Hey Guys!
This is my First story on Fanfiction. In all honesty, I'm not the best writer, I kinda suck. However, I always come up with so many story ideas that I can't help but write them. Anyways, there will most likely be a ton of mistakes but bear with me.
Thanks! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous.
Today was Friday. However, it wasn't just any Friday. Tonight was a night that Marinette was not going to be spending in her room doing whatever her usual activity is on Fridays. Whether it was designing a new piece, catching up on homework, watching a movie with her little red friend, or patrolling the streets with her leather clad partner. Each Friday night may be different but each one of them had something in common. Like every other day, no matter the activity Marinette busied herself with, her mind always wandered off thinking of a certain blonde that sits in front of her in class. Sulking, because she could be spending that time with him, but only if it weren't for that stupid stunning smile he gives her every time she tries to talk to him, she could probably speak in full sentences. If it weren't for that smile that makes her heart race, knees weak, and choke out stuttered words and broken sentences. She could be spending precious Friday nights with her beloved Adrien, walking the streets of Paris, sharing a shake, then getting Married, buying a home and having a couple kids with a dog, and maybe a cat?. If it weren't for that stupid smile. But she always ends up embarrassing herself.
Tonight however, she wasn't going to be spending it thinking of what she could have been doing with the Model. No, she is going to be living it!...with Alya and Nino of course, but it was a start! Alya's genius planning has constructed a perfect night with her friends and Marinette was more than excited to finally spend time with her long term crush.
So here she was, digging through the piles of clothes trying to find the perfect outfit to catch Adrien's eye. But nothing satisfied her, nothing she could think of that he could possibly like. Frustrated, Marinette dove face down onto her pink Chaise with a large groan. Catching the small red and black spotted Kwami's attention, she flew out of her small hiding spot and hovered over her keeper with a concerned look.
"Everything ok Marinette?" Tikki's small voice cause Marinette to turn and look and the small creature.
"I'm done for Tikki, I can't find a single thing to wear that will impress Adrien" Marinette puffed her cheeks, obviously irritated with her current situation. The model seemed to always ignore any girl who threw themselves at him. To Marinette's surprise, he even ignored the drop dead gorgeous ones. Ones that she knew no other guy can resist. However, her beloved Adrien always managed to kindly reject their flirtations and romantic gestures. Even on the queen brat herself. If Adrien was rejecting all these girls, what kind of girl did he really like? and did Marinette really have a chance?
"Oh, Marinette" Tikki let out a small chuckle and hovered closer to her chosen. "Why does it matter? you look stunning in anything you wear, besides, wouldn't you rather have Adrien fall for all of you than just your looks?"
Like if that simple topic hadn't crossed her mind, Marinette's face lit up in realization. "I guess you are right Tikki." Marinette jumped up with Pride. "Adrien should like me for me and if he can't see that then... then I'm going to die sad and lonely while he Marries some other gorgeous model" She sulked, as if all her confidence was sucked out of her within a few seconds.
"Marinette! don't be like that" Tikki giggled "everything will turn out ok, but you haven't much time left, stop sulking and get ready!"
"Oh gosh! I only have 10 minutes until they pick me up! I have to hurry!" Marinette quickly grabbed a few pieces of clothing and rushed to put them on. Within seconds she wore a simple white, off-shoulder, long sleeve shirt that snugged nicely tucked under a short, red flowy skirt. Shear black tights hugged her legs, and she slid on some light brown ankle high boots. Dark locks fell a little past her shoulders, framing her face. With a few twirls for Tikki to judge her 10 second outfit, Marinette felt ready to face her beloved Adrien.
"What do you think Tikki? Is it too simple?"
"You look great Mari" The small Kwami giggled as she watched her keeper pose for the mirror, trying to get a good look at every angle.
"Do you think he will notice?" Staring at her reflection, Marinette gave one last look at herself with a doubtful frown.
"I'm sure of it Mari, He hasn't seen you wear something like this before" Tikki hovered next to Marinette.
"Marinette! your friends are here!" Sabine's muffled voice called for her daughter only to have Marinette jump and the nerves come crashing in even before she came face to face with Adrien.
"On my way!" Marinette managed to squeak. She instantly started to Panic. "Tikki! he is here! oh my Gosh! what am I going to say to him?"
"Relax Mari! Go have a good time with your friends and don't overthink things" Tikki reassured once more before sliding into Marinette's usual small purse she carries around. Marinette quickly gathered her things to run down the stairs, almost trip, and present herself in front of her friends. Alya walked towards her stumbling best friend and gave her a quick hug. Her arms wrapped tightly around Marinette's stiff body, whom was nervously staring at the smiling blonde that stood by her front door. He was handsome, rocking designer clothing and flashing her a quick smile. Tonight was definitely going to be a night she will melt.
"Hey girl, you look adorable, don't you think Adrien?" Alya flashed a quick glance at the model who awkwardly stood by the door staring at the small stiff figure of Marinette. She was definitely something different tonight.
"You look great Marinette!" Adrien nervously rubbed the back of his neck, a faint hue of light pink dusted on his cheeks. why did he suddenly feel nervous in her presence?
Marinette however was more than nervous. His sudden compliment made her heart run a million miles per hour with nerves shaking her entire body with pure happiness. "T-Thank you" She barely managed to squeak out without embarrassing herself like usual. He noticed, and he was nervous. Was this a good thing? or was he just being nice because Alya pointed it out for him? Either way, Marinette was happy and she was excited for the upcoming events.
Before things got awkward Nino's voice broke the silence. "You look great Mari, Are we ready to go?" Marinette looked up at him with an apologetic gaze, she didn't even notice he was there. She was to busy aweing over Adrien.
After giving her parents a quick goodbye hug, she joined her friends for an exciting night ahead.
Marinette stood nervously with skates in her hand and fearful gaze at the skating rink upon her. Instead of tonight being the best night, it was going to be humiliating. Surely her best friend had forgotten how clumsy Marinette could be before planning tonight's activities. Had it not crossed her mind? Adrien was definitely going to laugh at her. Marinette's thought ran through her mind in a panicked rush, coming up with various situations on how tonight could go terribly wrong.
"Relax girl, I know you are the queen of clumsy" Alya's reassuring voice spoke from behind the Bluenette " I chose this spot for a reason"
"Please tell me it does not require me falling on my face in front of Adrien and forever humiliating me until my grave" Marinette stiffened at the thought of falling flat on her face and hearing everyone laugh at her clumsy fall, including Adrien's harmonious laugh.
"Uhm, well" Alya hesitated avoiding contact with her best friend. This was obviously not a good sign to Marinette, as she realized that her best friend was planning something that could either ruin or strengthen her relationship with Adrien.
"What is it?" Not amused with her, Marinette waiting impatiently, arms crossed and glaring a disappointed look into Alya's hesitant figure.
"It won't go bad, unless things go well" Alya nervously looked and the beaming bluenette that was currently not happy with her.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Just trust me on this, and try to relax" Alya slowly led Marinette on to a bench next to the boys. Clearly unamaused with her best friend Marinette slowly gave in and hoped that whatever Alya was planning would run smoothly.
Adrien caught her gaze, and she immediately felt relaxed. He was slowly sliding in his feet in his skate on the bench across form her. Maybe tonight won't be as bad as she had thought. His green eyes looked back up at her and he gave her a quick smile. Marinette blushed and looked away from the model, quickly trying to put on her skates.
As soon as all four of the teens were ready to enter the rink full of people, Marinette hesitated. She watched as everyone else smoothly rolled on and she stood there, trembling in fear of falling as soon as she enters the rink. She was wobbly and holding tightly onto the half walls of the rink. She knew this was not going to end well if she was already this off balanced on the carpet. How pathetic that Paris' dear super heroine was able to tackle scary akumas but not a mere skating rink. In battle with her thoughts Marinette failed to notice that she was approached by a hand,
"Alya told me you have never been skating before, I'll be happy to teach you if you'd like" A familiar voice joined in and Marinette looked up at the owner of the hand. Adrien stood there, offering his hand and a gorgeous smile that made her even more off balanced than she already was. Adrien chuckled softly at the poor Bluenette as she helplessly clung to the wall. "Trust me, it is not as fun when you are always glued to the wall. If you let me help you, I promise I won't let you fall, what do you say?"
"A-alright" Marinette hesitantly took Adrien's hand and allowed him to pull her out into the rink. Now she was helplessly clinging onto him, but she didn't mind. His hand was soft but firm, making sure she didn't fall.
"Relax, try to stand straight, but don't lock your knees" He informed, slowly supporting her as she wobbled in front of him. With a deep breath Marinette slowly pulled herself up to stand, still a little wobbly she tried to maintain and good posture. "Good now slightly bend your knees and lean forward" She did as he told and soon enough she felt herself become more steady. "Great! this is the best posture when skating. If you fall, you will fall backwards and not on your face. But don't worry, that isn't going to happen to you, I promise to catch you. Ready to start moving?"
With a nervous gaze Marinette nodded and tightened her grip. They began to slowly start moving, Adrien gently holding onto her and maneuvering her so gracefully. Within a few minutes Marinette was quick to get the hang of it and slowly released her grip from the model. Gaining more and more confidence with every rolling step, she was now able to freely depart from his grip and freely skate at his side. Frowning at the fact that they were no longer physically touching but happy she can peacefully enjoy his company, skating at his side. Both teenagers were enjoying their time laughing, joking, talking to each other while enjoying the rush of skating, weaving through the crowd of people in the rink.
For the first time ever, Marinette was finally able to spend quality time with Adrien, not noticing that she was starting to stutter less and actually conversing with her former crush. Adrien however did notice, and he was more than happy that Marinette was growing more and more comfortable in his presence, she even laughed at his pun!
"You caught on to the art of skating so fast, I nearly forgot that you were holding on to your dear life on the wall when were first came in" Adrien laughed.
"Ha. Ha! F-funny, maybe you are jealous that the student has surpassed her teacher" Marinette teasingly punched his arm. She was still very hesitant around him but in no doubt did she become more comfortable.
"You wound me with your false words" Adrien playfully placed a hand on his heart ,pretending to be hurt. This earned him a cute giggle from the bluenette and he smiled, feeling rather accomplished. Marinette couldn't help but think that Chat Noir would've said the same thing.
"I bet I can catch up to Nino and Alya faster than you"
"A race? You are so on" Adrien gave her a competitive look.
"Loser buys milkshakes" Marinette finally added before they began their small mission to catch up to their best friends. Their race required a much faster paced skating than Marinette was used too, however, that did not stop her. The adrenaline and the wind blowing past her skin was much like the rooftop getaways patrolling the city with Chat Noir. She enjoyed it just as much. Both teens were inching closer to their best friends who were skating hand in hand. "Alya!" Marinette called out. Reaching her attention, Alya looked behind her watching the bluentte and a blonde approach her at a high speed. She panicked, fearing that Marinette would come crashing into her resulting to both of them falling and being forever humiliated until both their deaths. Although, that was not the case. Marinette and Adrien both slowed down and quickly came to a stop before crashing into their best friends.
"Victory!" Marinette cheered.
"I believe it was a tie" Adrien crossed his arms and grinned at the bluenette, stomping at her small celebration. Taken a back, Alya looked at the two. She knew her plan would work, but she didn't know it would work this well. Marinette spoke to her crush with smooth and clear sentences, simply being herself around him and he was slowly starting to notice her more. This was perfect and it was soon time to begin her next plan.
"What was that all about?" Nino questionly looked at the two.
"We challenged each other to a race" Adrien added "And I think we both owe each other milkshakes now"
"Well it's about time we see you two" Alya chuckled. Looking at both their blushing faces, clearly feeling guilty. "Don't feel bad, me and Nino don't mind some Privacy" Alya soon added as she grabbed hold of her boyfriend's arm, looking at him with Adoring eyes. "However, I would like to spend sometime with my best friend"
"Of course" Adrien smiled and skated ahead with Nino. Alya and Marinette followed close behind the two boys.
"So you seem to have caught on quick" Alya smirked "and have gotten closer to Adrien"
"Yeah, I really owe you a big thanks, and sorry for ever doubting your attempts" Marinette nervously looked at her best friend "I'm having such a great time, and I think I have a bigger crush on him than before"
"And to think, plan B hasn't even begun" Alya laughed
"Plan B?"
"Trust me girl, you'll love what I'm about to do next, or you'll hate it, if it all goes wrong" Alya grinned, seeing her friend slightly panic at her words.
"Don't do anything stupid" Marinette sighed.
"I won't, let's hurry up and Catch up to the boys" Alya slightly giggle at her best friend. Quickly catching up to the boys, Marinette once again planted herself next to Adrien while Alya and Nino followed close behind. It was time to call for her next plan, which consisted of her "accidentally" bumping into Marinette, just enough to push her into Adrien. Marinette will surely melt in pure happiness.
Alya's plan was interrupted though as a tall thin man came crashing down on Marinette. This only caused a Domino affect and resulted to Marinette falling onto Adrien, who somehow didn't loose balance and quickly caught Marinette in his arms.
Embraced in her crushes arms she stiffened. He held onto her tightly and close, so warm and strong. Her chest fluttered, painted pink cheeks, weak knees, she felt like she was going to melt with joy. She couldn't move, this moment felt so perfect.
"Are you ok?" Adrien's quiet words slipped his mouth, never looking away from her. Her bluebell eyes stared back at his and he felt drawn to them. Something about them he recognized, but with no doubt they were beautiful. He was feeling something he has never felt before. His chest pounded, much like how his Lady made him feel, but this was Marinette. She was cute, very cute, has he never noticed?
"T-thank you" Marinette nervously whispered.
"I kept my promise" Adrien softly smiled, something about this moment felt perfect, and for some reason he didn't want to let go of her. He liked the feeling of her small figure pressed up against him in his embrace. However, her attention was pulled away from a voice behind her and she departed from his arms.
"It's over! I hate you, you stupid coward! You can never do anything right! Go dig yourself a hole and never show your face again! You are better off dead, you worthless piece of trash!" A woman's voice boomed in the middle of the rink catching everyone's attention. Marinette turned to see the scene unfold in front of her. A young woman, no older than her early twenties stood before a man sprawled on the floor in front of her. Dressed in expensive clothing, bejeweled with pricey accessories, she seemed well off. Her face was angrily pretty, painted with a mask of make up, and her brown hair seemed well treated. In no doubt did she have loads of money. She was obviously enraged with the man before her, if looks could kill, her brown eyes would've burn right through him. "It was never meant to be, I never loved you! What kind of a man mistakes a Kicheal Mors bag for a hideous knock off one? And this horrendously cheap 12 Karats necklace?! really? I specifically told you I wanted 24 Karat!"
This woman sounded much like Chloe to Marinette.
"I'm sorry Ally, I promise it will never happen again, just please don't leave me, I love you!" The man stumbled onto his knees, pleading at the woman.
"No! I hate you! you take me here, in this cheap place and expect me to have a good time? and you still have the nerve to give me such a cheap necklace?" She scowled. "I could have ruined my nails rolling around like a fool in this dirty place! I don't want to ever see your sorry cheap ass ever again! Besides, I've already started seeing someone else who can give me all, goodbye Jasper" The woman rolled off the rink and made her way to the exit, leaving the poor man sobbing on the floor with all eyes on his shaken figure. Quiet whispers soon emerged, as everyone stayed in their place, watching the poor man break down in front of them.
Feeling pity for him, Marinette slowly made her way to the man and offered a hand. The man seemed to be in his late twenties, seemingly well off. He was disheveled, his messy dark hair fell just above his grey eyes. Tears stained his cheeks and bags fell under his eyes. A rough hand pulled back on his locks while he quietly broke down in the middle of the rink.
"Are you alright?" Marinette softly spoke. He looked up at her with a chilling gaze of his cloudy grey eyes. Not saying a word he continued to stare at the uneasy teenager. "Jasper was it? I'm sorry you had to go through that, but don't listen to her words" Marinette knelt down next to him. "I don't know what happened exactly but she clearly only loved your money, and you deserve so much more. Don't let her words hurt you" She smiled at him lending her hand once more. He looked at her with a softer gaze this time. Studying her intentions and he slowly reached for her hand. Marinette pulled him up to stand and slowly lead him outside the rink, allowing everyone to resume to their skating. "I'm sure their is someone out there that will love you for who you are" Marinette continued as she helped him sit in a bench.
"t-thank you" Jasper stared at the girl who smiled sweetly at him.
"No problem! Just keep your head up" Marinette smiled once more before she turned around to rejoin with her crush, but she was stopped by a strong grip at her wrist.
"You never gave me your name" His voice was chilling.
"Oh! uh Sorry, My name is Marinette" Marinette gently pulled away from his grip and gave him one last smile. She finally turned and joined her friends in the rink.
"Girl what was that all about?"Alya pulled her closer, suspiciously looked behind her friend to find the man blankly staring at her best friend. "He totally gives out this creepy Vibe!"
"Relax Alya, I was just trying to help him out, I just felt bad, you know?" Marinette nervously spoke.
"I swear one of these days your kindness is going to get you in big trouble" Alya rolled her eyes. "You are just too sweet for your own good"
"yeah, yeah, quit over reacting mom" Marinette laughed, her small remark made Alya give her an annoyed sigh. The two soon joined Nino and Adrien and all of them continued to skate a bit longer.
Marinette couldn't forget what had happened before the whole scene, Adrien was holding her so close. A bright red blush illuminated in her cheeks, she could still feel the left over warmth of his body pressed against her own. Adrien smiled at her and slowly pulled her out of dream land. They continued skating with their friends. Tonight was definitely a good night.
Between the laughing and constant teasing amongst the group, Marinette failed to notice that the man with messy dark hair and grey eyes continue staring, unmoved from his seat. However, a certain blond did, and it made him feel very uneasy.
The skating rink had closed and now it was time for the teens to call it a night, however, they didn't want to. So the teens find themselves sitting at the booth of a late night food joint after Marinette mentioned that Adrien owed her a milkshake.
"Tonight was so fun! we really need to do this more often, like every weekend" Alya's comment was soon followed by agreements within the booth.
"Let's go stargazing next weekend, I heard there is suppose to be a meteor shower" Nino added.
"Yes!" Alya jumped with excitement, slightly startling both Marinette and Adrien. "This has to happen!"
"Sounds fun! My dad has a cabin in the mountains, we could camp in the back yard" Adrien smiled.
"Yes! Marinette you HAVE to come" Alya looked at her best friend with pleading eyes from across the table.
"Well, I'm not sure" Marinette shrugged shyly. "it sounds fun but I'm not sure if my parents would need my help running the bakery"
"I'm sure they can manage in one weekend"
"I guess" In reality, Marinette was more scared of an Akuma attacking if she were to leave, but she couldn't tell her friends that now.
"I hope you can come Mari, It would be a lot of fun if you were there" Adrien gave the bluenette a warm smile and she melted.
"O-okay" Marinette was now clearly hypnotized by his charm, how could she ever deny that gorgeous face?
Their milkshakes finally had arrived and a new topic emerged for conversing. they laughed and joked with each other in the booth. Marinette getting to know more of Adrien's sense of humor, which turns out, he is a big fan of puns. Sometimes Adrien would give her a smile and other times it was just a small one and one conversation between the two, as the couple sitting across from them made things awkward with their affection towards another. Marinette was feeling comfortable with Adrien and falling harder than ever. Adrien however, started to notice more how adorable Marinette really is, she gave him the precious feeling, making him want to spend more time with her. He was interested, really interested in getting to know more about his clumsy classmate who he never got the chance to actually know because of her stuttering state and shy character whenever he was around.
His gaze drifted from Marinette's cute laugh and he saw a figure sitting at the bar. He was looking right over at him, with a weary vibe. He looked familiar, and it made Adrien uncomfortable. However, Adrien wasn't the only one who saw the man.
"Hey..." Alya's playful tone suddenly became serious "Mari, isn't that the guy from the Skating rink?"
Marinette stopped giggling and turned to look at the man who was sitting at the bar. The man's stern gaze softened and he smiled.
"I thought I recognized those cute pigtails, what a coincidence" The man waved and slowly made his way to the booth. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Why is it your business?" Alya hissed, she clearly wasn't buying his act. Adrien and Nino stayed quiet, cautiously watching the scene unfold, they both knew something was off, including Alya.
"Alya!" Marinette hissed back at her best friend, shooting her a quick glare. "Ah, Sorry... uhm but we just came for a Milkshake, what brings you here?"
Marinette was clearly a little uncomfortable, and Adrien was alarmed.
"well just came to get a refreshment, trying to get over what happened, I guess..." He smiled.
"Oh sure! you seemed to be getting over things pretty well" Alya once more growled at him. "There are real bars for that you know"
"Alya!" Marinette shot her one last glance.
"Wow, it's getting rather late, Maybe we should call it a night?" Adrien quickly butted in, trying to avoid the situation.
"Yeah, I agree" Alya glared at the man as she quickly grabbed her best friend by the arm and pulled her away "C'mon Marinette, we have to get you home"
"Ah, ok..uhm, bye" Marinette slowly waved, feeling a little relived that she was able to escaped the odd situation with the help of her friends. The two boys followed the girls out and quickly left the restaurant.
"That was rather odd" Nino mentioned.
"I don't trust that guy, there is something fishy about him." Alya scowled "Marinette promise me you will never see that guy again, that was more than a simple coincidence, I think he followed us"
"You guys are overreacting" Marinette rolled her eyes. "This place isn't far from the skating rink, I'm sure it was just a simple coincidence"
"Mari! How could you be so dense?" Alya scolded her best friend. "That guy was staring you down big time, and there are plenty of other places near the skating rink to mope around a break up for"
"Maybe he isn't a drinker?" Marinette added, only to throw more fuel to the fire. Alya clearly seemed frustrated with her best friend's defensive stance for the man. Before things got any worse between the two, Adrien took the chance to break it off. "I think we should just let it go and sleep on it, let's not get this weird guy in the way of our friendship" Adrien added. "I'll walk Marinette home, you guys get home safely alright?"
Alya took a step back, realizing that it was useless to let this get in the way of her friendship with Marinette. Taking a deep breath she quickly agreed with the blonde and hugged her best friend goodbye, splitting up with her two friends and leaving with Nino. It was now Adrien and Marinette alone once again and they walked. Slowly strolling through the streets of Paris in awkward silence.
Leaving the odd situations of the night behind her, all she was thinking about was that her crush was walking her home...alone...at night. She was nervous but excited and she tried sooo hard to keep her cool. Restraining herself from tackling him and cuddling him, then marrying him and having two...no, three kids, a dog and a hamster, maybe even a pet turtle named Steve. Then they could enjoy a family trip to the beach and Adrien will kiss her at sundown and she will forever be happy...
Adrien however, was thinking about other things. Thinking about how much he enjoyed spending time with her. How oddly cute she was being right now, staring dreamingly in front of her.
"What are you thinking about?" Adrien broke the silence and Marinette jumped off of cloud nine and crashed right back into reality. She seemed nervous now, and she stumbled at her step.
"N-nothing!" Marinette blushed and gave him a nervous goofy smile. He must not know the future she has already planned for each other.
"Alright" Adrien giggled and the bluenette slowly relaxed at his side. "You know what?"
"Hm?" She hummed.
"I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight, Mari" Adrien kept his gaze ahead of him, he didn't need to look at her to know that she was staring at him, surprise and pink.
"M-me too" She added
"I hope you can come next week, it won't be fun without you" This time Adrien looked over at her and she was now looking away, clearly thinking.
"I think I will be able to go, if you really want me too" She spoke nervously, keeping her eyes off of him
"Really? That's great!" Adrien cheered "Although, I would like to take you out sometime. Spend time with you alone before next weekend"
"Y-you what?" Marinette was now looking at him, stunned at his request that she was not expecting.
"yeah, it would be fun hanging out with you again, and I want to get to know you better"
"YES!...I-I mean, y-yeah sure!" Marinette said nervously, accidently showing a little too much excitement.
"great! I believe someone still owes me a milkshake" Adrien nudged her and gave her a quick wink.
"what?! why?"
"I believe there was a tie, so we both get each other milkshakes"
"Ooh" Marinette giggle "Okay deal"
"great! I'm excited!" Adrien added.
They soon came to the small corner bakery. Surprisingly to Adrien he didn't want this night to end. "Thank you for walking me home" Marinette smiled at him. He was slightly taken aback and wasn't expecting her to flash him such a cute smile.
"n-no problem" This time Adrien was hesitant.
"Can I ask you something?"
"How come you didn't call your body guard to drive you home like usual?" Adrien blushed at her question, she got him.
"ah, well that...uhm" Adrien nervously rubbed the back his neck, giving the a girl a nervous smile. "Honestly, I wanted to spend more time with you. Plus, it gives me some freedom"
This time it was Marinette]turn to quiver with nerves. Her blush was as red as lady bug and she could not stop. "T-thank you"
Adrien chuckled, she was definitely a cute sight to see. The relaxed vibe was soon broken. Loud footsteps were heard from a distance next to them and both the teen's super hero instincts kick in. Their heads turned to see the empty sidewalk ahead and they both became uneasy.
"Did you hear that?" Marinette asked.
"Yeah...I think it's time to call it a night" Adrien didn't move, he studied the dark sidewalk, wishing he had his Chat Noir's night vision right now.
"Do you want to wait inside for your driver?" Marinette gave him a worried look.
"No that's ok, I'll walk home" He gave her a quick smile and then alerted back his gaze onto the dark sidewalk.
"But.." Marinette sighed "at least take home some cookies, and make sure to text me when you arrive"
"Cookies?" Marinette now had his full attention. His eyes lit up with excitement, smiling widely.
"Yeah" She giggled. "I'll be right back" Her small figure unlocked the bakery door and disappear behind the glass. Adrien waited impatiently, still watching closely at his surroundings. It didn't take long for Marinette to come back with a small pink box.
"Here, we made one too many for a costumer who ordered these cookies so we have a bunch of extras" Marinette handed Adrien the box.
"thank you Mari" Adrien smiled once more. "Have a goodnight, and I hope to see you soon"
"Goodnight!" she waved him goodbye as he slowly disappeared in the dark.
"Tikki! I think I've fallen harder for him!" Marinette twirled around in her room before falling onto her rolling chair. Swiftly turning the chair to a stop to look at Adrien's picture in awe. The little red kwami appeared from hiding, giggling at her holders current dreamy state.
"Oh Mari, you are so hopeless" The small Kwami sat on the desk and started munching on a cookie.
"He smiled at me Tikki! and he was so close when he caught me!" Sighing deeply she laid back on the chair and she became limp. Remembering his gorgeous emerald orbs staring right into her. Remembering the feeling of weak knees and a rapid pulse. His warmth still lingering. "He was so strong, I can still feel his arms wrapped around me...Did you see his eyes? and I talked to him in full sentences!"
"Mari, I was in your purse"
Tonight, Marinette considered it a success. She was slowly but surely getting closer to Adrien than she ever has before. She even managed to get him to WANT to spend more time with her. Nothing had made her feel more happier than the small sweet memories they have created tonight. She was ready to make more, and hopefully get closer to him.
"Why is he so perfect Tikki? I hope he got home safely"
"it's only been like five minutes"
"What if something bad happened to him?!" Marinette jumped up from her chair. "We have to go save him! Tikki, sp-"
"No! Marinette, you need to calm down, I'm sure nothing will happen to Adrien. In a few minutes he will text you, you'll see" Tikki was quick to stop the teen. "However, I do want to talk about that man at the rink"
"I don't know but I wasn't getting a good feeling from him, he made me feel really uneasy, and I didn't even look at him." Tikki floated back down to he spot on the desk, carrying Marinette's confused gaze with her. "I think Alya is right, that was not a coincidence running into him at the restaurant. Try to be more careful, especially if you 'Coincidentally' run into him again"
"I just felt bad for him, I thought cheering him up would help" Marinette slumped back down on her chair.
"I get it Mari, you're such a kindhearted person" Tikki added "I'm not saying to stop doing what you are doing, just be more careful and alert"
"Thanks Tikki" Marinette softly chuckled. "I guess I should listen to you and my friends and be more alert if I see him again"
"We are just trying to look out for you Mari" Tikki giggled and gave her holder a small hug on the nose.
Marinette stood up and started getting ready for bed, Still waiting on that message from Adrien.
Adrien finally arrived home, thankfully Natalie didn't question his tardiness, nor did he receive and scolding. Maybe she was saving it for the morning?
As soon as he reached his room he made his way to his bed and threw himself on it. Plagg flew from hiding and begged for cheese. After, constant bickering, Adrien finally gave in and handed his Kwami some cheese. All he could think of at the moment was how much fun he had spending his night with mainly Marinette. Her eyes were very similar to his lady's eyes, as well as her smile. But there was something more to Marinette. Ladybug was so mysterious, and so well guarded, she refused to even let anything that had to do with her personal life slip her tongue, no matter how hard he tried to get her to open up to him. Marinette was so openly kind and cute. The more he spent time with her, the more he got to see who she really was. But wait...why was he comparing the two girls? They were OBVIOUSLY two different girls. Could it be that..
"Watcha thinking Kid?" Plagg could see right through Adrien's hard thinking and his sudden voice snapped him back to reality.
"About tonight." Adrien blushed.
"Correction, about the girl" Plagg munched on his cheese, and did not find Adrien's useless defense to think otherwise a surprise. The boy was red, and he could not hide that from him.
"What? No!...well yeah but, not in that way" Adrien nervously spoke.
"Uhuh, like I'm going to believe that. Could it be that our little Adrien is developing some feelings for someone that is not Ladybug, someone he might actually have a chance with?" Plagg added
"Plagg! it's not like that, I just had a good time with her and I'm interested in getting to know her better, I never really had the chance too" Adrien laid back on his bed and sighed "Besides, what kind of fool would fall in love with a girl that they barely officially start to know better"
"May I remind you that you basically fell in love with Ladybug the first time you two fought the first Akuma" Plagg smirked and Adrien face palmed "Plus, you have known this girl for sometime now"
"But that's different" Adrien groaned.
"Also that weird dude from the rink falls in love with girls he just meets"
"What are you talking about?" Adrien sat back up, now looking at his Kwami in confusion.
"The man was obviously obsessing over this girl"
"Yeah, I guess it was a little weird, he watched her skate after the whole scene and then he watched her at the restaurant, I get a weird feeling from him."
"You forgot to mention that he followed you guys home"
"No I don't think he went that far, that's just plain creepy"
"Kid, don't ignore it. He was there. I saw him. Remember those footsteps?" Plagg rolled his eyes
"Yeah but that could have been anybody." Adrien shrugged and laid back down.
"Whatever you say kid, but just be more careful, and tell that girl to stop being so nice to everyone or they will follow her home" Plagg rolled his eyes and gave up trying to convince the teenager.
"I'm sure you're wrong Plagg" Adrien sighed and reached for his phone. He almost forgot to text Marinette that he made it home safely.
Adrien: Home Safe! sorry to worry you.
Marinette: Thank goodness! I'm glad :)
Adrien: Thanks for tonight btw. I really did have fun, did I mention you looked really cute today?
Marinette: Thanks! I had a lot of fun too :D
Adrien: Remember, you still owe me that Milkshake.
Marinette: why didn't you ask while we were at the restaurant? lol
Adrien: what would be the point on that when we could buy our own? plus, I wouldn't have an excuse to spend more time with you again ;)
Marinette: Trust me, You don't need one.
Adrien: What's that suppose to mean?
Marinette: I have to go to bed, Tired and I have to work in the bakery tomorrow morning. Goodnight Adrien
Adrien: Alright, Goodnight Mari, Sweet dreams
"Tikki! He just flirted with me! Pinch me! I swear I'm dreaming" Marinette squealed with excitement.
"Mari, Go to bed"
"Your face will permanently have that stupid smile plastered on if you keep making that weird face" Plagg rolled his eyes. "go to bed Romeo"
"We are just friends!" Adrien added before rolling onto the bed.
"Uhuh, Sure, keep telling yourself that kid"
I hope you enjoyed reading my totally bomb chapter one, that completely exploded into a mess. Oh my goodness, I need to be a better writer. Though I don't think it was that bad. Tell me watcha think, yeah? and I'll continue writing. Anyways, thanks so much for reading through it. It may have seemed a little boring and Adrien's and Marinette's relationship may seem a little rushed but I promise you the story gets better, if you bear with me. Also part of that is that I'm not that great of a writer. The reason why it my feel so rushed and slow is because I want the story to kind of start of with a strong foundation in their relationship because there will be a lot more going on in the story.
Thanks for reading! Write me reviews and I will very much appreciate it!
Much Love 3
~Sushi Zushi~