Shiro writhed, drenched in a cold sweat. He tossed and turned, whimpering loudly, swiping at the air. The men in his nightmare danced out of his reach, dragging dream Pidge with them. He drew in breath, sobbing harshly when Pidge was forced to his hands and knees.

"Don't touch him!" He screamed, trying to get to the men and Pidge, who had began to cry. Shiro was pushed to the floor, but he kept fighting against his holders.

"Shiro... I-I'm scared," Dream Pidge whispered, his eyes going wide when he felt a blade at his throat. Shiro sobbed, closing his eyes against the sight as the men had their way with his mate, but when dream Pidge screamed his name, he looked. He watched as Pidge's throat was slit, and he watched as he gurgled and writhed on the floor. A guttural, deep snarling scream ripped its way from Shiro's throat, and he lashed out. He jolted awake, but his scream transformed into a roar, and his bed.gavr an almighty groan before breaking.

Pidge ran into the room, crashing to the floor when Shiro slowly picked himself up, shaking his head. Pidge trembled, eyes bright with fear, looking into the bright, yellow eyes of the Black Lion. Shiro blinked at Pidge for a long moment, before he suddenly charged forward. Pidge grew so fearful, his scream became a roar and he scrambled to the door on four paws instead of two feet, promptly getting stuck in the door. Shiro stopped, watching Pidge for another moment, then walking quietly up to him. He breathed out slowly, closing his eyes. He saw himself as a human, holding Pidge, and slowly, the Black Lion relinquished control and Shiro fell forward, weak.

"Pidge?" He whispered, looking at his mate, who was still struggling in the doorway, yellow eyes bright and terrified. He hummed, placing a hand onto Pidge's side, who shivered and slowly became human again. He fell backwards into Shiro's lap, who caught him with heavy limbs, eyes wide. They were silent for a few minutes, before they both erupted into laughter.

The day was spent trying to merge their souls with their lions. Shiro had a little trouble, but eventually, after a long mental conversation, in his place stood Black. Pidge grinned, giving him the thumbs up when he turned back. Now, it was his turn.

I am Green. I may be an Omega, but I am powerf -

His inner monologue was interrupted by a series of pictures from Green. Her and Black together, the moonless night they bound their souls, being turned into the ceramics, being discovered by Shiro...

Suddenly, Pidge towered over Shiro, looking down at him.

Who is that?

The voice, deep yet clearly feminine, startled Pidge.


Who else would it be? Allura?

"No need to be pushy. That's Shiro, he's my mate."

Is he the soul Black chose?

"Yeah! He's really amazing, and he treats me so good.. I love him."

Pidge looked down at Shiro, only to realize he was looking at white paws. Slowly, his sight lifted, until he had to step back to meet the yellow gaze. Silence seemed to devour the earth, until..

"Pidge, can you hear me?" Pidge was floored, eyes wide.

We forgot to mention, when we are combined, we can communicate with each other and the other Lions.

"I can hear you, Shiro. This is so cool!" Shiro stepped forward then, nuzzling Pidge, who happily nuzzled back.

Green, my beautiful mate. I never thought I would see you again.

I was worried about you, Black. I'm so glad you're safe.

Pidge flushed, looking at Shiro, who simply growled and nuzzled him. He could hear their lions just as easily as Pidge could.

I would have you right here if I could, my sweet. But I doubt these humans would appreciate their arcane breeding as lions.

Pidge grew warm, and looked away, before speaking to Black directly.

"My birth certificate may say girl, but I sure as hell ain't one! Green, there won't be any cubs, do you understand? I intend to only have this body for another year, then my entire bottom is changing, and I hope to god you change with me!"

Do not worry yourself, Pidge. I am already changing, to better make you comfortable when your surgery happens.

"Good," Pidge said softly, then squeaked when he turned human again.

"S-Sh-Shiro!" Pidge panted, arching slightly. Shiro moaned in his ear, thrusting shallowly into him, panting. He pulled out before he climaxed, painting the sheets white, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Pidge trembled, clutching to Shiro, clinging like a tiny monkey.

"How do you feel?" Shiro asked, passing his bowl of ice cream to Pidge, who thanked him and started to eat it.

"Not bad. It stung, at first, to be honest. I guess I'll have to get used to it for when I get my surgery," he murmured, yawning suddenly.

"I can't wait to get my bottom surgery, though," he said then, taking a big bite of his ice cream, and immediately regretting it as his head began to hurt.

Dawn rose with a clap of thunder. Pidge looked at his window, frowning. It had been storming since last night, and he didn't like being cooped up.

You can make a game of this.

Pidge hummed, thinking on that for a moment, then shaking his head.

"I'd rather not, honestly. Shiro hasn't been feeling well, and I don't want to upset him."

You always put him first, don't you?

"Yes. He's my mate, he saved my life. I owe everything to him."

Hmm. I don't understand the appeal of having a male mate when you are male, but if he makes you happy, then I am happy for you. By the way, I think your heat is coming on.

"Please, don't remind me. All of the others have been easy now that Shiro and I are mating, but that doesn't help at night, when I want him so badly it hurts."

Why don't you ask him to knot you this time?

"And risk pregnancy? No. We've agreed not to knot until my bottom surgery is out of the way. It's harder for male Omegas to get pregnant, and I don't want to scare him away."

Do you truly believe you will frighten him, little one? He loves you very much, I can feel it every time he looks to you. I guess it was fate that brought you and him together.

"Black? Is Shiro awake?"

He is, little one. He is in the study, and he seems rather upset.

Pidge hurried to the study, knocking lightly before opening the door. The smell that hit him made him whimper; it was the heady, thick scent of Shiro's arousal. He followed the main scent trail to where his mate was hunched over the table, growling and rutting against it.

"Shiro?" Black eyes found him, and he was suddenly pinned beneath a rather horny Shiro, who whimpered and whined, rutting himself against Pidge. Briefly, the Omega recalled reading about this; Alphas went into ruts a few days before their Omega mates went into heat. It was a rather vicious cycle.

"Shiro? Shiro, look at me," Pidge whispered. In the two years he had lived with Shiro, he had become almost as tall as his mate. He was nearing his sixteenth birthday soon, as well.

"Mate," Shiro whispered, nuzzling Pidge and nipping at his mark, before moving so that Pidge was on top of him. The startled Omega looked down at his mate, and whimpered faintly. He couldn't please his mate the way he wanted to be, and the thought made him suddenly feel useless. He rushed from the study, tripping over his feet and sprawling on the very edge of the staircase. Quietly, he curled into a ball, tears silently flowing down his face as he buried his head in his legs.

He looked slowly up when he felt warmth surround him, and was surprised to see nothing but black. He closed his eyes, surrendering to sleep as the Black Lion curled around his mate, keeping him warm.

A new, bright dawn woke Pidge, who was far too warm to really want to move. He curled into the warmth surrounding him, growling in contentment. The answering growl was deep and kind.

When Pidge woke up again, he was alone in his bed, but Shiro's scent covered every surface. He groaned, rolling out of bed and dragging himself to the door. Once there, he rose and plodded downstairs, yawning widely.

"Morning, Pidge," Shiro chirped happily, eyes bright.

"Sorry if I startled you last night. I haven't gone into a rut in so long, I lost control. Did... Did I hurt you?" Pidge shook his head slowly.

"My ego's bruised, but physically, I'm alright."

"Sorry, love. I'll make it up to you somehow."

"Unless you can get me a cock in the next few days, I doubt you can," he chuckled, grabbing a piece of toast, smirking. Shiro's eyes were wide from Pidge's word choice. He shook his head, smiling a bit.

"Well, actually.. your birthday is in a few days, we can go talk to Alfred after breakfast." Pidge dropped his toast, half-eaten, onto the floor in shock.

"Are you serious?" He asked, looking at Shiro as if he had grown a second head.

"Yeah. I don't see why Alfred wouldn't go ahead with it; you've been one of his best patients. The last one bit him before he could even begin the surgery." Pidge blinked, surprised.

Alfred looked at Pidge for a long moment. He hummed, tilting his head.

"Güte. Ja, I can do the surgery," he said, smiling. Over the summer, he had gone back to his German-raised home, and his accent had come back heavy and thick.

Shiro nodded, looking at Pidge.

"Does it matter if we've mated in the last week?" he asked, frowning.

Alfred thought for a moment.

"Did you mate him from the front or back?" Shiro grew scarlet, before muttering something.

"What was that, Shiro?"

"The back. It was Pidge's idea, he wanted to adjust his body for that area."

Alfred hummed, nodding again.

"Then it doesn't matter. Pidge, do you have a size preference before we begin?" It was Pidge's turn to look away and mutter, pointing shyly at Shiro.

"The same size as him, or a little smaller?" Shiro grew a darker scarlet, ducking his head, smiling slightly.

"Same, if that's alright."

Shiro quietly held Pidge's hand while Alfred inserted the IV. Pidge turned his head, just as Shiro lowered his head so his scent glands were right there.

"Shiro, you can stay this time. I won't need up by his chest this time." Shiro nodded, staying where he was.

Hours passed before Alfred finished the surgery. That whole time, Shiro couldn't watch the surgery, merely watch Pidge's chest rise and fall.

Alfred sighed, taking his gloves off, moving his mask down.

"He'll need to rest for a while. It's a difficult process, this. But, let's wheel him into a room." Shiro got up slowly, yawning slightly.

"And a cot for Shiro," he added to one of the nurses, who went to fetch a cot.

Shiro stirred, waking up, unintentionally squeezing Pidge's hand. The Omega stirred, murmuring in his sleep, squeezing back. Shiro looked at him, eyes bright, smiling. Slowly, Pidge woke up, yawning widely as he came to. He blinked in the light, before looking down. Shiro smiled at him, leaning up.

"Good morning, babe," he said softly. Pidge blushed but smiled.

"Good morning," he whispered back, eyes bright. Alfred walked in at that point, half-moon spectacles perched on his nose. He looked over Pidge's chart, then looked at the Omega in question.

"How do you feel, Pidge?"

"I'm a little sore, but I feel amazing." He said, smiling at the doctor.

"Thank you for all of this, Alfred. How can I ever repay you?" He asked, looking at him with wide eyes.

"By being happy. Though, you do have a bill, but because I've known Shiro since he was a pup, it won't be big." He handed Shiro a slip of paper that had the bill on it.

"Alfred, this isn't even a grocery bill! This is a single day of dinner here!" Shiro was shocked, looking at the man.

"I know that. You know I never charged much, and to help save the life of the man who makes you happy was all I could ask for before I passed." Shiro jumped up then.

"Don't say that! You're hardly ninety, you're still young." Alfred chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"Shiro. Shiro, you're sweating. Calm down, son, I have no plans on seeing you sad."

Shiro drew the doctor into a tight hug then.

"Dad, please," he whispered, shaking. Alfred and Pidge looked at Shiro in shock. Slowly, Alfred hugged him, trembling suddenly.

"You really think of me that way?" He asked, tears filling his eyes.

"You took me in when my parents died, you took care of me. You saw who I was before I ever found myself, I've always thought of you as my dad." Pidge suddenly sobbed, biting his clenched fist to muffle it. He remembered when his own father was that loving, and it hurt a lot. Shiro turned from Alfred, moving quickly to Pidge's side, hugging him.

"Shh, I'm here, love." He murmured, hugging him.

Alfred cleared his throat then.

"Pidge, I recommend not mating for a few weeks. It might rip something, and it takes a lot of time to repair. By the way, thanks to new science in surgery, you could get someone pregnant if he were an Alpha." Pidge blushed, looking at Shiro then.

"If he winds up pregnant, I want pictures if I'm still alive." Shiro laughed, looking at Alfred.

Pidge shivered, curling closer to Shiro, who wrapped his arms around him. It was cold in the house, Shiro couldn't deny that. Outside, snow fell onto the earth. He sat up then, bringing Pidge with him. The Omega happily moved, wrapping his limbs around Shiro, who carried him to the bathroom and started a warm bath.