Hello, friends! I was wondering if anyone had seen this fic:
A game of truth or dare set in the Marauders seventh year, actually well written, set between Jame, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Frank, Alice and Marlene. The Marauders have played it every year, but this is the other's first time. It lasts exactly one week, and they each have watches charmed to time it. They each also have a parchment that is connected to the others', where they write dares and questions, and answer them.
Within this fic, Frank, Alice and Marlene discover Remus' secret, Sirius has to rub ketchup in his hair, the entrance hall becomes a skating rink, James engages in a medieval fight with the back wall of the Great Hall, Lily teaches Transfiguration, McGonagall's hat is stolen, Remus is banned from chocolate, Slughorn gets a statue made of gum, Peter must eat a bowl of butter, the Gryffindor seventh year girls' dormitory is split with the sound of yodelling, and the Fat Lady is confused.
If anyone knows where this fic can be found, what its name is, its author, ANYTHING, please review! I have been searching for forever!
And just to make sure this post is legal, here's a little oneshot I thought of ages ago that is useless for anything else but is still sitting around in my documents. I hope you will enjoy some random Sybill Trelawney drabble, because if you won't, leave now!
Still here? Alright, fine! Here you go!
Trelawney's True Predictions
Sybill Trelawney scowled to herself as she took swig of cooking sherry, lying before the fire in her beloved Divination Tower, memories filling her mind.
"...after you've broken your first cup, would you be so kind as to select one of the blue patterned ones? I'm rather attached to the pink."
How dare that woman try and throw her out of her home, her job?
"...Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice. And around Easter, one of our number will leave us forever."
How dare that toad claim to know anything about the inner eye, let alone enough to claim that she, Sybil Trelawney, granddaughter of the great Cassandra Trelawney, did not have it?
"...Incidentally, that thing you are dreading — it will happen on Friday the sixteenth of October."
Had she not proved her worth to Professor Dumbledore? How could that Ministry fool claim to know better than him?
"...By the way, my dear," she shot suddenly at Parvati Patil, "beware a red-haired man."
And to be replaced by that horse, by the very man who had employed her for sixteen years. It was an affront!
"The falcon... my dear, you have a deadly enemy." … "The club... an attack. Dear, dear, this is not a happy cup…" … "The skull... danger in your path, my dear..."
Had she not, over the years, had many true predictions? How dare any of them claim that she was not worthy to teach the noble art of Divination?
"Oh, and dear" — she pointed at Neville — "you'll be late next time, so mind you work extra-hard to catch up."
Wait and see, she thought to herself. I'll show them. All of them. I am a true seer.
She took another swig of cooking sherry.
So, yeah. Whatever. Please review if you know the fic! Or if you just like my drabble.
— RoyalRose161