"And that's is why I believe a military alliance would be beneficial to the both of us, Lord Schnee," Lord Ozpin finished, taking a sip of his drink after such a long speech. Jacques was currently having a private dinner with one of the Lords from Vale, Lord Ozpin.

"...I see," Jacques muttered, seemingly unimpressed with Ozpin's proposal. "Though I see you're point, I have to disagree. Our battle with the White Fang has been all but dealt with ever since my daughter," he paused, motioning towards Weiss, who had attended on her father's request. "Weiss, has taken over the 501st legion and has taken over diplomatic relations with Faunus, and tho I may...disagree with many of her actions, I must admit they have given us amazing results. And you, on the other hand, are having so much difficulty with Salem we'd have to offer so much and in return receive so little-" the creek of the doorway alerted all three occupants of the room, turning to catch none other than Ruby Rose sneaking her way into the room.

"Sorry! I'll be quick," she whispered, making her way to Weiss.

"W-what are you doing?" Weiss growled, watching Ruby sidle up to her.

"Nothing! Again, sorry. I'll be quick, I swear!" Ruby promised as she took a vial out of her pocket, pouring its contents into Weiss' glass.

"...What is going on?" Ozpin asked, turning to Weiss in confusion.

"I believe Ruby's abducting my daughter...again," Jacques chuckled, shaking his head at the ridiculous sight. "I must say, I did not expect this."

"You seem awfully calm about this," Weiss muttered before turning to Ruby. "And you! Do we really have to do this now?"

"Sorry!" Ruby muttered with a bow. "I just...I just really wanted to see you, it's been so long! And after that last battle with the White Fang, I just wanted to help you relax," Ruby said soothingly, running her hand over Weiss' thigh.

"...Is this seriously happening?" Ozpin questioned, looking around the room at the other occupants. "Your daughter is being kidnapped! Are you really okay with this?!"

"Her mother used to whisk me away the very same way, by drugging me," Jacques whispered, a smile on his face as the memories burst forth. "Though it's a bit odd for a Schnee to take the opposite roll, it's still good to see the tradition lives on."

"...This is a disturbing turn of events," Ozpin muttered, earning a shrug from Weiss.

"You get used to it, and it's so good to know where I get my Stockholm syndrome from," Weiss said to herself as she cast a glare at her father, before glancing down at the cup and shrugging. "Oh well, might as well get this over with," she said as she quickly downed the cup, feeling light headed almost immediately before tumbling off of her chair, getting caught in the arms of her lover being the last thing she felt before sleep overcame her.


"So, what was it…" Weiss trailed off, her eyelids feeling heavy as she tried to shake away the after effects of Ruby's drug. "What was it you wanted to do?"

"Oh, just a little date underneath the stars," Ruby shrugged, bringing Weiss down next to her, the two lying in the grass underneath the beautiful night sky. "I thought this would be most relaxing."

"Well, you were right about that," Weiss mumbled, snuggling close to Ruby, finding her hair much more interesting than the stars in the sky. "Just being next to you like this, your face illuminated by the light of the stars, the feeling of your skin against mine…" Weiss trailed off, sighing as she snuggled into the crook of Ruby's neck. "It helps me forget about...everything."

"...I'm sorry," Ruby muttered, her hand rubbing Weiss' back affectionately. "You must be under a lot of stress, what with dealing with the White Fang, making sure all your men survive to fight another day, trying to end all the discrimination…" Ruby trailed off, sighing as she looked to the stars. "I can't imagine how tough it is."

Weiss couldn't stop herself from scoffing, lifting herself so she could look Ruby in the eyes. "You dolt, of course you know how tough it is, you've been helping me this whole time!" she scolded, flicking the younger girls head.

"Ah, not so rough, we aren't even married yet," Ruby smiled, earning a giggle from Weiss.

"I'll be as rough with you as I please," Weiss retorted, retaking her place at the crook of Ruby's neck. "But really, thank you. If it weren't for you I...I don't think I could have handled this," Weiss whispered, closing her eyes as she snuggled Ruby for warmth.

"...I'll always be here for you Weiss," Ruby whispered back, turning to her side to make it easier to hold the exhausted girl. Pressing her lips onto Weiss head, gentle kisses lulling the girl back into a blissful rest. "I'll always be here because…"

"...I love you," Weiss finished, allowing herself to once again fall asleep.


I just wanted an excuse to write Ruby publicly drugging Weiss, really all the rest is there to make it more than 500 words. And just in case I feel inspired to write more of this, I now have world building! Poor, not entirely thought out, world building!

For those following The Vampire and The Red Reaper, next chapter is finished at 1200 words-ish, so I'm debating whether or not to add in stuff I was planning for chapter 5, since chapter 4 is planned to be another flashback chapter, so if you're also following that story let me know what you want, the 1200 word chapter or have it expanded with stuff planned for chapter 5?