bella's pov

Just going to give u a heads up I am 11 and have never written before well unless you count homework

one day me and renesmee carlie cullen and her sisters Elizabeth jade valtori and eslise (esme rosalie Carlisle) alisper valtori and her brother jemmet charlise valtori where walking with my husband Alec after the divorce with edward everything was peaceful well except Jacob still is mad at me for moving in with the rulers of the vampire world and that I took nessie with me but she is a big help when she is not think about Jacob.

I blame it on the imprinting but let's be honest I am still a bit up set after three years and alec does everything thing in his power to make her happy but it has no effect she missed her dad and Jacob so much but ever since I became pregant and edward decided to leave again.

even after he promised to never leave me again and when I went to valtorra to die but as soon as I was about to be killed alice and Alec came through the door instantly our eyes met and it was like I was in a trance. It was strange I only felt this way with edward or uses to any way then alice cleared her throat snapping us out of whatever that was. alice laughed I was about to ask what was ask what so funny but I think she was one step ahead of me "1.edward left you that means he does not want to be your mate and 2. I had a vision of you and Alec married and having 3 more kids and your powers are a shield and the ability to well you'll see."alice said in her mixed emotion voiced. "Did you tell him about what I was doing" I ask worried at what he might think of me trying to kill myself again like I did the first time.

"no . It would break his heart you are still the woman he will always love he just can't watch you die. I told him that he would always have a piece of but he doesn't want the what he calls 'moster baby'." that when I heard alec growl I jump because I felt a tiny kick then the growling stop aliced smiled at Alec then she had a vision of edward coming through that door.

"alec you might want to stay close to bella. edwards coming and he is not happy. rosalie told him what I saw and what I was doing here. oh and she on her way here with edward and Emmett." alice said in her things are about to get ugly tone which scared the hell out of me.

sorry this chapter ended in a cliffhanger but next chapter will be longer and will also end in a cliffhanger sorry but that is how it works and next chapter is about what happens when edward shows up.