Before You Read: This idea just came to me and I wrote it the next day. Anyway, This is a one-shot but if I get lots of comments for more I will make it into a two-shot. I already have a good idea for the next part. :D Oh, and by the way whenever they sing it'll look like this and I'm pretty sure everyone out there knows what the song sounds like.

It was a chilly fall night in the colorful city of Paris France. There were some clouds covering the night sky and at night Paris had lights everywhere to the point it almost still looked like daytime. Somehow, through the clous and lights, a few little stars sparkled like sequins on a dress. Paris's two supeheroes had just finished their patrol for the night and were now sitting on the Eiffel Tower looking at these stars.

It had been a peaceful and quick patrol. A robbery here, a small car crash there. Nothing big. So Chat Noir had suggested going to the Eiffel Tower to talk.

"About what? It's not like there's much to talk about. We can't risk revealing our identities. They must remain a secret and if we talk about anything in our civilian lives, the other might figure out who they are. Besides it's getting kind of late."

Chat Noir deflated a bit on the inside, sad he couldn't spend more time with his lady. He pouted dramatically and gave her the babydoll eyes. He knows Ladybug can't resist those. She sighed defeatedly.

"Okay, let's go to the Eiffel Tower. And we can't stay long or-"

Knowing what was coming next, Chat finished his partner's sentance. "Or talk about anyone or anything that has to do with our alter egos so we don't figure out each others identities and yada yada yada." He sounded annoyed but on the inside he was super happy at the fact that she agreed. Now he'd get to spend more time with the love of his life!

So there they are sitting on the Eiffel Tower starring at the sky with legs dangeling off the edge. Chat kept edging closer to the pigtailed girl without her noticing. 'I can smell her shampoo. Mmmm cinnamon.'

Meanwhile, Ladybug kept thinking about Adrien. She managed to score a date with him! A date with Adrien! Well a study date and their two friends Alya and Nino were also gonna be there but still! The very thought of it brings butterflies to her stomach.

Appearently a certain jealous feline noticed the love-struck look in her eyes. 'Who could she be thinking about that could do that to her? Why can't I Make her look like that at the thought of me?' His face twisted up at the thought of someone trying to woo his lady. A pit of jealousy settled in him. Knowing she wouldnt tell him who it was, he repeated his question out loud. "Who are you thinking about?" He acted all cool and smooth despight the jealousy he was feeling.

Ladybug's Eyes widened. 'Is it that obvious!?'"No one!" She said at lightning speed with a high pitched voice.

Chat chuckled to himself. 'Well that doesnt happen very often! Sge was so flustered! And it was honestly pretty cute. Reminds me of how Marinette gets.' But his light mood shatteredas he rememberd the question he asked her moments before.

"You're a terrable liar. Come on, I saw the look on your face, a look one would only make when thinking about the love of their life." All the feelings of jealousy, rage, and sadness came pounding back to him; all three quarelling for dominence.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She put her hands on her hips, cofidence returning. She was curious as to why her partner would be so interested in her love life. Sure he flirts with her but it doesn't really mean anything. Does it?

"Yeah, actually I would" He mutters under his breath, looking back up to the sky instead of her face.

Ladybug saw the solemn look on his face and felt bad for him. Even though she had no idea as to why he was feeling down. None the less she felt the need to cheer her friend up. "Come on." She said in a sweet tone as she stood up and held a hand out to help him up.

He looked inquisatively at her hand and then at her face. Finally he took her hand and let her help him up. He never wished to be detransfomed more until now. He wanted to feel her soft skin against his, feel the electricity when they touch, but he couldn't. Not throught the suit. But that guy, whoever he was could. rage boiled in him until he looked at Ladybug's face again.

Here she was smiling and being sweet, offering to help him up even though he was being a downer. 'She's so nice. I'll enjoy my time with her while I can, I can gripe all I want at home but nows not the time. Let's just make the best of this'

He smiled back at her asking, "Where are we going? What are we doing?"

"I don't know yet. Have any ideas Chaton?" She was relieved when she saw his anger fade away. She really hated seeing him that way.

Chat pondered that question. He had daydreamed of doing different activities with her but he never knew that there'd be a day where he could actualy do one of them with her. As he scrolled through his options he hummed lightly. And that gave him and idea.

"We're suphereoes" he said matter of factly.


We should have a theme song!" He smiled as if this were the greatest idea in all of Paris ever.

"A theme song?"

"Yeah!" Not only will itbe cool to have a theme song, I'll get to hear my lady sing! I'll bet she sings as good as she looks.'

"Okay..." She wasn't sure what she thought about this. On one hand, she likes to sing and it wouldbe kinda cool to have a theme song. On the other hand though, she didn't want to sing in front of Chat. She just doesn't feel cofortable singing in front of people.

Chat noticed the unsure look on her face. "What's the mewtter? Afraid I'm a better singer than you?"

"Okay that was probably the worst pun ever." He held his hand on his heart dramaticly

"You wound me!" Ladybug tried to hold in her giggle but couldn't.

"How dare you laugh at me!" The giggles turned into all out laughter, much to Chat's pleasure. Even if he couldn't get her lovestruck over him he can get her to laugh. And her laugh was music to his ears. "Anyway," The laughter turned into a chuckle which turned into a wide, amused smile. "To the theme song. What should it be about?"

Still smiling, Ladybug thought. "hmmm...What about our miraculouses? And our luck?"

"our luck? must I remind you black cats are bad luck?" He'd always felt a little sad he was the unlucky one but was always able to shrug it off.

"Not when paired with a ladybug." She scrathed him behind the ear aknowlaging how he might feel being the unlucky one. It always seemed like she was the unlucky one. Getting to school late, that voicemail she sent Adrien, and the fact that she's always tripping on air!

Ladybug recieved a purr in response to the scratching before she stopped. "Aw why'd ya stop? that felt good!"

"I thought you wanted to make a theme song."

"Okay, okay" He put his hands up in surrender. So you said something about our miraculous's and luck?"

"Mmhh!" She gave an agreeing hum.

"Okay, I think thats a good start... Miraculous, simply the best, up to the test when thing go wro-ong!" Ladybug had to admit he had a pretty good voice, and now she was even more nervous than before.

"Miraculous..." You could tell in her voice that she was nervous and

not very comfortable. She sighs "I can't Chat, I hate singing in front of people as much as a cat hates water." Suddely her feet seem very interesting.

Chat tajes a few steps forward and puts his gloved hand on Ladybug's chin (Again how he wished to be detransformed.) And tilted her head up, forcing her to look at him. Chat winced slightly when he sees how upset she looks.

When Ladybug was forced to look at her partners face she realized how close he'd gotten, and for some reason it brought a light blush to her cheeks that Chat could not see in the darkness. Why am I blushing! He's just silly ally cat! Adrien should be the only one bringing a blush to my cheeks!

"Ladybug, it's not the whole of Paris it's just me. What's to be scared of?" He was so close to her he could kiss her. It was hard but he was able to fight the temptation. His hand remained on her chin even though it was not nessicary, but Ladybug didn't mind.

"I-I know. I-It's just that-that I'm not very g-good at singing." There were tears in her eyes but she didn't know why. She hoped her blonde feline wouldn't notice.

"Oh...Ladybug. Don't cry!" He embraced her in a large warm hug making Ladybug's cheeks turn a darker shade of pink. She fet his warmth through her suit and instantly felt better "I'm sure you have a beautiful voice you just have to be confident." Chat pulled away from her and she missed his body pressing up against hers and she was now colder in the fall air than before the hug.

"O-okay. I'll try again." She smiled lightly at him. 'Im so lucky for such an amazing partner, even if he does have bad puns.' Feeling better, but still a little nervous, she started. "Miraculous, the luckiest. The battle between us and hawkmo-oth!" At first her voice was nervous but towards the end it was completly clear and confident.

"Nice! And you have a great voice m'lady! There was no need to be nervous."

She gaped at him "Really? I mean my mom and Al- I mean my best friend have both told me I have a good voice but they were just being nice, not honest." Ladybug was completely flattered. She's not used to getting very many genuine complements.

"You look so... flattered and flustered. Why? All I did was give you a small compliment." Not that he was complaining. This was a side of Ladybug he didn't see very often; and it was adorable.

"Well I'm just not used to getting very many compliments. Well not in my civilian life at least." She said it like that's fine. But it's not! And Chat was mad.

"But you're amazing! You're kind, smart, confident, and so many other things. You should get a lot of compliments! Day in, day out." Ladybug was amazed that he thought that.

"N-No I don't I'm not even pretty a-and I'm always tripping over my own feet! I-I don't deserve a lot of compliments." Why am I stammering! I'm actualy falling for this flirty ally cat! But the point was, tonight he wasn't being his cocky self. He was actualy being serious for oince and now she was getting to know more of his personality and it was amazing.

"Nu-uh! No way!" He waggled a finger in front of her, a stern look on his face. "You do deserve a lot of compliments. You're just being modest and looking down on yourself but in reality, you're incredible! Don't ever look down on yourself again!" He searched her eyes. 'Man her eyes are beautiful'

Ladybug didn't know what to say, she just stood there starring at him, mouth slightly open.

Chat thought that now seemed like good time to confess his love to her. While she was speechless at his coment. He was so glad he was able to get that reaction out of her because it meant that she actualy liked him. Him! Not that other guy but him. Chat Noir. He knew exactly what to do.

"How about instead of Miraculous, the luckiest. The battle between us and Hawkmo-oth! It's, Miraculous, the luckiest. The power of love akways so stro-ong!" He grinned his trademark Chesire smile. It was subtlwe but hopefully she caught the meaning behind his choice of words. And by the look on her face, she did.

Her eyes were wide and her mouth was completly open. 'Did he mean what I think he means! I know he's flirtatious towards me but I didn't think it was more than a measly crush. Love her! That's a little much! This is overpowering!' Her head was spinning and she felt dizzy so she sat down, starring at nothing in particular

Chat winced. She did not look very happy about this. Feelings of sadness overpowered him as he crouched down in front of her.

"Boy, you're taking this hard. Um I guess I misread this. You just looked so flustered and everything I thought maybe-" But he was cut off as she grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him close to her, closing the gap. His eyes go wide for a second but realizing whats going on he shuts his eyes and kisses her back, putting one hand through her hair.

'She's kissing me! Best. Day. Ever!' He felt the electricity between them and the taste of sweets comeing from her lips. And oh, how soft her lips were. His whole body grew warm and his stomach swelled with butterflies.

'I'm actualy kissing him! And he's kissing back and this is overwhelming!' But she didn't pull back. She's kissed him before but he wasn't exactly...himself. It felt so much better kissing him now that he was actualy kissing back, now that she could actualy feel the presure of his lips kissing hers. And his lips were warm and comforting. She felt his hand go in her hair and she responded with a small pleasurable moan before pulling away.

The looked at each other, blushing madly.

"I-I I've gotta go blome. I mean foam! I-I mean Home!" "She was acting just like how she acts with Adrien. 'Oh my gosh I just kissed Chat! But I belong with Adrien! Or thats what i thought. Now i'm torn!'

"Yeah! um... me too!" They split split up, runnuing in different directions trying to get as far away from each other as possible.

Authors Note: So there it is! hope you enjoyed! Please tell me how I did in the comments! I'd really like to know because:

1: This is only my second fic on here if you don't count my theries so I'd like to know how I'm doing!

2. I haven't really done much fluffy stuff so I'd also like to know how im doing on that note.

3. I've never kissed before so I need you to tell me how accurate that part was

4. I love reading all you're nice reveiws! It warms my heart