Hey guys, the author here with my latest story. Please review.

"Okay brothers, gather up, the latest movie on Karate Kick is about to start." Grizz explained joyously, pulling Panda and Ice Bear towards the couch in front of their TV.

"Ice Bear loves a good ninja show."

"Don't we all." Panda agreed.

All three bears shuffled onto the couch, nudging each other for more space. Grizz squealed with pure excitement as he turned the TV as the three bears settled to enjoy an evening of Karate Kick. The show kept them occupied, that is until the advertisements came on focusing the Bears attention back onto each other.

"Hey guys I just remembered something."

"What did you remember bro?" Grizz asked, scooping his paw with salty popcorn before stuffing it all into his mouth.

"You guys remember what happened years ago when we were just Cubs?"

"Ice Bear remembers a lot of things."

"Be more specific Panda,' Grizzly explained, stuffing his already full mouth with even more popcorn. 'A lot of things happened when we were just Cubs."

"I'm talking about the time we got shipwrecked onto that island, you know, with Karla, and Dave..."

"Dave..." Grizz muttered eyebrows frowning.

"Dave..." Ice Bear mumbled, crushing popcorn in his paw.

"Dave..." All three bears chorused in unison.

"I honestly wonder what happened to that guy after we escaped. I mean, was he trapped in that island forever?"

"We would never know Grizz, though he did kinda deserve it after whale did to Karla."

"Come on Panda, he was a bad guy and everything but no one deserves that kind of punishment."

"You're right..." Panda admitted.

Another half an hour into the movies when the advertisements came back on the three bears discovered something which shattered their hearts into a millions pieces...

They had finished all the popcorn!

"Nice going Grizz!' Panda exclaimed, 'how the heck are we supposed to finish the rest of the movie without a single pop corn?!"

"Woah woah woah, I wasn't the only one who ate it. Geesh!"

"Ice Bear thinks we should just buy more popcorn."

"Come on!" Grizz yelled running to the door. "We can still make it before the movie comes back on."

Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear raced down the streets of their home town which they loved beyond their hearts, waving at Chloe as they raced past her house.

"Bros look, the supermarket!"

All three made a beeline for the entry, only to end up stuck into the door way.

"Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn... Where is that popcorn?" I wonder if Grizz and Ice are having better luck...

Ice Bear searched aisle after aisle but to no luck.

"Ice Bear can't find popcorn."

"Popcorn, popcorn, ah popcorn! Found it." Grizz raced to the shelve but just as his hand touched the plastic of the bag he ran straight into someone and fell flat on his face.

"Oh my gosh Sir, I am so sorry..."

"No I'm sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going." A man stretched out his hand to a fallen Grizz who politely accepted it.

"Thanks man."

But one look at the man's brown hair, tan skin and black familiar eyes and his first impression back flipped into a completely different impression.

"Wait a minute, you look kind of familiar..."

"Do I now Mr Bear because I know that I haven't seen you anywhere before. Of course now, there were those young bear cubs who got in between my plans of winning over the girl of my dreams..."

The man's whole face crumpled when he saw Panda and Ice Bear run into the aisle.

"Grizz! Grizz! Did you find the popcorn? Karate Kick could start any minute now..." A desperate Panda ranted, stopping abruptly when he saw the brown haired man.

"Uh Grizz, who's he?"

"I'm Dave." The familiar man introduce himself.

"He's Dave."

"Dave?" Panda asked eyes wide, recognition slowly sweeping in.

"Dave?" Ice Bear asked.

"Dave?" Grizz asked doing a double take.

"Bears?!" A bewildered Dave practically yelled.

"Oh my gosh Dave, is that really you?" Panda questioned, stepped closer to him.

"Yes it's me, I promise I'll explain everything, but I really need you bear's help. I need you to help me win over Karla's heart..."

What do you guys think? Should I continue?