The Wedding of Vikturri

Written by: SadieAnnabethMellark (aka porkcutletbowltrash)

Summary: From planning to saying "I do", Yuuri and Viktor enjoy some fluffy time together and go through some nerve wracking moments. For #yoiweddingweek.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yuri! on Ice. I wish I did though tbh.

Day 1: Planning the Wedding and Picking the Cake

"Viktor…" Yuuri whined softly as his fiancé kept nipping at his shoulder and neck lazily and lovingly, "We have to talk about this." It was around noon and finally, Viktor had allowed Yuuri a day off of training. They were currently snuggled up in their bed, wrapped up in each other's arms comfortably as the midday news played softly on the TV. At the end of the bed, Makaton was watching his owners with soft happy eyes.
"I know, detka." Viktor purred softly, "Just relax."

Yuuri smiled and leaned into Viktor's warm embrace, "I know. Mom is driving me nuts though. And so Yuuko and Minako. They want all the details."

"We could have them plan for us…" Viktor murmured softly as he continued to lazily nose his lover's ear, "Eto budet men'she stressa na vas."

Yuuri smiled softly. He didn't know much Russian even after living in Russia for almost a year with Viktor, but he could understand some of the soft murmur Viktor had uttered.

With a smile, Yuuri turned in Viktor's arms so they were facing each other, "This is our special day. It's the day I become a Nikiforov."

Viktor smiled, "So You decided to take my last name huh? Yuuri Nikiforov. It rolls off the tongue nicely." He brushed a stray hair from his lover's eyes as his ocean blue eyes twinkled happily.

"I was thinking something along the lines of Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov." Yuuri mumbled, "But just Yuuri Nikiforov does roll off the tongue better. We're getting off topic though."

Viktor smiled, "Just six months until we say 'I do'."

Yuuri purred softly and nodded, "And we have nothing figured out. We don't even know where we're getting married."

"That's easy, Yura." Viktor's thumb came up to caress Yuuri's cheek softly, "We'll get married here in Saint Petersburg."

"But what about my family, Viktor? They don't speak any Russian and hardly any English." Yuuri asked softly, "We could get married in Hasetsu. It's more private."

Viktor nodded softly, He hadn't thought about that problem really. He had always assumed that they would be married in Saint Petersburg, in the Tavrichesky Garden (one of Yuuri's favorite places that Viktor had taken him in Russia) or possibly on the Potseluev Bridge. But now he could see where they were Yuuri was concerned, they'd have to translate everything from Russian to English and then to Japanese.

"Hasetsu would be a nice place to get married. We could get married on the beach." Viktor agreed.

Yuuri smiled, "An outdoor wedding?"

"It'll be nice. The beach is special to us."

"That is true. If we get married in Hasetsu, we could have an outdoor ceremony. If we got married here in St. Petersburg, it'd still be chilly outside."

"Let's get married in Hasetsu then moya lyubov', deal?" Viktor smiled and held out his pinky finger to Yuuri who wrapped his around Viktor's.

"Deal. A wedding on the beach of Hasetsu. Mom also wants us to come up with an estimate of how many people will be attending. I think we should just keep it really small and only invite family and close friends."

Viktor nodded, "How close are we talking about? You know most of our competitors will want to come with their plus one. And of course, you have some friends from college you want to invite right?" Yuuri nodded at this, "That's close to at least a hundred people, Yura."

"That's true. I don't want to go over a hundred though. I want our day to be more private." Yuuri's eyes met Viktor's ocean blue ones, "I want this moment with you, without the entire world seeing it."

Viktor smiled, "I know, my porosenok. I do too. We can keep it to a hundred. Nice and small, but there are enough people to make the reception interesting, especially if your dad breaks out the sake." Viktor wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at his fiancé and was rewards with a soft chuckle and a light slap to his chest.

"I'm not getting drunk on our wedding night, Vitya."

"Right. We'll save that for the honeymoon." Viktor chuckled and kissed Yuuri's blushing cheek.

"Where are we going for the honeymoon anyways? We haven't-"

Viktor silenced his lover with a soft kiss on the lips and then whispered softly, "Don't worry my love. I've got it all taken care of. It's a surprise. eto sekret."

Yuuri kissed Viktor back, "Vitya …"

"We have more things to discuss about the wedding. Very important things." Viktor caressed his lover's cheek gently, "Like the cake."

Yuuri chuckled, "I thought I was supposed to be watching my weight, Coach. I have to stay in shape for the upcoming Grand Prix."

Viktor smiled widely, "I think I'll let you have a cheat day. If it really bothers, you though we could-"

"I take a cheat day." Yuuri said quickly as his fiancé laughed softly, "We can go to that bakery back in Hasetsu to sample some cake when we visit in a few weeks."

"Good idea." Viktor murmured as he pulled Yuuri into straddling his lap, "I think we've planned enough for today. You're starting to get stressed." Viktor reached up and brushed a finger softly over the crease between Yuuri's eyebrows.

"There just so much to plan Viktor. Six months isn't that long; 4 Tsuki wa sore hodo tōkunai." Yuuri wrapped his arms around Viktor's neck and bit his lip.

Pulling Yuuri's lip from his teeth softly with his thumb, Viktor confessed, "It is when you've been waiting for so long to marry the love of your life."

"Yura! Open wide." Viktor crooned happily as he held out a fork with a piece of vanilla cake balanced on it. Smiling, Yuuri opened his mouth and let Viktor feed him, "What do you think?"

"Not bad." Yuuri licked his lips, "It's not too sweet. Not to bitter."

"I love it. Sovershenstvo." Viktor took another bite as Yuuri turned to speak to the bakery consultant in rapid Japanese. Viktor had caught something about enjoying the samples, but the rest was lost on him. He was happy to simply be enjoying some relaxing alone time with his fiancé since arriving in Hasetsu. If they weren't training, Minaho, Yuuko, and Mari were dragging them both off to make wedding preparations or Yuuri was busy assisting in running his family's hot springs or Viktor was pulled away to make his final preparations for their surprise honeymoon. By the time they had both been able to spend time alone, they were both so exhausted that they would just curl up in the bed in Yuri's childhood bedroom and pass into the world of sleep.

Viktor watched as the owner bowed and said a quick, "Arigatō" before standing and leaving he and Yuuri to their taste testing.

"Hmm. Vitya." Viktor turned back to Yuuri who was holding a fork full of chocolate cake in front of his mouth. Smiling, Viktor opened his mouth so Yuuri could slip the cake onto his awaiting taste buds.

Viktor hummed, "That's good too. It's very Eros."

Yuuri smiled softly and squeezed Viktor's Hand that was nestled in his, "What are you talking about Viktor?"

"It's got the hint of Eros. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac, Yuuri. It's known to be a symbol of love because it sets the mood."

Yuuri smiled at his fiancé, "Doka. You know you're a dork, right?"

Viktor chuckled, "It's one of those things that made you love me though."

Yuuri just nodded with a smile, "Where's the agape then?"

Chuckling, Viktor lifted another piece of the vanilla cake to Yuuri's mouth, "Right here. Don't you taste the perfection of it? It's soft and light. It's pure."

"Vitya, it's cake." Yuuri, however, had chuckled softly. Viktor rolled his eyes lovingly and reached for another sample.

They both had spent the next half hour taking bites of different cakes – none of the other flavors compared to the original chocolate and vanilla cakes they had tried. They had already decided on a large three tiered cake and now came the hard part.

"Watashi no ai, I think we should stick with these two flavors. We could do two chocolate tiers and a vanilla."

"Or we could do two vanilla tiers and a chocolate." Viktor looked at Yuuri with puppy go eyes.

"Babe, more people like chocolate."

"But, the Agape is in the vanilla. We have pure love Yura. This is ridiculous. Why don't we do four tiers? Two of each."

"Vitya, we don't need to feed that many people. We'll have cake coming out of our ears." Yuuri said with a small smile.

Viktor pouted and looked at Yuuri with pleading eyes, "Please, Yuuri-chan?"

Sensing a storm was brewing, the bakery owner cleared her throat and started talking in rapid Japanese to Yuuri. They both turned to look at the small woman and Viktor smiled softly at her. She smiled softly in return and then scurried out of the room, only to return a few moments later with another small plate in her hands. She set it down in front of the couple and then in her best attempt at English explained, "Mixed. Two mixed." She pointed at the chocolate and at the vanilla cake and then pointed at the new plate.

Both Viktor and Yuuri picked up their forks and took a small piece of cake into their mouths as the baker looked on nervously.

Viktor smiled and turned towards his fiancé, "Yura…"

Yuuri smiled and nodded, "Viktor…"

The baker watched them nervously as she asked in her broken and heavily accented English, "You like?"

Both Yuuri and Viktor turned towards her and smiled, "It's perfect."