
~1 month~

Skill progression slowed down, but the gains are still visible.

My chakra mastery stopped at level 33 and wont proceed further, maybe its because it still locked.

Even though I meditate all the time, I can't still see/feel my tenketsu points. Maybe only the rush of chakra can reveal it.

Damn locked chakra!

I can force my chakra to pop out of its shell as I can move it inside. But its better if I build my foundations, first. And let my mom open it for me.

Chakra active skills can be battle power multipliers, and with The Gamer it will be easy to master them.

After a multiple of *dings* and all that.

1 month after, I am as strong as an adult!

That would be 10 STR gains even without doing physical exercises!

This discovery of yang really is a blessing.

But I'm really bored! I wanna move around!

I know I can stand and run with my STR.

When I showed mom my roll over move, she had a happy expression but suddenly…


With a "how is that possible" look.

It's better to desensitize my mom of my genius self so hopefully she can teach me early.

[+1 Deceit]

The pale red energy from my heart is now ½ filled.

Its snail pace progress, was blitz of by YIN Mastery.

My divine sense knock off has pass through the wall of this room. It is still blurry but I can see the bathroom and dinning room. The further I go, the more I can't understand what I'm seeing.

YIN Mastery proficiency slowed down, netting 0.1% yesterday.

The pooling of the pale blue energy has almost filled my brain. So I'll go according to my formulated hypothesis a week ago.

I first stop my other activities so I can put my 100% attention in this process.

I look for mom, and notice she isn't here. She usually leaves after feeding me this morning. Of course after faking sleeping.


Then, I set aside 1/5 of the pale blue energy to the side. And "grind" the remaining energy with each other.

The feeling was awful!

A nauseating pain envelope me. I hurriedly put 2 process to focus with this disgusting feeling.

Then put 2 more process continuing the grind.

For a while, I notice a drop of blue fell on the spot I grind.

Yes! My hypothesis was right!

Grinding the energy allow it to condense into a purer form of energy!

I'm exited and can't wait for the time I grind my pale red energy! For now I need to focus.

I don't know how long it took but it feels like I'm going for hours.

*ding* *ding** *ding* *ding*…

Now, a puddle of blue energy is occupying 1/10 of my brain!

[+5 YIN Mastery, +5 INT and WIS for formulating and confirming hypothesis]

[Learned Physical Endurance (Passive] Lvl 6 – 37%:

Decrease physical damage by 1%]


"Baby wake up! Wake up! Don't let mommy get worried".

Someone's shaking me.

I open my eyes and saw the crying face of my mother.

"Wuuuu wuu…"

"Making mommy cry! Wuu wuuu…"

She then carried me into her arms.

I just gave her a gurgling sound, while patting her breast making it wobble.

"Wuuuu wuu… So baby is hungry right? Come here to mama".

Sh*t! Now I feel bad making her cry.

How long was I done?

Maybe it took…

*gulp* *gulp* gulp*

Ok, basic baby instinct on!


I think I earn the right to sleep after not sleeping for a month now.

Despite the mindless grind, I have to thank Gamer's Mind for making my thoughts clear for some reason.

As well as Gamer's Body for making me a zombie!

~6 months~

My shocking progress made my mom pamper me as her little genius.

There was even a quest in my developmental milestones!

Being able to lift my head at 2 months.

Ability to sit by myself up in 3 months.

Able to speak "Ooohhka! Oooohhka!" in 4 months.

Making my mom go "kyaaaaaa!" giving me kisses and all of that love.

At 5 months, I was able to crawl in slow motion while fumbling once in awhile.

At 6 months, my crawling speed left her to dust!

Of course I'm no match with her ninja speed!

And yuck!

Can stand this vegetable!


Give me meat!

"Gohan! Gohan!"

"No, its not asagohan. Its bangohan".






Give me a break.

And I want that meat in your dish!

"Saaayyy ahhhhh!"

No airplanes flying into my mouth thing?

Or is it a kunai flying into the mouth, ninja version?

~8 months~

Lookie here mom!

I'm standing!

With the help of telekinesis, my legs were shaking.

When I fell, my mom caught me. Then lift me up like Simba and singing praises of love.

~9 months~

Catch me here mom!


Miss me!


Can't breath!

I'm kidding mom! You win already!

"Kyaaaaa! My little genius!"

"Ohkasahhh, ohka…."

"Kyaaaaa! Sorry little baby. You grow up too fast. Running to fast like a little ninja".

"Haaaa haaaa…."

After getting my breath, I asked.


"Yes my little ninja! Running too fast! Jumping through trees! Sticking in walls!"

She said, as she move in a blurry speed, jump from wall to wall, then hang from the ceiling like a spiderman!

"Ninja! Ninja!"

With the exciting look in my eyes.

"What? Do you want to be a ninja?"

Here it comes!

"Want! Want!"

"Ok! Mommy will make you the best ninja ever!"

"Ninja! Ninja!"

I heard her whisper "grow up too fast"….

~10 months~

"Ok my little genius! The first step to become a ninja is getting their chakra!"


"Don't worry mommy is here, don't be afraid ok?"

Then she had a serious expression.

She lift her arm while having a blue color light at the tip of her fingers.

'Come here and open my chakra!'

She gently press her finger in my navel area where my chakra is located.


The water in the dam rush out!

This feeling!

The burst of energy that went out made my mom step back in 3 paces.

The furniture was shaking.

My hair was raising up like a super saiyan!

My mom's mouth was gaping open.

"What a dense chakra! How is that possible?!"

"It's not a chakra a baby should have. The main line descendants can't even compare to this…."

Then the sugar rush came in.

[Chakra opened!]

[+3 Chakra Mastery]

~10 months~

After my "little" episode.

My mom didn't disturb me with ninja stuff for a week.

Only when I looked at her while activating my chakra sense then push it to her that made jolt out of her senses.



"Mama has a game for you".

"Game! Game!"

"Come here my little ninja".

I run to her with my wobbly feet.

She snatch me up, then place me in her lap.

"Ok, mama here going to blindfold you".

She blindfold me, then burst her right hand with chakra.

Of course I turned my head right.

Then to the left.

Above, then below.


"Come to mama ok?"

She put me on a crawling position. Then burst her chakra like a signal!

I went after the traces of chakra, then there another burst from my left side.

'Whelp! Ninja training baby version I guess?'

After awhile…

[+1 Chakra Sense]

Finally leveling up after it won't!

Passive sensing doesn't do sh*t alright!

Maybe variety of exercise helps it level up faster?

~11 months~

I went to my mom who is doing her seals.

Looking curious to what she is doing.

"Ka-san, nani?"

She face me and smile. Put her hands to her hips, then point her nose upward while bragging

"This my little genius, is fuinjutsu! The Uzumaki's specialty"


"Haaa, I forgot your still a little baby!

What the heck I'm saying….

Come! Come here to mama"

Lift me up an put me in her lap. She the get another piece of paper and a tiny brush.

She put the tiny brush into my tiny hands. She helped my hold the brush then write while saying…

"Uzumaki's sealing are well known by others. This art is what makes us different from other vagabonds. This is your name, Kuro!"

She beam a smile on me.

"Name Kuro"

Pointing the word in the paper, then pointing to me.


While pointing myself.

My mom left me on floor on my own devices.

With paper, brush, and ink. I will be able to conquer the Elemental Nations!

Of course I hold the brush like an ice pick! Even with my dexterity, my tiny fingers can't still hold it like a pro right?

[Learned Calligraphy (Passive) Lvl 1 – 5%]

I didn't even bother copy my name!

I focus doing my strokes. Sometimes I just play around with it.

"Araaa… What is my little genius doing?"


"Not bad for a start my little genius!"

"Kuro! Kuro!"

Then I played around with the ink. And made a mess around and myself.

"Shtaapp! That's enough for now ok?"

After rinsing, she put me in the bed.

"Time to sleep now my little genius…."

Pretending to sleep. I wait for her to leave the room.

Now its time to proceed the next phase now that my blue energy is full!

In comparison to my pale red energy which is almost filling my heart. How sad is it to be a baby…

First stop all process activities.

Meditate to reach full status.

Memory partition full power on.

Chakra passive sense on.

Now the grind.

I anticipated what is coming. But it feels like 5x more the pain!


*ding* *ding* *ding*…

The grinding produce blue sand like objects which is stacking through each other. Its size increase from a seed to a grape fruit.

It continued to stretching itself from four sides forming a egg shaped crystal!

Minutes feels like hours. Hours feels like days...

After forming the crystal, it started to suck all remaining blue energy around its surroundings

Now the crystal suddenly produce blue energy rather than the pale one! Gushing out like a river!



[YIN Mastery now increase potency/duration of Yin techniques! Allows Yin and Yang sensing]

[+10 INT and WIS for the breakthrough!]

[+11 Physical Endurance]

Yes Baby!

All worth it grinding this passive masteries!

My mind feels different. Like a monk walking in the path of Buddhahood.

It feels so clear!

The range of my divine sense reduced, but the quality of the visual field is much clear!

I tried to sense mom and found out how the yang energies she had from the Uzumaki bloodline is more than her natural yin energy.

For now I will call the crystal the brain core.

The path has shown its way to me.

Now I'm tempted to make a core in my heart!

But I still can't rush it.

With its shaky foundation, I think it will barely make a seed core. It might produce red energy like a faucet.

Nope not worth the risk!

This path, maybe I am the only one walking it. It might not be possible for normal ninja, even a genius one.

With The Gamer allowing this to manifest, how overpowered can it be?!

Tomorrow I'll condense my heart energy.

~next day~

Now its time to start.

Unlike the nauseating pain of the brain. Grinding the energy from the heart is like putting ones heart in a meat blender!

*ding* *ding*

[+5 YANG Mastery, +5 STR, VIT, and DEX]

[+4 Physical Endurance]

The heart core is still long way to go. Estimated before 5 years old. Maybe faster if I start exercising and eating a lot.

With my brain core, 10 to 40 years?

Maybe if there is a proper cultivating manual. But pies hardly fall from heavens. I don't think its possible to find one in the Elemental Nation. If I'm strong enough, I will definitely explore what is beyond it.

As long a I have good foundation, everything will alright.

Time is all I need…

Few days went by with fake playing, sleep training, chakra sensing with mom, and doing graffiti.

I'm starting to like this lady, I mean mom.

I think I can genuinely call her mother right now.

Speaking of which, mom is hopping to me like a bunny.

"You know what tomorrow is?" asked with a smile.

"Tuhmrow?" while tilting my head cutely.

She suddenly gomphed at me, then said…

"It's your birthday tomorrow, we are going out!"


It's one year already?!

Time flies with all the time I focus on training. And I even forgot to find out where I am.

When my mom talks, she only buys this from the store, hunt something in the woods.

I never even went out from this house!

I only rely on my divine sense to get the feel outside my home.

Ok, I diagnose myself with hikikomori syndrome.

And now you suddenly want to go outside?!

I have a bad feeling about this...

Author' Notes:

The pain of The Gamer fanfics are numbers and the question how fast should the grow of stat/skills. In the manga, Jee-han was able to increase new active skill level few times in one run in the dungeon for few hours. And for this fanfic's MC, most if his skill is grinded for the whole year. And considering his MP regen, at most he can't sustain a couple of skill most the time even when in meditation. So I would like to ask for comments if my skill progression is fast or slow?


Character Sheet:

[Name: Kuro Uzumaki

Age: 1 week old

Title: Gamer

Level: 4

HP: 330/330 (550) regen: 29/min (55)

MP: 400/400 (690) regen: 43/min (64)

Chakra: 720/720 (2740) regen: 72/min (124)

STR: 25 (30)

VIT: 29 (55)

DEX: 21 (25)

INT: 46 (69)

WIS: 43 (64)

LCK: 10

Points: 20

Money: 0

Uzumaki: 25% VIT, 50% Chakra

Senju: 25% VIT, 50% Chakra]

Skill List:

Gamers Body Lvl Max

Gamer Mind Lvl Max

Deceit Lvl 45

Observe Lvl 30: Target's name, level, title/class, some decription

Meditation Lvl 53 INT/WIS 53%

Chakra Sensing Lvl 45

Chakra Mastery Lvl 42 Chakra 21%

YIN Mastery Lvl 51 Yin sense full pale blue 100m, full blue 1km, full cystal core 10km, current egg core 500m

YANG Mastery Lvl 39

Reinforcement Lvl 39 STR/VIT/DEX 39%

Mana Construct Lvl 15

Thought Acceleration Lvl 37 x18

Memory Partition Lvl 41 x6

Telekinesis Lvl 46

Physical Endurance Lvl 21