I wasn't by any means a normal girl. I'm talking about face value here. I've got short platinum blonde hair. I don't mean that it's down past my ears either. My hair was cut the way a guy's would with the tops longer than the rest. I had muscle, more than a female should. I wasn't no body builder though.
I typically wore baggy pants, sweat pants, wife beaters. That was, unless I was in school. Then I would wear the male uniforms. I refused to wear those ridiculous fucking sailor suits. I had a tramp stamp though, it had the kanji's for Fucking Perfection with angel wings sanding out circled with bleeding barbed wires.
Not normal for a Japanese high school girl right? Well I have only been here for two years. Before that I was in America. I really liked and hated this place. I was into the notion of fuck what a person looks like on the outside. Yet these people were kind of stereotypical and...judgmental. It didn't bother me, people fucked off most of the time. It helped that I had steely gray eyes to glare down anyone who tried.
I wasn't all bark though, I could have a rather nasty bite. In fact, that was a literal statement since I turned thirteen. You might think this is so over played but I'm a weredog. No, not werewolf, there is a distinct difference between us. One that I'm not going to bother explaining.
"Kia, stop brooding and come help your mother." My father yelled up at me from the base of the stairs. I groaned and put down my pencil and sketch book. I popped up from my bed and marched downstairs. My dad was back in his office talking to his fellow business men. Mom was in the kitchen making dinner.
"Kiki, be a dear and set the table for me. Dinner will be done soon." My mom, super model worthy, asked sweetly. She was slender, holding soft features and had long sweeping platinum blonde hair like me.
"Kay." I said going to the cup boards. I grabbed our forks, cloth napkins, napkin rings then plates. I took time to make the napkins and their rings look like octopi before setting them at our place. Just as I had the table set My thirteen year old little brother, Damien, came running in skate board in hand. He came up to me, admiration clear in his scent and eyes. I smiled raising my pierced eyebrow at him in amusement.
"Wanna see the sick new move I can do now?!" He panted. He probably ran all the way from the skate park here just to show me.
"Sure, Ma the table is set." I said.
"Thank you Kiki." She chirped. I let Damien lead me outside to our small yard. He quickly set his board bottom up on his feet. Then he jumped flipping it right and he landed on it. He wobbled a bit but managed to stay on the board. I crossed my arms and gave him an approving nod.
"Isn't that awesome?" He asked eager for my input.
"That's chill bro, next you should try to learn to grind. Pretty soon you'll be a mini Tony Hawk." I said giving him a lop sided grin. He beamed the my praise and kicked up his skate board after stepping off.
"Thanks Kira." He cheered. Kira, killer. A nickname I had been given by him after playing wave after wave of Halo Reach on legendary. We stepped back inside the house where dad was already sitting at the table. My brother propped his skate board on the wall and rushed to his spot at the table. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my sweats and sat down in my own.
"Dinner is done." Mom said placing a pot roast at the center of the table. We ate dinner, mom asking about our day, dad talking about his job. You know typical family matters. Including the pack news. Dogs ran in packs but we were less territorial than wolves, mostly.
"So when will Kira take the pack Alpha position?" Damien asked. My father taking a drink suddenly sputtered. He coughed and my mother frowned at Damien.
"She's just a pup still!" My mom said.
"Yes but." My brother drawled out then looked to me with that special twinkle in his eye. That twinkle when he was about to do something corny. I felt my lips curl in anticipation. "Nnnoo one's slick like Kira! No one's quick as Kira! No one's tempers as impressively quickly like Kira's for there's no were dog half a bitchly! Alpha, a pure head of dogs!" He sang a moderated version of Gaston's song to me happily. "You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley! And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on!" He continued, both mom and dad looked both amused and horribly aghast.
"As a specimen, yes I am intimidating!" I sang out closing my eyes arrogant.
"Oh my." My mom blinked rapidly and quickly grinned. "Guess I always knew this day was coming. Knew that soon you'd want to lead the pack. Soon but not yet. Trust me pet. Mother knows best!" She sang making me and Damien groan.
"Mother knows best! Listen you your mother. It's a scary world out there. Mother knows best, one way or another something will go wrong I swear!" My dad joined.
"Stop no more you'll just upset me." I retorted half hearted. We all cracked a smile and started to laugh. "No more Disney movie Saturdays." I said seriously.
"Noted, well discuss it next family meeting." Dad said just as seriously as me.
"Let's get this cleaned up now." My mom said getting up with her plate. We all got up and like a ritual we all lined up in the kitchen. We washed our own dishes then me and my brother cleaned up the rest.
"You cheeky little shit, are you trying to earn a place as my omega?" I asked with a smirk while mom and dad were entrapped by a Japanese soap opera.
"Of course not! I'm just maintaining it." He said slyly. I snorted as I took a plate from him and placed it on the top shelf where it belonged.
"...Grow five inches taller and you got the job." I teased. He huffed and I laughed at his embarrassment. We ended the night in my room playing video games until mid night.