Plot Bunny: Ladybug dies in the final battle with Hawk Moth without Chat Noir ever knowing who she really is. The world is already plunged into darkness. As Adrien tries saving his dying lady, Plagg and Tikki decide to use their last remaining powers to send Adrien's memories back in time. Armed with his new-found knowledge, Adrien sets out to save the world and his lady.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Table of Contents
Chapter 2: Water and Determination
Chapter 3: Storms and Sentimentality
Why Table of Contents?
In the mobile version, the names of each chapter are not shown. Thus, I have lots of experience trying to go back to a specific chapter with a vague idea of the chapter's name or number but just can't find it either way. This way, it's easier for everyone to go and look back for a chapter. Will be doing this for other stories. When I update them.