I do not own Naruto and if I did Itachi, and Mikoto wouldn't have died

"Naruto" -normal speech

'Stupid idiots' - normal thoughts

"Oi gaki listen to me" -Powerful being speech

'stupid ningen'-Powerful being Thoughts

*thunder* -action

Kage bunshin no jutsu -Techniques

"Yo baka" Beings translation/speech

-Oh this is good- AI/Software speech

"Lack of reviews is the greatest killer of fan fic writers out there. We at the institute wish to let the public know of how they can pitch in to save our dying writers."- Vision Dominican

A/N: Note This. Is. Fiction. Here I am God, and I can decide how each character acts or behaves.

*story start*

*Training Ground 4: Graduation class Age 15*

"Chakura Buki(Chakra weapons)!" Narumi called out as several chakra constructed kunai materialized around her, and launched towards the various targets littered across the ground. Each of the 26 targets had a weapon imbedded millimetres to either way of the bullseye.

"We're getting closer. Yeah, it's pretty good but we should get it closer." Narumi muttered as she held the transformation seal and changed to Ino in her usual purple attire with an orange sash wrapped around her hip.

"Let's head home, Otou-san said he wanted to tell us something before the exam tomorrow." Ino told herself as she picked up her throwing weapon pouches then tightened them to her legs and headed back to her clan compound.

"I wonder what he want's to tell us. Maybe he want's to teach us a new technique." Ino theorized as she entered her families house and saw her parents seated in the living room with a kettle, a jug, and several cups rested next to it.

"Ino-chan, can you take a seat. We have ... somethings to discuss." Yumi asked as the heiress sat across from her parents and looked at the tea and saki before her.

"Sure. What is it Okaa-chan, Otou-san?" Ino asked as Inoichi poured a cup of tea and saki then presented it to her.
"Well, we've noticed that you've reached that age when girls start to notice boys and we've also noticed that you have been interacting more with Naruto-san. Tomorrow you'll be considered an adult and old enough to make your own decisions." Inoichi began as he handed her the cup of Saki.

"And Naruto is at that age where boy's are in that mindset so I'm going to teach you the Kō ninshin jutsu(Anti-pregnancy Technique)." Yuki instructed as she showed the hand signs to the blushing teen.

"Is this everything you wanted to show me?" Ino asked as she avoided eye contact with them.

"No, but that was one of the most important thing we needed to discuss. You know that traditionally A Yamanaka is teamed up with an Akimichi, and a Nara. Expect we've heard that you have been training with Naruto, and your skills have been increasing drastically for several years." Inoichi pointed out to their blushing daughter.

"Yeah, Naruto pushes me past my limits, *Ahem* and vice versa." she explained as as she sniffed the liquor and took a swig of the tea instead.

"Exactly. So your mother and I has put in a request for you two to be placed on a team with each other. We believe it will be beneficial to both you and Naruto if you're on a team." Inoichi told her as the heiress took the saki and finished the clear liquid before bowing to her parents.

"Thank you for being so considerate. I'm going to prepare for the academy tomorrow." Ino declared politely as she headed upstairs and locked her bedroom door before she released the illusion. As Narumi flopped down on the bed, she placed a pillow over her face to muffle her cry of obvious joy.
"We're going to be on the same team. But Otou-san said that they only asked for us to be on the same team. Inoichi-san is a clan head, Hokage-sama is likely to listen to his request. Yeah, but who do you think our teammate's going to be?" Narumi asked as she removed the pillow and entered the bathroom to clean up after training.

"Well I don't think it's going to be Shikamaru or Choji, because they work best together." Narumi dismissed as she took off Ino's clothing and entered the shower.

"So That would leave forehead, Sasu-teme, Dog breath, Hinata, and Shino." the multi-blonde muttered as she turned on the shower, and started lathering herself up.

"Why does this always get wet when we get in the shower.I-I'm not sure, I guess it just does." Narumi discussed as she carefully cleaning the vagina resting beneath their legs.

"S-so, we're probably going to be teamed up with one of those five. Personally I hope we get Hinata or Shino. Yeah, Sasuke is to full of himself which can be dangerous. Sakura doesn't train and she's to loud which is terrible for stealth missions. Kiba is to brash, and would run into a situation without thinking. Hinata is kind, but she's to meek. You'd have to help her get out of her shell Ino-san. Last, but not least, Shino. He's pleasant, but he's quiet and can come off as a little creepy." the blonde fusion listed off while she finished washing up and towelled herself as she turned off the water.

"Well they're going to set up the teams with a purpose. Your ranged attacks, while I'm a front liner. Shino's bugs are a mid-to-long range while Hinata's are close-to-mid range fighter. Logically they would be they would be ideal. Sasuke and Kiba are close range attackers and Sakura is a bookworm, no combative skills." Narumi finished as she dried her hair and slipped on her brief thong under her towel.

"I guess we can only wait and find out." Narumi stated as she dropped her towel while slipping on a purple top and dark orange sleepers. "Good night Ino-chan. Night Naruto. Night Narumi."

*0600 Yamanaka Heiress bedroom*

"Morning. So what should we wear?" Narumi asked as she briefly defused while Naruto exchanged his orange pants with a black tracksuit with orange streaks and purple highlights, while Ino switched her silk top with an orange halter top with black knee length shorts that had an orange stripe running down its side.

"Ah. These feel awesome. How's yours Ino?" Naruto asked as he stretched his arms while Ino stretched her legs.

"Same as always, now lets go downstairs and get ready for the test." Ino told him as they fused into Narumi and walked downstairs under Ino illusion's.

"Good morning dear. Are you ready for the test?" Yumi asked as she poured some green tea next to the salmon fillet, onigiri, and Daikon.

"I am. I can't wait to see who I'll get to me on my team." Ino told them as she finished off the meal and grabbed the large bento box on the way out of the door.

"Goodluck hime!" Inoichi yelled as Ino leapt through the forrest and released her illusion once she was out of sight.

"Heres your half Naruto, see you at the academy." Ino told him as she leapt towards the academy.

"You like Naruto, don't you?" the vixen asked the blonde who faltered her step before recovering.

"N-no. Why would you say that?" Ino asked as she held her bento closely to her chest.

"Your mother only ever makes one bento, you specially made that extra one for him. So why don't you just ask him out?" the vixen inquired awhile the heiress entered the classroom through the window and took her seat with a sleeping Nara in the top right and the silent Aburame in the middle left.

'I... I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me. I've heard that Hinata likes him and what he likes her too? If I ask him and he rejects me. What would happen to Narumi?' Ino asked as she opened a notebook and hid her blushing face behind it.

"Risk it Ino. It's better to know and have no regret, than not risk it and regret it later." Akahime told her as Naruto entered the room and his seat next to her.

'I'll ask after we meet our teams.' Ino declared as the majority of their class began to file into the room.

*Naruto: 5 minutes ago*

"What do you think of Ino's cooking?" Akahime asked him as he have Ino a head start before he followed her to school.

"It's pretty good, why do you ask?" Naruto asked her as he started down the pathway to the academy entrance.

"Who do you think made your bento? Yumi only ever made one box." the vixen explained, causing him to temporally stumble before recovering.

"W-well, I suspected something but I wasn't sure." Naruto told her as he exited the forest and entered the academy grounds.

"So when are you going to ask her out?" the voice in his head inquired as he traveled up the stairs to his classroom.

"W-what do you mean? Me and Ino are friends... just friends." Naruto denied with sadness creeping into his voice as he traveled up the stairs.

"What if she felt different? What if there was a chance she liked you?" The vixen theorized as he stopped mid-step before continuing.

"Ino doesn't like me in that way. She would have said something, like Sakura does to Sasuke." Naruto dismissed as he began up the second flight of stairs.

"Not all girls act the same way to the boys they like. There's a chance that she might like you, but the only way you can know is ask her." Akahime explained as he reached the third floor and headed towards the classroom.

"But what if she says no? I... I'm scared. She's one my precious people, and what would I do if she wanted nothing to do with me?" Naruto panicked as he drew closer to the classroom.

"*Sigh* Naruto. If you don't tell her, I'll make you relive that incident with the green spandex duo." Akahime threatened him as he entered the classroom.

"Ok!OK! I will. Just, never say that again." Naruto told her as he took his seat next to Ino. "I'll tell her after we get our teams."

*Timeskip: Post exam(I'm skipping this part because there isn't much variation I can do to it.)*

"The graduating students are in no particular order, Sasuke Uchiha,Kiba Inuzuka ,Sakura Haruno, Shino Aburame, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, and Shikamaru Nara *Troublesome*.Etc. Your sensei's are Kakashi Hatake, Kurenai Yuhi, and Asuma Sarutobi. Tomorrow morning, everyone is to meet here and you'll find out who your team is." Their scarred teacher declared as the bell rang and the teacher left with his students.

"Hey Naruto, can you stay for a sec. I need to talk to you about something." his secondary teacher stated as he lead him to a secluded area of the school.

"What is it Mizuki-sensei?" the blond asked his pale blue haired teacher.

"So Naruto, I've heard that you want to be on a team with someone. I thought I would tell you that you were on a team with Sasuke and Sakura. You must be so happy, but if you weren't then you'll have to take the secret ninja test." Mizuki declared before he started to leave the blond alone.

"Hold on sensei, what's the secret ninja test?" Naruto asked his teacher with slight suspicion.

"Well... there's a secret test that only the most special genin get chosen for. Your mission is a covert stealth mission, in which you have to retrieve a scroll with the the seal 封印の書 on it. The LEAF ANBU rotate protecting it every quarter hour and every cycle the scrolls location every 52.8 hours. They are moving the scroll to the storage room in the Eastern Konoha district in 30 minutes." mizuki explained as he handed Naruto a map of the Anbu travel patterns and teleported off.

"You know this is an obvious trap." Akahime asked him as he pocketed the scroll and transformed his regular clothes into a baked red clay coloured full suit.

"I know, but it'll make for great ninja training." Naruto declared as he pulled up his face mask and disappeared into the surroundings.

*Eastern Konoha Storage Vault: 45 nim*

"Really Tora? That's the fifth time this month." A bull mask themed warrior asked as they carried a scroll beneath their arms.

"Shut it Ushi. Its tough to find a girl who's willing to put up with a guy in Anbu." Tora complained before they stopped in front of the building due to a young looking, distressed shrine maiden looking around the area.

"Can someone help me? Is there anyone out there?" the pig tailed brunette asked as she held together her maiden outfit with her arms with blood seeping out from the cuts almost rendering her naked.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Tora asked as Ushi sat the scroll vertically beside them.

"I was attacked by a monster. When I was praying at my shrine, a monster similar to a boar crossed with a demon. He destroyed the shrine and nearly mauled me to death. Please, you have to help me! The Gods will be angry unless the shrine is maintained." The girl pleaded as Ushi walked over to her and set the scroll on the ground while taking out a notepad to record her info.

"Alright. Where is your shrine? We're a bit over qualified for your request, but we can pass it off to our leader to choose." Ushi declared as they pulled out an ink and quill.

"Thank you so much! My shrine is 10 km west of the village." the battered maiden told them as the looked towards the instructed direction and began to jot down the information.

"You know, after we're done delivering this scroll do you wanna go and grab a-..." Tora tried to ask before they felt a sharp prick on their arms or back.

"Sorry, I'm a little busy right now but thanks for the scroll and don't worry about that needle. The Monkshood toxin should only last an hour or two." The maiden assured them as her appearance grew and she changed from a petite shrine maiden in tattered clothing to a medium build blond man in a dark red body suit.

"Y-you... t-this is high treason..." Ushi muttered as they struggled to try regain control of their muscles.

"I'm just following orders...like you right? Mizuki-sensei ordered me to get this just like Hokage-sama ordered you to deliver this." Naruto told them as he picked up the scroll and ran towards the 'Meet up point' on the map. After liberal use of the teleportation jutsu, Naruto decided to take a brief rest about a klick northwest of the meet up.

'Akahime, can you copy down the scroll while I read it? It could be useful later." Naruto asked as he unrolled the scroll and looked at the Tajū Kagebunshin no jutsu.

"Alright. I recommend you learn that one first. 'The clones ability is proportional to your chakra.' " the vixen explained while Naruto gathered up a small portion of the chakra residing inside of him and began to mold a homunculi like figure. Unlike most clones which were mostly empty shells, this clone began to siphon off his energy to form the detailed insides of a female teen. Blonde hair appeared along with a dark purple top and orange pants.

"Naruto-san? What's going on? Wh-how am I here?" Narumi asked as she grabbed Naruto's face and ran her hands across his whisker marks.

'Akahime...help.' Naruto asked as half of himself somehow manifested into the lady caressing and prodding him.

"When you and Ino fuse, your chakra is mixed and combined together. It seems when you tried to form a clone, you drew on Ino's residual chakra and your own. All I can say is..." Akahime trailed off while the Blonde pinched herself then slapped Naruto.

"So I'm your clone right now? Why do you have that scroll?" Narumi asked as he seeped his chakra into the paper and recalled his chakra before closing the scroll.

"Mizuki asked me to steal it. Do you want to help me punish that traitor?" Naruto asked as he attached the scroll to his back.
"Sure, lead the way." Narumi told him as she followed her creator, neither of them noticing a crimson chakra tail appearing behind her before dispersing.
