Well, this is it. The final chapter of the Alola Trilogy. It's been quite a journey. I hope you enjoy this final chapter, and I'll see you at the bottom! Alola to Chapter 30!

Chapter 30

A Goodbye

"Reports are still coming in from a week ago when the strange portals appeared in the sky, all over the world," a voice spoke from the television in the café. Y looked up, crossing his legs as he sipped on his coffee cup. It felt like it had been a while since he'd truly stepped foot into civilization, barring his brief stint in attending the League and Hope Leilani. "At the moment, the Pokémon League has confirmed that there was a known, large-scale assault from an undisclosed force. Details on this specific force are still unknown to the general public. However, there are a number of other details that have been made plain."

"I'm sure there are," Y chuckled out sardonically. He winced, pain smarting at his chest. No one around him reacted, which was something he preferred, if he was to be honest with himself. No one knew that he had fought alongside Kahili, holding back the storm of Ultra Beasts from the Lake of the Moone. It was better that way, if the news reports were any indication. He could already imagine what was happening now, the League likely meeting, following the battle, to discuss what had happened on the Day of Stars. He had his own thoughts on the matter, but they were pushed to the back burner at the sound of more words from the television, others in the café staring with rapt fascination. Y's pen clicked against the surface of the table.

"What we can report to you is that, knowing the extent of the mysterious force of creatures that attacked numerous cities, the League organized a number of trainers together. These trainers, headed by none other than Honor of Kalos recipients Ash Ketchum and Serena, also the winners of the esteemed Hope Leilani in the Alola region, as well as its first Alola League, managed to succeed in pushing back the enemies which brutally assaulted various locations.

"The worst extent of this damage seems to have occurred throughout the Alola region, with numerous cities and towns damaged, despite the protection of its Kahunas and captains," the reporter continued, shuffling through her notes, though not really needing them. Y continued to tap his pen on the table. "However, as seen from this footage, construction continues along swimmingly in repairing all of the cities, with the heaviest damage done to Hau'oli City. Amazingly, it's docks and airport were all protected immaculately by their island's very own Totem Pokémon, and departures will resume shortly."

Y reached over to sip some more on his coffee as he watched the television set. For reporters, they almost seemed rather poor, missing out on any number of the details regarding the Ultra Beasts. Then again, he supposed the League wanted to keep it that way. It hardly mattered to him. His eyes grazed over the paper in front of him, only a couple words written on its surface, and he sighed a little. Usually it was so easy for him to write, yet this time, there seemed to be so much more to say. He briefly looked out the window of the café in Malie City, staring up at Mount Lanakila. No doubt she was there already for the events that would take place tomorrow. He couldn't be prouder, even if he'd decided to not attend, keeping with her in spirit.

"In less fortunate news, the president of the Aether Foundation, Lusamine, lost her life in this particular battle for our world," the reporter spoke, her voice far more solemn, befitting the somber news. Y would have snorted, knowing full well the lie that had been disseminated in order to avoid yet another scandal like his counterpart and Lysandre Labs. "At the request of the family, we were not allowed to report on it until the funeral at sea was held. Official sources say that her son and heir will take over as President of the Aether Foundation, already announcing a striking new direction for the Foundation."

Y sat up at this, unaware of some of these details, while he finished his coffee off. The young boy, Gladion, appeared on the screen as he did so. "As Lusamine's son, I had a front row seat to her handling of the Foundation, and I still want to continue her work. I know I'm young, but I think, in some sense, that youth, and those who are, perhaps, not considered vital to society, are what is needed for the future of the Foundation. We can't just let ourselves dictate one's worth over their public face.

"I am looking to make the Aether Foundation inclusive of all. I don't care if you've completed your trials, or earned your Leis. If you love Pokémon, and want to care for them, the Aether Foundation will always welcome you. On top of that, we'll offer to sponsor Island Pilgrimages for those determined to complete them. That is our new mission as a Foundation."

"Good kid," spoke one of the patrons of the café. "Little young, but it's definitely something different for the Foundation to announce."

"Sounds to me like he's inviting those hooligans in Team Skull to come work for him!"

"Is that the worst thing? Maybe all those guys needed was an outlet…"

Y sat back once more, an idea for the words he wanted to write coming into his brain. The reporter came on the screen, but the honey-blond man blocked her out, especially since she was mentioning what he already knew about the ceremony to honor the victors of the Hope Leilani and Lanakila Conference. His pen started scratching across the page.

Dear Grace,

I am sure that by the time this letter reaches you, you'll have returned home from your time in Alola. I apologize for not writing all that recently, and not meeting you at Mount Lanakila, but I was recovering from certain things. My fellow companion was actually just released from the hospital yesterday with a broken leg. I hope she'll heal quickly. Regardless, I feel like I have so much to say, yet cannot find the words to say it.

What I can say, with absolute authority, is how proud I am of our daughter. Having finally had the chance to meet her, myself, I can see how headstrong she is these days. Just seeing her made me smile, even though she wasn't the happiest meeting me. I doubt she'll say anything to you about me, though; she seems just the same as her boyfriend in that respect. They make a good couple, don't you think? Almost reminds me of us…almost. Not really. Hm…maybe I'll come home soon. Perhaps it's time.

All my love,


It was a simple letter, and hardly overflowing with flowery sentiments, but it got everything across that he wanted to say. He placed some money down on the table and stood to leave, stretching, despite the pain it caused. It was time to find a place to post the letter. Y quickly whipped around and strode out the door, looking at the bright and peaceful Alolan sun.

A grin stretched his face. He could feel it, quivering down from Mount Lanakila. Even being secluded for so many years hadn't stopped him from being able to observe that. There was a wind of change about to blow through the region. For that, he just solicited his mail at the post office and moved on, eager to see what more of their world would bring.

"Jessie! James! Meowth! Report!" The call was harsh and biting, snapping the three (really four, if Wobbuffet was counted) to absolute attention in the dark room. Only their faces were illuminated by the glow of the holographic screen that was before them, giving a salute to the boss that was on the screen. "You three have been out of contact for months on your mission. I gave you carte blanche, but I expected you to report in more frequently. You're not one of the Pillars of Team Rocket. Now, why haven't you?"

"Our apologies, sir!" Jessie spoke, not dropping her salute. James thought it best for himself to do the same, each of them staring at their boss. It had been difficult to reach a consensus for how to handle the conversation and briefing before them, but they eventually had. Now they just had to hope for the boss to not chew them out too much. "We've been out of contact for good reason, sir."

"Do enlighten me," Giovanni said, folding his fingers together on the screen in front of them, gazing. James was sure he was trying to find the slightest show of weakness, but the blue-haired man wasn't going to give it to him. They had planned this all perfectly.

"I'm sure you've seen the news reports on the battle in Alola, sir," he told their boss. Giovanni nodded, giving a grunt, but obviously still expecting much more than that. "Well, we were directly involved with it, taking down multiple organizations while we safeguarded the world."

"All for you ta take it over at your pleasure of course, Giovanni, sir," Meowth said. Wobbuffet kept himself from making a noise in the darkness. The leader of Team Rocket continued to observe them and then leaned a back. It showed he was more receptive to their information; it was something James was grateful for.

"Go on," the man said.

"As a result of the battle, Team Skull seems to have become no threat at all," James announced simply. His hand came down from his salute to snap to his side. Jessie and Meowth did the same, though Wobbuffet seemed to have trouble realizing that he should do it as well. "In the week since the battle, there has been no activity from their group at all, just as our plan worked out."

"Yes, the plan has also led to the destruction of ARC, as promised, sir!" Jessie said. Giovanni now sat up, the corners of his lips twitching with what James could only define as pleasure. It made the blue-haired man swallow. "In the battle with the creatures in the news reports, the upper echelons of ARC were destroyed, and their remnants are scattered with no hope of reunion."

"Excellent news, then. We will not have to worry about them interfering with any future plans, then. You've done excellent work. I'm inclined to reward such positive results," Giovanni stated, his fingers curling against each other with a surprisingly loud sound. "Return to base. Perhaps I'll assign you to one of our Pillars for your next mission, when one returns from their own scouting mission."

"Uh, if I may, boss," Jessie spoke out, almost nervously. The man in question turned, leveling his fierce gaze on her as sweat dripped down her forehead. "We were hoping for a vacation, you see. While Alola is quite the region, we've been working non-stop for months and our Pokémon-"

"Yes, I see," Giovanni said, cutting Jessie off. James thought of possibly mentioning Jessie's "alter ego" as Jessilie, and sharing that it would allow them to do more undercover work as another incentive, but he just figured that would make the boss pull them back, instead. That was the exact opposite of what they wanted. "Very well, approved. You have a month of vacation time. I can't have your productivity level going down from burnout. You'd be useless to me, then."

"Yes, sir!" they all said immediately. Giovanni nodded once more, and the connection terminated. Seconds later, a foot stomped on the communication device, crushing it into powder. Then the lights in the room at the trainer's village flicked on. James blinked from the brightness and then cried out as Crabrawler clamped on his head while Inkay floated to his shoulder.

"Craba! Craba!" Crabrawler said, clicking his claws happily. James instantly knew what he wanted and he tossed the hungry crustacean a berry. Said crab broke it in half and offered it to James. He smiled at his Pokémon and accepted it. Jessie just turned, at least as much as she could in Bewear's arms.

"Well, was that good enough?" she snapped to the two visitors in the room. From the wall on the other side, near the light switches, Lionel drew to his full height, all while Aidan scooped up the broken communication cube and went to join him. The tanned man was smirking in their direction.

"More than good enough," Lionel said with a hearty laugh, fingering his charm bracelet. "ARC doesn't care about Team Rocket, but if other organizations have been made aware of our existence, then perhaps its best the rumor spreads on the underground that we're finished."

"At the very least, it will allow us to move about unnoticed," Aidan sighed out, taking his glasses off as he ran a hand through his hair. The blond glanced outside. "Shame. I was almost hoping we could stay in contact more this time, but he's proven to have grown up just fine without me."

"Of course, the bigger problem is how your boss truly came to know of us," Lionel said, pointing at Team Rocket. Their Pokémon all let go of them to look at the two men. James shared an arched eyebrow with Jessie while Meowth peered at both suspiciously. "Probably Michael, somehow."

"We'll have to look into it," Aidan said with another sigh, replacing his glasses on his face as he walked to the door from the cabin. James was just glad that Jessie was able to hold on to the little house, all because she had been runner-up of the Hope Leilani. "I'm sure Michael's influence has spread wide. Now that we know it stemmed beyond just events before his death, it's time to stamp it out."

"Mm," was Lionel's assent. Aidan headed straight for the door and pushed it open, leaving them all behind with nary a word. James felt he had always been a cold one; no wonder the former Brutal twerp had turned out the way he did. Lionel breathed in and turned in his compatriot's direction. "Michael is a real pain…almost like you three are for Ash."

"Hey, what we do to the twerp is none of your business!" Jessie snapped. Lionel laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets as he began to leave the room.

"Maybe not. But if you three ever consider a change of profession, feel free to give us a call. ARC could use people with talents like yours for lots of things. Especially your undercover and performing skills, Miss Jessie," Lionel told them, now waving one of his hands. "We'll be watching the ceremony and be at the festival tonight. If you three change your minds by then, let me know. I'd allow you far more 'carte blanche' than your current boss."

"What about the ceremony?" Jessie asked, right as Lionel snapped the door shut. James watched it a moment longer, finding the offer quite intriguing. He still shrugged, figuring they could discuss it on their much-needed vacation, and turned to answer Jessie's question.

"They hold the victory ceremony to celebrate the runner-up for the Hope Leilani as well. It was in the fine print."

"Ya know Jess didn't read dat, James," Meowth told him. He refrained from rolling his eyes in realization while Jessie gasped loudly. She quickly grabbed the two boys, plus Wobbuffet, and started dragging them off to the bathroom.

"Why didn't you tell me? Another chance to upstage the twerpette? Count me in!" Jessie yelled, cackling madly. James and Meowth just shared a look. "Another chance for the world to share in my beauty and grace! This is beyond wonderful!"




This was going to be a long vacation.

Ash Ketchum had fought numerous battles. He'd broken bones. Sacrificed his life a couple times. Overall experienced every emotion that could be found on the spectrum from happiness to grief to downright fear. He was seasoned that way. Serena knew it; she'd seen a lot of it firsthand. However, nothing made him quake and quiver like the sight of his irate mother staring him down. It was like he was a ten-year old kid again, just stuck in her presence.

"Ash Ketchum, young man, explain yourself!" Delia Ketchum snapped. Serena said nothing, already trying to ignore the daggers that were driving into her own skull from her mother. She hadn't expected them to show up for the victory ceremony, if she was honest. Nor did she expect them to arrive with Professor Oak, of all people, who had been warmly received by Kukui and the Kanto professor's cousin. On the other hand, she should have expected it, given their faces had been plastered all over the news stories about the Day of Stars…again.

It was kind of impossible to ignore, given the extent of the damage. Serena shuddered to think about what could have happened to all those at the stadium here on Mount Lanakila if it hadn't been for Kukui, Akela, Mr. Looker and the International Police.

"Mom, well…uh…what are you talking about?" Ash asked. Pikachu leapt off his shoulder, as if trying to get away, but Delia was having none of that. She stomped her foot down and Pikachu stopped, staring up at her sheepishly.

"You were involved in another world-ending fiasco again, weren't you? You just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you?" Delia snapped, her hands on her hips. Ash looked to Serena, but given her own mother was stepping forward, she knew he wasn't going to get the support he wanted.

"Both of you," Grace stated, glaring at her daughter. Serena wasn't sure what exactly to say to her mother. There were a lot of topics to be had, and Serena could already hear Bonnie laughing in the distance, before Clemont started to drag her off with Korrina's own laugh. They all stopped at the sounds of the doors opening and all of the professors stepping in. The couple wasn't able to escape, though, even with that possible distraction. "Serena, what happened to the girl that was scared of riding Rhyhorn? Now you're involved with all of this?"

"It's not like we had a choice in all of this…" Serena said, chuckling a little as she scratched the side of her head. Grace sighed and shook her head, but still smiled. That made Serena feel a little better.

"What Serena said, mom. And my girlfriend knows what she's talking about," Ash said, pointing to her and nodding furiously. Pikachu also got in on all of it. Delia continued glaring for a moment and then decided to sigh.

"I know that," she conceded, "but as your mother, it's my job to worry about you."

"Oh, sorry," Ash said, looking a little mollified now. Delia stepped forward, right in between the couple and pulled them close, locking them into a hug.

"Either way, I'm proud of you both," she said, gripping them tighter. Serena's own mother seemed to nod, approving of not only the gesture but everything else as well. "And you, especially, my Pokémon Master! You won your very first League! I'm so excited for you!"

"It's pretty awesome, huh? Even better is that Serena won the Hope Leilani!" Ash said. Delia drew back with a small smile on her face, while Ash refused to let Serena go, hugging her so close she felt her skin heat up and she swallowed, hoping that her mother and his wouldn't read anything too much into it. She could still remember their embarrassing moment atop Latias (who had since returned to her whirlwind adventure somewhere in the world). They, thankfully, didn't seem to register anything.

"I'm very proud, for certain," Grace said, her eyes smiling. "I watched every performance. You've become very skilled, Serena."

"Thanks, mom," Serena spoke, feeling a little embarrassed, especially with Ash pulling her close. She only came out of that state from Delia looking around, as though trying to find someone.

"Where is your friend, Lillie? And Rotom for that matter?" the woman asked. A short distance away, Bonnie seemed to stiffen and look up to Professor Oak. The girl hadn't shown it for the last week, but Rotom's sacrifice had hit her almost as much as Lusamine's death affected Lillie. Serena wasn't even sure how to answer the former, but Ash was.

"Lillie's with her brother. He's the runner-up," Ash answered with a grin, though he looked rather thoughtful at it all. The honey blonde wondered if he was thinking about his father once more, but she didn't dare to bring it up. "They…uh…their mother just…"

"Oh, yes, they reported it on the news. Poor dear," Delia stated, tapping her chin. Ash seemed to swallow thickly. "Well, if she's anything like yourself, dear, she'll be fine. And like everyone, she's always welcome back home in Kanto, if she needs some peace and the comfort of home."

"Yeah. Though, right now, I think she's just trying to figure some things out for the future." Serena would have seconded that if she felt like saying anything about it all. Lillie had been perfectly fine, for the most part; having Komala to spend time with was encouraging her a great deal. Reconnecting with her brother was a boon as well, but she had spent the better part of the last week wandering around the Aether Paradise or trainer's village while staring off into space, like she had yet to figure something out. At the very least, Serena could confirm that Lillie getting through to her mother in her last moments had softened the blow. Lillie had confessed it herself at the funeral.

"Speaking of, mom," Ash now spoke, jerking Serena out of her thoughts, "I have something I want to share with you when I get back home. I've been putting it off a while, and…"

He trailed off, prompting Pikachu to return to his shoulder and pat him on the face consolingly. "Pikachu…"

"Mm, it's all right, honey," Delia said. She reached out and patted Ash on his free shoulder, her eyes twinkling. Serena had to wonder if she knew already just what Ash wanted to share with her. "I'm sure I can understand. What I don't understand is the League only paying for a single day's lodgings!"

"True enough," Grace sighed out. Serena blinked a couple times, surprised to see their mothers' minds turn to shopping and acting as common tourists would. It was obvious that the League had simply invited them there for the big grand ceremony. The Performer looked to the clock, noticing it was almost time to get ready. "Though, I suppose money should go to all those repairs than paying for our housing. Would you like to go shopping, Delia?"

"Yes, I haven't had much of a chance to sample Alolan culture," Delia spoke, the two women suddenly ignoring their children in favor of walking off to do their bit of shopping on the summit. The whole thing left the couple utterly perplexed. It even left Professor Oak confused, watching as Delia left the stadium entirely, making her way for the festival stands that were still busy and active for the final ceremony of the League and Hope Leilani.

"I'm starting to hope mom tires herself out before the festival at Iki Town tonight…" Ash chuckled out, while Pikachu nodded. Serena rolled her eyes, slipping her hand into his and walking closer to the other group near the door. Professor Oak looked to Bonnie as they did so.

"Now, what were you saying, Bonnie?" the professor asked kindly. Bonnie still looked upset, Dedenne atop her head as he emulated her expression. Squishy and Bluey seemed to remain out of sight.

"I…I'm sorry, professor, but Rotom…well…" Bonnie spoke, both of her palms lifting upwards and showing the backup drive to the professor. The older man blinked, while his cousin and Kukui seemed to walk off. The acting Champion of Alola winked at Ash a bit, who returned a nod, having delivered his answer about the position just that morning. "Rotom was very brave. He took an attack meant for me, and…this is what he left behind."

"Oh…oh my…" Professor Oak said. Ash squeezed Serena's hand, looking concerned at the professor's expression. Serena just waited to see what the man would do. What she didn't expect him to do was reach into his lab coat, pull out a small computer and stick the backup drive into it. Clemont leaned in with Bonnie to see what would happen.

Suddenly, Professor Oak smiled.

"What is it?" Clemont asked in shock and the professor turned his device around. On the screen, to Serena's astonishment, was Rotom's face.

"This is Rotom! Well…more like the essence of Rotom! A program emulating Rotom's wonderful personality!" the computer said. It really was just like the fallen Pokédex, even if not quite the same thing. "As Rotom is about to enter the Ultra Space, Rotom does not expect to return…Rotom is shaking so very much, and does not have many skills, no matter how much Rotom may mock Bonnie for being useless. She's far better than I am.

"So, Rotom will upload everything on to this backup drive, from personality to recorded data, in the hopes that, perhaps, one day I can anno…I mean, aid Bonnie on her journey as a Pokémon trainer. If Rotom does not make it out, then this is the least Rotom can do to aid its very best friend. My friend. Bonnie."

"Rotom…" Bonnie said, almost looking ready to cry. Professor Oak tapped a few buttons, and what looked like the entire compendium of information that Rotom had collected appeared on the screen there. It wasn't quite the real thing, but it was the next best thing. With a smile, Oak held the computer out.

"Well, Bonnie, I believe that Rotom would want you to have this," he said. Bonnie nodded her head, taking the device while Clemont hugged his sister close. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do as a Pokémon trainer, especially once that's properly installed to a regular working Pokédex!"

"Th-thank you, Professor Oak!"

Around the lobby, a chime sounded out, giving a call for both Ash and Serena to get ready for the upcoming ceremony. Clemont turned while Korrina, Bonnie and Professor Oak began making their way to the stands. He opened his mouth, like he wanted to tell them something important, but shook his head and refrained from it. He instead closed their distance and hugged them both. "I'm really glad you're both my best friends!"

"Clemont…" Serena breathed. Clemont extricated himself from them, wiping tears from his eyes and throwing his fist into the air. Ash and Serena imitated him, saying everything that needed to be said. Then they turned around, heading for the waiting room, where their fellow runner-ups were. They reached it in no time, the filled stands emptying the halls. Judging from Gladion's sole presence in the waiting room, offering a nod to both, Lillie had already left her brother's side. That suited Serena fine, figuring that Lillie needed more time. Not that they had much time left by the time she had finished dressing in her performance outfit. Another chime sounded out, and Jessie was the first on her feet, shouting something about "spotlight time". Serena could only shake her head at that.

"Ready, then?" Ash asked of his girlfriend, and she nodded, offering him a kiss on the lips. That made him grin at her, and they proceeded down the hallways they had used to reach the battlefield so many times the weeks before.

Stepping along, Serena could hear the loud and booming sounds of the crowd that was approaching. If anything, it was more packed than it had been during the actual events, as though everyone was excited to celebrate, as opposed to just watching. Deep down, she was fairly certain it had something to do with their, yet again, newfound celebrity status in the region. She supposed that leading the charge during the Day of Stars was enough to garner attention from anyone, especially after their performances at their own individual events.

"Alola, and welcome back!" Maika and Kalas called out together, sounding like they were in perfect sync with one another. It seemed a little humorous to Serena. "What a week…what a week, eh, Maika?"

"Most assuredly! From highs and lows, destruction and reconstruction, the Alola region has been put through the wringer, but is now picking itself up again, just like the grace of a dancer," Maika called out.

"Or the strength of a fighter!" Kalas finished off for her. "And here we are to celebrate those who showed these to us! Our Ali'i ka Leilani and League winners, along with their runner-ups!"

"Woooooooo!" the crowd cheered, making Ash and Serena turn to face each other for just a second. Ahead of them were Gladion and Jessie, keeping as much distance between themselves as they could. The crowd's loudness prevented either of the commentators from moving on, and Serena took her moment to look out to the stadium. There was a large podium there, though no one but a League officiant seemed to be there for the moment.

"Just hear that cry from the crowd! This truly is a worthy celebration! Even bigger than the interrupted party!" Maika called, stirring the audience up even more. Serena could swear she heard some of their friends cheering, though it was truly impossible to distinguish them.

"And there's a chance for an even bigger party tonight, ha ha," Kalas said. His laugh was enough for more excitement, but this time he didn't let it deter him in the slightest. "But if we want to get to that party, let's get this victory ceremony underway! Introducing to everyone, our presenters for the roles. You saw them in the exhibition battle a week ago! Now, here they are to usher in and give the awards to our newest winners: Miss Akela and Champion Kukui!"

"Kukui!" yelled the crowd. Just as many members of the crowd yelled Akela's name, and Serena saw the two old friends stride on to the stage, waving to the crowd around them until they came near to the podium and the League official that was there. She didn't miss the mention of Kukui being Champion for the region, though it didn't surprise her at how fast it all was. Besides, she reasoned to herself, Ash may have won the League, but he had no intentions of sitting around and remaining Champion when there were so many more people to meet and see. She felt the exact same.

"And now, our runner-ups!" Maika called out, continuing on the thread. "These amazing trainers came close to the mark, driving our winners to their limits! For that, we honor those that made it so close: Jessilie and Gladion!"

The blonde cast one look back at Ash, giving a soft smile. He had handled things much better than Lillie, not that she had handled them poorly at all. Having something to push him forward, an ideal to bring Alola together, probably helped with that. The crowd cheered as the two walked on the stage, though hardly as one. Ash and Serena stepped a little more forward. Now she could see the actual stage better, though she could admit she wasn't listening to the words that Akela and Kukui were speaking. Around Jessie's neck was a large ring of flowers, immaculately designed and suiting her perfectly. When she straightened from Akela awarding the flowers, she blew kisses to the crowd, who accepted them all with celebration. Gladion, of course, was far more stoic, accepting the pokeball-shaped medal on his chest, and a clap on the shoulder from Kukui.

They may have just been the runner-ups, but they were just as recognized and celebrated. The cheers continued for a solid few minutes, mostly because of Jessie soaking in the adoration, no doubt fueled from what seemed like James and Meowth selling "Jessilie memorabilia" in the stands. When Gladion finally had the thought to try and trip her, leading to some laughs, the ceremony was allowed to continue on.

"Now, before we introduce our winners, those who have ascended to this highest position," Kalas said, his voice solemn and full of reverence, "we have a few things to say. To that, I'll turn things over to Miss Akela and Professor Kukui."

The crowd murmured to themselves, and even Ash looked to Serena and Pikachu, at least until Pikachu whapped him with his tail. That made Ash realize what the announcement was with a grin. Miss Akela strode forward first. "As many of you are well aware, I was once a winner of the Ali'i ka Leilani until I stepped down six years ago, following certain events.

"In that time, I focused on my fashion industry, watching as many Ali'i ka Leilani came and went. None of them truly stayed, though. Even now, our new Ali'i ka Leilani, one that I am most overjoyed to bequeath the position to, has many things she needs to do away from Alola. As a result, I plan to retake the position in the official day-to-day capacity. I have been away from the light for too long, and I am happy that she pulled me back into it."

"In fact, I guess we could say this event is a whole new Dazzling Gleam for Alola, given to us by the Tapus and our winners, both," Kukui spoke out, grinning as he spoke to the crowd. Serena watched Akela, whose eyes looked into the hallway towards her. It filled the honey blonde's heart with joy to know what she'd done for the woman who had turned her back on so many things. "As of now, we've decided to open the Alola League once a year, to give a new way for people to take part for society, even changing the rules just a bit.

"What I mean is…well, believe it or not, but recent events have made me see things a bit differently, if I'm honest. Especially since one of our Kahunas outright refused the positions we'll be announcing, ha ha." Kukui was laughing, but no one else seemed to really understand the joke whatsoever. Not that the man was joking. Serena knew that he was being very serious about things. "We've been very divided as a region, and I hope this very event will bring more and more people to prominence. In fact, in the coming months, following a discussion with the Kahunas, we've chosen to change a few things in the trial and Island Pilgrimage system! Our hope is to really make this a fun experience!

"Enough babbling, though! Like Miss Serena, Ash Ketchum has also refused the title of permanent Champion, and given it to me in his place. As acting Champion, allow me to introduce you to your Elite Four members, chosen by myself!" Kukui's hand was thrown out, and a smaller platform moved upwards from the middle of the stage, revealing four people.

"I guess Nanu really did turn it down…He's so weird, huh, Pikachu?" Ash chuckled out. Serena just smiled, watching as Kukui introduced all four, standing there strong. Right away, she started her viewing with Hala, his arms folded as he nodded at the crowd. Serena could swear she heard Hau's cheering. Then there was Olivia, winking at the crowd; the honey blonde could only imagine how Kiawe looked, watching the spectacle. Most surprising was Acerola, waving chipperly at the crowd, having accepted the position in lieu of Nanu. Lastly was Kahili, supported on crutches. She had been severely injured, but Serena's father seemed to have taken good care of her. She was smiling, especially as her eyes moved toward their hallway, looking at Ash.

The crowd loved them, many within it calling for the fact that they would challenge them, if they could. However, it didn't take long for them to quiet, everyone on the edge of anticipation.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for," Maika said, speaking into the silent stadium, letting the tension build. "We present to you, your new Ali'i ka Leilani, Serena!"

"And your Alola League Champion, Ash Ketchum!"

The two took one more glance at each other and walked forward, stepping into the blinding light of the stadium. The second their feet hit the stage together, the crowd roared with cheering and applause. Even their fellow combatants from before were clapping, though Jessie was doing so with a resigned sigh. Serena's eyes flicked upwards, towards the Champion's Box, all of them watching the events. Some of them looked roughed up, and it reminded Serena of her and Ash's injuries, but otherwise they were fine. The week had allowed them to heal adequately.

More importantly, was the huge group straight ahead in the stands, holding a massive banner in the air, drawn by Maka. It was flapping around the air as she acted as though she were filming the whole thing. Ash's old companions (and her friends, as well) were gathered and cheering, themselves being the ones to wave the banner. Sawyer had grabbed hold of Miette, while Seamus and the rest of Team Nova were connected in a chain, swaying back and forth with their loud cheers. Serena stared Miette straight in the eyes, seeing the challenge in them that renewed their rivalry. Gary and Alain were clapping politely, while Clemont restrained Bonnie, who likewise was surprisingly restraining Squishy.

Finally, there was Hau, pumping his fists in the air while he had an arm slung around Lillie. The blonde sat there, clapping politely, with a smile on her face. The couple reached the center.

"Serena," Akela spoke to the crowd as she took a crown made of beautiful flowers, "for your grace on the battlefield, and your ability to make many smile, people and Pokémon alike. I present to you the Kalaunu ka Leilani, as a symbol of your status as the new Ali'i ka Leilani."

"I'm honored," Serena spoke, bowing her head. Akela then placed the crown atop it, and when Serena straightened, everyone cheered. They then turned their attentions to Ash while Akela's face shone brightly with her renewed smile. Kukui now took the large trophy, bedecked with flowers and the four different colors that represented the Tapus, and strode to Ash.

"And Ash, for your bravery on the battlefield, through every trial you have faced, living and growing stronger, I present to you the first ever Alola League Trophy, our new Champion!" To that, the crowd was even louder. Ash's hands were almost shaking, but he and Pikachu wore the giddiest smiles on their faces as, finally, their hands clasped around the trophy, and together the two of them held it high.

"Yeah!" he cried out, letting it gleam in the sun. Everyone stomped the floor, cheering wildly, and Serena noticed their mothers and the two Oaks sitting together, Delia wiping at her eyes. Then Ash turned towards the Champion's Box and pointed upwards. It was like a message: we'll battle next. Only they understood it.

As for Serena, she turned towards her friends, focusing on Lillie, thinking on the journey they had had together. How the blonde had so wanted to see her first Ceremony, and had now seen it all through to the end. No matter the pain. No matter the loss. She had seen it through, and she had finally smiled. Through that smile, Serena could see the decision that rested sharply in her eyes. Seeing the end result of that journey had brought Lillie to a decision for herself.

The blonde smiled, standing and clapping her hands rapidly as Hau stared at her. For Serena, her heart bloomed.

That one person that was smiling back at her, full of joy, making the person next to her do the same; she made all the difference in the world. Like Ash before her, she turned to look at Aria and nodded at her.

At last, Serena knew: her dream was finally on its way to truly become reality.

"Okay, Komala, we have that thing, right?"

"Malaaaaa…" Komala yawned out. Ash stopped just outside the door, cheers still radiating from the stadium, even hours after the ceremony had finished. His hand was aching from all those he had greeted, but at least he was finally able to break away thanks to Team Rocket creating a distraction (while remaining in disguise, of course). It hadn't been all that successful, and only served to put Jessie more in the spotlight, but at least he, Serena and Gladion had finally managed to get away (even if Pikachu got separated from him for the time being), something that all of the Elite Four, Kukui and Akela were able to do much earlier. Now, however, Ash had returned to the trainer's village, hoping to rendezvous with his friends, only to hear Lillie's voice from inside their cabin.

"Good! It might not be everything, but we'll figure it out…we should really snag some food at the festival, too!" Lillie's voice echoed out, and Ash placed his hand on the door. The others had yet to rendezvous here, though he had an inkling that they might have just decided to go on to Iki Town. At the very least, he'd said a short goodbye to his mother in the hall, his mother wanting to shop more, and both of them knowing that he'd be returning home quite soon. He just wanted to finish this journey the way he'd started it, and she understood (while saving herself from buying a ticket and instead taking the League's transportation back home). Regardless, Ash decided to knock, causing Lillie to jump and turn, slinging her bag on her shoulders. "Oh, Ash! Congratulations!"

"Hey, the others haven't been here, have they?" Ash asked, smiling at the blonde. Her hair was back in a ponytail again, rimmed with a flower tie.

"I think Clemont mentioned something about taking the first League helicopter to Iki Town. Everything's looking really pretty, there! Pulled out all the stops for everyone," Lillie giggled out. Ash watched her, glad to see her filled with the life she usually held. Regardless of her sadness, she almost seemed a little lighter now. That, at the very least, was heartening. Ash stepped in, noticing that some of her items were tossed, like she'd been packing in a hurry. "I'm really looking forward to it."

"So am I! It'll be great to relax and unwind," Ash said, offering her another smile. Then he closed the distance, reaching up and placing a hand on the back of her head. It was more instinct than anything, but he pulled her straight towards his chest, where she squeaked with surprise. "Lillie, I want you to know you can tell us anything, right?"

"I…I know," she said softly, reaching up to grab hold of his vest and tug on it.

"I've been meaning to say this, but…I know what it's like to lose someone…family…and there are just some times you need alone," he told her. She seemed to respond to that, removing her hands from his vest and hugging him a little. "But I wanted you to know that we understand what you're going through. So, don't hold back. If there's something you have to say, just say it, okay?"

"Yes," Lillie responded, pulling back with glistening eyes. "I will. There's just…something I have to do first. After the festival. First, we have to celebrate everything: you and Serena winning, us saving everyone. Even the Team Skull people are excited. I saw them helping the town out when I was there; they're really useful."

"I bet they are!" Ash laughed out. Thinking about Team Skull inevitably brought Ash's thoughts to Guzma. The man had been at Lusamine's funeral, and Gladion had spoken to him at the time, but the man was unable to say much. He had put his hands to work rebuilding things around Melemele, Ash had been told, but other than that, he had no idea what the man had been up to. He just hoped he'd be at the celebration. There was another knock on the door.

"Pikapi, Pikpi," Pikachu called out cheerfully, and Ash noticed that Serena had arrived, changed back into her regular clothes with a smile.

"Ready to go, you two?" she asked, pointing out of their shared cabin in the trainer's village. Lillie nodded and walked past Ash, hooking her arm with Serena's as the two girls left. Ash watched them, absentmindedly following after. It felt peaceful like this, the two girls talking gleefully, even as they got on the final League helicopter. Ash took Pikachu into his lap, scratching behind his ears as he watched the two girls converse during their travel.

Their helicopter wasn't the only one arriving in Hau'oli City, though it was one of the few left to land, especially as the sun was sinking on the horizon, bathing the Melemele landscape in a golden glow. Lillie stopped for a moment upon arrival, staring out at the ocean, and she breathed in with a smile and nod before deciding to lead them all to Iki Town. The closer they got, the busier it got, the stars finally out and looking as normal as ever by the time they were ascending the hill.

"Yo, toss it here!"

"Watch it! A Team Skull Fire Special!" the jubilant cries of the Team Skull members reached Ash's ears, and he could tell that the whole party was already completely in full swing by this point. Clapping followed the announcement, along with some music.

"Yeah, Team Skull's very own musical group! We practiced real hard, yo!"

"Hey, bring the drums over and join in! They've got a real Alola jam going here!" called a villager of Iki Town. Ash looked to Serena, who smiled at him as their trio ran up the hill and finally saw the sprawling sight of Iki Town. Considering the presence of Team Skull there, it looked completely different from the last time the former ruffians had been there.

Lanterns were strung about, all over the place, and the whole village was practically packed with people. To one side, near Hala's house, was a table with plenty of food, which May was leaning against carefully. Bonnie was also there, piling a plate high for herself. They weren't alone, given the multitude of Team Skull members singing, dancing, playing music and having a jovial time. Even the villagers were welcoming. For those playing with their fire, Kiawe was there, instructing them, while Mallow and Lana seemed to be trying out musical lessons.

Dropping their bags at the entrance, with a much more audible thud than Ash would have thought from Lillie's, the three companions headed into the thick of the party. There were a lot of familiar faces strewn about the square of Iki Town, to the point that Ash was surprised they were able to fit all of them in so handily. He could see people dancing on the stage and around it, including (to Ash's immense surprise) Brock and Aria. Misty and Iris were shaking their heads at the foot of the stage. Then there was Plumeria, clapping in tune with her brothers and sisters' tunes. She looked happy, having swapped her skull adornments for a bandanna, and having removed much of her makeup.

"There you are!" cried the sharp voice of Maka, running through the crowd with a chipper expression. She wasn't alone, as Ash noticed that Keoni was right behind her. He nodded to Ash, a glass of juice in his hands and bandages on his cheeks from his defense of Po Town. It was like a sense of acknowledgement to Ash. "Come on Serena, you promised you'd be my heroine, and I want to work out all the details before you get a chance to run away. You're coming too, financier…producer…whatever you are! Come on!"

Just like that, Maka had nabbed Serena and Keoni's hands, dragging them off to who knew where. The only thing Serena was able to do before then was send all her Pokémon out to party. Ash liked that idea, calling his own team out, and they scattered. Smiling at seeing them all off, Ash noticed he'd lost track of Lillie, but shrugged and weaved his way through the crowd. So many people had gathered, it was almost impossible to keep track of them, if he was honest. He did notice Nanu there, smirking in a corner with some silent Skull grunts, who seemed to be trying to emulate him. He also got waylaid briefly by Kahili, who clopped him on the back with a crutch, only to be propped up by Hapu and Mina with a sigh (mostly from Hapu). Even Paul was there, though he kept to himself, which was even more starkly contrasted by the fact that Alain was mingling.

"Yo, 'bout time you showed up, kid!" shouted an all too recognizable voice. Ash turned, and saw Guzma standing there, hands in his pockets as he leaned against a tree on the edge of the forest. The man was watching him, but his body wasn't full of any aggression towards him. Ash took a step forward. Guzma reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look…uh…Damn…"

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, Guzma," Ash said. He just walked forward and held his hand out. "I understand."

"Tch, right," Guzma scoffed out, but he didn't take the hand. He was looking towards the side, and Ash saw just what he was staring at: Kukui and Akela, chatting with Hala. There was a look of yearning in the man's eyes, and he shook his head. "I really screwed up. What is wrong with you, Guzma? Lettin' someone like that into my head…hurtin' my brothers and sisters…"

"You know we forgive you, dumbass," Plumeria finally spoke, not a single sardonic vibe present. She was approaching them both, her presence having drawn the attention of Guzma's previous friends and master. "In the end, it all worked out. I mean, look at how happy they all are. If you hadn't done what you did, we wouldn't be here right now, you know?"

"Damn it, Plumeria, I'm tryin' to punish myself here and yer just ruinin' it!"

"You're trying to look all stoic and cool," Plumeria shot back, pointing at the man's chest. "Well, it won't work! I know you better than anyone, boss, and to hell with puffing up your ego."

"Yo! I am your boy, Guzma! You don't talk to the boss that way!"

"Ha ha, still the same, eh, Guzma?" Kukui laughed out. Ash stepped back now, watching as the trio of Kukui, Akela and Hala walked their way over. The two younger individuals served as the front, quickly approaching the man that was once their friend. It was an air fraught with tension, and Ash found himself unable to look away, even as Clemont screamed for Chespin and Decidueye to come back with the food in the background. They remained staring, and then Kukui removed his hat, rubbing the back of his head. "Look, Guzma…I'm sorry."

"Nothin' to apologize for," Guzma said, folding his arms. "We both screwed up, I guess."

"If you say so…" Silence followed, until Akela sighed loudly.

"Honestly, you boys are impossible!" the woman said, walking over and grabbing ahold of Kukui's hand, bringing it over to Guzma's own and slapping it on top of that. "We're all sorry. We made a promise, just like this, to be friends no matter the paths we took. Not a single one of us kept that promise. All of us lost our way."

"She has a point," Kukui grinned out at Guzma. The man grinned right back.

"Always keepin' us in line, wasn't she?" the leader of Team Skull responded with his grin. "Though nowadays I heard you got a wife to do that."

"Yeah, she's around somewhere," came the laughing response. Ash had to smile at it all, just the same way that Hala was doing so, nodding his head. Guzma appeared to catch his old master's eye, but neither spoke a word, giving a silent acceptance to one another. There was a shuffling in the crowd, and Ash heard someone coming up next to him. The someone turned out to be Gladion, approaching Guzma with a stern expression. The man didn't realize right away, still in the moment with his former friends.

"Well, now that you stubborn boys have gotten that out of the way, how about we make another promise, hm?" Akela spoke, looking to the two. "That even though our paths wavered, and our bonds broke, now that we're together, we support each other, no matter what."

"Yeah, all right," Guzma said.

"Well, if you're going to support each other, then I want Team Skull to support the Aether Foundation," Gladion spoke aloud. Guzma adopted a look of near disgust on his face as he looked at Gladion incredulously. "Not in the same way my mother had it, you know. I want you to turn to hard work, Guzma. Work with me in a way that only Team Skull could: to rescue injured Pokémon and improve the lives of the citizens of Alola. If we work together, I know we can make the region into one of beauty, more in line with what she would have wanted before all the sickness."

Guzma blinked, hearing Gladion's offer, but Ash wasn't sure if he was comprehending it. Then, Kukui broke the pact made with their hands and slapped his friend on the back. "It's hard stuff, but you've always been good at using your strength, cousin."

"It's about all he's good for," Plumeria mocked. Gladion held his own hand forward now, while Plumeria came to her boss' side, standing with him. It was a strange reversal in a way. Guzma looked between the two, and then to Akela and Kukui, the both of them nodding. Hala had turned away, no doubt beaming with approval. Finally, Guzma sighed.

"Aight, aight!" he cried and he slapped his hand on Gladion's. "Ya have full use of your boy Guzma and Family's resources."

"That's such a stupid name," Plumeria snorted out. "I know a skull is too macabre for this kind of work, but you have got to be more creative than that, boss."

"Yo, Plumeria, no talkin' back!" Guzma snapped at her and she began to laugh, sounding like ocean waves as she did so, or flowers swaying in the breeze. Ash smiled and began to turn away, leaving all of them to iron their details out, whatever they were. He was, however, called back for a single second. "Yo! Kid!"

"Huh?" Ash asked, looking over at Guzma, who was smirking at him, having grabbed a pokeball and tossing it up and down in the air.

"Next time yer ready to rumble, just give your boy Guzma a call. I gotta even the score. Whaddya say, Ash?" Ash blinked, almost stunned at Guzma's statement, but then he grinned, throwing a fist up.

"You got it!" he cried, and then Ash walked away towards the food table. He wasn't there long, with Pikachu scampering up to him, before he felt a tap on his back. The raven-haired trainer whipped around, some food in his mouth, and he saw Lionel there, a small grin on his face. In the background, Bonnie was running around, chasing after Dedenne and Sandshrew, while the others, including a very awkward Clemont and Korrina (plus Rocky and Astrid, it seemed), danced around them. "Lionel. I didn't know you were still around."

"Ah, just for a little," Lionel admitted, picking off a vine of grapes and eating them. "Wanted to see you before we were off, though. League's already put us on another assignment, of our own choosing, of course."

"Nothing world ending, is it?"

"Depends? Are you heading for the region?" Lionel joked out. The two laughed heartily, though it was drowned by the sound of the music in the square. Once they stopped, Lionel looked up towards the moon, smiling a bit. "No, we're doing some work to see what other organizations Michael may have influenced. At this point, I'd rather not have another incident on this level for as long as it can be helped."

"So, you guys will probably be going deep undercover?" Ash asked, placing his plate down on the table. Clemont and Korrina had stopped dancing, with the breathy inventor stumbling over towards the spread of food. It seemed Bonnie had stopped running around by this point and had placed herself at the table, as well, now moving closer to their little conversation. "Guess we really won't see each other a while."

"I suppose not, but I'll try to actually keep in touch as much as I can," Lionel stated. He reached forward, and Ash already anticipated the hug when he took the man's hand. The two stayed there for a moment, and Ash felt a sense of pride from the older man. It helped that no words were being exchanged. Ash nodded, and they drew back while Clemont and Bonnie approached. "If you see Team Rocket around, tell them they're welcome to join ARC anytime. Last I left them, they seemed to be the life of the party on Mount Lanakila, so I don't think they'll be coming here."

"We'll try, assuming they're not trying to steal Pikachu," Ash laughed out. Lionel nodded, and then looked down to Bonnie and the two Zygarde Cores in her bag.

"You two behave yourselves. I don't want to hear you've gone to another region anytime soon, understood?" the man scolded the two. Bluey turned away, but Squishy tried to look innocent. Bonnie was the most innocent of them all, though, picking both of them up and twirling around.

"No need to worry about that! Squishy and Bluey are gonna go back to Kalos with me and help me become an amazing trainer. Right, Squishy?" Bonnie said gleefully. Clemont's mouth dropped open.

"Bonnie! Squishy is a legendary Pokémon, you can't just…"

Well, I have no problems with it, Squishy said. Bonnie's grin widened, while Clemont's mouth practically hit the ground. Besides, Bluey can always monitor the region.

Since when did you start calling me, Bluey?

"That doesn't matter! Look, Dedenne, we already have Squishy on our team! We're gonna be so ready when we take on Kalos in just a month! Get ready, Clemont."

"I look forward to the challenge, Bonnie," her brother stated, swiftly recovering from his state of shock at a legendary Pokémon agreeing to be on his sister's team. "But I won't go easy on you. I might not be on the level of Ash and Serena, but as a Gym Leader, I'm not supposed to be. You'll see, when I go back to being in charge of the Gym. It's been too long."

"Maybe we should battle again, huh?" Ash suggested. Clemont looked at him in challenge, both of them agreeing to take that bet for another time. Ash turned to look at Lionel, but the man was already gone. It seemed to be rather expected, the man not wasting any more time than was necessary. Even more expectant was Hau running up.

"You and me, Ash! Challenge time!" the boy yelled to him with his perpetual grin. Pipi was floating next to him, and his entire team was fanned out. Ash's own team came to his side. "We'll see which team can eat the most amount of malasadas!"

"You're on!"

It was pure anarchy. Mostly because by the time they were finished, numerous Skull members, including Guzma, had joined in on the chaos. Even Kukui decided to get in on the action, Burnet cheering him on loudly (and sounding a little tipsy), while some left the party, the festivities continuing all too late into the night. By the end, Hau ended up victorious, even Ash unable to eat another bite. Only Decidueye had come close to outlasting Hau and his team, just a singular malasada short. That sole event ended with Ash's head in Serena's lap as she stroked his hair late at night, when the fires and embers from the party were burning down, and Team Skull's snores droned through the air.

"Work everything out with Maka?" he muttered sleepily. Serena nodded.

"She says that she's going to be working with Miss Akela, apparently, filming promotions for her next line of clothing, but when she's done and she feels she has the experience, we'll start filming. Keoni's even agreed to it…though he's still planning to help out at Po Town before 'trying his hand at Contests'…or so he says."

"Mm, that's nice…" Ash said. Serena's laugh indicated that she agreed with his tiredness after their exciting day. They weren't the only ones falling asleep. Some of their group had returned to Hau'oli City, while others remained splayed out on the floor. Ash just fell into his slumber on Serena's lap, until, sometime later, he heard the clicking of a door and awoke once again. Blinking, Ash saw a brief white flash, and he sat up. Serena stirred, herself rubbing at her eyes.

"What's going on…?" she asked. Ash didn't answer. He just moved towards the door, a lethargic Pikachu joining him as he exited Hala's house, stepping over a silent Hau (in and of itself, strange) and looked towards the forest. Sure enough, it seemed like Lillie was walking into the forest, and Ash chose to give pursuit. From the sounds near the house, he wasn't alone in that intention.

In some way, he was hit with a sense of déjà vu, chasing after Tapu Koko that first night in Alola. Now, it was his last night, and instead of chasing the guardian deity, he was following Lillie until, at last, he arrived at the bridge, the waterfall cascading downwards through the ravine. Standing there, at the edge, with Komala on her shoulder, was Lillie. She had to have heard him coming, because she turned.

"I had a feeling you'd come here," Lillie said, smiling. "It's the first place we met, you know?"

"Well, yeah, but we didn't meet officially until Melemele Meadow," Ash pointed out to her. She laughed a little and nodded while Komala yawned. He stepped forward, coming to her side and staring the ways down, towards where Tapu Koko was, the guardian deities having returned to a state of peace. "Is there a reason you came here?"

"Mm," she vocalized, but didn't answer. Sounds in the brush behind them indicated the arrival of not only Serena, but Clemont and Bonnie as well. They all walked forward to join with Lillie as she stood there, smiling happily. "It's amazing what a different perspective can give you. This area is still the same as it was when I met you, Ash…but at the same time, it means something entirely different to me."

"That's how it is with everything," Clemont commented. Lillie nodded, and she spun around, her body framed by the beautiful moon as she smiled.

"Standing in the same place after a long journey can make everything seem so different!" Lillie said, throwing her arms wide. Ash watched her, realizing that Lillie, herself, was so different. She had grown, blossomed into a beautiful woman with no regrets. "I'm going to travel the world! Nothing about competing or anything…but I want to see everything! Do everything! Look at everywhere with different eyes. I think Nebby would want that, too…that way, we'll all have lots to talk about when we reunite.

"And I'm not changing my mind on this! I've already told my brother that I'll leave by boat tomorrow. I know you'll leave by air, but I want to travel the sea, find all it has to offer," Lillie continued on. Ash couldn't help but smile at her. It felt like she was asking permission in a sense, but Ash didn't need to give it. Lillie was going her own way, just as they all would the moment the plane they were taking tomorrow landed at their own destination. "This is something I'm doing for myself, as Lillie. And I hope, one day, we'll all reunite, even if we keep in touch…we'll be that big, happy family again."

"We'll always be a family, Lillie!" Bonnie said, walking forward and throwing her hand in. "You, me, Clemont, Serena and Ash! No matter how far apart we are, or for how long!"

"Of course. That's what family is all about," Clemont agreed, putting his own hand in, as well. Serena did the same wordlessly, while Ash finished off. Lillie smiled brilliantly and threw hers in last. They flung them to the air. Their journey through Alola had almost reached its close at last.

The following morning was filled with a flurry of activity; truly business as usual following any sort of major party, Ash realized. Team Skull, or Guzma and Family as the big boss liked to consistently remind them, worked tirelessly the whole morning to clean the mess up from the party. Part of it was on Gladion's orders which, judging from Plumeria's shouting, also meant that Team Skull would be moving to the Aether Paradise soon for their first assignment. Ash could only give a nod to Guzma at all of that.

The man was still regarded warily for all that he had done, but Ash knew that day by day, like Alpha Squad before him, he'd be able to reach the respect that he deserved. For now, he was just moving forward.

Though, in the end, that wasn't the only thing that Ash had to deal with. He'd been woken at the crack of dawn in order to see all of his old friends, each one of them congratulating him once more; even Iris, who had admitted that he "wasn't such a kid after all", did so. Ash wanted to retort that this change had happened long ago, but he bit back his rebuttal. In the end, none of their customary farewells actually surprised him any.

What did surprise him were some of the groups they were pairing off into. All of his former female companions but Dawn announced their intention to go to Kanto for whatever reason, while it seemed Dawn had declared herself as heading to Kalos long-term, after visiting her mother in Sinnoh. Serena and Miette apparently took that as an instant challenge. Judging from Dawn's expression, it was exactly what she wanted. Likewise, Seamus had extended an offer for Sawyer to come and speak at the school, the boy taking it enthusiastically. Rocky also offered it to Astrid (who Ash could admit to forgetting was there that morning) but she said she didn't have the time, planning to challenge the Sinnoh League, having been impressed by Cynthia in battle.

Similarly, Gary informed Ash that Paul had left extremely early that morning, stating an intention to challenge the Island Pilgrimage. Apparently, as Ash had discovered, he'd lost that battle with Kahili long ago, and wanted to challenge her again. The thought made Ash laugh, even while his friend and former rival told him he was planning to do some research with an already departed Burnet into more dimensional spaces. Alain was the least surprising of them all, saying that he was heading back with Professor Sycamore, though Mairin would be starting her own Showcase journey in the coming weeks. Most surprising of them all, however, was Brock and Aria's farewell.

"My dear Kalos Queen, wait for my return! I will yet be by your side!" the smitten man said. Naturally, Croagunk was waiting, until Aria seemed to glare at him and he shrunk back.

"I'll look forward to our reunion, Brock. Though…perhaps we shouldn't bet on me being Kalos Queen much longer, hm?" the pinkette said with a wink in Brock's direction. That made the man pass out all on his own, leaving Croagunk to drag him off with the rest. Once they had all gone to hop their respective rides (the League was shuttling them all off to alleviate the burden on the reopened airport), Ash and his friends were left alone in Iki Town, finishing off preparations in order to get to Hau'oli City.

The only strange part was that Hau was inexplicably missing for whatever reason.

"Last time in Iki Town, huh?" Serena commented, breathing in at the cusp of the hill, heading downwards. Ash had to admit that Lillie had had a point the previous night: it looked so different now than it had at the start of the journey.

"Well, no use waiting around! Come on!" Lillie called, bouncing along down the hill. Ash laughed loudly, grabbing Serena's hand and bouncing with her after Lillie. Bonnie dragged Clemont with her, holding tight to the drive that she planned to use for her future Pokédex. Meyer and Korrina had departed the night before for Gym-related business, stating that they knew the siblings would want to do the same as Ash in completing their journey on their own terms. In no time, the group was racing down the hill, through the forest and past the Pokémon school. Ilima waved to them from the courtyard, receiving waves in turn, but the group didn't stop until they'd reached the docks, finding a large boat sitting at the harbor, with people boarding it, and a departure party waiting for them there in the form of Kukui, Hala and Gladion.

"Alola, cousin!" Kukui cried out to them, raising a hand. Ash also raised his own hand in greeting, as well, stepping near. Miss Akela seemed to be there as well, speaking to a man with white hair that Serena and Bonnie seemed to recognize, greeting with a wave. "So…"

"Yep, time for us all to leave," Ash said, hitching his backpack on his shoulders while Pikachu jumped to his other shoulder. He held his hand out with a grin. "Professor Kukui, Hala, thanks for everything. If I'd never come to Alola…well, I think we've grown a lot. Right, buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed. Hala nodded, folding his arms and saying nothing a moment, while Kukui took his hand and shook it. That action complete, Hala's arms now came forward, carrying forth a box in his hands.

"Indeed," the older man spoke, a small grin on his face, "and if you'd never come, why, I'm not sure where Alola would be."

"No worries," Ash stated, throwing his hands behind his head a moment. Hala nodded, as though agreeing, but he continued to grin as Serena and Lillie stood at Ash's side.

"Perhaps not now, but if not for your bravery…well, let's just say, as Kahunas, we have a gift for you. Think of it as our own parting gift in celebration," Hala shared, finally opening the box. Ash's eyes widened as a gleam shined out from within, revealing four Z-Rings, each in a different style of the islands. "They may not be champion Z-Rings, but they're made with all the love and care we Kahunas could muster. As Melemele's Kahuna, I humbly gift them as thanks."

Ash looked to his fellow, former champions, and then all four reached forward, gripping for the Z-Rings they were most used to, grinning at one another. Ash slid his on, the coolness of the ring feeling like it was returning home, and Ash grabbed for his Z-Crystals, placing them on the surface and watching them sink in. Serena was doing the same while Lillie briefly bowed down with thanks to the Kahuna as Komala traveled with her, the large man returning the gesture. Gladion, meanwhile, was facing his sister as he covered his own ring up, clearly trying to get her attention.

"You're sure about this, Lillie?" Gladion asked of her. Lillie straightened her bag and nodded.

"I am. I need to travel for myself. And Komala will be by my side," Lillie said, smiling at her ever-dependable Pokémon. He yawned loudly, gripping tighter to his trainer's arm. Gladion breathed out and smiled at his sister before taking her into a hug.

"Be safe. Traveling isn't the same out there without people like Ash and the others," the blond told her.

"Yeah! Well, she won't be alone, 'cause I'm coming with her!"

"Rairairai!" Ash whipped around, and he wasn't the only one. They all turned, and Hala cracked an eye open, stowing the empty box in his robe, as Hau came steamrolling across the docks, a huge bag of malasadas hanging behind him, with Pipi carrying a smaller bag. He skidded to a stop, panting heavily, his hands on his knees.

"If you'll let me, of course, Lillie!" Hau said, straightening up with a giant grin on his face. "I've got the malasadas to spare! They're what took me so long! I know you want to see lots of things, and so do I! I've lived in Alola all my life, but imagine how much fun Pipi and the others could have if we all go on a great journey together!"

Lillie stood there, staring at Hau with widened eyes, and then she smiled, her eyes gleaming over every inch of their surface. She walked forward and quickly embraced the boy, malasadas and all, holding him tight before drawing back and offering him a kiss on the cheek. "All right, Hau! Let's go together!"

"Aw, yeah!" Hau said, pumping his fists. Gladion rolled his eyes, just as a loud sound began to fill the air. Ash looked up with the others, seeing a plane come moving in towards the airport on the other side of the docks. Their departure from Alola was nearly there, something Kukui clearly realized, because he began to walk off towards Akela, who offered them yet one more nod. Serena returned it. "We're gonna have awesome adventures, Pipi!"

"Raichurai!" Pipi said, swaying back and forth giddily in the air. Hau then faced towards Gladion and Ash.

"Don't you worry, guys! We're gonna have lots more adventures, then we'll all battle again!" the energetic boy called, throwing his hand out. Gladion smirked and shared the sentiment, though it looked almost like he wanted to crush Hau's hand. Ash tried to prevent that from happening by quickly putting his own hand in.

"All right, let's promise. We take care of ourselves, and one day we'll meet and battle again. Until then, we all promise to do our very best!" Ash called. Gladion smiled and Hau grinned before they, too, threw their hands in the air. Hau then pointed to his grandfather as a foghorn, indicating boarding for the boat that Lillie and he were going to take, sounded out.

"You, too, tutu! We'll be back to Alola someday, and then we'll really make you go all out! By then, I'll be worthy enough to become a Kahuna, myself! That's my promise!" Hala seemed to like that, for he gave a booming laughter and walked forward to embrace his grandson.

"That is something I'll wait for." They were the exact words Hau wanted to hear.

"Maybe you'll even challenge me," Kukui responded with his own grin, offering a hand to the boys. They all took it in turn. The foghorn blew once again.

"Hau, hurry! We don't want to miss the ship!" Lillie shouted. She quickly spun around, grinning just as much as Hau, as she quickly launched forward, gathering all four of her family into a hug. She spoke no words, pouring all emotion into that momentary hug before she disengaged and ran for the large boarding ramp. Hau quickly sped after her, Pipi floating right behind her. They jumped on the ramp, the familiar-looking excitement of a new adventure coming off of all their pores and expressions. The second they touched down, the foghorn blew again and the ramp retracted.

Ash turned in the ship's direction, hearing the plane touch down on the asphalt over a ways, but he ran down the docks. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie were right behind him, trying to keep up to the ship that was now pulling away swiftly. Soon, he reached the edge of the docks, briefly looking back to see Hala and Gladion making their way towards the building that served as the lobby for both the ferry between islands and the planes. Ash cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Goodbye, Lillie! Goodbye, Hau!" he shouted over the ocean, causing some Wingull to scatter. "Have lots of fun! Lots of adventures!"

"Pika pika!"

"Take care of each other!" Serena shouted to them. The duo ran to the edges of the ship, waving to all of them with tears in Lillie's eyes. "Love each other, no matter what! Always be there for one another!"

"We'll definitely meet again! Stop by in Kalos whenever you want a battle!"

"Maybe we'll meet each other, too!" Bonnie called. Dedenne and Squishy cheered out. All of their goodbyes yelled, Lillie leaned over the edge of the railing as the ship began to pick up speed.

"Of course!" she yelled out to them. "Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie! These last few months have some of my most favorite memories ever! I will never forget them! I'll never forget the happiness, the sadness, the pain, the fear…none of it! I'll never forget meeting any of you! You helped me grow so much! Helped me to find who I was, and you all loved me, so, so much! So…

"Thank you for everything! I love you all!"

They were her last words, and at last, the ship was out of earshot, leaving only Lillie and Hau waving at them. They waved back and Ash felt his grin stretch so wide, he couldn't stop it. He didn't know how long they were standing there, the ship vanishing on the horizon, but it was long enough that there was a chime from the airport, calling for boarding to their own flight.

"Well…guess it's goodbye to Alola," Clemont said, breathing in the ocean air. "Ready to go home, Bonnie? There'll be a lot we need to do before you start your journey."

"We'll do it! Back to Kalos!" Bonnie cheered. Ash looked back, seeing brother and sister take each other's hands and run off together. It reminded him of all they'd been through together in Alola, and how much they'd grown. Knowing that, he looked to his girlfriend as she continued to watch the fading spot of the ship.

"You know," he spoke, and she turned her body to him, "what I said to Lillie, about us seeing each other again, it's the same for us. No matter where we are, no matter how different our dreams are or where they take us, they'll bring us back together again."

"Yes," Serena said. The two looked at each other, the sound of the waves filling their ears as they did so. "I know we will. And when we do, maybe we'll be just like Lillie and Nebby with a family of our own."

"I'd like that!" Ash said. Without warning, his words appeared to have triggered something in Serena, because she stood forward and pressed her lips to his, the two remaining there, even as Pikachu leapt away and watched them with a smile. As they connected, Ash felt his mind play out all of their adventure. Their highs and lows, and everything in between. Every battle, meeting, encounter, performance, argument, and the sweet, tender moments that followed. No matter what it was, even with all the pain and confusion, Ash found himself glad to have been on such an adventure. Eventually, they separated. "You know, I think that's the kind of adventure I'd love to take with you."

"Of course! But there are a lot more adventures before then!" Serena giggled out, grabbing his hand and beginning to pull him along, straight for the airport. Ash couldn't help but laugh and smile, casting one last look to the ceaselessly beating waves.

Everything had been worth it, he realized, boarding the plane moments later. All the conflict, life, love, hate, growth, despair, hope, family…every bit of it was part of him. From one who doubted himself, to one who wanted to grow as a person; one who wanted to be stronger alone but had become stronger together, and one who had become serious. To a small bud that had blossomed into a beautiful flower. And to one who stopped bearing the burden of the world to share smiles with the one.

And especially for the Pokémon Master, who'd come to understand himself and others. That journey had been worth every second. Smiling at that with his best friend and the love of his life on his shoulder, staring out the windows of the plane to the endless sea, he knew he wouldn't trade any adventure with her or his family for anything.

And when the plane bound for home took off moments later, reducing the Pokémon Master's new friends, the ones that had changed his life immensely, to mere pinpricks down below, the feeling of a new lifelong adventure with Serena, no matter where they were, settled into Ash Ketchum's bones.

They said goodbye to Alola, at last, and flew onwards to their next adventures. Together.


Author's Note: And so, here we are. The very end. There's no more of this trilogy. Quite honestly, this was the biggest undertaking I ever took on, to the point I wrote the trilogy in roughly 3 months. It was a blast, and difficult, and nearly destroyed me, but I believe I delivered the exact product that I wanted, and I hope you all enjoyed it, now that we're here at the end. In some sense, the final chapter title is very meta for the trilogy, as are Lillie's final words. They made me almost choke up to write them.

Now, the final chapter did deal with a lot, really cleaning up loose ends while having some ambiguous ones for the future, namely what becomes of TRio, but you're free to make your own assumptions…for now. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed everything else I did to fully wrap it up: Squishy is with Bonnie again, Guzma is on his road to redemption (and finally called Ash by his name), and Lillie has set off. Their adventure in Alola is over, as is ours.

This journey has been a culmination of 8 months of adventuring with all of you, and I am so, so grateful for everyone that joined me on this back in March, or even joined in along the way. This has been a gratifying experience, and I hope will be one that all of you will remember for a long time to come. I really do have so many of you to thank. I'd like to thank Benstu600 for favoriting; and Guest D, Vivian Gray, Rajiv, TheEnigmatic97, Alexandria prime, The Aura Gardian, Nina The Fangirl, Cottonmouth25, PankyPops, StacheKing, Gehatik and 2 guests for reviewing.

I'd also like to give all my thanks to those whose insight have been there since day one of this story and reviewed every chapter, even if I have little specific things to say. Those people are amourshiper35, Omegaz, Tenzalucard123, aliensinnoh, ultimateCCC, FantasyLover88, ChE clarinetist, thatsmybusiness43, TheShapeH31, AmourshippingCanon, and, of course, my one time collaborator potat lasaro (his story just finished, go check it out!). In particular, I need to mention AdvancedAlto, who was the one that pushed me to write a second trilogy once I had the ideas flowing. He was my sounding board, without which I'd be convinced the entire trilogy sucked. A huge thanks to him (and his insistent nagging that I do this).

However, the journey of the whole Ancienverse is not complete! I've hinted to many for a time that I had a final project as a fanfiction author to share, and now is the time to announce it! Because, starting December 28th, 2017 is the true, final installment of the Ancienverse: Love in the Time of Tomorrow!

A summary will follow, but in the intervening time, you don't get a break from me. Starting with October 31st, you'll be seeing something from me every Tuesday, beginning with a oneshot titled Fourths, Films and Forgiveness. I hope you'll enjoy it and join that final journey on the road to tomorrow. Now, speaking of:

Summary: Ancienverse True Finale. Following an unprecedented era of peace in the world, a new menace quickly arrives, threatening the balance once more. With the dying world on the edge of a knife, Ash and his allies make a stand against a foe with a deep personal hatred, and just as personal connections to their shared pasts, in the final war for the future of their world. Winner take all.

That said, we've currently reached the end of another adventure. I hope there is some measure of tears there, but if not, that's okay. I've been happy to take this adventure with you. So, one last time on this trilogy, for now and forever,

Dare to Be Silly,
