Hello everyone. If you have never seen the anime "Owari no Seraph" or "Seraph of the End" I highly recommend it. It's really good and I am saddened to see most of the stories are pairing Yuichiro and Mika. Anyway, I hope you all like this new story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Seraph of the End. I will not post this on every chapter so this is the overall disclaimer.




"Demon Speak"

"SASUKEEEEE!" a twelve year old blonde boy with whisker marks on his cheeks screamed as he thrusted his hand that had one of his most infamous jutsu, the Rasengan. He was also covered in the first stage of his Jinchuuriki Cloak that was in the form of a fox.

"NARUTOOOO!" a boy with black hair and eyes that was using the curse mark from Orochimaru to augment his abilities as well as change his appearance to make his skin grey and form hand-style wings from his back. To finish this appearance was his 3-tomoe Sharingan as well as a super charged Chidori in his right hand.

Naruto Uzumaki, known as the number 1 knuckleheaded ninja, was an orphan who put his friends before everything else and was the most determined ninja in the village. He rose from being a no-name orphan and pariah of the village to being able to keep up with the best Genin of their year. Though him being a knucklehead was all an act. He was actually as strong, if not stronger, than a well-seasoned Chunin. Though his attitude towards his friends was all real. The reason he didn't show it was because Iruka had always emphasized deception during the academy.

Sasuke Uchiha, the village golden boy who got everything handed to him just for being alive. He started to despise everything after his older brother, Itachi Uchiha, massacred his entire clan save for Sasuke. While everything was inferior to him, he saw Naruto as a brother and a rival. He noticed his rise in power but thought of it as a challenge and gladly accepted.

Naruto, as well as some of his friends were on a mission to capture and bring Sasuke back to the Hidden Leaf Village of the Land of Fire. Naruto was the only one to make it all the way to Sasuke. Sasuke was leaving to go to Orochimaru so that he could gain enough power to kill Itachi.

Now, they were fighting so that they could each try and fulfill their wants, one for power, the other for friendship.

In the next moment, the two powerful jutsu collided and formed a huge sphere of pure energy Sasuke, who had enhanced sight was blinded by the sudden light show. Naruto, on the other hand, just squinted and was able to make out what looked like a tear in the air where their jutsu had collided.

Seeing that they were going to be sucked into the tear, Naruto pushed Sasuke away, sacrificing himself to save the only person who could understand his pain.

Sasuke, feeling himself falling through the air, opened his eyes to see Naruto being sucked into the tear with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, showing that he was happy to help his friend.

Seeing his first friend sacrifice himself for him, made Sasuke start to tear up. That was when he felt the sudden impact with the ground and lost conscience.

That was the scene that Kakashi Hatake, the two boy's sensei, came upon. With tears in his eye, Kakashi picked up Sasuke and made his way back to Konoha, dreading the report to Tsunade about everyone's favorite blonde.

(Unknown Location)

-Timeskip: 12 hours later-

"Ahh, what hit me?" Naruto asked no-one as he sat up and rubbed his head. When his vision cleared he saw that he was surrounded by a group of kids all looking from 5-10 years old. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, "Where am I and who are you?"

A kid with black hair and green eyes came forward with narrowed eyes, "You're the one who showed up out of nowhere, why don't you tell us who you are." He said, trying to be intimidating.

"Now, Yu, he seems dazed and confused, he probably doesn't even know who he is. And I doubt he would purposefully come here of all places." Another kid stepped forward, this one with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked to be the one to calm the now named 'Yu'.

"You're way to trusting Mika; he could be a spy working for the blood suckers. He could be a blood sucker himself." Yu spoke, never taking his eyes off of Naruto.

"Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Naruto yelled indignantly with a huff.

"Sorry, we're just discussing what to make of all of this." Mika replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, well, can you tell me where we are, as I already picked up your names." Naruto said as he got serious.

"We're in a Vampire base where Vampires kidnapped children under the age of 14. They now use us as livestock so that they can continue to live at the cost of said children." Yu explained.

"Why that specific age?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Because anyone over that age died from the widespread disease. The Vampires used this opportunity to kidnap all of the kids they could." Mika continued for Yu.

"Why didn't anyone fight back? I mean, you could've fought back with what you all learned from the academy." Naruto asked, even more confused.

"What could school teach us about fighting?" Mika asked, mimicking Naruto's confusion.

Standing up, Naruto expressed his confusion, "What are you talking about, that's practically all they teach you."

"No, they teach you math, science, history, and other such things." Yu almost yelled, showing his agitation.

"Wait," you could see the gears turning in Naruto's head. "Where did you live before you were captured?"

"In Japan, we all lived in the Hyakuya Orphanage." Mika answered, not seeing the reason for the sudden question.

"Can you please name all of the major powers of the world?" Naruto asked, testing a theory.

"Well…, there's North America, Europe, Japan, and China are the main ones I can think of. Why?" Mika recited, raising his eyebrow when he saw Naruto's eyes widen.

"I see, that is a problem." Naruto says as he takes on a thinking pose.

"Hey, kid. We need to talk." Naruto heard a voice in his head.

"Kyuubi?" Naruto thought.

"Correct. And as you were thinking, we are no longer in the Elemental Nations. This world is much more developed and fucked up than our old world. Everything they've said is correct although the disease they spoke about is no longer around and they have a new government in place."

"How do you know all of this?" Naruto asked.

"I was storing a butt-load of chakra back and was building up pressure to hopefully break the seal and escape, but when we arrived I decided to spread it throughout this new world to learn more about it so that we can survive. You're welcome." Kyuubi explained.

"I see, thank you for that. Do you have any idea how to get back?" Naruto asked his tenant.

"Not at the moment, but that is the least of your worries right now. You need to escape and get stronger before we try and attempt anything as interdimensional travel is very dangerous. You should count yourself lucky you survived this time unharmed."

"Right, thank you." And with that he cut the conversation to focus back on the outside world.

"I understand now, thank you. Now, has anyone tried escaping before?" Naruto asked, changing the subject.

"Ummm, a couple of people but they were killed or recaptured before they got far." Yu answered, flinching at the memory.

"Ok, next, how strong would you say these Vampires are?" Naruto asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

"I don't know, at least as strong and fast as 10 men." Mika answered this one.

"I see, last question, how many would you say are here?" Naruto asked his last question, never leaving his thinking pose.

"More than an army's worth and then some." Mika replied.

"Ok, first of all, you all need training. While I train you all, I will sneak around the base to see if I can find anything useful to us. But for tonight everyone needs to get to sleep." Naruto said, already formulating a plan in order to get everyone out alive.

"Wait, you're going to try and help us escape? What about the disease?" Yu asked incredulously.

"Yep, and you don't have to worry about that. The disease is gone." Naruto said with a big smile.

"How do you know?" Mika asked.

"Just trust me, they've created a new government and a new force to fight the vamps. When we escape, we can go there and help with the fighting force." Naruto said, "Now, get to sleep everyone, we start training tomorrow."

-Timeskip: The next day-

"Ok now that introductions are over and everyone has eaten, we will start to train each of you individually." Naruto said as they all met in a field away from the buildings but still within the base perimeters.

"How are you going to train all of us individually and actually make any progress in the little time we have each day?" Akane Hyakuya asked.

"Oh, that's easy. Shadow Clone Jutsu!" With that, 10 perfect clones of Naruto appeared in a puff of smoke. "Each of you pair up with a clone and they will see what each of you need to work on most and what are your biggest strengths and how to bring those strengths to their optimal performance." Naruto explained before taking note of their surprised expressions.

"Oh, right, you have no what these things are. These are solid imitations of myself which can think for themselves and anything they learn while 'alive' will transfer back to me when they dispel. Now, you all have your jobs, pair up and get to work while I go and train." He explained before moving a good bit away but still able to see the group.

"Ok, ready to get started?" Naruto asked to the thin air.

"Yea, but the question is… are you?" Kyuubi asked with a sadistic grin on his maw, not that his jailor could see.

Hey again, hope you liked the first chapter of my new story. Again, if you haven't watched Owari no Seraph, you definitely should. I will see you all in the next chapter.