Warning: Slight NSFW at the end of this chapter!

Ever since Eduardo's death at the Florida 500, of course things were a little grim for major racing fans, especially Jackson Storm and Lightning McQueen. Jackson had just lost the only he had left, and Lightning had to cope with the fact that his mother really was murdered. But that didn't mean they couldn't be happy again.

Lightning offered to let Jackson stay with him in Radiator Springs, to which he hastily took the offer. And eventually, the two moved into a nice flat together, and declared themselves an official couple. Sure, it was little awkward in public, but there was nothing they could do when the news reached big networks; ones like Chick's Picks.

Chick Hicks himself posed next to his precious Piston Cup trophy, like he always does when airing, and proudly announcing, "It's been a month, Folks! A whole month since new sensational couple Jackson Storm and Lightning McQueen came out of the closet, and on live television ta boot! Join me after this commercial break, where we sit down with Neil Patrick Harris to see what he thinks about thi-!"

Jackson started blankly at the TV screen after shutting it off, tired of hearing Chick ranting on about his relationship with Lightning for four weeks straight. Every Saturday, the two liked to head out and grab some brunch together at Flo's café. But Lightning was taking quite a long time in the bathroom, which is why Jackson grew impatient and decided to watch TV.

But now, he was really trying his patience.

"You comin', McQueen?!"

"Yes, alright! I'm done now!" With that, Lightning finally drove out of the bathroom, and he was wearing his much more humble 'Radiator Springs look' coat of paint.

"Wow. Radiator Springs does look pretty good on you," Jackson admitted, biting his lip while checking out his lover.

"You always say that," Lightning chuckled bashfully, his red paint luckily hiding his blush, "Now, c'mon. Flo' expecting us."

Just as she predicted, Flo smiled when she saw new cutest couple in town drive into her café at about twelve thirty, just like always.

"I was wonderin' where you boys were! Here your usual: An extra creamy coffee and donut for Lightning, and a black coffee for Jackson! Enjoy, Sweeties!" Flo giggled while handing them their food after they parked, and then drove off to serve the next customer.

Like always, Lightning would split his donut with Jackson; not just to be fair, but also because he knew he needed to cut back on the sweets a little. But Jackson tried to refuse sometimes.

"You take it. You don't need ta try ta be thinner for me, ya know," Jackson protested when Lightning handed him a half, and then gently nudged his side, "I already like you like this."

"But you need to eat, too," Lightning gently argued.

"If I want to eat, I'll eat a salad. But right now, I'm just not hungry."

"Ok, fine—I'll just save it for you to eat it later."

Jackson chuckled and rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but kiss Lightning's one the fender. But the one little kiss wasn't enough, and he started kissing closer to his mouth even rougher, even nipping a few times. This sent chills through Lightning, as he tried to hold back a moan.

"Jackson, please…not out here," Lightning begged meekly.

"Then stop me," Jackson hissed seductively, but Lightning failed to do so, "That's what I thought—but if you really want to, we can take this elsewhere."

Soon, they retreated to the closest and most private building: Doc Hudson's old garage. Ever since Doc passed, Lightning took ownership of it, so they were free to go inside and lick the door behind them.

The only light source they had was a dim light swinging above them, and Lightning grew nervous when he saw Jackson's lustful grin and eyes through the darkness.

"W-Wait…" Lightning begged, and Jackson's confidence immediately faltered. Memories of that horrid incident time when they were teenagers came flooding back, which was a permanent reminder for Jackson so that he would never do something like that to Lightning again.

"I-I'm…sorry," Jackson breathed softly.

"Don't be," Lightning reassured, "It's just that...it's the firs time I've ever done it since we…"

Realizing what he was about to say and when he paused, Jackson rolled forward and gently cupped his fender, "I won't do anything if you're not ready."

"I am ready—I just want you to mean it."

It was Jackson's turn to comfort Lightning, as he nodded in response. Lighting then turned around shakily, exposing his bumper to Jackson. Feeling helpless, Lightning clenched his teeth and closed one eye in anticipation, but he soon felt a familiar weight press onto his hood.

He knew what Jackson was going to do next, but he still couldn't hold in his groans of pain in when he felt Jackson inset himself.

"I love you!" Jackson hissed in pain and pleasure, as he tried to ignore the temptation of moving.

"I…l-love you, too," Lightning grunted in response, and then braced himself, "Please…don't hold back."

That afternoon, what they made wasn't fake or forced; it was real love. And the heat in the air remained untouched, without being disturbed by any outside forces. That's just what Lightning and Jackson wanted, to bask in the glow of the long-awaited passion for each other.

The End

Hoo! This was SO fun to write!

And will there be a sequel? Of course. I might even post a separate story with good Lightning/Jackson smut if you guys want.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!