
"Do you know what he is then?" she asked, "Like is he a god or a mythical creature."
"I think he's Chiron," Sally finally answered, brows furrowed in concentration. "Trainer of heroes."
"Will you be sending him to camp?" asked Harriet, folding her arms under her chest.
"I was hoping with your magic, he wouldn't have to go," she confessed. "I haven't seen any monsters in quite awhile."
Harriet sighed. While she did understand her granddaughter's reasoning, it was not right for Perseus. "Sally, you can't coddle him for the rest of his life."
"I know," her granddaughter said after a few moments. "But it's nice to have some peace, you know."
"Sally, tell him as soon as he gets here," commanded Harriet sternly.
"But we're going to Montauk."
"The place where you met that man," muttered Harriet darkly.
To say that it didn't annoy her that Sally took her son to Montauk every single bloody year was an understatement. She felt frustrated, and she knew that it was completely immature of her, and she could hold a grudge forever.
"It's good for Percy," Sally explained a long time ago. "To know his father."
Her reasoning was something she couldn't argue with, and Harriet had a feeling that her granddaughter knew it; the sneaky little girl!
"We'll be back before you know it," her granddaughter said, "So don't worry about anything."
Under normal circumstances, had her granddaughter been a normal person, she would have not worried.
Her Potter instincts were telling her something was going to happen, and Harriet wasn't going to ignore it.
Not when her great-grandson was a trouble-attracting magnet.
AN- hi.
This chapter is from three years ago and I am cringing at the way this was written.
My muse for this story has completely vanished; but who knows when it could turn up again.
I have another section written up, which I will proof-read and put it up.