Howrse is a mysterious place. While it seems to be a fun-filled game, it too has it's share of in-game secrets. Like what, you ask? Well, as a fellow Howrse player, I'll tell you.

It has many glitch horses, discontinued merchandise, and much more. From the accidentally invisible horse TheInvisibleMan, to the Companions, to the elusive Cowbra, Howrse is packed with it's own mysteries. Thus, we start the story of the stallion TTrigger, and how he and others like him just wanted to fit in in their virtual world...

TTrigger snorted, his strawberry roan coat glistening in the glow of the fake sun. He looked around at the other horses in his breeding farm. His mate and her friend were chatting, while his filly frolicked around the meadow. Him and his family were special. They were the few remaining crosses between a unicorn and a horse. You see, Howrse discontinued the feature of being able to breed a unicorn and a horse together.

They may not be considered rare or special yet, but they soon would be. Their owner had graciously took them in, seeing their potential. Their kind were currently selling cheap on the market, their owners oblivious to their value. But their owner knew that if they kept going unnoticed by the Howrse community, they'd all die. And then, nobody would ever know how much potential these horses have. Their owner was working to get the Howrse community to realize just how special they were. But she needed help.

She couldn't tell all of the Howrse players on her own! So what did she do? She posted on her wall, and wrote this fanfic. This will be an actual fanfic. But since you've read this far, please help me. Spread the news about these horses! I can't do this alone, and I need your help! Please, for my and these horses sake, tell people about these horses. Next chapter will continue the story. Thanks for reading.